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C. Stephen Hellberg

C. Stephen Hellberg is a CNST Visiting Fellow in the CNST Nanofabrication Research Group, on sabbatical leave from the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, DC.  Stephen received an A.B. in Physics from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Pennsylvania.  He did postdoctoral research first at Florida State University, and then as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associate at NRL, after which he joined the NRL staff as a Research Physicist in NRL’s Center for Computational Materials Science in the Materials Science and Technology Division.   Stephen’s areas of expertise include first principles and model Hamiltonian calculations of systems with strongly interacting electrons in confined geometries, such as nanowires and quantum dots.  While on sabbatical at the CNST, he is working to elucidate the behavior of semiconductor quantum dots within nanophotonic resonators.

Selected Publications
  • Optically Mapping the Electronic Structure of Coupled Quantum Dots, M. Scheibner, M. Yakes, A. S. Bracker, I. V. Ponomarev, M. F. Doty, C. S. Hellberg, L. J. Whitman, T. L. Reinecke, and D. Gammon, Nature Physics 4, 291-295 (2008).
  • Nanoscale Control of an Interfacial Metal-Insulator Transition at Room Temperature, C. Cen, S. Thiel, G. Hammerl, C. W. Schneider, K. E. Andersen, C. S. Hellberg, J. Mannhart, and J. Levy, Nature Materials 7, 298-302 (2008).
  • Phase Separation in Thin SrTiO3 Films on Si, L. F. Kourkoutis, C. S. Hellberg, V. Vaithyanathan, H. Li, M. Jones, K. E. Andersen, D. G. Schlom, and D. A. Muller, Physical Review Letters 100, 036101 (2008).
  • Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of the Molecular Biexciton in Vertically Stacked InAs-GaAs Quantum Dot Pairs, M. Scheibner, I. V. Ponomarev, E. A. Stina M. F. Doty, A. S. Bracker, C. S. Hellberg, T. L. Reinecke, and D. Gammon, Physical Review Letters 99, 197402 (2007).
  • Ferroelectric Distortion in SrTiO3 Thin Flms on Si(001) by X-ray Absorption Fine Structure: Experiment and First-principles Calculations, J. C. Woicik, E. L. Shirley, C. S. Hellberg, K. E. Andersen, S. Sambasivan, D. A. Fischer, B. D. Chapman, E. A. Stern, P. Ryan, D. L. Ederer, and H. Li, Physical Review B 75, 140103 (2007).
  • A Scalable Architecture for Coherence-Preserving Qubits, Y. S. Weinstein and C. S. Hellberg, Physical Review Letters 98, 110501 (2007).
Staff Photo - S. Hellberg


CNST Visiting Fellow
Nanofabrication Research Group


A.B. Physics - Princeton University

Ph.D. Physics - University of Pennsylvania


Phone: 301-975-4726
Email: c.hellberg@nist.gov