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Andrea Centrone

Andrea Centrone is a CNST Visiting Fellow in the Energy Research Group and a Visiting Assistant Research Scientist at the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics of the University of Maryland. He received a Laurea degree and a Ph. D. in Materials Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, where he developed a Raman cell to study the interactions between hydrogen and nanoporous materials for hydrogen storage applications. Andrea then performed postdoctoral work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, first as a Rocca Fellow in the Department of Material Science and Engineering, studying the phase separation of molecules self assembled on metal nanoparticles and their effect on the nanoparticles’ solubility. He continued his postdoctoral work in the Department of Chemical Engineering, investigating the use of metal-organic framework materials for separating small molecules, and gold nanorods for in vivo cancer detection and treatment. Andrea joined the CNST in 2010, where he is developing new measurement methods using vibrational spectroscopy, including the development of an IR-spectrometer with nanoscale spatial resolution.


Selected Programs/Projects


Selected Publications

  • Growth of Metal−Organic Frameworks on Polymer Surfaces, A. Centrone, Y. Yang, S. Speakman, L. Bromberg, G. C. Rutledge and T. A. Hatton, Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 15687-15691 (2010).
  • SERRS-Coded Gold Nanorods as a Multifunctional Platform for Densely-Multiplexed Near-Infrared Imaging and Photothermal Heating, G. von Maltzahn, A. Centrone, J. Park, R. Ramanathan, M. G. Sailor, T. A. Hatton, and S. N. Bathia, Advanced Materials 21, 3175-3180 (2009).
  • Synthesis of Nanosized Organic Molecular Crystals on Engineered Surfaces, K. Kim, I. Lee, A. Centrone, T. A. Hatton, and A. S. Myerson, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 18212-18213 (2009).
  • The Role of Nanostructure in the Wetting Behavior of Mixed-Monolayer-Protected Metal Nanoparticles, A. Centrone, E. Penzo, M. Sharma, J. W. Myerson, A. M. Jackson, N. Marzari, and F. Stellacci, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 105, 9886-9891 (2008).
  • Adsorption of H2 on Carbon-Based Materials: A Raman Spectroscopy Study, A. Centrone, L. Brambilla, and G. Zerbi, Physical Review B 71, 245406 (2005).
Staff Photo - A. Centrone


CNST Visiting Fellow
Energy Research Group


Ph.D. Materials Engineering - Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy


Phone: 301-975-8225
Email: andrea.centrone@nist.gov