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Severity of Atherosclerosis in Parrots in Relation to the Intake of α-Linolenic Acid

... degree of atherosclerosis in the beginning of the aorta and the brachiocephalic arteries. It was not possible ... de aterosclerosis en la parte inicial de la aorta y las arterias braquiocefálicas. No fue ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

The Mexican Expeditionary Air Force in World War II: The ...

... de coadyuvar por todos los medios posibles a la victoria final de las democracias, aceptando conscientemente las altas responsabilidades que ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Las Vegas Area (ARMS-II)

... is shown in Table 1. There is a general trend for the content of these radionuclides in igneous rocks to in- crease with increasing silica content. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

The importance of the origin of vertebral arteries in cerebral ischemia in the rabbit.

The aim of this study was to verify whether experimentally induced total cerebral ischemia in rabbits actually corresponds to total ischemia on the basis of the origin of certain vessels. We observed morphological variations in the origin and course of the arteria vertebralis as one of the vessels supplying the brain with blood. Investigations were carried out on 50 adult New ...


Space Images: Las Vegas - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Oct 22, 2001 ... Las Vegas' fame as a resort area became prominent after World War II. The image is located at 36.1 degrees north latitude and 115.1 degrees ...

NASA Website

Las Vegas - ASTER Image Gallery - 1 - NASA

Oct 22, 2001 ... Las Vegas' fame as a resort area became prominent after World War II. The image is located at 36.1 degrees north latitude and 115.1 degrees ...

NASA Website

Insectos de cones y semillas de las coniferas de Mexico

Jun 16, 2011 ... Cibri�n-Tovar, David; Ebel, Bernard H.; Yates, Harry O., II; Mhdez-Montiel, Jos� Tulio 1986. Insectos de cones y semillas de las coniferas ...


INTRAVAL Phase II Model Testing at the Las Cruces Trench Site.

Several field experiments have been performed by scientists from the University of Arizona and New Mexico State University at the Las Cruces Trench Site to provide data to test deterministic and stochastic models for water flow and solute transport. These...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

FISHES NEW TO THE EASTERN BERING SEA Collection Information (Thble 1)

California Sur, Mexico: Las Arenitas Rocks (Isla Cerralvo), EI Bajo Espiritu Santo, and Isla Las Animas glass skiff or the 23 m ferrocement research vessel, the Juan de Dios Batiz. At these locations encountered at three sites: II Las Arenitas. a cluster of rocks 100 m from Isla Cerralvo; 21 El Bajo Espiritu

E-print Network

Matrix Crack Initiation in Ceramic Matrix Composites. Part II ...

... was studied in the Nicalon/LAS, carbon/borosilicate and SiC/borosilicate systems. ... in the matrix between fibers, which may or may not lead to the ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Las Vegas Area (ARMS-II)

... Carbonate and clastic rocks usually are associated with low aeroradioactivity levels; metamorphic, intrusive, and volcanic rocks generally give rise ...

DTIC Science & Technology


... The transition rates induced by a radio-frequency field are calculated in See. II. ... TABLE I. Transition rates for Co'+ in LasZns(NOa)s. 24je in sec - 1. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de la Republica de Argentina: II

... la Argentina, citas de fuentes bibliográficas, hábito, status, elevación, la distribución por provincias, presencia en países limítrofes, ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

An Ancient Assemblage of Scavenger Insects in Patagonia (Argentina)

... Chubut). En Actas de las II Jornadas de Arqueología de la Patagonia, Centro Nacional Patagónico, Puerto Madryn. ( ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Biodegradation of linear alkylbenzenesulphonates (LAS) by mixed methanotrophic-heterotrophic cultures.

The biodegradation of undecylbenzenesulphonate (C11LAS) was studied in shake flasks at 21 degrees C using two mixed bacterial cultures. The first culture, MM1, contained a type II methanotroph and four heterotrophs, and was enriched from a groundwater aquifer. The second culture, MC, consisted of five heterotrophic strains, most of them belonging to the ...


A WASp-binding type II phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase required for actin polymerization-driven endosome motility

Endosomes in yeast have been hypothesized to move through the cytoplasm by the momentum gained after actin polymerization has driven endosome abscision from the plasma membrane. Alternatively, after abscission, ongoing actin polymerization on endosomes could power transport. Here, we tested these hypotheses by showing that the Arp2/3 complex activation domain (WCA) of Las17 ...

PubMed Central

PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1)

Request for Waiver TBC To Be Confirmed TBD To Be Determined Z Zenith angle; ie, angle measured from zenith 4)8 TR-4 Angular Resolution, TBD (Scales) II TR-7 Largest Angular Scale, LAS TBD I & II TR-8A Longest Baseline TBD II TR-8B Shortest Baseline TBD II TR-9 Sensitivity per beam, TBD ...

E-print Network

II Plan Nacional de Evaluaci�n de la Calidad de las Universidades Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

interna 2.1. Sobre el proceso de autoevaluaci�n 2.2. Proceso de toma de decisiones y reconocimiento toma de decisiones y reconocimiento institucio- nal. Respecto al compromiso de las autoridades al proceso de toma de decisiones, el informe no precisa c�mo se realiz�, aunque en las entrevistas se

E-print Network

CC20A/02 Computaci�n II - Clase Auxiliar 5 Felipe Aguilera V.

una representaci�n del mundo real en que los datos se describen como entidades, relaciones y atibutos entidades y de las relaciones. Toda la informaci�n extensiva es portada por los atributos. Gr�ficamente, se representan mediante bolitas que cuelgan de las entidades o relaciones a las que pertenecen. Cada atributo

E-print Network

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FONTQUERIA 55(50): 405-414 [seorsim 1-10] MADRID, 10-II-2007

las especies peruanas de Acalypha Linnaeus (Euphorbiace�) Fq55(50).qxp 06/02/2007 22:31 P�gina i-29282-1982 Fq55(50).qxp 06/02/2007 22:31 P�gina ii #12;Cat�logo de las especies peruanas de CARDIEL SANZ, J. M. (10-ii-2007). Cat�logo de las especies peruanas de ...

E-print Network

Electrocardiograma: MedlinePlus enciclopedia médica

Mixoma auricular Comunicación interauricular Taponamiento cardíaco Coartación de la aorta Abstinencia alcohólica complicada (delirium tremens) Espasmo de la arteria coronaria... Websites

Transfer of Nuclides from the Water Phase to the Sediments During Normal and Extraordinary Hydrological Cycles. Parana de Las Palmas River.

Atucha I and Atucha II nuclear power plants are located on the right margin of the Parana de las Palmas River. This river belongs to the Cuenca del Plata, whose 1982-1983 hydrologic cycle registered the greatest freshets of the century. Works and studies ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Proceedings: Symposium on Flue Gas Desulfurization Held at Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1979; Volume II.

The publication, in two volumes, contains the text of all papers presented at EPA's fifth flue gas desulfurization (FGD) symposium, March 5-8, 1979, at Las Vegas, Nevada. A partial listing of papers in Volume 2 includes the following: Basin Electric's inv...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


The publication, in two volumes, contains the text of all papers presented at EPA's fifth flue gas desulfurization (FGD) symposium, March 5-8, 1979, at Las Vegas, Nevada. A partial listing of papers in Volume 2 includes the following: Basin Electric's involvement with dry flue ga...

EPA Science Inventory

Influence of Surface and Near-Surface Caliche Distribution on Infiltration Characteristics, Las Vegas, Nevada. Phase II.

The general objectives of this study were (1) to determine the distribution and infiltration characteristics of caliche on McCullough fan, a large pedimented alluvial fan composed mainly of andesite detritus bordering the McCullough Range south of Las Veg...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

From Whether to How Drug Courts Work: Retrospective Evaluation of Drug Courts in Clark County (Las Vegas) and Multnomah County (Portland), Executive Summary.

This report presents Phase II findings from the national evaluation of the Portland (Multnomah County) and Las Vegas (Clark County) drug courts funded by the National Institute of Justice. With drug courts established shortly after the nation's first was ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1

ELECTORAL IIAEf IIAEe #12;Desde una perspectiva neoinstitucional, las normas electorales juegan un papel esos autores; a saber, el nivel de creaci�n de reglas, el de aplicaci�n de normas y el de resoluci�n del juego electoral (Ver Tabla II): #12;a) La creaci�n de las normas que rigen la competencia electoral

E-print Network

Users Guide to LOWTRAN 7

... W. ii (i981l) Altlas of the Schinn talmi-Ri lge absorption bands of 09), ill the wavelength region 175-205 1111., J. 1'las. Cliern. 13:207. 21. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Un Encuentro de Planetas: Parte II - Ciencia - Ciencia @ NASA

13 Oct 2010 ... Parte IICuatro planetas, seis lunas, Luz Terrestre, monta�as lunares, las ... Algunos investigadores creen que puede haber charcos, lagos o ...

NASA Website

Sonar Beamforming - An Overview of Its History and Status

... to weasge w eeeq me, 1Ws Ovucsteretorumo Oweeaes Usmesm. iI1S agifles Om mvlf ft.' A .aw 01M00gm e en llwaws Aile.eo" las ccSam . ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Harvest History and Current Densities of the Pearl Oyster Pinctada mazatlanica (Bivalvia: Pteriidae) in Las Perlas and ...

... never recovered to the levels that existed before World War II. However, oysters remain one of the many species still sought by local ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Acharagma aguirreanum in Sierra de la PailaA rare find in cactus paradise

... 2006. Ariocarpus et cetera Castle Colour. Norwich, UK. Glass, C. and R. Foster. ... 1991. Las cactáceas de México II Universidad Nacional Autónoma de ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Studies of the involvement of metal ions with several medicinal agents

NMR and CD studies indicate that Mg/sup 2 +/ and Ca/sup 2 +/ are able to change the conformation of tetracycline in DMSO solution. This may affect the in vivo effect of tetracycline. Using /sup 23/Na NMR, the formation constant of NaLAS (LAS represents the anion of lasalocid A) was found to be 80 M/sup -1/ which is much smaller than that in less polar ...

Energy Citations Database

L�neas met�licas en protuberancias solares

Para determinar cual de los modelos existentes de protuberancias solares explica mejor las observaciones, es necesario, no solo ajustar los perfiles de las l�neas de hidr�geno, sino tambi�n utilizar perfiles de distintos metales. En este trabajo, utilizamos un c�digo desarrollado especialmente para calcular el equilibrio estad�stico de cualquier ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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