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Paul Morton

Paul Morton is a CNST Visiting Fellow in the Nanofabrication Research Group. He is CEO, CTO, and founder of Morton Photonics, where he leads research programs on silicon photonics devices and ultra-low-noise lasers for use in radiofrequency photonics, phased array systems, and optical sensing. He received a B.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Bath, England. After completing postdoctoral work at the University of California, Santa Barbara, he joined the technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories, where his research focused on ultra-high-speed photonic components, including the development of world record-setting directly modulated lasers and novel Bragg grating lasers, and he helped develop one of the first commercial photonic integrated circuits.  Paul then moved to Ciena Corporation, becoming the Director of the Active Photonic Components Department, a group that tested and qualified active photonic components for dense wavelength division multiplexed optical transmission systems. He has served as a Senior Advisor to the National Science Foundation’s Global Environment for Network Innovations program, and is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the Optical Society of America. Paul is working with Kartik Srinivasan and other members of the Nanofabrication Research Group to develop nanofabrication processes and metrology techniques for a variety of device applications, including a new generation of nanophotonic optical time delay devices. 


Selected Publications:
  • Fast Thermal Switching of Wideband Optical Delay Line With No Long-Term Transient, P. A. Morton, J. Cardenas, J. B. Khurgin, and M. Lipson, Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 24, 512–514 (2012).
  • Microwave photonic delay line with separate tuning of the optical carrier, P. A. Morton and J. B. Khurgin, Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 21, 1686-1688 (2009).
  • Tunable wideband optical delay line based on balanced coupled resonator structures, J. B. Khurgin and P. A. Morton, Optics Letters 34, 2655-2657 (2009).
  • Packaged hybrid soliton pulse source results and 270 terabit.km/sec soliton transmission, P. A. Morton, V. Mizrahi, G. T. Harvey, L. F. Mollenauer, T. Tanbun-Ek, R. A. Logan, H. M. Presby, T. Erdogan, A. M. Sergent, and K. W. Wecht, Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 7, 111-113 (1995).
  • 25 GHz bandwidth 1.55 µm GaInAsP p-doped strained multiquantum-well lasers, P. A. Morton, R. A. Logan, T. Tanbun-Ek, P. F. Sciortino, A. M. Sergent, R. K. Montgomery, and B. T. Lee, Electronics Letters 28, 2156-2157 (1992).
Staff Photo - P. Morton


CNST Visiting Fellow
Nanofabrication Research Group


B.Sc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering – University of Bath, England
M.Eng. Electrical and Electronic Engineering – University of Bath, England
Ph.D. Electrical and Electronic Engineering – University of Bath, England


Email: paul.morton@nist.gov