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Jie Zou

Jie Zou is a CNST/UMD Postdoctoral Researcher in the Nanofabrication Research Group.  He received a B.S. in Physics from Peking University, China and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Florida. For his graduate research, he fabricated micromechanical devices to detect the piconewton-scale forces due to non-gaussian electrical noise and the Casimir effect.   Jie is working with Vladimir Aksyuk to develop novel scanning force probes and study optomechanical physics. 

Selected Publication:
Measurement of the Casimir force between a gold sphere and a silicon  surface with nanoscale trench arrays, H. B. Chan, Y. Bao, J. Zou, R. A. Cirelli, F. Klemens, W. M. Mansfield, and C. S. Pai, Physical Review Letters 101, 030401 (2008).
Staff Photo - J. Zou


CNST/UMD Postdoctoral Researcher
Nanofabrication Research Group


B.S. Physics – Peking University, China

Ph.D. Physics – University of Florida 


Phone: 301-975-4544
Email: jie.zou@nist.gov