U.S. Rep. Karen Bass Applauds Passage of H.R. 2883 Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act

Sep 21, 2011 Issues: Education

Washington, DC – Legislative language from U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) calling for meaningful efforts to examine how best to increase recruitment and retention of foster parents was included in the Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act, which was passed by the House of Representatives today.

The Bass language in H.R. 2883 encourages States to develop and implement plans to improve the recruitment and retention of high quality foster parents.

“We as a society should be judged on how we treat children that are not our own,” said U.S. Rep. Karen Bass. “Too many children in our communities are not raised by their parents or families, and we must open doors of opportunity for them. Even in this partisan political environment, I am pleased that we all agree that protecting some of the most vulnerable children in the country is an issue of shared concern.”

Bass is a long-time advocate for strengthening the foster care system. 

The Ways and Means bill sets out to improve child welfare programs now providing $700 million per year to fund child protective services, child abuse prevention activities, and initiatives to support at-risk families and adoption.