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River Mileages and Drainage Areas for Illinois Streams. ...

... Accession Number : ADA082473. Title : River Mileages and Drainage Areas for Illinois Streams. Volume 2. Illinois River Basin. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Intensive Survey of the Cache River Basin, Summer 1999: Data Summary.

In summer, 1999, the Illinois EPA and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources conducted an intensive stream quality investigation at 22 sites in the Cache River basin in southern Illinois. This report presents a summary of data on land use, water qua...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Geology of the Lower Pennsylvanian in Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. Illinois Basin Studies 1.

The purpose of the guidebook is to present the results of recent research on the geology of Lower Pennsylvanian rocks in the Illinois and Central Appalachian Basins. The guidebook was prepared for the Geological Society of America Coal Geology Division fi...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Characterization of the surface properties of Illinois Basin Coals. Technical report, September 1--November 30, 1991.

The overall objective of this research project is to provide fundamental data on the physical and chemical surface properties of Illinois coals, specifically those of the Illinois Basin Coal Sample Program (IBCSP). This will help coal researchers achieve ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

A Geologic Study of the Illinois Basin.

The objective of this report was to inventory and characterize the lower-permeability gas-bearing formations, exclusive of gas-productive shale formations, within the Illinois Basin. Natural gas is a minor part of the hydrocarbons produced in the Illinois...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Comprehensive Basin Study. Big Muddy River, Illinois. ...


DTIC Science & Technology

Basement rocks of the main interior basins of the midcontinent

The Precambrian framework of the Michigan, Illinois, Williston, Salina-Forest City, and Arkoma basins are discussed. The basins were categorized according to types that occur in the midcontinent and adjacent areas. Intracratonic basins were contrasted to foreland basins and aulacogens. The ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Resource Assessment and Production Testing for Coal Bed Methane in the Illinois Basin. Final Report for October 1, 2003-November 30, 2005.

In order to assess the economic coal bed methane potential of the Illinois Basin, the geological surveys of Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky performed a geological assessment of their respective parts of the Illinois Basin. A considerable effort went into g...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Coordination of study of the Devonian black shale in the Illinois basin (Illinois, Indiana, and western Kentucky). Quarterly progress report, 1 February--31 May 1979

Purpose is to develop a basin-wide data base for the Devonian black shale in the Illinois Basin. A preliminary assessment is given of the natural gas potential of the New Albany Shale Group in Illinois. (DLC)

Energy Citations Database

Time Distribution of Heavy Rainstorms in Illinois.

The document provides the best available information on the time-distribution characteristics of heavy rainstorms at a point and on small basins in Illinois and the Midwest. It is recommended for use in conjunction with Illinois State Water Survey Bulleti...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Intensive Survey of the Fox River Basin from the Wisconsin State Line to Ottawa, Illinois, 1982.

A survey of the Fox River was accomplished during 1982 by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Illinois Department of Conservation. Sampling was accomplished at 23 tributary stations for water quality (seasonal), habitat, sediment chemistr...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Chemical analyses of surface water in Illinois, 1958-74; Volume II, Illinois River basin and Mississippi River tributaries north of Illinois River basin

Samples of surface water were collected and analyzed by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and its predecessor, the Stream Pollution Control Bureau of the Illinois Department of Public Health. The results for the period 1958 to 1974 are presented in tabular form and the history of sampling and analytical methods are included for all sites where ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

USGS Upper Illinois River Basin NAWQA -- Home Page

Your browser does not support JavaScript USGS, Science for a Changing World National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program About the Upper Illinois River Basin (UIRB) Study... Websites

Pollen profile form Hickory Ridge Basin, Illinois, U.S.A

Grüger, Eberhard (2008): Pollen profile form Hickory Ridge Basin, Illinois, U.S.A, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.707381...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Phosphorus Concentrations, Loads, and Yields in the Illinois River Basin, Arkansas and Oklahoma, 1997-2001.

The Illinois River and tributaries, Flint Creek and the Baron Fork, are designated scenic rivers in Oklahoma. Recent phosphorus increases in streams in the basin have resulted in the growth of excess algae, which have limited the aesthetic benefits of wat...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Market Potential for Coals of the Illinois Basin.

The markets presently being served by the coals from the Illinois Basin are examined, and changes in the distribution patterns for the past decade are discussed. Also, the projected increase in demand for coal through 1985 is examined in detail, and the m...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Intensive Survey of the Indian Creek Basin 1992.

During late July and early August of 1992, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted an intensive survey of the Indian Creek basin, seventh order tributary to the Illinois River. It drains approximately 160 square miles in Morgan County...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Hydrometeorology of Heavy Rainstorms in Selected Illinois Basins.

This report is a working guide for hydrologists and engineers who are concerned with the frequency distribution of rainfall and the patterns and characteristics of severe precipitation events for six major basins in Illinois: the Kaskasbia, Big Muddy, San...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Feasibility study of heavy oil recovery in the Appalachian, Black Warrior, Illinois, and Michigan basins.

This report is one of a series of publications assessing the feasibility of increasing domestic heavy oil production. Each report covers select areas of the United States. The Appalachian, Black Warrior, Illinois, and Michigan basins cover most of the dep...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of the Upper Mississippian Aux Vases Sandstone, Illinois Basin.

The Aux Vases Sanstone (Upper Mississippian) is extensively cored in the Illinois Basin and thus offers the opportunity to study diagenetic processes that occurred under different temperatures and burial conditions. Major diagenetic events observed in the...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Biostratigraphic Analysis of Core Samples from Wells Drilled in the Devonian Shale Interval of the Appalachian and Illinois Basins.

A palynological investigation was performed on 55 samples of core material from four wells drilled in the Devonian Shale interval of the Appalachian and Illinois Basins. Using a combination of spores and acritarchs, it was possible to divide the Middle De...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Surface-Water-Quality Assessment of the Upper Illinois River Basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin: Results of Investigations through April 1992.

This report summarizes the results of data collected and analyzed as part of the upper Illinois River Basin NAWQA pilot study in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin from 1986 to 1995. As a summary of the study, this report is limited to selected important re...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Habitat, Biota, and Sediment Characteristics at Selected Stations in the Lower Illinois River Basin, Illinois, 1996-98.

This report describes, summarizes, and compares the habitat, biotic (benthic macroinvertebrates and fish), and suspended-sediment data collected near eight stations in the lower Illinois River Basin-Illinois River at Ottawa, Panther Creek near El Paso, Ma...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Water Quality Data from Two Agricultural Drainage Basins in ...

... Title : Water Quality Data from Two Agricultural Drainage Basins in Northwestern Indiana and Northeastern Illinois: I. Lagrangian and Synoptic Data ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Regional Stratigraphy and Petroleum Systems of the Illinois Basin...

denoted in equal increments along the sections, in addition to the areal extent of this structural basin. The stratigraphic data are modified from Hass (1956), Conant and Swanson... Websites

Physical Impacts of Human Alterations Within River Basins: The Case of the Kankakee, Mississippi, and Illinois Rivers

... part of the United States of America. The drainage areas for these river basins at the locations where ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

USGS Assesses Coal in the Illinois Basin

... related to producing and burning coals with high sulfur content. "A greater understanding of coal resources and coal ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Chemical analyses of surface water in Illinois, 1975-77; Volume 2, Illinois River basin and Mississippi River tributaries north of Illinois River basin

Samples of surface water were collected and analyzed by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The results from water years 1975 to 1977 are presented in three volumes. The history of sampling and analytical methods used during that period are summarized. Stream discharge data from records of the U.S. Geological Survey are included for all sites where samples were ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

Compressed-Air Energy Storage: Preliminary design and site development program in an aquifer. Volume 3A: Site selection study, part 1

A preferred ranking for aquifer sites potentially capable of supporting a CAES facility is provided. The study area that was investigated for possible aquifer storage sites comprises roughly the Illinois and Indiana portions of the geologic structure known as the Illinois Basin. Sites in Illinois and Indiana ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Trenton strata in western Illinois Basin, Brown and Schuyler Counties, Illinois

Trenton strata in the western Illinois basin are very good prospects for oil exploration. Much drilling has been done in the area but, as yet, no producing wells have been completed. Oil stains and some tars have been found in some samples from most wells. The Trenton in the area of Brown and Schuyler Counties is a fine-grained limestone that underlies the ...

Energy Citations Database

Coordination of study of the Devonian black shale in the Illinois Basin (Illinois, Indiana, and Western Kentucky). Quarterly progress report, 1 July to 30 September, 1978--3 October 1978. [Geological data base

Coordination is being performed on data being collected, organized, and stored for the DOE Devonian black shale project. Results of coordination of the work by contractors will be a plan to create a data base for the Devonian black shale in the Illinois Basin. Part of the coordination will be the extensions of the ILLIMAP computer mapping system to parts ...

Energy Citations Database

Coal News & Markets

Summarizes spot coal prices by coal commodity regions (i.e., Central Appalachia (CAP), Northern Appalachia (NAP), Illinois Basin (ILB), Power River Basin (PRB), and Uinta Basin (UIB)) in the United States.

EIA Publications

Characterization and Assessment of the Gas Potential in the Eastern Interior Basins: Norhwestern Appalachian Basin.

The assessment and characterization of Upper Devonian shales of the Illinois and Appalachian Basin is being used to accelerate the exploitation of this unconventional source of natural gas by: determining total and recoverable reserves, identifying key so...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


The geological surveys of Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky have completed the initial geologic assessment of their respective parts of the Illinois Basin. Cumulative thickness maps have been generated and target areas for drilling have been selected. The first well in the Illinois area of the ...

DOE Information Bridge

Surface-Water-Quality Assessment of the Upper Illinois River Basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin: Pesticides and Other Synthetic Organic Compounds in Water, Sediment, and Biota, 1975-90. National Water Quality Assessment Program.

This reports presents spatial and temporal patterns in the observed concentrations of persticides (herbicides and insecticides) and other synthetic organic compounds (SOC's) in the upper Illinois River Basin. In addition, relations among and factors affec...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Inventory and Evaluation of Biological Investigations That Relate to Stream-Water Quality in the Upper Illinois River Basin of Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin.

Results of studies of the aquatic biology of the upper Illinois River basin provide a historical data source from which inferences can be made about changes in the quality of water in the main stem river and its tributaries. The results of biological inve...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Effects of Livestock Wastes on Small Illinois Streams: Lower Kaskaskia River Basin and Upper Little Wabash River Basins, Summer 1991.

In early 1991, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) initiated an investigation to evaluate livestock waste runoff in southern Illinois. The primary objectives of this survey were to document stream quality impairments caused by livestock wa...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Concentrations, Fluxes, and Yields of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Suspended Sediment in the Illinois River Basin, 1996-2000.

Concentrations, spatial and temporal variations, and fluxes of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended sediment were determined for 16 streams in the Illinois River Basin, Illinois from October 1996 through September 2000. Water samples were collected through...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Water Resources of Illinois

This United States Geological Survey (USGS) website is dedicated to water resources and studies in the state of Illinois. It contains real-time and daily streamflow data for the state, historical data, precipitation data, flooding information, groundwater quality, radium and arsenic water pollution, and studies on the Illinois River ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

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Comparative geochemistry of Devonian shale cores from the Appalachian Basin, Mason, Monongalia, and Upshur Counties, West Virginia; Illinois Basin, Tazwell County, Illinois; Clark County, Indiana; and Michigan Basin, Sanilac County, Michigan

Core samples from Devonian shales from three localities in West Virginia, and one locality each in Illinois, Indiana and Michigan have been analyzed for major, minor, and trace constituents. As observed previously (Leventhal, 1978, 1979b), the organic C and total S show large variations which seem to be the major control on the trace elements of interest (U, V, Mo, Hg, As, Co, ...

Energy Citations Database

What caused surface mine productivity to decline: a case study. [Illinois

A case study of surface coal mine productivity in the Illinois basin is described. The significant drop in productivity since 1967 is attributed to four main factors; increasing depth of overburden, union negotiation problems, Mine Safety and Health Administration regulations, and reclamation regulations.

Energy Citations Database

Wetlands and Coal Surface Mining: A Management Handbook with Particular Reference to the Illinois Basin of the Eastern Interior Coal Region.

The report outlines management operation for protecting wetlands during the surface mining of coal, particularly for the portion of the Eastern Interior Coal Region that is found in Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. The main issues addressed in this manual...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Ultrasound-promoted chemical desulfurization of Illinois coals. Technical report, September 1, 1990-November 30, 1990.

To meet the stringent requirements of State and Federal regulations on the emission of sulfur oxides that contribute to the problem of acid rain, the sulfur content of Illinois Basin Coals (IBC) must be reduced considerably by an economically feasible pro...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Safety Aspects of Longwall Mining in the Illinois Coal Basin.

The Bureau of Mines and Old Ben Coal Company concluded a cost-sharing contract in 1975, with the objective of demonstrating that the Herrin No. 6 Coalbed in Illinois, can be mined safely by longwall methods. Earlier attempts at longwalling ended in failur...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Intensive Survey of the Illinois River (Arkansas and Oklahoma) in August 1985,

A water quality survey of the Illinois River Basin was conducted August 16-29, 1985, in response to concerns that water clarity had decreased in the lower reach which is designated as an Oklahoma scenic river. The survey results demonstrated that backgrou...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Intensive Survey of the Cache River Basin, Summer 1992.

This Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) report is a product of an ongoing state-wide effort to assess Illinois stream quality and to identify causes and sources of surface water use impairments. The 1992 intensive Survey of the Cache River ba...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Intensive Survey of Bear Creek in West-Central Illinois, August-September 1992.

During August and September, 1992, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency conducted an intensive survey of the Bear Creek basin. Bear Creek is a small direct tributary to the Mississippi River via the Canton Chute and drains approximately 392 square...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Instrumentation to Moniter Subsidence Associated with High Extraction Mining in the Illinois Coal Basin.

Prime cropland and underground coal reserves constitute two significant natural resources in the state of Illinois. Utilization of both agricultural and mineral resources suggests the development of high extraction mining methods which minimize damage to ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


A water quality survey of the Illinois River Basin was conducted August 16-29, 1985, in response to concerns that water clarity had decreased in the lower reach which is designated as an Oklahoma scenic river. The survey results demonstrated that background phosphorus concentrati...

EPA Science Inventory

Energy Consumption Patterns: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia (1975).

This report was prepared as part of the Ohio River Basin Energy Study (ORBES), a multidisciplinary policy research program supported by the Environmental Protection Agency. It presents energy consumption data for the year 1975 for the states of Illinois, ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


This report was prepared as part of the Ohio River Basin Energy Study (ORBES), a multidisciplinary policy research program supported by the Environmental Protection Agency. It presents energy consumption data for the year 1975 for the states of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, ...

EPA Science Inventory

Comparison study of column flotation technologies for cleaning Illinois coal. Technical report, September 1--November 30, 1993.

The objectives of this research project are to optimize the performance of six commercially available column technologies for the treatment of Illinois Basin coal fines and to compare their performance on the basis of the recovery-grade curve and column t...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Comparison study of column flotation technologies for cleaning Illinois coal. Technical report, March 1, 1994--May 31, 1994.

The objectives of this research project are to optimize the performance of six commercially available column technologies for the treatment of Illinois Basin coal fines and to compare their performance on the basis of the recovery-grade curve and column t...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Characterization of the surface properties of Illinois Basin coals. Technical report, December 1, 1991--February 29, 1992

Understanding the surface properties of coal is important for predicting the physical-chemical behavior of coal during coal cleaning combustion and conversion. Data on surface properties help coal scientists and engineers in the design of effective coal desulfurization processes, and thereby aid in the marketability of Illinois Basin coals. The main ...

Energy Citations Database

Surface Water Quality Investigation of the Richland Creek ...

... Accession Number : ADA115521. Title : Surface Water Quality Investigation of the Richland Creek, Illinois Basin. Descriptive Note : Final rept.,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Physicochemical Characterization of Devonian Gas Shale.

Several physicochemical analyses are being performed to better characterize the Devonian gas shales located in the Appalachian and Illinois Basins. The results of these analyses are being integrated with the geochemical analyses to present an accurate cha...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Lower Illinois River Basin: Environmental Setting

for nutrients and sediment that filters water. Wetlands also reduce the biological oxygen demand (BOD) of the water without serious water-quality degradation (Bell, 1981).... Websites

Longwall results in the Illinois Coal Basin

Old Ben Coal Co. have seven longwall faces at various mines. Details are given of the method of mining and the equipment used. All the faces use shield supports.

Energy Citations Database

Ecosystem Dynamics Research Archive

... Illinois River at Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado River Basin Management Sagebrush Ecosystems Coordinated Research: Range-wide A...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

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Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Fiscal Year 2004 ...

California, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Washington, and Alabama. ...... collect data on water resources and invasive plant species in the Rio Grande Basin ...

NASA Website

A Mactrid Bivalve from Pleistocene Deposits of Lake Russell, Mono Basin, California

... on the manuscript; and Y. Villacampa for specimen photography. referencesAbbott, ... to the archaeology of the Illinois River Valley. Transactions of the ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

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