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Thomas Michels

Thomas Michels is a Graduate Student Researcher in the Nanofabrication Research Group, and a doctoral candidate in Physics at the Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany.  He received a B.S. from University of Gelsenkirchen, Germany and a M.S. from the Ilmenau University of Technology.  His doctoral research is focused on fabricating self-actuated cantilevers for atomic force microscopy with microcavity optical readout.  Thomas is working with Vladimir Aksyuk designing and modeling cantilevers that integrate optical detection with electrostatic and thermal actuation. 

Staff Photo - Michels


Graduate Student Researcher
Nanofabrication Research Group


B.S. – University of Gelsenkirchen, Germany

M.S. – Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany


Phone: 301-975-8694
Email: thomas.michels@nist.gov