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Safety on installation of a reactor at Ikata nuclear power plant of Shikoku Electric Power Co. Ltd.

The results of an investigation of safety factors concerning the nuclear installation at Ikata power plant by Shikoku Electric Co. La. are discussed on the basis of the written application for permission of reactor installation in May 8, 1972. The investigation was based on the principle that the general public and employees should not be ...

Energy Citations Database

Analysis of the Ikata-3 Initial Core with the CHAPLET Heterogeneous Transport Calculation Code Based on the Method of Characteristics

Improvements in cost performance of computer hardware are extending applicability of cell-heterogeneous transport calculations that are currently applied in lattice cell or assembly geometry. In this paper, a cell-heterogeneous whole-core transport calculation by the method of characteristics (MOC) is applied to calculations for analyses of pressurized water reactor (PWR) ...

Energy Citations Database

################ Revised Version UCB�PTH�00/40

nuclear power plants which will contribute a significant neutrino flux. KamLAND consists of approximately 1.6 Mihama 145 4.9 Fukushima�1 344 14.2 Fukushima�2 344 13.2 Tokai�II 295 3.3 Shimane 414 3.8 Ikata This was supported in part by the Director, Office of Science, Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Division

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