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Neutralino dark matter in gauge mediation in light of CDMS-II

A recent observation of the two candidate events of the dark matter recoiling at CDMS-II is suggestive of dark matter with a mass not far above 100 GeV. We propose a model of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking where the lightest neutralino is identified as dark ...

Energy Citations Database

Electric dipole moment of Dirac fermionic dark matter

The direct limit of electric dipole moment and direct searches for dark matter by electric dipole interaction are investigated with including the electromagnetic nuclear form factor, in case that the dark matter candidate is a Dirac particle. The electric dipole moment of dark ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Dark matter in our Galaxy. II. A massive halo

Methods for determining the percentage of dark matter in the Galaxy are described. The measuring of the speed of hydrogen gas in clouds using the Doppler effect is discussed. Consideration is given to the examination of the envelope of dark matter around the Galaxy from observations of high-velocity stars and the ...

Energy Citations Database

################## arXiv:astro�ph/0505414

matter particles in Sagittarius could be discovered. It is also possible that annihilating dark matter################## arXiv:astro�ph/0505414 v1 19 May 2005 TeV Dark Matter detection by Atmospheric, observed by the VERITAS, CANGAROO-II and HESS collaborations, may arise ...

E-print Network

Dark matter search results from the CDMS II experiment.

Astrophysical observations indicate that dark matter constitutes most of the mass in our universe, but its nature remains unknown. Over the past decade, the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS II) experiment has provided world-leading sensitivity for the direct detection of weakly interacting ...


Bound on Z{sup '} mass from CDMS II in the dark left-right gauge model II

With the recent possible signal of dark matter from the CDMS II experiment, the Z{sup '} mass of a new version of the dark left-right gauge model (DLRM II) is predicted to be at around a TeV. As such, it has an excellent discovery prognosis at the operating Large Hadron Collider.

Energy Citations Database

Tight connection between direct and indirect detection of dark matter through Higgs portal couplings to a hidden sector

We present a hidden Abelian extension of the standard model including a complex scalar as a dark matter candidate and a light scalar acting as a long range force carrier between dark matter particles. The Sommerfeld enhanced annihilation cross section of the dark matter ...

Energy Citations Database

The distribution of dark matter in galaxies. II. Neutrino-mass limits

If the dark matter in galaxies is composed of one flavor of neutrino, its distribution sets a lower limit to the neutrino mass. To use this constraint, the distribution of dark matter must be modeled. It is shown here that, when models are constructed, the neutrino mass must exceed 19 eV. The dwarf galaxy DDO 154 ...

Energy Citations Database

The Dark Matter Annihilation Signal from Dwarf Galaxies and Subhalos

Dark Matter annihilation holds great potential for directly probing the clumpiness of the Galactic halo that is one of the key predictions of the Cold Dark Matter paradigm of hierarchical structure formation. Here we review the gamma-ray signal arising from dark matter ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Multicomponent dark matter in supersymmetric hidden sector extensions

Most analyses of dark matter within supersymmetry assume the entire cold dark matter arising only from weakly interacting neutralinos. We study a new class of models consisting of U(1){sup n} hidden sector extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model that includes several stable particles, both fermionic ...

Energy Citations Database

Multicomponent dark matter in supersymmetric hidden sector extensions

Most analyses of dark matter within supersymmetry assume the entire cold dark matter arising only from weakly interacting neutralinos. We study a new class of models consisting of U(1)n hidden sector extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model that includes several stable particles, both fermionic and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Globular Clusters with Dark Matter Halos. II. Evolution in a Tidal Field

In this second paper in our series, we continue to test primordial scenarios of globular cluster formation, which predict that globular clusters formed in the early universe in the potential of dark matter minihalos. In this paper we use high-resolution N-body simulations to model tidal stripping experienced by primordial dark ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Gamma-Ray Bursts and Dark Energy - Dark Matter interaction

In this work Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) data is used to place constraints on a putative coupling between dark energy and dark matter. Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) constraints from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II (SDSS-II) first-year results, the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) shift ...

E-print Network

Dark Matter More Than Meets The Eye - Genesis - NASA

In the activity, Dark MatterA Milky Way Surprise, you encountered a ... of the mass of the universe) is dark matter, nonluminous matter, matter that cannot be ...

NASA Website

Dark Matter More Than Meets The Eye

It appears that nonluminous mass (dark matter) is less concentrated in ... of the mass of the universe) is dark matter (nonluminous matter), matter that we cannot ...

NASA Website

Search for Light Dark Matter in XENON10 Data.

We report results of a search for light (?10??GeV) particle dark matter with the XENON10 detector. The event trigger was sensitive to a single electron, with the analysis threshold of 5 electrons corresponding to 1.4�keV nuclear recoil energy. Considering spin-independent dark matter-nucleon scattering, we ...


Search for Light Dark Matter in XENON10 Data

We report results of a search for light (?10GeV) particle dark matter with the XENON10 detector. The event trigger was sensitive to a single electron, with the analysis threshold of 5 electrons corresponding to 1.4 keV nuclear recoil energy. Considering spin-independent dark matter-nucleon scattering, we exclude ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Astrophysical uncertainties of dark matter direct detection experiments

The effects of astrophysical uncertainties on the exclusion limits at dark matter direct detection experiments are investigated for three scenarios: elastic, momentum dependent, and inelastically scattering dark matter. We find that varying the dark matter galactic escape ...

Energy Citations Database

Astrophysical uncertainties of dark matter direct detection experiments

The effects of astrophysical uncertainties on the exclusion limits at dark matter direct detection experiments are investigated for three scenarios: elastic, momentum dependent, and inelastically scattering dark matter. We find that varying the dark matter galactic escape ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Dark Energy and Dark Matter - Imagine the Universe - NASA

Jan 4, 2001 ... What is the difference between Dark Energy and Dark Matter; aren't they ... Dark Energy appears to be, based on the brightness of the most ...

NASA Website

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Galaxy Mergers in a Lambda-Cold-Dark-Matter - ABSTRACT

In a universe dominated by dark matter and dark energy, galaxies and their host ... of dark matter halos is therefore a key step in understanding galaxy ...

NASA Website

Dark Energy and The Dark Matter Relic Abundance

Two mechanisms by which the quintessence scalar could enhance the relic abundance of dark matter particles are discussed. These effects can have an impact on supersymmetric candidates for dark matter.

Energy Citations Database

Multi-Higgs portal dark matter under the CDMS II results

In a scenario of Higgs portal dark matter, Higgs exchange processes are essential for both dark matter annihilation in the early Universe and direct search experiments. The CDMS II Collaboration has recently released their final results on direct dark ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Zeplin-II Two-Phase Xenon Dark Matter Detector:. Status Report

Zeplin-II is a two-phase (liquid, gas) Xenon detector optimised for WIMP Dark Matter search. Both scintillation and ionisation is measured, in order to discriminate the radioactive background. It is currently running in the underground laboratory of Boulby Mine (UK). 1 ton x day exposure has been collected. The preliminary study of 10% ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


the term "dark energy" to describe this mysterious phenomenon. Dark energy, combined with dark matter, seem to be the dominant components of the universe. The NASA and DOE Dark... Websites

InflationInflation xx

InflationInflation xx Dark MatterDark Matter xx Dark EnergyDark Energy CC��dric Pahuddric Pahud Kofman, Linde and Starobinsky (1994 & 1997) #12;Unification scenarioUnification scenario Dark Energy Dark Matter Inflation V() ~ ...

E-print Network

Dark matter: theoretical perspectives.

I both review and make the case for the current theoretical prejudice: a flat Universe whose dominant constituent is nonbaryonic dark matter, emphasizing that this is still a prejudice and not yet fact. The theoretical motivation for nonbaryonic dark matter is discussed in the context of current elementary-particle ...

PubMed Central

Dark matter: theoretical perspectives.

I both review and make the case for the current theoretical prejudice: a flat Universe whose dominant constituent is nonbaryonic dark matter, emphasizing that this is still a prejudice and not yet fact. The theoretical motivation for nonbaryonic dark matter is discussed in the context of current elementary-particle ...


Constraints on inelastic dark matter from XENON10

It has been suggested that dark matter particles which scatter inelastically from detector target nuclei could explain the apparent incompatibility of the DAMA modulation signal (interpreted as evidence for particle dark matter) with the null results from CDMS-II and XENON10. Among the ...

Energy Citations Database

Relevance of the CDMS II events for mirror dark matter

Mirror dark matter offers a framework to explain the existing dark matter direct detection experiments, including the impressive DAMA signal. Here, we examine the implications of mirror dark matter for experiments like CDMS II/Ge and XENON10 which ...

Energy Citations Database

Search for inelastic dark matter with the CDMS II experiment

Results are presented from a reanalysis of the entire five-tower data set acquired with the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS II) experiment at the Soudan Underground Laboratory, with an exposure of 969 kg-days. The analysis window was extended to a recoil energy of 150 keV, and an improved surface-event background-rejection cut was ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Compatibility of DAMA dark matter detection with other searches

We present two examples of velocity distributions for light dark matter particles that reconcile the annual modulation signal observed by DAMA with all other negative results from dark matter searches. They are: (1) a conventional Maxwellian distribution for particle masses around 5 to 9 GeV; (2) a ...

Energy Citations Database

StarChild: Dark Matter - StarChild - NASA

Girl jumping in the air, Dark Matter. Dark matter was once called "missing matter". It was called this because scientists looking at the sky could not find it. ...

NASA Website

NASA - Dark Matter

Hubble Space Telescope indicates that a huge ring of dark matter likely ... How do we know that dark matter isn't just normal matter exhibiting strange gravity? ...

NASA Website

Detailed Dark Matter Mapping - Solar System Exploration

Dec 12, 2005 ... The work buttresses the theory that dark matter, which constitutes 90 ... Concentrations of dark matter should attract visible matter, ...

NASA Website

Calorimetry with Nonequilibrium Phonon Sensors for Dark Matter Direct Detection

Low-temperature calorimetric particle detectors are applied to the problem of dark matter detection. These semiconductor crystal-based devices operate at sub-Kelvin temperatures. Nuclear-recoil interactions can be distinguished from electron-recoils by comparing the thermal energy yield with that in another channel, such as ionization or scintillation, ...

Energy Citations Database

Calorimetry with Nonequilibrium Phonon Sensors for Dark Matter Direct Detection

Low-temperature calorimetric particle detectors are applied to the problem of dark matter detection. These semiconductor crystal-based devices operate at sub-Kelvin temperatures. Nuclear-recoil interactions can be distinguished from electron-recoils by comparing the thermal energy yield with that in another channel, such as ionization or scintillation, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

############### arXiv:gr�qc/0601105

-relativistic dark matter constituent that interacts directly with dark energy is also considered, where the dark]; the nature of the responsible entity, called dark energy, still remains unknown. The simplest explanation matter and dark energy. In this ...

E-print Network

of Galaxies Dark Matter and the Assembly

What is the density of matter that is smoothly distributed across super- clusters or larger scales? of Galaxies. Dark Matter and the Assembly ...

NASA Website

Model of dark matter and dark energy based on gravitational polarization

Model of dark matter and dark energy based on gravitational polarization -CDM and MOND finally.3518] #12;Dark matter vs MOND The dipolar fluid Outline The dark matter paradigm versus MOND Phenomenology of dark ...

E-print Network

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Spheroidal galactic halos and mirror dark matter

Mirror matter has been proposed as a dark matter candidate. It has several very attractive features, including automatic stability and darkness, the ability to mimic the broad features of cold dark matter while in the linear density perturbation regime, and consistency with ...

Energy Citations Database

Fingerprinting dark energy. II. Weak lensing and galaxy clustering tests

The characterization of dark energy is a central task of cosmology. To go beyond a cosmological constant, we need to introduce at least an equation of state and a sound speed and consider observational tests that involve perturbations. If dark energy is not completely homogeneous on observable scales, then the Poisson equation is modified and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

? decays into light scalar dark matter

We examine decays of a spin-1 bottomonium into a pair of light scalar dark matter (DM) particles, assuming that dark matter is produced due to exchange of heavy degrees of freedom. We perform a model-independent analysis and derive formulae for the branching ratios of these decays. We confront our calculation ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Cold Dark Matter Candidates Hao Huan

axions related to strong CP violation which affect the QCD vacuum. 2 #12;II. WIMP DARK MATTER A. General. Similarly the superpartner of the strange quark can couple to a positron and an anti-up quark. Combining competitive ones to the direct detections. 9 #12;III. AXIONS A. Theoretical Background In the SU(3)c QCD

E-print Network

Searches for dark matter subhaloes with wide-field Cherenkov telescope surveys

The presence of substructures in dark matter haloes is an unavoidable consequence of the cold dark matter paradigm. Indirect signals from these objects have been extensively searched for with cosmic rays and ? rays. At first sight, Cherenkov telescopes seem not very well suited for such searches, due to their small ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Understanding the Nature of Dark Matter Halo Mergers in Galaxy - NASA

simulations of how miniscule density fluctuations of dark matter may evolve in an ... which form the cosmic scaffolding on which dark matter accumulates. ...

NASA Website

Topics - Astrophysics - Dark Matter - Space Science News home

Astrophysics - Dark Matter Topics. Dark Matter Topics � Freedom of Information Act � Budgets, Strategic Plans and Accountability Reports ...

NASA Website

The Nature of Dark Matter - Introduction - Imagine the Universe - NASA

Feb 3, 2010 ... Such material is called "dark matter", and astronomers now believe that ... The most common method involves the fact that dark matter has a ...

NASA Website

StarChild: Dark Matter - StarChild - NASA

Scientists study dark matter by looking at the effects it has on visible objects. Scientists believe that dark matter may account for the unexplained motions of stars ...

NASA Website

SIM: The Milky Way & Dark Matter

This has necessitated the idea of dark matter. Matter which does not interact with light and hence is 'dark,' but still has mass and can provide the extra ...

NASA Website

Observing Primeval Galaxies and Dark Matter with LAIRTS

... Observing Primeval Galaxies and Dark Matter with LAIRTS 12. ... There is dark matter on many different scales in the universe. On the smallest scale. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

NASA Blueshift � dark matter - Astrophysics Science Division - NASA

Nov 16, 2010 ... This recently released image is basically a map of dark matter. It shows the distribution of the dark matter in the center of the giant galaxy cluster ...

NASA Website

Identifying a dark matter signal using the anisotropy energy spectrum

annihilation of dark matter particles produces gamma-rays which could be detected by Fermi ... annihilation of dark matter particles produces ...

NASA Website

Hubble Detects More Dark Matter - Space Math @ NASA

galaxies to calculate the location and amount of dark matter in the cluster. They superimposed a map of these inferred dark matter concentrations, tinted blue, ...

NASA Website

How do we know dark matter exists? - StarChild - NASA

Dark matter is the name scientists have given to the particles which we believe ... Scientists believe that dark matter may account for the unexplained ...

NASA Website

Finding Dark Matter - Astronomy Picture of the Day - NASA

Dec 19, 2001 ... Explanation: Where is dark matter? Galaxies rotate and move in clusters as if a tremendous amount of unseen matter is present. But does dark ...

NASA Website

Exponential Potential versus Dark Matter

... Accession Number : ADA272662. Title : Exponential Potential versus Dark Matter. ... Galaxy, Dark matter, Galaxy cluster, Gravitation, Quantum gravity. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Dark Matter: Quiz - Imagine the Universe - NASA

Jan 31, 2006 ... We know that Dark Matter exists because we have found some here on Earth, ... Scientists can deduce the presence of Dark Matter from: ...

NASA Website

Dark Matter: Quiz - Imagine the Universe - NASA

Sep 15, 2004 ... We know that Dark Matter exists because we have found some here on Earth, ... Scientists can deduce the presence of Dark Matter from: ...

NASA Website

Dark Matter and Extragalactic Gas Clouds in the NGC4532 / DDO 137 ...

gas infall into clumps within the dark matter potential of the group, and that ..... effects, then we do not require any dark matter in this galaxy. ...

NASA Website

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Dark Matter NASA Conference Summary Objectives National Standards ...

Jun 1, 1990 ... Students will explore dark matter by first calculating the escape ... Students should be familiar with the article on Dark Matter from the ...

NASA Website

Dark Matter Detector ... - the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer - NASA

Technology News: Space: Dark Matter Detector Poised for Magical Mystery Tour. 9/1/2010 ... mission of searching the universe for dark matter. The detector ...

NASA Website

Dark Matter Constraints from Observations of Dwarf Spheroidal

Nov 5, 2009 ... Dark Matter Constraints from Observations of Dwarf Spheroidal ... Indirect searches for dark matter signals have been conducted with the ...

NASA Website

Dark Matter - Genesis - NASA

Dark MatterMore Than Meets the Eye. Student Text Supplement. Cosmic Chemistry: Cosmogony. Dark MatterMore Than Meets the Eye. Student Text Supplement ...

NASA Website


dark matter or only to baryonic objects which may be formed ... difference between dark matter and the baryonic object in a ...

NASA Website

Astronomers Find Ring of Dark Matter With Hubble Space Telescope

May 15, 2007 ... Astronomers Find Ring of Dark Matter With Hubble Space Telescope ... Dark matter makes up most of the universe's material. ...

NASA Website

Analysis methods for Milky Way dark matter halo detection

Representing the GLAST LAT Collaboration Dark Matter and New Physics Working .... Dark Matter currently makes up 20% of the energy density of the universe. ...

NASA Website

An Isolated Case of Dark Matter - HEASARC - NASA

Feb 7, 2005 ... Most of the material in the Universe seems to be invisible, something astronomers call "dark matter". Dark matter is defined by its ...

NASA Website

APOD Index - Dark Matter - Astronomy Picture of the Day - NASA

APOD: 2001 December 19 - Finding Dark Matter Explanation: Where is dark matter? Galaxies rotate and move in clusters as if a tremendous amount of unseen ...

NASA Website

Radon-induced background and methods of its elimination in the EDELWEISS-II experiment

The EDELWEISS-II experiment is aimed at direct search for nonbarion cold dark matter. The important problem of the experiment is a decrease in the 222Rn background and its daughter products without which it is impossible to achieve a record sensitivity to the scattering cross section of dark ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Search for neutralino Dark Matter with the AMANDA neutrino telescope and prospects for IceCube

If non-baryonic dark matter exists in the form of neutralinos, a neutrino flux is expected from the decay of neutralino pair annihilation products inside heavy celestial bodies. Data taken with the AMANDA-II neutrino telescope located at the South Pole, have been used in a search for this indirect dark ...

Energy Citations Database

European Southern Observatory

) of the Universe Cosmology The first stars/galaxies Direct measure of deceleration Evolution of cosmic parameters Dark matter, dark energy #12;ALMA CONTEXT: II decade, III millennium AD VLTI II gen instr JWST XEUS GSMT orbiting other stars? Direct detection of earth-like planets in nearby ...

E-print Network

Sterile neutrinos as the warm dark matter in the type II seesaw model

In the framework of type II seesaw mechanism we discuss the number of sterile right-handed Majorana neutrinos being the warm dark matter (WDM). When the type II seesaw mass term M?II is far less than the type I seesaw mass term M?I, only one of three sterile neutrinos may be the WDM particle. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Dark matter signals from Draco and Willman 1: prospects for MAGIC II and CTA

The next generation of ground-based Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes will play an important role in indirect dark matter searches. In this article, we consider two particularly promising candidate sources for dark matter annihilation signals, the nearby dwarf galaxies Draco and Willman 1, and study the prospects of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Constraining warm dark matter with cosmic shear power spectra

We investigate potential constraints from cosmic shear on the dark matter particle mass, assuming all dark matter is made up of light thermal relic particles. Given the theoretical uncertainties involved in making cosmological predictions in such warm dark matter scenarios ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A xenon detector for WIMP search: Direct detection of dark matter using double phase xenon

A strong theoretical candidate for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS) is the neutralino. The neutralino is the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), from the supersymmetry (SUSY) theory, that would be formed in the early universe and subsequently cluster in galaxies with normal matter. This could account for �90% non-luminous matter inferred ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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