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CNST Staff Publications (May 2007 to present)

Publications are sorted by fiscal year (October 1 to September 30). For each publication, links are provided to both the corresponding NIST Publications Database entry and the source journal, for personal use only. By selecting a source journal link, you will be leaving NIST webspace.

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  1. Bright single-photon emission from a quantum dot in a circular Bragg grating microcavity, S. Ates, L. Sapienza, M. Davanco, A. Badolato, and K. Srinivasan, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 18, 1711 –1721 (2012).
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  2. Controlling the size and the activity of Fe particles for synthesis of carbon nanotubes, S. W. Chee and R. Sharma, Micron 43, 1181–1187 (2012).
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  3. Experimental set up for in situ transmission electron microscopy observations of chemical processes, R. Sharma, Micron 43, 1147–1155 (2012).
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  1. Valleytronics, carrier filtering and thermoelectricity in bismuth: magnetic field polarization effects, A. Popescu and L. M. Woods, Advanced Functional Materials 22, 3945–3949 (2012).
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  2. Renormalization of the graphene dispersion velocity determined from scanning tunneling spectroscopy, J. Chae, S. Jung, A. F. Young, C. R. Dean, L. Wang, Y. Gao, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Hone, K. L. Shepard, P. Kim, N. B. Zhitenev, and J. A. Stroscio, Physical Review Letters 109, 116802 (2012).
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  3. Probing coherence in microcavity frequency combs via optical pulse shaping, F. Ferdous, H. Miao, P.-H. Wang, D. E. Leaird, K. Srinivasan, L. Chen, V. Aksyuk, and A. M. Weiner, Optics Express 20, 21033–21043 (2012).
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  4. Current-induced synchronized switching of magnetization, S.-M. Seo and K.-J. Lee, Applied Physics Letters 101, 062408 (2012).
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  5. Wide cantilever stiffness range cavity optomechanical sensors for atomic force microscopy, Y. Liu, H. Miao, V. Aksyuk, and K. Srinivasan, Optics Express 20, 18268–18280 (2012).
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  6. Spectroscopic defect imaging in magnetic nanostructure arrays, H.-J. Chia, F. Guo, L. M. Belova, and R. D. McMichael, Applied Physics Letters 101, 042408 (2012).
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  7. Observing chemical reactions using Transmission Electron Microscopy, R. Sharma,, in In-situ Electron Microscopy: Applications in Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science, edited by G. Dehn, J. M. Howe, and J. Zweck (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2012), p. 145–170.
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  8. A microelectromechanically controlled cavity optomechanical sensing system, H. Miao, K. Srinivasan, and V. Aksyuk, New Journal of Physics 14, 075015 (2012).
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  9. Optimal laser scan path for localizing a fluorescent particle in two or three dimensions, G. M. Gallatin and A. J. Berglund, Optics Express 20, 16381–16393 (2012).
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  10. Low-noise chip-based frequency conversion by four-wave-mixing Bragg scattering in SiNx waveguides, I. Agha, M. Davanco, B. Thurston, and K. Srinivasan, Optics Letters 37, 2997–2999 (2012).
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  11. Current-induced motion of a transverse magnetic domain wall in the presence of spin Hall effect, S.-M. Seo, K.-W. Kim, J. Ryu, H.-W. Lee, and K.-J. Lee, Applied Physics Letters 101, 022405 (2012).
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  12. Propagation of vortex electron wave functions in a magnetic field, G. M. Gallatin and B. McMorran, Physical Review A 86, 012701 (2012).
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  13. Effect of tin doping on α-Fe2O3 photoanodes for water splitting, C. D. Bohn, A. K. Agrawal, E. C. Walter, M. D. Vaudin, A. A. Herzing, P. M. Haney, A. A. Talin, and V. A. Szalai, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 15290–15296 (2012).
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  14. Telecommunications-band heralded single photons from a silicon nanophotonic chip, M. Davanço, J. R. Ong, A. B. Shehata, A. Tosi, I. Agha, S. Assefa, F. Xia, W. M. J. Green, S. Mookherjea, and K. Srinivasan, Applied Physics Letters 100, 261104 (2012).
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  15. Electromechanical properties of graphene drumheads, N. N. Klimov, S. Jung, S. Zhu, T. Li, C. A. Wright, S. D. Solares, D. B. Newell, N. B. Zhitenev, and J. A. Stroscio, Science 336, 1557–1561 (2012).
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  16. Metastable crystalline AuGe catalysts formed during isothermal Germanium nanowire growth, A. D. Gamalski, J. Tersoff, R. Sharma, C. Ducati, and S. Hofmann, Physical Review Letters 108, 255702 (2012).
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  17. Two-dimensional transport and screening in topological insulator surface states, S. Adam, E. H. Hwang, and S. Das Sarma, Physical Review B 85, 235413 (2012).
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  18. Three-dimensional real-time tracking of nanoparticles at an oil–water interface, K. Du, J. A. Liddle, and A. J. Berglund, Langmuir 28, 9181–9188 (2012).
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  19. Robust auto-alignment technique for orientation-dependent etching of nanostructures, C. D. McGray, R. Kasica, N. G. Orji, R. Dixson, M. W. Cresswell, R. A. Allen, and J. Geist, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 11, 023005 (2012).
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  20. Magnetization dynamics induced by in-plane currents in ultrathin magnetic nanostructures with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, K.-W. Kim, S.-M. Seo, J. Ryu, K.-J. Lee, and H.-W. Lee, Physical Review B 85, 180404 (2012).
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  21. Surface conduction of topological Dirac electrons in bulk insulating Bi2Se3 , D. Kim, S. Cho, N. P. Butch, P. Syers, K. Kirshenbaum, S. Adam, J. Paglione, and M. S. Fuhrer, Nature Physics 8, 460-464 (2012).
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  22. Electronic properties of multilayer graphene, H. Min, in Graphene nanoelectronics: metrology, synthesis, properties and applications, edited by H. Raza (Springer, 2012), p. 325-355.
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  23. Graphene carrier transport theory, S. Adam, in Graphene nanoelectronics: metrology, synthesis, properties and applications, edited by H. Raza (Springer 2012), p. 357-392.
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  24. Modeling the effects of acid amplifiers on photoresist stochastics, G. M. Gallatin, P. P. Naulleau, and R. L. Brainard, Proceedings of SPIE 8322, 83221C (2012).
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  25. Modeling line-edge roughness in lamellar block copolymer systems, P. N. Patrone and G. M. Gallatin, Proceedings of SPIE 8323, 83232Q (2012).
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  26. Optimization of spin-triplet supercurrent in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions, C. Klose, T. S. Khaire, Y. Wang, W. P. Pratt, N. O. Birge, B. J. McMorran, T. P. Ginley, J. A. Borchers, B. J. Kirby, B. B. Maranville, and J. Unguris, Physical Review Letters 108, 127002 (2012).
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  27. Enhanced carrier transport along edges of graphene devices, J. Chae, S. Jung, S. Woo, H. Baek, J. Ha, Y. J. Song, Y.-W. Son, N. B. Zhitenev, J. A. Stroscio, and Y. Kuk, Nano Letters 12, 1839-1844 (2012).
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  28. Nanomanufacturing with DNA origami: factors affecting the kinetics and yield of quantum dot binding, S. H. Ko, G. M. Gallatin, and J. A. Liddle, Advanced Functional Materials 22, 1015-1023 (2012).
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  29. Nanoscale spin wave localization using ferromagnetic resonance force microscopy, H.-J. Chia, F. Guo, L. M. Belova, and R. D. McMichael, Physical Review Letters 108, 087206 (2012).
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  30. Characterizing equilibrium in epitaxial growth, P. N. Patrone, R. E. Caflisch, and D. Margetis, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 97, 48012 (2012).
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  31. Direct observation of nucleation and early stages of growth of GaN nanowires, R. E. Diaz, R. Sharma, K. Jarvis, Q. Zhang, and S. Mahajan, Journal of Crystal Growth 341, 1-6 (2012).
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  32. Quantitative comparison of two independent lateral force calibration techniques for the atomic force microscope, S. S. Barkley, Z. Deng, R. S. Gates, M. G. Reitsma, and R. J. Cannara, Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 023707 (2012).
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  33. Formation and structure of 360 and 540 degree domain walls in thin magnetic stripes, Y. Jang, S. R. Bowden, M. Mascaro, J. Unguris, and C. A. Ross, Applied Physics Letters 100, 062407 (2012).
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  34. Laser physics: all-atom parametric oscillator, M. T. Rakher and K. Srinivasan, Nature Photonics 6, 73-74 (2012).
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  35. Efficiency of quasiparticle evacuation in superconducting devices, S. Rajauria, L. M. A. Pascal, P. Gandit, F. W. J. Hekking, B. Pannetier, and H. Courtois, Physical Review B 85, 020505 (2012).
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  36. Anisotropic surface-state-mediated RKKY interaction between adatoms, P. N. Patrone and T. L. Einstein, Physical Review B 85, 045429 (2012).
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  37. Direct observation of hydrogen spillover in Ni-loaded Pr-doped ceria, V. Sharma, P. A. Crozier, R. Sharma, and J. B. Adams, Catalysis Today 180, 2-8 (2012).
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  38. Fourier, Gauss, Fraunhofer, Porod and the shape from moments problem, G. M. Gallatin, Journal of Mathematical Physics 53, 013509 (2012).
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  39. The role of propagating and localized surface plasmons for SERS enhancement in periodic nanostructures, F. Bezares, J. Caldwell, O. Glembocki, R. Rendell, M. Feygelson, M. Ukaegbu, R. Kasica, L. Shirey, N. Bassim, and C. Hosten, Plasmonics 7, 143–150 (2012).
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  40. Calculations of electron stopping powers for 41 elemental solids over the 50 eV to 30 keV range with the full Penn algorithm, H. Shinotsuka, S. Tanuma, C. J. Powell, and D. R. Penn, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 270, 75-92 (2012).
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  41. Electrolyte stability determines scaling limits for solid-state 3D Li-ion batteries, D. Ruzmetov, V. P. Oleshko, P. M. Haney, H. J. Lezec, K. Karki, K. H. Baloch, A. K. Agrawal, A. V. Davydov, S. Krylyuk, Y. Liu, J. Huang, M. Tanase, J. Cumings, and A. A. Talin, Nano Letters 12, 505-511 (2011).
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  42. Feedback control of microflows, M. Armani, Z. Cummins, J. Gong, P. Mathai, R. Probst, C. Ropp, E. Waks, S. Walker, and B. Shapiro, in Feedback Control of MEMS to Atoms, edited by J. Gorman and B. Shapiro (Springer US, Boston, MA, 2011), p. 269-319.
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  43. Large-area plasmonic hot-spot arrays: sub-2 nm interparticle separations with plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition of Ag on periodic arrays of Si nanopillars, J. D. Caldwell, O. J. Glembocki, F. J. Bezares, M. I. Kariniemi, J. T. Niinisto, T. T. Hatanpaa, R. W. Rendell, M. Ukaegbu, M. K. Ritala, S. M. Prokes, C. M. Hosten, M. A. Leskela, and R. Kasica, Optics Express 19, 26056–26064 (2011).
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  44. First-principles calculation of the nonadiabatic spin transfer torque in Ni and Fe, K. Gilmore, I. Garate, A. H. MacDonald, and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review B 84, 224412 (2011).
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  45. Electrical contacts to one- and two-dimensional nanomaterials, F. Leonard and A. A. Talin, Nature Nanotechnology 6, 773-783 (2011).
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  46. Ultra-flat coplanar electrodes for controlled electrical contact of molecular films, F. Martin, B. Hendriksen, A. Katan, I. Ratera, Y. Qi, B. Harteneck, J. A. Liddle, and M. Salmeron, Review of Scientific Instruments 82, 123901 (2011).
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  47. Mechanism for puddle formation in graphene, S. Adam, S. Jung, N. N. Klimov, N. B. Zhitenev, J. A. Stroscio, and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review B 84, 235421 (2011).
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  48. Probing the paramagnetic interactions between the unpaired electronic spins of carbon atoms and the nuclear spins of hydrogen molecules with Raman spectroscopy, A. Centrone, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 42, 2165-2167 (2011).
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  49. Quantum frequency translation of single-photon states, K. Srinivasan and M. G. Raymer, Optics & Photonics News 22, 39 (2011).
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  50. Spectral line-by-line pulse shaping of on-chip microresonator frequency combs, F. Ferdous, H. Miao, D. E. Leaird, K. Srinivasan, J. Wang, L. Chen, L. T. Varghese, and A. M. Weiner, Nature Photonics 5, 770-776 (2011).
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  51. Giant piezoelectricity on Si for hyperactive MEMS, S. H. Baek, J. Park, D. M. Kim, V. A. Aksyuk, R. R. Das, S. D. Bu, D. A. Felker, J. Lettieri, V. Vaithyanathan, S. S. N. Bharadwaja, N. Bassiri-Gharb, Y. B. Chen, H. P. Sun, C. M. Folkman, H. W. Jang, D. J. Kreft, S. K. Streiffer, R. Ramesh, X. Q. Pan, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D. G. Schlom, M. S. Rzchowski, R. H. Blick, and C. B. Eom, Science 334, 958 -961 (2011).
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  52. An efficient large-area grating coupler for surface plasmon polaritons, S. T. Koev, A. Agrawal, H. J. Lezec, and V. A. Aksyuk, Plasmonics, 7, 269-277 (2011).
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  53. Carbon nanotube nucleation driven by catalyst morphology dynamics, E. Pigos, E. S. Penev, M. A. Ribas, R. Sharma, B. I. Yakobson, and A. R. Harutyunyan, ACS Nano 5, 10096-10101 (2011).
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  54. Rectangular scale-similar etch pits in monocrystalline diamond, C. D. McGray, R. A. Allen, M. Cangemi, and J. Geist, Diamond and Related Materials 20, 1363-1365 (2011).
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  55. MOTIS: a focused ion beam source based on laser-cooled atoms, B. Knuffman, A. V. Steele, J. Orloff, M. Maazouz, and J. J. McClelland, AIP Conference Proceedings 1395, 85-89 (2011).
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  56. Predicting the optimal dopant concentration in gadolinium doped ceria: a kinetic lattice Monte Carlo approach, P. P. Dholabhai, S. Anwar, J. B. Adams, P. A. Crozier, and R. Sharma, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20, 015004 (2011).
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  57. In search of enhanced electrolyte materials: a case study of doubly doped ceria, P. P. Dholabhai, J. B. Adams, P. A. Crozier, and R. Sharma, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 18991-18997 (2011).
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  58. Nanoscale focused ion beam from laser-cooled lithium atoms, B. Knuffman, A. V. Steele, J. Orloff, and J. J. McClelland, New Journal of Physics 13, 103035 (2011).
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  59. Nanoscale friction: measurement and analysis, R. J. Cannara, in Micro- and Nano Scale Phenomena in Tribology, edited by Y-W. Chung (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, New York, 2011), p. 77-102.
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  60. Porous superhydrophobic membranes: hydrodynamic anomaly in oscillating flows, S. Rajauria, O. Ozsun, J. Lawall, V. Yakhot, and K. L. Ekinci, Physical Review Letters 107, 174501 (2011).
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  61. Revisiting the Balazs thought experiment in the presence of loss: electromagnetic-pulse-induced displacement of a positive-index slab having arbitrary complex permittivity and permeability, K. J. Chau and H. J. Lezec, Applied Physics A 105, 267-281 (2011).
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  62. A roadmap to implementing metal–organic frameworks in electronic devices: challenges and critical directions, M. D. Allendorf, A. Schwartzberg, V. Stavila, and A. A. Talin, Chemistry - A European Journal 17, 11372-11388 (2011).
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  1. Far-field superfocusing with an optical fiber based surface plasmonic lens made of nanoscale concentric annular slits, Y. Liu, H. Xu, F. Stief, N. Zhitenev, and M. Yu, Optics Express 19, 20233-20243 (2011).
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  2. Enhanced coupling between light and surface plasmons by nano-structured Fabry–Pérot resonator, B. S. Dennis, V. Aksyuk, M. I. Haftel, S. T. Koev, and G. Blumberg, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 066102 (2011).
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  3. Efficient quantum dot single photon extraction into an optical fiber using a nanophotonic directional coupler, M. Davanço, M. T. Rakher, W. Wegscheider, D. Schuh, A. Badolato, and K. Srinivasan, Applied Physics Letters 99, 121101 (2011).
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  4. Magnetization textures in NiPd nanostructures, J. Chauleau, B. J. McMorran, R. Belkhou, N. Bergeard, T. O. Menteş, M. Niño, A. Locatelli, J. Unguris, S. Rohart, J. Miltat, and A. Thiaville, Physical Review B 84, 094416 (2011).
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  5. Control of magnetic fluctuations by spin current, V. E. Demidov, S. Urazhdin, E. R. J. Edwards, M. D. Stiles, R. D. McMichael, and S. O. Demokritov, Physical Review Letters 107, 107204 (2011).
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  6. The new steel? Enabling the carbon nanomaterials revolution: markets, metrology, safety, and scale-up, J. A. Liddle, (NIST Special Publication 1124), in (Gaithersburg, MD) (August 2011).
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  7. Electron beam synthesis of metal and semiconductor nanoparticles using metal–organic frameworks as ordered precursors, B. W. Jacobs, R. J. T. Houk, B. M. Wong, A. A. Talin, and M. D. Allendorf, Nanotechnology 22, 375601 (2011).
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  8. Plasma etching uniformity control for making large and thick dual-focus zone plates, L. Chen, Q. Wang, and U. Griesmann, Microelectronic Engineering 88, 2466-2469 (2011).
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  9. Effect of alternating Ar and SF6/C4F8 gas flow in Si nano-structure plasma etching, L. Chen, V. Luciani, and H. Miao, Microelectronic Engineering 88, 2470-2473 (2011).
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  10. Simultaneous wavelength translation and amplitude modulation of single photons from a quantum dot, M. T. Rakher, L. Ma, M. Davanço, O. Slattery, X. Tang, and K. Srinivasan, Physical Review Letters 107, 083602 (2011).
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  11. The electromagnetics of light transmission through subwavelength slits in metallic films, J. Weiner, Optics Express 19, 16139-16153 (2011). 
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  12. Impact of Gd dopants on current polarization and the resulting effect on spin transfer velocity in Permalloy wires, R. L. Thomas, M. Zhu, C. L. Dennis, V. Misra, and R. D. McMichael, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 033902 (2011).
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  13. Lithography and chemical modeling of acid amplfiers for use in EUV photoresists, S. Kruger, C. Higgins, G. Gallatin, and R. Brainard, in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology(CPST-28), Materials & Processes for Advanced Lithography and Nanotechnology 24, 143-152 (2011).
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  14. A circular dielectric grating for vertical extraction of single quantum dot emission, M. Davanço, M. T. Rakher, D. Schuh, A. Badolato, and K. Srinivasan, Applied Physics Letters 99, 041102 (2011).
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  15. Organic photovoltaic bulk heterojunctions with spatially varying composition, P. M. Haney, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 024305 (2011).
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  16. An integrated electrochromic nanoplasmonic optical switch, A. Agrawal, C. Susut, G. Stafford, U. Bertocci, B. McMorran, H. J. Lezec, and A. A. Talin, Nano Letters 11, 2774-2778 (2011).
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  17. Small fluctuations in epitaxial growth via conservative noise, P. N. Patrone, R. Wang, and D. Margetis, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44, 315002 (2011).
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  18. Micro-optical techniques, K. Srinivasan, M. T. Rakher, and M. Davanço, in Optical Techniques for Solid-State Materials Characterization (Taylor and Francis, 2011), p. 575-618.
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  19. Casimir force in micro and nano electro mechanical systems, R. Decca, V. Aksyuk, and D. Lopez, in Casimir Physics (Springer Science+Business Media LLC, 2011), p. 102.
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  20. A synchrotron beamline for extreme-ultraviolet photoresist testing, C. Tarrio, S. Grantham, S. B. Hill, N. S. Faradzhev, L. J. Richter, C. S. Knurek, and T. B. Lucatorto, Review of Scientific Instruments 82, 073102 (2011).
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  21. Microscopic polarization in bilayer graphene, G. M. Rutter, S. Jung, N. N. Klimov, D. B. Newell, N. B. Zhitenev, and J. A. Stroscio, Nature Physics 7, 649-655 (2011).
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  22. Graphene: Materials to devices (invited), J. Chae, J. Ha, H. Baek, Y. Kuk, S. Jung, Y. Song, N. Zhitenev, J. Stroscio, S. Woo, and Y. Son, Microelectronic Engineering 88, 1211-1213 (2011).
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  23. Parametric study of micropillar array solar cells, H. P. Yoon, Y. A. Yuwen, H. Shen, N. J. Podraza, T. E. Mallouk, E. C. Dickey, J. A. Redwing, C. R. Wronski, and T. S. Mayer, in Proceedings of the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2011 37th IEEE (Seattle, WA, 2011), p. 000303-000306.
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  24. Imaging of nanoscale charge transport in bulk heterojunction solar cells, B. H. Hamadani, N. Gergel-Hackett, P. M. Haney, and N. B. Zhitenev, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 124501 (2011).
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  25. Evaluation of the role of Au in improving catalytic activity of Ni nanoparticles for the formation of one-dimensional carbon nanostructures, R. Sharma, S. Chee, A. Herzing, R. Miranda, and P. Rez, Nano Letters 11, 2464-2471 (2011).
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  26. Cavity optomechanical sensors, H. Miao, K. Srinivasan, M. Rakher, M. Davanço, and V. Aksyuk, in Proceedings of Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS), 2011 16th International (Beijing, China, 2011), p. 1535-1538.
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  27. Plasmonic nanopillar arrays for large-area, high-enhancement surface-enhanced raman scattering sensors, J. D. Caldwell, O. Glembocki, F. J. Bezares, N. D. Bassim, R. W. Rendell, M. Feygelson, M. Ukaegbu, R. Kasica, L. Shirey, and C. Hosten, ACS Nano 5, 4046-4055 (2011).
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  28. Electromagnetic energy density in dispersive and dissipative media, F. D. Nunes, T. C. Vasconcelos, M. Bezerra, and J. Weiner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 28, 1544-1552 (2011).
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  29. Subnanosecond electro-optic modulation of triggered single photons from a quantum dot, M. T. Rakher and K. Srinivasan, Applied Physics Letters 98, 211103 (2011).
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  30. Temporal correlation of photons following frequency up-conversion, L. Ma, M. T. Rakher, M. J. Stevens, O. Slattery, K. Srinivasan, and X. Tang, Optics Express 19, 10501-10510 (2011).
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  31. Inter-ion coulomb interactions in a magneto-optical trap ion source, A. V. Steele, B. Knuffman, and J. J. McClelland, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 104308 (2011).
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  32. Electronic transport in two-dimensional graphene, S. Das Sarma, S. Adam, E. H. Hwang, and E. Rossi, Reviews of Modern Physics 83, 407 (2011).
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  33. Grain boundary loops in graphene, E. Cockayne, G. M. Rutter, N. P. Guisinger, J. N. Crain, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio, Physical Review B 83, 195425 (2011).
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  34. Semiclassical Boltzmann transport theory for graphene multilayers, H. Min, P. Jain, S. Adam, and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review B 83, 195117 (2011).
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  35. Landau levels and band bending in few-layer epitaxial graphene, H. Min, S. Adam, Y. J. Song, J. A. Stroscio, M. D. Stiles, and A. H. MacDonald, Physical Review B 83, 155430 (2011).
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  36. Lithography, metrology and nanomanufacturing, J. A. Liddle and G. M. Gallatin, Nanoscale 3, 2679 (2011). 
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  37. Three dimensionally structured interdigitated back contact thin film heterojunction solar cells, C. M. Hangarter, B. H. Hamadani, J. E. Guyer, H. Xu, R. Need, and D. Josell, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 073514 (2011).
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  38. Kinetic lattice Monte Carlo model for oxygen vacancy diffusion in praseodymium doped ceria: applications to materials design, P. P. Dholabhai, S. Anwar, J. B. Adams, P. Crozier, and R. Sharma, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 184, 811-817 (2011).
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  39. Effects of shape distortions and imperfections on mode frequencies and collective linewidths in nanomagnets, H. T. Nembach, J. M. Shaw, T. J. Silva, W. L. Johnson, S. A. Kim, R. D. McMichael, and P. Kabos, Physical Review B 83, 094427 (2011).
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  40. Reversal of patterned Co/Pd multilayers with graded magnetic anisotropy, J. E. Davies, P. Morrow, C. L. Dennis, J. W. Lau, B. McMorran, A. Cochran, J. Unguris, R. K. Dumas, P. Greene, and K. Liu, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 07B909 (2011).
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  41. Modeling the transfer of line edge roughness from an EUV mask to the wafer, G. M. Gallatin and P. P. Naulleau, Proceedings of SPIE 7969, 796903 (2011).
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  42. Perspective on probing metallic ferromagnetism with electrons (invited), D. T. Pierce, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 07E106 (2011). 
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  43. Electron-beam-induced growth of TiO2 nanostructures, S. W. Chee, S. Sivaramakrishnan, R. Sharma, and J. Zuo, Microscopy and Microanalysis 17, 274-278 (2011).
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  44. Metal–insulator–metal surface plasmon polariton waveguide filters with cascaded transverse cavities, L. O. Diniz, F. D. Nunes, E. Marega, J. Weiner, and B. V. Borges, Journal of Lightwave Technology 29, 714-720 (2011).
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  45. Evolution of microscopic localization in graphene in a magnetic field from scattering resonances to quantum dots, S. Jung, G. M. Rutter, N. N. Klimov, D. B. Newell, I. Calizo, A. R. Hight-Walker, N. B. Zhitenev, and J. A. Stroscio, Nature Physics 7, 245-251 (2011). 
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  46. Charge puddles and edge effect in a graphene device as studied by a scanning gate microscope, J. Chae, H. J. Yang, H. Baek, J. Ha, Y. Kuk, S. Y. Jung, Y. J. Song, N. B. Zhitenev, J. A. Stroscio, S. J. Woo, and Y. Son, International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems 20, 205 (2011).
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  47. Effect of interactions on edge property measurements in magnetic multilayers, M. Zhu and R. D. McMichael, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 043904 (2011).
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  48. Ordered metal nanostructure self-assembly using metal–organic frameworks as templates, B. W. Jacobs, R. J. T. Houk, M. R. Anstey, S. D. House, I. M. Robertson, A. A. Talin, and M. D. Allendorf, Chemical Science 2, 411-416 (2011).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  49. Enhanced magnetization drift velocity and current polarization in (CoFe)1−xGex alloys, M. Zhu, B. D. Soe, R. D. McMichael, M. J. Carey, S. Maat, and J. R. Childress, Applied Physics Letters 98, 072510 (2011).
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  50. Effects of disorder on magnetic vortex gyration, H. Min, R. D. McMichael, J. Miltat, and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review B 83, 064411 (2011).
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  51. Optomechanical transduction of an integrated silicon cantilever probe using a microdisk resonator, K. Srinivasan, H. Miao, M. T. Rakher, M. Davanço, and V. Aksyuk, Nano Letters 11, 791-797 (2011).
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  52. First-principles study of defect migration in RE-doped ceria (RE = Pr, Gd), P. Dholabhai, J. Adams, P. Crozier, and R. Sharma, in Proceedings of the Material Research Society (Boston, MA, 2011), 1311, p. gg05-08.
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  53. Simultaneous positioning and orientation of a single nano-object by flow control: theory and simulations, P. P. Mathai, A. J. Berglund, J. Alexander Liddle, and B. A. Shapiro, New Journal of Physics 13, 013027 (2011).
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  54. Cubic silsesquioxanes as a green, high-performance mold material for nanoimprint lithography, H. W. Ro, V. Popova, L. Chen, A. M. Forster, Y. Ding, K. J. Alvine, D. J. Krug, R. M. Laine, and C. L. Soles, Advanced Materials 23, 414-420 (2011).
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  55. Fiber-based cryogenic and time-resolved spectroscopy of PbS quantum dots, M. T. Rakher, R. Bose, C. W. Wong, and K. Srinivasan, Optics Express 19, 1786-1793 (2011).
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  56. Electron vortex beams with high quanta of orbital angular momentum, B. J. McMorran, A. Agrawal, I. M. Anderson, A. A. Herzing, H. J. Lezec, J. J. McClelland, and J. Unguris, Science 331, 192 -195 (2011).
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  57. A 10 mK scanning probe microscopy facility, Y. J. Song, A. F. Otte, V. Shvarts, Z. Zhao, Y. Kuk, S. R. Blankenship, A. Band, F. M. Hess, and J. A. Stroscio, Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 121101 (2011).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  58. Nanofabrication techniques for controlled drug released devices, L. Chen, G. Henein, and V. Luciani, Nanomedicine 6, 1-6 (2011).
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  59. Efficiency enhancement of copper contaminated radial p-n junction solar cells, A. Boukai, P. Haney, A. Katzenmeyer, G. M. Gallatin, A. A. Talin, and P. Yang, Chemical Physics Letters 501, 153-158 (2011).
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  60. Effect of resist on the transfer of line-edge roughness spatial metrics from mask to wafer, P. P. Naulleau and G. M. Gallatin, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 28, 1259 (2010).
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  61. High-frequency nanofluidics: a universal formulation of the fluid dynamics of MEMS and NEMS, K. L. Ekinci, V. Yakhot, S. Rajauria, C. Colosqui, and D. M. Karabacak, Lab on a Chip 10, 3013-3025 (2010). 
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  62. Focused chromium ion beam, A. V. Steele, B. Knuffman, J. J. McClelland, and J. Orloff, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 28, C6F1-C6F5 (2010).
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  63. Quantum transduction of telecommunications-band single photons from a quantum dot by frequency upconversion, M. T. Rakher, L. Ma, O. Slattery, X. Tang, and K. Srinivasan, Nature Photonics 4, 786-791 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  64. Contact resistance of flexible, transparent carbon nanotube films with metals, H. Xu, L. Chen, L. Hu, and N. Zhitenev, Applied Physics Letters 97, 143116 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  65. Atomistic factors governing adhesion between diamond, amorphous carbon, and model diamond nanocomposite surfaces, P. L. Piotrowski,, R. J. Cannara, G. Gao, J. J. Urban, R. W. Carpick, and J. A. Harrison, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 24, 2471-2498 (2010).
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  1. Epitaxial graphene electronic structure and transport, W. A. de Heer, C. Berger, X. Wu, M. Sprinkle, Y. Hu, M. Ruan, J. A. Stroscio, P. N. First, R. Haddon, B. Piot, C. Faugeras, M. Potemski, and J. Moon, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, 374007 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  2. Spatial coherence in electron-beam patterning, G. M. Perera, G. E. Stein, and J. A. Liddle, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 28, 1048 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  3. High-resolution tunnelling spectroscopy of a graphene quartet, Y. J. Song, A. F. Otte, Y. Kuk, Y. Hu, D. B. Torrance, P. N. First, W. A. de Heer, H. Min, S. Adam, M. D. Stiles, A. H. MacDonald, and J. A. Stroscio, Nature 467, 185-189 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  4. Real-space mapping of magnetically quantized graphene states, D. L. Miller, K. D. Kubista, G. M. Rutter, M. Ruan, W. A. de Heer, M. Kindermann, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio, Nature Physics 6, 811-817 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  5. Quantum dots precisely placed by controlled flow, J. A. Liddle, InterNano, August 24, 2010.
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  6. Temperature dependence of the diffusive conductivity of bilayer graphene, S. Adam and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review B 82, 075423 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  7. A spray drying system for synthesis of rare-earth doped cerium oxide nanoparticles, V. Sharma, K. M. Eberhardt, R. Sharma, J. B. Adams, and P. A. Crozier, Chemical Physics Letters 495, 280-286 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  8. Depth profiling magnetic structure using scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis (SEMPA), B. McMorran, D. Pierce, and J. Unguris, Microscopy and Microanalysis 16, 1862-1863 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  9. Polymer-assisted conformal coating of TiO2 thin films, E. S. Gillman, D. Costello, M. Moreno, A. Raspopin, R. Kasica, and L. Chen, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 044310 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  10. Current-induced torques in the presence of spin-orbit coupling, P. M. Haney and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review Letters 105, 126602 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  11. Statistics of camera-based single-particle tracking, A. J. Berglund, Physical Review E 82, 011917 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  12. The NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology: Supporting US innovation in nanotechnology, R. Celotta, in Micro/Nano Symposium (UGIM), 2010 18th Biennial University/Government/Industry (2010), p. 1-3.
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  13. Band structure of ABC-stacked graphene trilayers, F. Zhang, B. Sahu, H. Min, and A. H. MacDonald, Physical Review B 82, 035409 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  14. Influence of band parameters on spin-transfer torque in tunnel junctions: model calculations, A. H. Khalil, M. D. Stiles, and C. Heiliger, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46, 1745-1747 (2010).
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  15. Effects of edge magnetism and external electric field on energy gaps in multilayer graphene nanoribbons, B. Sahu, H. Min, and S. K. Banerjee, Physical Review B 82, 115426 (2010).
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  16. Edge structure of epitaxial graphene islands, G. M. Rutter, N. P. Guisinger, J. N. Crain, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio, Physical Review B 81, 245408 (2010).
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  17. Theoretical model of errors in micromirror-based three-dimensional particle tracking, A. J. Berglund, M. D. McMahon, J. J. McClelland, and J. A. Liddle, Optics Letters 35, 1905-1907 (2010).
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  18. Nanoparticle size and shape evaluation using the TSOM optical microscopy method, R. Attota, R. M. Silver, A. Vladar, R. Kasica, L. Chen, and P. Kavuri, in Proceedings of the Microtech Conference & Expo 2010 (NSTI-Nanotech 2010, 2010), p. 172-175.
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  19. Manipulating quantum dots to nanometer precision by control of flow, C. Ropp, R. Probst, Z. Cummins, R. Kumar, A. J. Berglund, S. R. Raghavan, E. Waks, and B. Shapiro, Nano Letters 10, 2525-2530 (2010).
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  20. Effects of disorder and internal dynamics on vortex wall propagation, H. Min, R. D. McMichael, M. J. Donahue, J. Miltat, and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review Letters 104, 217201 (2010).
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  21. Modification of edge mode dynamics by oxidation in Ni80 Fe20 thin film edges, M. Zhu and R. D. McMichael, Journal of Applied Physics 107, 103908 (2010).
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  22. Anisotropic damping of the magnetization dynamics in Ni, Co, and Fe, K. Gilmore, M. D. Stiles, J. Seib, D. Steiauf, and M. Fahnle, Physical Review B 81, 174414 (2010).
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  23. (Invited) Three-Dimensionally Structured Thin Film Heterojunction Photovoltaics on Interdigitated Back-Contacts, D. Josell, C. Beauchamp, B. H. Hamadani, S. Jung, J. Guyer, A. Motayed, C. Hangarter, N. Gergel-Hackett, H. Xu, and N. Zhitenev, ECS Transactions 28, 521-532 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database         Journal Web Site

  24. Temperature dependence of magnetization drift velocity and current polarization in Ni80 Fe20 by spin-wave doppler measurements, M. Zhu, C. L. Dennis, and R. D. McMichael, Physical Review B 81, 140407 (2010).
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  25. Origin of nanoscale variations in photoresponse of an organic solar cell, B. H. Hamadani, S. Jung, P. M. Haney, L. J. Richter, and N. B. Zhitenev, Nano Letters 10, 1611-1617 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  26. DNA origami used to assemble nanoplasmonic structure, J. A. Liddle, InterNano, April 9, 2010.
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  27. Epitaxial graphenes on silicon carbide, P. N. First, W. A. de Heer, T. Seyller, C. Berger, J. A. Stroscio, and J. Moon, Materials Research Bulletin 35, 296-305 (2010).
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  28. Structural analysis of multilayer graphene via atomic moiré interferometry, D. L. Miller, K. D. Kubista, G. M. Rutter, M. Ruan, W. A. de Heer, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio, Physical Review B 81, 125427 (2010).
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  29. Hybrid gap modes induced by fiber taper waveguides: application in spectroscopy of single solid-state emitters deposited on thin films, K. Srinivasan and M. Davanço, Optics Express 18, 10995-11007 (2010).
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  30. Nanostructured solar cells have improved charge collection and self-cleaning properties, F. Sharifi, Internano, February 8, 2010.
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  31. Simultaneous measurement of magnetic vortex polarity and chirality using scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis (SEMPA), S. Chung, D. Pierce, and J. Unguris, Ultramicroscopy 110, 177-181 (2010).
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  32. Going eight separate ways, S. Adam, Physics 3, 12 (2010).
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  33. Transport characterization in nanowires using an electrical nanoprobe, A. A. Talin, F. Leonard, A. M. Katzenmeyer, B. S. Swartzentruber, S. T. Picraux, M. E. Toimil-Molares, J. G. Cederberg, X. Wang, S. D. Hersee, and A. Rishinaramangalum, Semiconductor Science and Technology 25, 024015 (2010).
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  34. Phase diagram of magnetic nanodisks measured by scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis, S. Chung, R. D. McMichael, D. T. Pierce, and J. Unguris, Physical Review B 81, 024410 (2010).
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  35. Effects of magnetism and electric field on the energy gap of bilayer graphene nanoflakes, B. Sahu, H. Min, and S. K. Banerjee, Physical Review B 81, 045414 (2010).
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  36. Measuring the structure of epitaxially assembled block copolymer domains with soft x-ray diffraction, G. E. Stein, J. A. Liddle, A. L. Aquila, and E. M. Gullikson, Macromolecules 43, 433-441 (2010).
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  37. Measuring the effects of low energy ion milling on the magnetization of Co/Pd multilayers using scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis, B. J. McMorran, A. C. Cochran, R. K. Dumas, K. Liu, P. Morrow, D. T. Pierce, and J. Unguris, Journal of Applied Physics 107, 09D305 (2010).
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  38. Spectroscopy of 1.55 μm PbS quantum dots on Si photonic crystal cavities with a fiber taper waveguide, M. T. Rakher, R. Bose, C. W. Wong, and K. Srinivasan, Applied Physics Letters 96, 161108 (2010).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  39. Controlled deposition of microparticle arrays for LEDs, J. A. Liddle, InterNano, December 29, 2009.
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  40. An efficient, optical fiber-based waveguide interface to a single quantum dipole, M. Davanço and K. Srinivasan, in Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, San Jose, CA, 2009), p. FMG2.
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  41. Silver cluster formation, dynamics, and chemistry in metal-organic frameworks, R. J. T. Houk, B. W. Jacobs, F. El Gabaly, N. N. Chang, A. A. Talin, D. D. Graham, S. D. House, I. M. Robertson, and M. D. Allendorf, Nano Letters 9, 3413-3418 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  42. Critical challenges for picoTesla magnetic-tunnel-junction sensors, W. F. Egelhoff, P. W. T. Pong, J. Unguris, R. D. McMichael, E. R. Nowak, A. S. Edelstein, J. E. Burnette, and G. A. Fischer, Sensors and Actuators A 155, 217-225 (2009).
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  1. Making Mn substitutional impurities in InAs using a scanning tunneling microscope, Y. J. Song, S. C. Erwin, G. M. Rutter, P. N. First, N. B. Zhitenev, and J. A. Stroscio, Nano Letters 9, 4333-4337 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  2. Magnetic dynamics with spin-transfer torques near the Curie temperature, P. M. Haney and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review B 80, 094418 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  3. Spin transfer torques by point-contact spin injection, T. Y. Chen, Y. Ji, S. X. Huang, C. L. Chien, and M. D. Stiles, Proceedings of SPIE 7398, 73980C (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  4. Fiber-coupled semiconductor waveguides as an efficient optical interface to a single quantum dipole, M. Davanço and K. Srinivasan, Optics Letters 34, 2542-2544 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  5. Spin transfer torques (erratum), D. C. Ralph and M. D. Stiles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321, 2508-2508 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  6. Efficient spectroscopy of single embedded emitters using optical fiber taper waveguides, M. Davanço and K. Srinivasan, Optics Express 17, 10542-10563 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  7. Three dimensionally structured CdTe thin-film photovoltaic devices with self-aligned back-contacts: electrodeposition on interdigitated electrodes, D. Josell, C. R. Beauchamp, S. Jung, B. H. Hamadani, A. Motayed, L. J. Richter, M. Williams, J. E. Bonevich, A. Shapiro, N. Zhitenev, and T. P. Moffat, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 156, H654-H660 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  8. Single-photon sources: quantum dots may hold the key to secure quantum cryptography, M. T. Rakher, Laser Focus World 45, 63-68 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  9. Direct imaging of current-driven domain walls in ferromagnetic nanostripes, W. C. Uhlig, M. J. Donahue, D. T. Pierce, and J. Unguris, Journal of Applied Physics 105, (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  10. Observing the quantization of zero mass carriers in graphene, D. L. Miller, K. D. Kubista, G. M. Rutter, M. Ruan, W. A. de Heer, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio, Science 324, 924-927 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  11. Spin dynamics and mode structure in nanomagnet arrays: effects of size and thickness on linewidth and damping, J. M. Shaw, T. J. Silva, M. L. Schneider, and R. D. McMichael, Physical Review B 79, (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  12. The physics of light transmission through subwavelength apertures and aperture arrays, J. Weiner, Reports on Progress in Physics 72, 064401 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  13. 2008 International conference on nanoscience and technology, J. A. Stroscio and L. J. Whitman, eds. , Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 27, 784 (2009). 
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  14. Evaluating the locality of intrinsic precession damping in transition metals, K. Gilmore and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review B 79, 132407 (2009). 
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  15. Exposure of epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) to atomic hydrogen, N. P. Guisinger, G. M. Rutter, J. N. Crain, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio, Nano Letters 9, 1462-1466 (2009).
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  16. Hysteresis loop collapse for linear response in magnetic-tunnel-junction sensors, P. W. T. Pong, B. Schrag, A. J. Shapiro, R. D. McMichael, and W. F. Egelhoff, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 07E723 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  17. Imaging response of optical microscopes containing angled micromirrors, A. J. Berglund, M. D. McMahon, J. J. McClelland, and J. A. Liddle, in Novel Techniques in Microscopy (Optical Society of America, 2009), p. NWB5.
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  18. EUVL dosimetry at NIST, C. Tarrio, S. Grantham, M. Cangemi, R. E. Vest, T. B. Lucatorto, and N. Harned, in Alternative Lithographic Technologies 7271, 72713X-6 (2009).
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  19. Reference metrology in a research fab: the NIST clean calibrations thrust, R. Dixson, J. Fu, N. Orji, T. Renegar, A. Zheng, T. Vorburger, A. Hilton, M. Cangemi, L. Chen, M. Hernandez, R. Hajdaj, M. Bishop, and A. Cordes, Proceedings of SPIE 7272, 727209-727212 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  20. Origin of universal optical conductivity and optical stacking sequence identification in multilayer graphene, H. Min and A. H. MacDonald, Physical Review Letters 103, 067402 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  21. Externally mode-matched cavity quantum electrodynamics with charge-tunable quantum dots, M. T. Rakher, N. G. Stoltz, L. A. Coldren, P. M. Petroff, and D. Bouwmeester, Physical Review Letters 102, 097403 (2009).
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  22. 3D particle trajectories observed by orthogonal tracking microscopy, M. D. McMahon, A. J. Berglund, P. Carmichael, J. J. McClelland, and J. A. Liddle, ACS Nano 3, 609-614 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  23. Nonadiabatic spin-transfer torque in real materials, I. Garate, K. Gilmore, M. D. Stiles, and A. H. MacDonald, Physical Review B 79, 104416 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  24. A new connection between electricity and magnetism, R. McMichael and M. Stiles, Physics 2, 11 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  25. Molecular and polymer nanodevices, N. B. Zhitenev, in Frontiers of Engineering (The National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 2009), p. 53-58.
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  26. Bias dependence of magnetic exchange interactions: application to interlayer exchange coupling in spin valves, P. M. Haney, C. Heiliger, and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review B 79, 054405 (2009).  
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  27. Implementation of two-dimensional polycrystalline grains in object oriented micromagnetic framework, J. W. Lau, R. D. McMichael, and M. J. Donahue, Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 114, 57-67 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  28. 400-Fold reduction in saturation field by interlayering, W. F. Egelhoff, J. Bonevich, P. Pong, C. R. Beauchamp, G. R. Stafford, J. Unguris, and R. D. McMichael, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 013921 (2009). 
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  29. An out-of-plane experience, K. Srinivasan, Nature Photonics 3, 15-16 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  30. Super-hydrophobic and/or super-hydrophilic surfaces made by plasma process, L. Chen, G. Henein, and J. A. Liddle, in NSTI-Nanotech 2009 Technical Proceedings 1-3 (2009), p. 194-197.
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  31. Through-focus scanning and scatterfield optical methods for advanced overlay target analysis, R. Attota, M. Stocker, R. Silver, A. Heckert, H. Zhou, R. Kasica, L. Chen, R. Dixson, G. Orji, B. Barnes, and P. Lipscomb, Proceedings of SPIE 7272, 727214 (2009).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  32. Reply to "comment on 'adiabatic domain wall motion and Landau-Lifshitz damping' ", M. D. Stiles, W. M. Saslow, M. J. Donahue, and A. Zangwill, Physical Review B 78, 216402 (2008). 
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  33. A new spin on the Doppler effect, R. D. McMichael and M. D. Stiles, Science 322, 386-387 (2008).
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  1. Fast, bias-free algorithm for tracking single particles with variable size and shape, A. J. Berglund, M. D. McMahon, J. J. McClelland, and J. A. Liddle, Optics Express 16, 14064-14075 (2008).
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  2. Investigations of a coherently driven semiconductor optical cavity QED system, K. Srinivasan, C. P. Michael, R. Perahia, and O. Painter, Physical Review A 78, (2008).
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  3. Magneto-optical-trap-based, high brightness ion source for use as a nanoscale probe, J. L. Hanssen, S. B. Hill, J. Orloff, and J. J. McClelland, Nano Letters 8, 2844-2850 (2008).
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  4. Atomic-scale investigation of graphene formation on 6H-SiC(0001), N. P. Guisinger, G. M. Rutter, J. N. Crain, C. Heiliger, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 26, 932-937 (2008).
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  5. Structural and electronic properties of bilayer epitaxial graphene, G. M. Rutter, J. N. Crain, N. P. Guisinger, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 26, 938-943 (2008).
    NIST Publication Database        Journal Web Site

  6. Topography measurements for determining the decay factors in surface replication, J. Song, P. Rubert, A. Zheng, and T. V. Vorburger, Measurement Science & Technology 19, (2008).
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  7. A highly flexible, data intensive acquisition system for characterizing low-level decay events, A. H. Band, G. A. Klouda, and S. H. Pheiffer, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 276, 657-662 (2008).
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  8. Ab initio studies of the spin-transfer torque in magnetic tunnel junctions, C. Heiliger and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review Letters 100, 186805 (2008).
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  9. Current-induced torques due to compensated antiferromagnets, P. M. Haney and A. H. MacDonald, Physical Review Letters 100, (2008).
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  10. Current-induced torques in magnetic metals: beyond spin-transfer, P. M. Haney, R. A. Duine, A. S. Nunez, and A. H. MacDonald, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320, 1300-1311 (2008).
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  11. Implementation of a nonequilibrium Green's function method to calculate spin-transfer torque, C. Heiliger, M. Czerner, B. Y. Yavorsky, I. Mertig, and M. D. Stiles, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 07A709 (2008). 
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  12. Model for a collimated spin-wave beam generated by a single-layer spin torque nanocontact, M. A. Hoefer, T. J. Silva, and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review B 77, 144401 (2008).
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  13. Spin transfer torques, D. C. Ralph and M. D. Stiles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320, 1190-1216 (2008).  
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  14. Spin-orbit precession damping in transition metal ferromagnets, K. Gilmore, Y. U. Idzerda, and M. D. Stiles, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 07D303 (2008).
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  15. Two simple tests for models of current-induced magnetization switching, N. Theodoropoulou, A. Sharma, W. P. Pratt, J. Bass, M. D. Stiles, and J. Xiao, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 07A705 (2008).
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  16. Narrow-line magneto-optical cooling and trapping of strongly magnetic atoms, A. J. Berglund, J. L. Hanssen, and J. J. McClelland, Physical Review Letters 100, (2008).  
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  17. Computational models of a nano probe tip for static behaviors, S. C. Feng, T. V. Vorburger, C. B. Joung, R. G. Dixson, J. Fu, and L. Ma, Scanning 30, 47-55 (2008).
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  18. Three-dimensional image correction of tilted samples through coordinate transformation, J. Fu, W. Chu, R. Dixson, and T. Vorburger, Scanning 30, 41-46 (2008).
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  19. Microstructural origin of switching field distribution in patterned Co/Pd multilayer nanodots, J. W. Lau, R. D. McMichael, S. H. Chung, J. O. Rantschler, V. Parekh, and D. Litvinov, Applied Physics Letters 92, (2008).
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  20. Ballistic versus diffusive transport in current-induced magnetization switching, N. Theodoropoulou, A. Sharma, W. P. Pratt, J. Bass, M. D. Stiles, and J. Xiao, Physical Review B 76, 220408 (2007).
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  21. Imaging the interface of epitaxial graphene with silicon carbide via scanning tunneling microscopy, G. M. Rutter, N. P. Guisinger, J. N. Crain, E. A. A. Jarvis, M. D. Stiles, T. Li, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio, Physical Review B 76, 235416 (2007).
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  22. Theory of spin transfer torque, M. D. Stiles, in Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials (Wiley, 2007).
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  23. Sub-doppler laser cooling and magnetic trapping of erbium, A. J. Berglund, S. A. Lee, and J. J. McClelland, Physical Review A 76, (2007).
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  24. A numerical method to solve the Boltzmann equation for a spin valve, J. Xiao, A. Zangwill, and M. D. Stiles, European Physical Journal B 59, 415-427 (2007).
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  1. Linewidth measurement based on automatically matched and stitched AFM images, W. Chu, J. Fu, R. Dixon, and T. Vorburger, in Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics: 2007 (2007), p. 407-412.
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  2. SEMPA imaging for spintronics applications, J. Unguris, S. H. Chung, and D. T. Pierce, in Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics: 2007 International Conference on Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology (2007), p. 472-476.
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  3. Nanostructures - available in print, J. A. Liddle, Nature Nanotechnology 2, 533-534 (2007).
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  4. Identification of the dominant precession-damping mechanism in Fe, Co, and Ni by first-principles calculations, K. Gilmore, Y. U. Idzerda, and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review Letters 99, 027204 (2007).
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  5. Scattering and interference in epitaxial graphene, G. M. Rutter, J. N. Crain, N. P. Guisinger, T. Li, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio, Science 317, 219-222 (2007).
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  6. Surface metrology algorithm testing system, S. H. Bui and T. V. Vorburger, Precision Engineering-Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology 31, 218-225 (2007).
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  7. Adiabatic domain wall motion and Landau-Lifshitz damping, M. D. Stiles, W. M. Saslow, M. J. Donahue, and A. Zangwill, Physical Review B 75, 214423 (2007).
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  8. Progress on implementation of a reference measurement system based on a critical-dimension atomic force microscope, N. G. Orji, R. G. Dixson, A. Martinez, B. D. Bunday, J. A. Allgair, and T. V. Vorburger, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS 6, 023002-10 (2007).
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  9. Manipulation of the vortex motion in nanostructured ferromagnetic/superconductor hybrids, A. V. Silhanek, W. Gillijns, V. V. Moshchalkov, V. Metlushko, F. Gozzini, B. Ilic, W. C. Uhlig, and J. Unguris, Applied Physics Letters 90, (2007).
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  10. A novel parameter proposed for 2D and 3D topography measurements and comparisons - art. no. 66720M, J. Song and T. Vorburger, in Advanced Characterization Techniques for Optics, Semiconductors, and Nanotechnologies III (2007), p. M6720.
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  11. Application of carbon nanotube probes in a critical dimension atomic force microscope, B. C. Park, J. Choi, S. J. Ahn, D. Kim, J. Lyou, R. Dixson, N. G. Orji, J. Fu, and T. V. Vorburger, Proceedings of SPIE  6518, 651819 (2007).
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  12. Comparison of optical and stylus methods for measurement of surface texture, T. V. Vorburger, H. G. Rhee, T. B. Renegar, J. F. Song, and A. Zheng, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 33, 110-118 (2007).
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