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Youngmin Lee

Youngmin Lee is a NRC Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Energy Research Group.  She received a B.S. in Chemistry from Korea University, Seoul, Korea, and a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from Brown University.  Her doctoral research focused on synthesizing and characterizing nanomaterials and applying them to catalysis.  After receiving her Ph.D., she was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Material Science and Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she developed nanocatalysts and studied their electrocatalytic behavior in Li-air batteries and in fuel-cell systems.  Youngmin is working with Alec Talin characterizing nanocatalyst activity in electrochemical energy conversion systems using surface plasmon resonance.


Selected Publications
  • Synthetic tuning of the catalytic properties of Au-Fe3O4 nanoparticles, Y. Lee, M. A. Garcia, N. A. Frey Huls, and S. Sun, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 49, 1271-1274 (2010).
  • Surface- and structure-dependent catalytic activity of Au nanoparticles for oxygen reduction reaction, Y. Lee, A. Loew, and S. Sun, Chemistry of Materials 22, 755-761 (2010).
  • Structurally ordered FePt nanoparticles and their enhanced catalysis for oxygen reduction reaction, J. Kim, Y. Lee, and S. Sun, Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 4996-4997 (2010).
Staff Photo - Y. Lee


NRC Postdoctoral Researcher
Energy Research Group


B. S. Chemistry - Korea University, Seoul, Korea

M. A. Inorganic Chemistry - Brown University

Ph. D. Inorganic Chemistry - Brown University


Phone: 301-975-3573
Email: youngmin.lee@nist.gov