Trafficking in Persons Report 2006

Report Cover: Trafficking in Persons Report, June 2006"Human traffickers prey on the most vulnerable and turn a commercial profit at the expense of innocent lives. The State Department's efforts to end this evil trade exemplify transformational diplomacy. We work with international partners to secure the freedom of those who are exploited and call on governments to be effective and accountable in prosecuting those who exploit.

The movement to end trafficking in persons continues to gain momentum, thanks to Presidential leadership, Congressional commitment, and support from innumerable faithbased, community, human rights, and women's groups, as well as from individual citizens. Thank you for joining this abolitionist movement on behalf of the world's most vulnerable citizens." -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

The Report
In addition to the HTML-based files listed below, this report is also available in PDF format as a single file [PDF: 7.08 MBGet Adobe Acrobat Reader]. To view the PDF file, you will need to download, at no cost, the Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Letter from Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Table of Contents (expanded version)

  1. Introduction
  2. International Best Practices
  3. Heroes Acting To End Modern-Day Slavery
  4. Tier Placements
  5. Maps (with Regional Law Enforcement Statistics)
  6. Country Narratives (A to Z)
  7. Special Cases
  8. Efforts by International Peacekeepers
  9. International Conventions Matrix
  10. Trafficking Victims Protection Act
  11. Glossary of Acronyms

A Closing Note from the Drafters of the Report

Related Material
-- 01/19/07: Trafficking in Persons Interim Assessment
-- 09/27/06:  Presidential Determination with Respect to Foreign Governments' Efforts Regarding Trafficking in Persons
-- 06/05/06:  Secretary Rice's Remarks at the Release of the Sixth Annual Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report
-- 06/05/06:  Ambassador Miller's Remarks at the Release of the Sixth Annual Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report
-- 06/05/06:  Ambassador Miller's Interview on the Trafficking in Persons Report




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