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Gregg Gallatin

Gregg Gallatin is a Project Leader in the CNST Nanofabrication Research Group. He received his BS and PhD in Physics from Penn State. After earning his PhD, he spent several years working in academia and then transitioned to industry, where he did research at Perkin-Elmer, SVG Lithography, Bell Labs and IBM. While working in industry, Gregg specialized in analysis, modeling and design of the systems, subsystems and processes associated with the lithographic fabrication of semiconductor devices. He holds 12 U.S. patents and has over 60 publications. Gregg's research at NIST is focused on the modeling and analysis of the physics of self-assembly.

Selected Programs/Projects


Selected Publications

  • Efficiency enhancement of copper contaminated radial p-n junction solar cells, A. Boukai, P. Haney, A. Katzenmeyer, G. M. Gallatin, A. A. Talin, and P. Yang, Chemical Physics Letters 501, 153-158 (2011).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Website
  • Resist Blur and Line Edge Roughness, G. Gallatin, Invited Paper, Proceedings of the SPIE, 5754, 38-52 (2005).
  • Line-Edge Roughness Transfer Function and its Application to Determining Mask Effects in EUV Resist Characterization, P. Naulleau, G. Gallatin, Applied Optics 42, (2003).
  • High-Numerical Aperture Scalar Imaging, G. Gallatin, Applied Optics 40, 4958 (2001).
  • Generalized Goldstone Theorem: Automatic Imposition of the Higgs Mechanism and Application to Scale and Conformal Symmetry Breaking, A. Chodos, G. Gallatin, Journal of Mathematics and Physics 42, (2001).
  • Laser Focusing of Atomic Beams, G. Gallatin and P.L. Gould, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, B8, 502 (1991).
Staff Photo - G. Gallatin


Project Leader
nanofabrication Research Group


B.S. Physics - Penn State

Ph.D. Physics - Penn State


Phone: 301-975-2140
Email: gregg.gallatin@nist.gov