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Validation Report and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for ...

... Validation Report and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Measurement of Total IgG Antibody to Streptococcus pneumoniae Polysaccharides (PS) in Human Serum. ...

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)

Mass Value Assignment of Total and Subclass Immunoglobulin G in a Human Standard Anthrax Reference Serum

An anti-Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (anti-AVA) standard human reference serum pool, AVR414, has been prepared, and the total and protective antigen (PA)-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) were quantified. AVR414 was prepared by plasmapheresis of healthy adults who had received a minimum of four subcutaneous injections of AVA. Mass values (in ...

PubMed Central

Subclass distribution of IgG antibodies to the rat oesophagus stratum corneum (so-called anti-keratin antibodies) in rheumatoid arthritis.

Serum IgG, labelling the stratum corneum of the rat oesophagus epithelium, so-called anti-keratin antibodies (AKA) constitute the most specific marker for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. In this study, we investigated 31 IgG AKA-positive rheumatoid sera and 21 control sera from patients with non-rheumatoid inflammatory rheumatic ...

PubMed Central

Assignment of Weight-Based Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) and IgG2 Units in Antipneumococcal Reference Serum Lot 89-S(F) for Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Serotypes 1, 4, 5, 7F, 9V, and 18C

Weight-based assignments for immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) and IgG2 subclass antibodies to Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular polysaccharides (PnPs) in antipneumococcal standard reference serum lot 89-S (lot 89-S), also known as lot 89-SF, have been determined for serotypes 1, 4, 5, 7F, 9V, and 18C. This extends the ...

PubMed Central

Quantitative inhibition ELISA for diagnosis of schistosomiasis using human IgG labeled with fluorescein and anti-fluorescein/peroxidase.

Usually mouse monoclonal antibodies are used in inhibition assays for antibody determination. Interference may occur in these inhibition assays due to presence of naturally occurring anti-mouse antibodies in some human serum samples. To avoid such interference, human IgG isolated from a pool of serum samples of S. mansoni patients and ...


Quantitative radiommunoassay for DNA-binding antibodies. [Iodine 131, Iodine 125

A radioimmunoassay (RIA) is described for the measurement of serum immunoglobulins capable of binding to double-standard or single-standard DNA. DNA attached to Sephadex G-50 by ultraviolet radiation was used as a solid- phase immunoabsorbent for DNA-binding proteins from serum. Goat anti-human (GAH) ...

Energy Citations Database

Purification of equine IgG using membrane based enhanced hybrid bioseparation technique: a potential method for manufacturing hyperimmune antibody.

Hyperimmune equine IgG is widely used as antivenom and anti-rabies agents. This article discusses a membrane based enhanced hybrid bioseparation technique for efficient and scalable purification of equine immunoglobulin G (IgG) from horse serum. This technique is an improved version of a standard hybrid ...


Constant isotype pattern of anti-dsDNA antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

The isotype profile, particularly emphasizing IgG subclass distribution, of dsDNA antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus was evaluated using an especially adapted ELISA technique. Anti-dsDNA antibodies were quantified with class-specific antisera and subclass-specific monoclonal antibodies. IgG subclass specificity was proven with 20 ...

PubMed Central

Successful treatment of pediatric IgG4 related systemic disease with mycophenolate mofetil: case report and a review of the pediatric autoimmune pancreatitis literature

Autoimmune pancreatitis is frequently associated with elevated serum and tissue IgG4 levels in the adult population, but there are few reports of pediatric autoimmune pancreatitis, and even fewer reports of IgG4 related systemic disease in a pediatric population. The standard of care treatment in adults is systemic ...

PubMed Central

A new method for determination of varicella-zoster virus immunoglobulin G avidity in serum and cerebrospinal fluid

BackgroundAvidity determination of antigen-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies is an established serological method to differentiate acute from past infections. In order to compare the avidity of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) IgG in pairs of serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples, we developed a new technique of avidity ...

PubMed Central

Lyme meningoradiculitis: prospective evaluation of biological diagnosis methods.

The symptoms of Lyme meningoradiculitis and the value of biological examinations in an endemic area were determined in a prospective study in which data were collected on all patients consecutively hospitalised for Lyme meningoradiculitis at our institution during an 18-month period. Specific antibody titres in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were determined by Vidas ...


Serial IgG and IgM serum levels after infusion of different Ig-preparations (IgG or IgM-enriched) in preterm infants.

Intravenous administration of Immunoglobulin (IVIG) has been used for prevention or treatment of neonatal sepsis. However, therapeutic efficacy of IVIG is dependent on pharmacokinetic factors. There have been no comparative studies in neonates between licensed IgG and IgM enriched preparations. The aim of this study was to investigate serial IgG and IgM ...


An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to measure growth hormone level in serum and milk of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis).

An indirect Sandwich ELISA to measure growth hormone level in serum and milk of buffaloes was developed. The assay was based on purified anti rbST IgG raised in rabbits and chicken and rabbit anti chicken IgG horseradish peroxidase. The assay was validated in terms of sensitivity, specificity, precision and recovery. Parallelism was ...


Intravenous gammaglobulin treatment in patients with hypogammaglobulinaemia.

Intravenous gammaglobulin was compared with the standard British intramuscular preparation in patients with hypogammaglobulinaemia and chronic bronchitis. Five patients were given six months' treatment with the weekly intramuscular preparation and six months' treatment with intravenous gammaglobulin given once every 18 days. During the trial they recorded symptoms of ...

PubMed Central

Sensitive radioimmunoassay for detection of antibodies to recombinant human interferon-alpha A

A radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the detection of antibodies to recombinant human leukocyte interferon A (rHuIFN-alpha A) in human serum has been developed and validated against the standard antiviral neutralization bioassay (ANB). The assay measures the binding of /sup 125/I-labeled rHuIFN-alpha A to immunoglobulins in serum. Aliquots of ...

Energy Citations Database

Serum IgG levels as biomarkers for optimizing IVIg therapy in CIDP.

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is a proven effective treatment for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) and Guillain-Barr� syndrome (GBS). In GBS, patients show a large variability in serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels after standard IVIg treatment and a large increase in serum ...


Serum titers of IgG antibodies against tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and risk of multiple sclerosis.

We conducted a prospective nested case-control study among military service members to investigate whether antibodies against tetanus or diphtheria predict multiple sclerosis (MS) risk. Paired T-tests were used to compare means of anti-tetanus and diphtheria toxoids among 56 MS cases and 112 matched controls. Conditional logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR). There were no ...


Association of Leucogenenol with Specific Proteins in Serum.

Determination of the concentration of leucogenenol in the IgM, IgG, albumin, and low molecular weight protein fractions of serum demonstrated that leucogenenol is found only in protein fractions of molecular weights in the range of IgM and IgG. Determinat...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Significance of specific IgG against sensitizing antigens in extrinsic allergic alveolitis: Serological methods in EAA.

The aim of our study is to find differences in IgG in sera of potentially exposed and nonexposed individuals and to detect differences in concentrations of specific serum IgG among subjects with and without EAA. Seventy-two patients being followed for suspected interstitial lung disease were included. Specific IgG ...


Distribution of the Immunoglobulin Markers at the IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgA(2), and k-Chain loci in Australian Aborigines: Comparison with New Guinea Populations.

In recent years, studies on the physical anthropology of the Australian Aborigines have been supplemented by data on blood groups and various serum protein polymorphisms, the haptoglobin and transferrin types, the serum Gc component, serum pseudocholinest...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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Optical Proteinchip as Microarrays for Protein Interaction ...

... were bovine serum albumin (BSA), human fibrinogen (Fib), human immunoglobulin G (IgG), and human serum albumin (HSA), which occupied ...

DTIC Science & Technology

HTLV-III: Intra-BBB IgG Synthesis and Hybridization in CSF ...

... Serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples. ... 17 ] Detection and quantitation of HIV-specific rgG in cerebrospinal fluid and serum. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Chronic pancreatitis: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

of pancreatitis. Exams and Tests Tests for pancreatitis include: Fecal fat test Serum amylase Serum IgG4 (for diagnosing autoimmune pancreatitis) Serum lipase Serum trypsinogen... Websites

Serum IgG subclass antibodies to gliadin and other dietary antigens in children with coeliac disease.

IgG subclasses of antibodies to the dietary antigens gliadin, glycgli (a gluten component), ovalbumin (OA) and beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) were quantified in children with coeliac disease (CD), nine on a gluten-containing diet, 15 on a gluten-free diet, and in appropriate controls. In addition, total serum IgG subclasses were measured. ...

PubMed Central

A direct binding assay for rheumatoid factor serum antiglobulins using fluorescein-labelled Fc fragment of human immunoglobulin-G.

A simple routine method is described for the quantitation of antiglobulin (rheumatoid factor) in human serum irrespective of its immunoglobulin class. Papain Fc fragment of human IgG is labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate and incubated with the serum. Bound Fc is separated from free Fc by precipitation with polyethylene glycol and ...

PubMed Central

[Diagnostic valve of ELISA-IgG for trichinosis using Melcher's antigen].

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for trichinosis using a Melcher's antigen was developed for the detection of IgG antibodies in 41 serum samples from patients confirmed or suspected to have trichinosis by strong clinical and epidemiological evidences. ELISA- IgG was compared with a precipitin test (PT), a bentonite ...


Nano titanium dioxide particles promote allergic sensitization and lung inflammation in mice.

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether photocatalytic TiO(2) nanoparticles have adjuvant effect, when administered in combination with ovalbumin (OVA) in mice. Mice were immunized via intraperitoneal injections of OVA, OVA + TiO(2) or OVA + Al(OH)(3) and challenged with aerosols of OVA. At the end of the study, serum was analysed for content of OVA-specific IgE, ...


Nano Titanium Dioxide Particles Promote Allergic Sensitization and Lung Inflammation in Mice

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether photocatalytic TiO2 nanoparticles have adjuvant effect, when administered in combination with ovalbumin (OVA) in mice. Mice were immunized via intraperitoneal injections of OVA, OVA + TiO2 or OVA + Al(OH)3 and challenged with aerosols of OVA. At the end of the study, ...

PubMed Central

Application of Monoclonal Antibodies in Functional and Comparative Investigations of Heavy-Chain Immunoglobulins in New World Camelids

Of the three immunoglobulin G (IgG) isotypes described to occur in camelids, IgG2 and IgG3 are distinct in that they do not incorporate light chains. These heavy-chain antibodies (HCAbs) constitute approximately 50% of the IgG in llama serum and as much as 75% of the IgG in ...

PubMed Central

Evaluation of a recombinant LigB protein of Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the serodiagnosis of bovine leptospirosis.

A recombinant leptospiral lipoprotein, LigB, was evaluated for use in the diagnosis of bovine leptospirosis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (rLigB IgG ELISA). The standard reference test (Microscopic agglutination test, MAT) of 200 serum samples from cattle suspected of leptospirosis showed that 95 (47.5%) samples had positive ...


Elevated IgG4 levels in patients demonstrating sarcoidosis-like radiologic findings.

One of the radiologic patterns associated with IgG4-related systemic disease was similar to that of pulmonary sarcoidosis. We analyzed whether suspected pulmonary sarcoidosis might include unrecognized IgG4-related systemic disease. The enrolled patients had bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and/or lung nodules on chest computed tomography, used to diagnose ...


Detection of Anti-Arboviral Immunoglobulin G by Using a Monoclonal Antibody-Based Capture Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

Monoclonal antibody (MAb)-based capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) for the detection of anti-arboviral immunoglobulin G (IgG ELISAs) were developed for a comprehensive array of medically important arboviruses from the Alphavirus, Flavivirus, and Bunyavirus genera. Tests were optimized and standardized so that maximum homology could be ...

PubMed Central

Otologic Manifestation in IgG4-Related Systemic Disease

IgG4-related systemic disease, including autoimmune pancreatitis, is a multi-organ disorder characterized by elevated serum immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) concentration and IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltration. We report a case of a 66-year-old woman with IgG4-related hearing disorder, presenting ...

PubMed Central

Characterization of reference materials for human antiserum to pertussis antigens by an international collaborative study.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been widely used to evaluate antibody responses to pertussis vaccination and infection. A common reference serum is essential for the standardization of these assays. However, no internationally recognized reference serum is available. At the request of the Expert Committee on Biological ...


Characterization of Reference Materials for Human Antiserum to Pertussis Antigens by an International Collaborative Study ?

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been widely used to evaluate antibody responses to pertussis vaccination and infection. A common reference serum is essential for the standardization of these assays. However, no internationally recognized reference serum is available. At the request of the Expert Committee on Biological ...

PubMed Central

Impact of irradiation and immunoglobulin G concentration on absorption of protein and immunoglobulin G in calves fed colostrum replacer.

The objective of this study was first to evaluate whether irradiation treatment of a commercial colostrum replacer (CR) affected acquisition of passive immunity. If the irradiation treatment negatively affected the acquisition of passive immunity, the second objective was to evaluate whether an increased total IgG mass, in a single feeding of CR derived from bovine ...


Serological activity of immunoglobulin G in irradiated rabbits. [Gamma radiation

A comparative study was made of serological immunochemical properties of immunoglobulins (IgG) isolated from blood serum of normal rabbits and rabbits exposed to lethal and median lethal doses of radiation. It was demonstrated that there is a distinct elevation of IgG level in the period of recovery from radiation sickness, with ...

Energy Citations Database

Immunologic factors related to survival and performance in neonatal swine.

Logistic regression was used to develop models predicting preweaning survival in 334 neonatal swine. Measured risk factors included birth weight, litter size (live born), dam parity, serum IgG concentration, serum ELISA titers recognizing common gram-negative core antigens, and serum concentrations of the third ...


Adjuvant arthritis is associated with changes in the glycosylation of serum IgG1 and IgG2b.

The increased amounts of agalactosyl IgG (N-linked oligosaccharides terminating with N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) in the serum of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other chronic inflammatory diseases have suggested that agalactosyl IgG may be involved in the pathogenesis of RA. We have now evaluated the incidence of ...

PubMed Central

Analysis of ovine colostrum to detect antibody against progressive pneumonia virus.

Immunoglobulins were isolated and purified from the colostrum and serum of progressive pneumonia virus infected sheep and also from non-infected control sheep. Four classes of immunoglobulins were isolated from sheep colostrum (IgG1, IgG2, IgA and Ig10s). Three classes of immunoglobulins were isolated from sheep ...

PubMed Central

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Ocular adnexal marginal zone B cell lymphoma infiltrated by IgG4-positive plasma cells

AimsTo report the clinicopathological characteristics of patients with ocular adnexal marginal zone B cell lymphoma (MZBL) with IgG4-positive plasma cells.Methods114 biopsy samples of ocular adnexal MZBLs were analysed. MZBLs with IgG4-positive plasma cells were included when the IgG4:IgG ratio was >40% ...

PubMed Central

Immune response in the hamster: definition of a novel IgG not expressed in all hamster strains.

A new IgG isotype is described in serum from Syrian hamsters. This 7S-IgG is called IgG3 and was isolated from IgG1 and IgG2 because of its great affinity for protein A. The unique antigenic determinants of IgG3 were identified with a specific rabbit antisera. ...

PubMed Central

Laboratory and clinical evaluation of conjugate vaccines composed of Staphylococcus aureus type 5 and type 8 capsular polysaccharides bound to Pseudomonas aeruginosa recombinant exoprotein A.

The synthesis, standardization, and immunogenicity in young outbred mice and clinical evaluation in adult volunteers of investigational vaccines designed to induce serum antibodies to the type 5 and type 8 capsular polysaccharides (CPs) of Staphylococcus aureus are described. Conjugates composed of the type 5 CP and a sonicated preparation of a ...

PubMed Central

Simultaneous use of serum IgG and IgM for risk scoring of suspected early Lyme borreliosis: graphical and bivariate analyses.

The laboratory diagnosis of early disseminated Lyme borreliosis (LB) rests on IgM and IgG antibodies in serum. The purpose of this study was to refine the statistical interpretation of IgM and IgG by combining the diagnostic evidence provided by the two immunoglobulins and exploiting the whole range of the quantitative variation in ...


The relevance of specific serum IgG, IgG4 and IgE in the determination of shrimp and crab allergies in Malaysian allergic rhinitis patients.

The significance of food specific serum IgG4 antibody in food allergy is unclear and this led us to investigate the relevance of specific IgG4, along with IgG and IgE antibodies to two common food allergens in Malaysia. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to measure the serum ...


Serum IgG subclass antibodies to a variety of food antigens in patients with coeliac disease.

Levels of serum IgA, IgG, and IgG subclass antibodies to a variety of dietary antigens were determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assays in 14 adults with untreated coeliac disease and in 10 disease controls selected because of raised total IgG activities. The untreated coeliacs showed somewhat higher total ...

PubMed Central

The humoral immune response of mice to intra-mammary immunization with ovalbumin.

Groups of lactating mice were immunized intra-mammarily on the second day of lactation with 20 micrograms, 150 micrograms or 400 micrograms of ovalbumin (OVA). This resulted in the appearance of IgG in serum, and IgA and IgG in milk. In serum, no IgA antibodies were detected 16 days after immunization in any of the ...

PubMed Central

Measuring Immunoglobulin G Antibodies to Tetanus Toxin, Diphtheria Toxin, and Pertussis Toxin with Single-Antigen Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays and a Bead-Based Multiplex Assay?

Bead-based assay systems offer the possibility of measuring several specific antibodies in one sample simultaneously. This study evaluated a vaccine panel of a multianalyte system that measures antibodies to tetanus toxin, diphtheria toxin, and pertussis toxin (PT) from Bordetella pertussis. The antibody concentrations of human immunoglobulin G (IgG) to PT, tetanus toxin, and ...

PubMed Central

Quantifying HIV-1 RNA using the polymerase chain reaction on cerebrospinal fluid and serum of seropositive individuals with and without neurologic abnormalities.

We quantified HIV-1 RNA levels (copies per milliliter) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum from subjects at various stages of HIV-1 disease and determined the relationship of RNA levels to clinical and neurologic disease status (HND) and to laboratory values. Ninety-seven HIV-1-seropositive men without CNS opportunistic infections, tumors, or neurosyphilis and 13 high-risk ...


Serum Antiphospholipid Antibody Levels in Pseudoexfoliation.

PURPOSE: To evaluate the levels of serum antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXS), pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (PXG), primary open-angle glaucoma, and healthy controls. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study included 17 patients with PXS, 19 patients with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma, 15 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, and 19 ...


Scintigraphic distribution of complexes of antiinsulin antibodies and 123I-insulin. In vivo studies in rats.

Clearance of immune complexes made of antiinsulin antibodies and 123I-insulin was studied with scintillation scanning in anesthetized rats. Complexes made with purified guinea pig antiinsulin IgG2 (cytophilic isotype) were rapidly cleared by the liver whereas those made with IgG1 remained in the plasma, as did 123I-labeled IgG1 or ...

PubMed Central

Brief characterization of muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) immunoglobulin G (IgG) separated from serum on protein A.

Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) immunoglobulin fraction was separated from whole serum by Protein A Sepharose chromatography. In serum electrophoresis, this fraction had a gamma motility; when electrophoresed on a polyacrylamide gel with sodium dodecyl sulfate it resolved into two protein bands of approximately 52 and 25 kilodaltons, respectively. These bands ...


Antibody responses of red wolves to canine distemper virus and canine parvovirus vaccination.

Twenty captive red wolves (Canis rufus), including 16 intended for release into Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cades Cove, Tennessee (USA), and four housed at Knoxville Zoological Gardens, Inc., Knoxville, Tennessee, were evaluated for immunologic response to vaccination between June 1994 and April 1995. Wolves were vaccinated with modified-live (MLV) canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine ...


An enzyme immunoassay for the determination of anti-IgA antibodies using polyclonal human IgA.

An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for screening and quantitation of serum anti-IgA antibodies of IgG class is described. This method is based on the use of purified polyclonal human serum IgA as the coating antigen and a commercial alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-human IgG as the detecting antibody. Nonspecific ...


Serum and salivary antigliadin antibodies and serum IgA anti-endomysium antibodies as a screening test for coeliac disease.

Serum and salivary IgA and IgG antigliadin antibodies were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 18 children with villous atrophy and 30 children on a gluten-free diet for coeliac disease in whom normal intestinal mucosa was found. Serum IgA anti-endomysium antibodies were also determined by an immunofluorescence method ...


Quantifying serum antibody in bird fanciers' hypersensitivity pneumonitis

BackgroundDetecting serum antibody against inhaled antigens is an important diagnostic adjunct for hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP). We sought to validate a quantitative fluorimetric assay testing serum from bird fanciers.MethodsAntibody activity was assessed in bird fanciers and control subjects using various avian antigens and serological methods, and ...

PubMed Central


Objective--To evaluate associations between neonatal serum IgG1 concentration and pre- and postweaning morbidity and mortality rates and average daily gains (ADGs) in beef calves and define a cutoff point for serum IgG1 concentration necessary for optimal health and performance of beef calves. Desig...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

Evaluation of a Behring laser-nephelometer prototype in the measurement of IgG, IgA and IgM.

A helium-neon laser nephelometer prototype manufactured by Hoechst Behring Institut was evaluated and used in our laboratory during a two-month period for the measurement of IgG, IgA and IgM. Two methods of dilution were usedto prepare standard curves. The best results were obtained when the patient serum was diluted one hundred fold ...


IgG subclasses of the multimammate rat, Mastomys coucha: isolation and characterization of IgG1 and IgG2.

The objective of the study was to characterize the IgG-system of Mastomys coucha and to provide antibodies specific for IgG subclasses of this animal species. Serum proteins binding to protein A at pH 8.0 could be eluted in two distinct peaks at pH 7.5 - 6.2 and pH 5.0 - 3.9. The fractions were analysed by SDS-PAGE and immunoelectrophoresis. Both tests ...


Glycosylation of IgG B cell receptor (IgG BCR) in multiple myeloma: relationship between sialylation and the signal activity of IgG BCR.

Little is known about the glycosylation of the isotype switched B cell receptor (BCR) in multiple myeloma, and the way it might affect receptor function. In this work IgG BCRs isolated from the individual lysates of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of 32 patients with IgG multiple myeloma and healthy controls were investigated for the expression of ...


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Intravenous and standard immune serum globulin preparations interfere with uptake of /sup 125/I-C3 onto sensitized erythrocytes and inhibit hemolytic complement activity

Antibody-sensitized sheep erythrocytes were used as a model to determine the effects of therapeutic immune serum globulin (ISG) preparations on the ability of this particulate activator to fix C3 and initiate hemolysis. Both standard and intravenous forms of ISG inhibit uptake of /sup 125/I-C3, presumably by competing for the deposition of ...

Energy Citations Database

Serum proteins of wild turkey vultures (Cathartes aura).

We separated and identified the major serum proteins of turkey vultures (Cathartes aura): albumin, HDL, LDL, IgG and M, transferrin, alpha 2M and putatively, IgA, ceruloplasmin and fibronectin. Turkey vulture HDL and LDL had similar electrophorectic mobility and solution properties as those from gallinaceous birds. Turkey vulture IgG ...


Serum IgG to brain microvascular endothelial cells in multiple sclerosis.

Serum IgG to brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs) were assessed in the sera from 50 patients with definite multiple sclerosis, 24 patients with other inflammatory and non-inflammatory neurological diseases and 30 healthy individuals. Standard indirect immunofluorescence on BMEC culture was used as the bioassay system. Positive ...


Multiplexed serologic assay for nine anogenital human papillomavirus types.

A multiplexed human papillomavirus (HPV) immunoassay has been developed for the detection of human IgG antibodies to HPV type 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 virus-like particle (VLP) types in serum following natural infection or immunization with VLP-based vaccines. The VLP antigens were covalently conjugated to carboxyl Luminex microspheres (MS) ...


Serum IgG responses to food antigens in the italian population evaluated by highly sensitive and specific ELISA test.

Using an optimized and validated ELISA method, we performed a serum test for assaying the binding capacity of serum IgG to proteins extracted from approx. 160 different foods to investigate the reactivity of specific IgG antibodies in the Italian population composed of 6,879 subjects (4,551 females and 2,328 ...


The effective and specific isolation of antibodies from human serum by using thiophilic paramagnetic polymer beads.

A rapid and effective method to specifically isolate immunoglobulin G (IgG) from human serum by thiophilic paramagnetic polymer beads was developed. The thiophilic paramagnetic beads were synthesized with vinyl acetate and divinylbenzene by microsuspension polymerization in the presence of magnetite nanoparticles. Divinylsulfone and ...


Oral Adjuvant Therapy in the Development of Immunological ...

... of a non-toxic adjuvant for orally administered antigens that can elicit the production of both serum IgG and mucosal IgA against antigens with ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Methionine Aminopeptidase 2 Expression in Microsporidia

... Inc., S. San Francisco, CA) or normal rabbit serum (NRS), incubated with alkaline phosphatase (AP)-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG, and stained ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Immunoglobulin Level in Children Before and After ...

... Abstract : The authors determined the content of immunoglobulins by Fahey's method (IgG, IgA, IgM) in the blood serum of children aged from 3 to 5 ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Enhancement of Intranasal Vaccination in Mice with ...

... not. Furthermore, in vaccination with influenza vac- cine and LTR72 induced a high IgG2a response in the serum [15]. Intranasal ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Diphenylureas for Treatment of Prostate Cancer

... 20 minutes against non-specific protein binding using the normal goat serum supplied with the Vectastain"' ABC Alkaline Phosphatase Rabbit IgG ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Radial Immunodiffusion of Chicken Serum Proteins I. Standardization of Optimal Test Procedures

Optimal conditions were determined for the quantitaion of chicken serum albumin, conalbumin, IgG and IgM by the radial immunodiffusion test. The best diluent was 0.15 M phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.2. The optimal concentration of the rabbit antiserum in the agar plate was inversely related to the molecular weight of the protein under study. The ...

PubMed Central

Development of ELISAs for the measurement of IgM and IgG subclasses in sera from llamas (Lama glama) and assessment of the humoral immune response against different antigens.

Members of the Camelidae family possess a functional class of antibodies devoid of light chains (known as heavy chain antibodies, HCAbs). Three IgG isotypes have been identified (IgG(1), IgG(2) and IgG(3)); IgG(2) and IgG(3) are HCAbs whereas the IgG(1) ...


Diisocyanate antigens that detect specific antibodies in exposed workers and guinea pigs

Evaluation of the immunologic contribution to the pathogenesis of isocyanate lung disease necessitates preparation of isocyanate-protein conjugates to detect anti-isocyanate antibodies. Sera were obtained from two guinea pigs immunized with 4,4{prime}-diisocyanatodiphenylmethane (MDI) and from three workers with occupational exposure to MDI. By use of Western blot analysis, guinea pig ...

Energy Citations Database

Determination of human immunoglobulin M rheumatoid factor by a solid-phase radioimmunoassay which uses human immunoglobulin G in antigen-antibody complexes.

A solid-phase radioimmunoassay for the rapid determination of human immunoglobulin M (IgM) rheumatoid factor (RF) has been developed. Preparation of the solid phase for the assay involved the formation of complexes between respiratory syncytial virus-specific human IgG antibodies and virus antigen on the surface of polystyrene balls. Binding of serum RF to ...

PubMed Central

Quantitative analysis of the IgG and IgG subclass immune responses to chromosomal Pseudomonas aeruginosa beta-lactamase in serum from patients with cystic fibrosis by western blotting and laser scanning densitometry.

BACKGROUND: Antibodies against chromosomal beta-lactamase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (a beta ab) are markers of the development of resistance of P aeruginosa to beta-lactam antibiotics in patients with cystic fibrosis and chronic lung infection. The role of these antibodies in patients with chronic lung infection with P aeruginosa was further investigated by correlating the a beta ab ...

PubMed Central

Membranous Nephropathy Associated With IgG4-Related Disease.

Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related systemic disease is a rare condition characterized by high levels of circulating IgG4 and IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltrates in various organs, including the pancreas, salivary glands, biliary tract, liver, lung, and kidney. We describe a case of a 54-year-old man with ...


Lack of effect of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies associated with ulcerative colitis on superoxide anion production from neutrophils.

BACKGROUND: Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs) from patients with vasculitidis can induce neutrophils to release oxygen radicals in vitro. ANCAs with a perinuclear pattern of immunofluorescence are found in most patients with ulcerative colitis, but several findings are against ANCAs having a pathogenetic role in this disease. AIMS: To evaluate the influence of ANCAs associated with ...

PubMed Central

Association between bovine casein antibody and new onset schizophrenia among US military personnel.

Schizophrenia is a pervasive neuropsychiatric disorder of uncertain etiology. Multiple studies have documented immune activation in individuals with schizophrenia. One antigen capable of inducing a prolonged immune response is bovine casein derived from ingested milk products. Increased levels of casein antibodies have been found in individuals with schizophrenia after diagnosis. This study was ...


Induction of immune responses in mice after oral immunization with recombinant Lactobacillus casei strains expressing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli F41 fimbrial protein.

In an effort to develop a safe and effective vaccine for the prevention of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) F41 infections, we have developed a surface antigen display system using poly-gamma-glutamate synthetase A (PgsA) as an anchoring matrix. The recombinant fusion proteins comprised of PgsA and fimbrial protein of F41 were stably expressed in Lactobacillus casei 525. Surface ...


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Induction of Immune Responses in Mice after Oral Immunization with Recombinant Lactobacillus casei Strains Expressing Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli F41 Fimbrial Protein?

In an effort to develop a safe and effective vaccine for the prevention of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) F41 infections, we have developed a surface antigen display system using poly-?-glutamate synthetase A (PgsA) as an anchoring matrix. The recombinant fusion proteins comprised of PgsA and fimbrial protein of F41 were stably expressed in Lactobacillus casei 525. Surface localization of ...

PubMed Central

Association of Systemic Oxidative Stress with Suppressed Serum IgG to Commensal Oral Biofilm and Modulation by Periodontal Infection

AbstractTo assess the impact of systemic oxidative stress on humoral immune responses, we examined the relation between levels of serum 8-isoprostane and serum IgG antibodies against 17 microorganisms in the commensal oral biofilm among the ARIC population of community-dwelling adults (n?=?4,717). Bivariately, ...

PubMed Central

Producao de duplo anticorpo para radioimunoensaio (antissoro de carneiro anti-IgG de coelho). (Production of double antibody for radioimmunoassay (sheep anti-rabbit IgG antiserum)).

A second antibody (sheep anti-rabbit IgG antiserum) to be used in RIAs in which the first antibody is raised in rabbits was produced. For this production, initially the IgG was isolated from rabbit serum and purified by sodium sulphate precipitation follo...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Isolamento e purificacao da imunoglobulina (IgG) de coelho para a producao de segundo anticorpo para radioimunoensaio. (Isolation and purification of rabbit imunoglobulin (IgG) for the production of a second antibody for radioimunoassay).

Immunoglobulin (IgG) from rabbit serum was isolated and purified by sodium sulphate precipitation followed by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The efficiency of the procedure was followed by total protein determination during all purificatio...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Bacteroides-specific IgG and IgA subclass antibody-secreting cells isolated from chronically inflamed gingival tissues.

The emergence of cells that produce IgG and IgA subclass antibodies to Bacteroides gingivalis (Porphyromonas gingivalis) fimbriae and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antigens was examined in mononuclear cells isolated from inflamed gingiva of different stages (slight, moderate or advanced) of adult periodontitis (AP). Antigen-specific IgM, IgG (including ...

PubMed Central

Comparison of the clinical efficacy and safety of an intramuscular and an intravenous immunoglobulin preparation for replacement therapy in idiopathic adult onset panhypogammaglobulinaemia.

A prospective, randomized, cross-over study was performed to evaluate the safety and clinical efficacy of an immunoglobulin preparation for intravenous use (Intraglobin F) in comparison with the standard intra-muscular preparation. Twelve patients with idiopathic adult-onset panhypogammaglobulinaemia received intravenous Intraglobin F infusions of 300 mg/kg body weight every 4 ...

PubMed Central

Clinical and immunochemical study of the serum IgG fraction not precipitated in a zinc-sodium salicylate reagent.

A reagent made of zinc sulphate (0-08 M) in a 0-4 M sodium salicylate solution at pH 7-3 precipitated most of the IgG when a small volume of human serum was added. Sera with normal IgG levels or polyclonal hyperglobulinaemia showed a close correlation between total IgG and zinc-precipitated IgG ...

PubMed Central

Factors associated with serum immunoglobulin levels in beef calves from Alberta and Saskatchewan and association between passive transfer and health outcomes

Inadequate consumption of colostrum can negatively affect calf health and survival. The serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations of 935 beef calves from 152 herds in Alberta and Saskatchewan have been described, using radial immunodiffusion. The determinants and health effects of serum IgG concentrations were ...

PubMed Central

IgG-subclass-specific antibody reactivity to respiratory syncytial virus polypeptides investigated by western blot.

IgG1 and IgG3 subclass-specific antibody reactivity (ABR) in serum samples obtained from infants and children in relation to acute lower respiratory disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection was investigated by Western blot. IgG1 ABR was directed against the nucleocapsid polypeptides VPN and VPP ...


Alterations in carbohydrate composition of serum IgG from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and from pregnant women.

The carbohydrate composition of IgG purified from serum of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), pregnant women, and blood donors has been determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Comparison of the results indicates that IgG from patients with RA contains significantly less galactose but more N-acetylglucosamine than normal ...

PubMed Central

Seroprevalence of Antibodies Specific for Gram-Negative Core Antigens in Chickens on the Basis of an Escherichia coli ...

... E. N. Thompson. Serum immunoglobulins to endotoxin core glycolipid: establishment of normal concentrations. Arch. Dis. Child 65: ... of human serum IgG and IgM to core glycolipid of Escherichia coli strain...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Selective Absence of Iga: A Family Study.

The report describes an immunologic and family study of an adult with a selective absence of serum IgA and no diminution of serum IgG and IgM. Parameters of immunologic competence, including humoral antibody production, delayed hypersensitivity response, ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Lifelong Recurrent Cutaneous 'Herpesvirus hominis' Infection.

... Immunological studies revealed slightly elevated serum IgM, low serum IgA, and low herpes-specific IgA and IgG antibody. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Hepatitis E: Health Information for International Travel

... by hepatitis E virus (HEV), a single-stranded, RNA virus belonging to the Hepeviridae family. MODE OF ... HEV IgM and IgG in serum. Detecting HEV RNA in serum or stools further confirms the serologic ...


Effect of Thermal Injury on Serum Immunoglobulins.

In a serial analysis of serum immunoglobulin profiles in 50 burned patients, severe depression of IgG concentration occurred during the postburn period, rising to normal within 1 to 2 months. Levels of IgM and IgA remained relatively unaltered. The patter...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

[IgG4-related sclerosing disease].

IgG4-related sclerosing disease (IgG4-RSD) is a systemic one in which IgG4-positive plasma cells and T lymphocytes extensively infiltrate various organs. The clinical manifestations of the disease include autoimmune pancreatitis, sclerosing cholangitis, cholecystitis, sialodenitis, retroperitoneal fibrosis, tubulointestitial nephritis, ...


Specificity of antibodies against Neisseria gonorrhoeae that stimulate neutrophil chemotaxis. Role of antibodies directed against lipooligosaccharides.

Five strains each of Neisseria gonorrhoeae sensitive or resistant to complement (C) dependent killing by normal human serum (NHS) were examined for their ability to stimulate chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) after preincubation with NHS; or IgM or IgG derived from NHS. Serum-sensitive N. gonorrhoeae stimulated ...

PubMed Central

The Effect of Prolonged Treatment with Belimumab on B cells in Human SLE

ObjectivesTo understand the effects of prolonged BLyS inhibition in human SLE.Methods17 SLE patients enrolled in a clinical trial of belimumab, a BLyS-specific inhibitor, plus standard of care therapy were studied. Phenotypic analysis of lymphocytes was performed using flow cytometry. Circulating antibody-secreting cells were enumerated using ELISpot assay. ...

PubMed Central

Impact of treatment reduction for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia on serum immunoglobulins and antibodies against vaccine-preventable diseases.

BACKGROUND: The consequences of current intensive chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) for immune defense are a matter of concern. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of reduced compared with intensive (conventional) ALL chemotherapy on serum immunoglobulin levels and specific antibody concentrations against vaccine-preventable ...


Bovine IgG2a antibodies to Haemophilus somnus and allotype expression.

Bovine IgG2a has been implicated in protection against pyogenic infections, including those caused by Haemophilus somnus. To further investigate the role of IgG2a in defense against H. somnus, IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies were purified from antiserum against an immunodominant 40 kDa outer membrane protein (p40) of H. ...

PubMed Central

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Glycomic and glycoproteomic analysis of serum from patients with stomach cancer reveals potential markers arising from host defense response mechanisms.

Despite the reduced incidence of gastric cancer in the developed world, a diagnosis of stomach carcinoma still carries a poor prognosis due to the asymptomatic nature of the disease in the early stages, subsequent advanced stage diagnosis, and a low 5 year survival rate. Endoscopy remains the primary standard for diagnosis of stomach carcinoma and the current marker, ...


Cerebrospinal fluid constituents collected at the atlanto-occipital site of xylazine hydrochloride sedated, healthy 8-week-old Holstein calves.

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collected at the atlanto-occipital site and serum were obtained from 10 male, 8-week-old, Holstein calves after sedation with xylazine hydrochloride. Glucose, creatine kinase, alkaline phosphatase, urea nitrogen, creatinine, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, total protein, and albumin were determined in serum and ...

PubMed Central

Quality control of Toxoplasma gondii in meat packages: standardization of an ELISA test and its use for detection in rabbit meat cuts.

Toxoplasma gondii causes severe disease both to man and livestock and its detection in meat after slaughtering requires PCR or biological tests. Meat packages contain retained exudate that could be used for serology due to its blood content. Similar studies reported false negative assays in those tests. We standardized an anti-T. gondii IgG ELISA in muscle ...


Recognizing immunoglobulin G4-related overlap syndromes in patients with pancreatic and hepatobiliary diseases

The first description of autoimmune pancreatitis and elevated serum immunoglobulin-G4 (IgG4) in 2001 heralded further reports of several related autoimmune diseases with raised IgG4 levels. It is now recognized that a spectrum of overlap syndromes associated with increased IgG4 and biopsy evidence of ...

PubMed Central

Opsonization as an effector mechanism in human protection against asexual blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum: functional role of IgG subclasses.

A phagocytic assay performed with human peripheral mononuclear cells and malaria-infected erythrocytes enabled the study of opsonizing antibodies in human serum from donors presenting different levels of protective immunity. Opsonizing activity was found in sera from individuals who could be considered immune, i.e. asymptomatic parasite carriers and subjects residing in ...


Comparative Specificities of Serum and Synovial Cell 19S IgM Rheumatoid Factors in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Rheumatoid factor (RF) may play a key role in sustaining the inflammatory events and tissue damage in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, many serum RF have greater specificity for rabbit IgG than for human IgG, thus raising questions about RF pathogenici...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Serological analysis of human IgG and IgE anti-insulin antibodies by solid-phase radioimmunoassays

A single solid-phase assay system which is useful for quantitative measurement of both IgG and IgE anti-insulin antibodies in human serum has been developed. Insulin-specific immunoglobulins are absorbed from human serum by excess quantities of insulin-agarose. After washes to remove unbound immunoglobulins, radioiodinated Staph A or ...

Energy Citations Database


In patients with abnormal neuropsychiatric symptoms and a reactive fluorescent treponemal antibody absoption (FTA-ABS) test in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or serum, a normal CSF cell count and total protein concentration does not exlude late syphilis involving the central nervous system. In these patients, the presence of plasma cells in the CSF cytogram, increased ...

PubMed Central


In patients with abnormal neuropsychiatric symptoms and a reactive fluorescent treponemal antibody absoption (FTA-ABS) test in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or serum, a normal CSF cell count and total protein concentration does not exlude late syphilis involving the central nervous system. In these patients, the presence of plasma cells in the CSF cytogram, increased ...


Recent advances in the concept and diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis and IgG4-related disease.

Recent studies have suggested the existence of two subtypes of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP): type 1 AIP, related to IgG4 (lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis); and type 2 AIP, related to a granulocytic epithelial lesion (idiopathic duct-centric chronic pancreatitis). Compared with type 2 AIP, the clinicopathological features of type 1 AIP, with increased ...


Serological diagnosis of Brucella infections in odontocetes.

Brucella ceti causes disease in Odontoceti. The absence of control serum collections and the diversity of cetaceans have hampered the standardization of serological tests for the diagnosis of cetacean brucellosis. Without a "gold" standard for sensitivity and specificity determination, an alternative approach was followed. We designed ...


Serological Diagnosis of Brucella Infections in Odontocetes?

Brucella ceti causes disease in Odontoceti. The absence of control serum collections and the diversity of cetaceans have hampered the standardization of serological tests for the diagnosis of cetacean brucellosis. Without a �gold� standard for sensitivity and specificity determination, an alternative approach was followed. We ...

PubMed Central

Interlaboratory Comparison of Three Multiplexed Bead-Based Immunoassays for Measuring Serum Antibodies to Pneumococcal Polysaccharides ?

Serotype-specific IgG, as quantified by a standardized WHO enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), is a serologic end point used to evaluate pneumococcal polysaccharide-based vaccine immunogenicity. Antibodies to each vaccine polysaccharide in licensed multivalent vaccines are quantified separately; this is laborious and consumes ...

PubMed Central

Proposal for diagnostic criteria for IgG4-related kidney disease.

BACKGROUND: IgG4-related disease has attracted wide attention recently. It is characterized by a high level of serum IgG4 and dense infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells into multiple organs, with the kidney being one representative target. Although several sets of diagnostic criteria for autoimmune ...


Elevated Serum IgG4 is Associated with Chronic Antibiotic-Refractory Pouchitis.

BACKGROUND AND AIM: We recently reported mucosal infiltration of IgG4-expressing plasma cells in a patient with chronic antibiotic-refractory pouchitis (CARP). The role of serum IgG4 in the pathogenesis and clinical course of ileal pouch disorders has not been investigated. We hypothesized that IgG4-mediated ...


Comparison of the Influenza Virus-Specific Effector and Memory B-Cell Responses to Immunization of Children and Adults with Live Attenuated or Inactivated Influenza Virus Vaccines?

Cellular immune responses to influenza virus infection and influenza virus vaccination have not been rigorously characterized. We quantified the effector and memory B-cell responses in children and adults after administration of either live attenuated (LAIV) or inactivated (TIV) influenza virus vaccines and compared these to antibody responses. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were collected at ...

PubMed Central

A comparison of antibody levels to Bacteroides gingivalis in serum and crevicular fluid from patients with untreated periodontitis.

The levels of IgG antibody to Bacteroides gingivalis were measured in serum and sequential samples of crevicular fluid from healthy and diseased sites in patients with untreated periodontitis using ELISA. All subjects had detectable serum titres but there was a wide variation in titre between subjects. Moderate to strong correlations ...


Radioimmunoassay of IgG and IgM rheumatoid factors reacting with human IgG. [/sup 125/I tracer technique

Although IgG rheumatoid factor may play a central role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, previously there have been no precise methods for its specific measurement in serum and synovial fluid. This paper describes a solid phase radioimmunoassay for the independent quantification of IgM and IgG rheumatoid factor reacting with ...

Energy Citations Database

Quantitation of intrathecal measles virus IgG antibody synthesis rate: subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and multiple sclerosis.

A method for quantitating specific anti-viral antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is established using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Quantitated antibody levels are used to determine intrathecal specific IgG synthesis rate for the particular antibody. Measles virus was used as a model for validating this quantitative technique: a ...


Gamma 3 gene-disrupted mice selectively deficient in the dominant IgG subclass made to bacterial polysaccharides. II. Increased susceptibility to fatal pneumococcal sepsis due to absence of anti-polysaccharide IgG3 is corrected by induction of anti-polysaccharide IgG1.

Bacterial polysaccharides (PS) are type 2 T-independent Ags that elicit Abs restricted in isotype to IgM and predominantly IgG2 in humans and IgM, and IgG3 in mice. Humans with IgG2 subclass deficiency are susceptible to sinus and pulmonary infections with PS-encapsulated bacteria. We previously developed an ...


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Recent Concepts of Autoimmune Pancreatitis and IgG4-Related Disease.

Recent studies suggested the existence of two subtypes of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP): type 1 related with IgG4 (lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis; LPSP) and type 2 related with a granulocytic epithelial lesion (idiopathic duct-centric chronic pancreatitis; IDCP). Apart from type 2 AIP, the pathological features of type 1 AIP with increased serum ...


Erosive lichen planus of the vulva: weak circulating basement membrane zone antibodies are present.

The objective of this study was to investigate whether circulating basement membrane zone (BMZ) antibodies are present in erosive lichen planus (LP) of the vulva. In total, 56 consecutive women with biopsy-confirmed erosive LP of the vulva were recruited from a vulval clinic in a district general hospital and teaching hospital in Oxfordshire. Indirect immunofluorescence (IgG ...


The restricted IgG1 antibody response to maedi visna virus is seen following infection but not following immunization with recombinant gag protein.

Maedi-visna (MVV) is a retrovirus of the subfamily lentivirinae which includes HIV, simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Infection of its natural host, the sheep, does not cause overt immunodeficiency, but rather a chronic inflammatory disease. However, subtle immunological changes following infection have been reported including a sheep ...

PubMed Central

Field flow fractionation for assessing neonatal Fc receptor and Fc? receptor binding to monoclonal antibodies in solution.

Analysis of the strength and stoichiometry of immunoglobulin G (IgG) binding to neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) and Fc? receptor (Fc?R) is important for evaluating the pharmacokinetics and effector functions of therapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb) products, respectively. The current standard for assessing Fc?R and FcRn binding is composed of cell-based and ...


Comparison of the Vitek Immunodiagnostic Assay System with three immunoassay systems for detection of cytomegalovirus-specific immunoglobulin G.

The Vitek Immunodiagnostic Assay System (VIDAS; bioMerieux Vitek Inc., Hazelwood, Mo.) was evaluated for its ability to detect anticytomegalovirus immunoglobulin G (IgG) and was compared with the following assay systems: Abbott IMx Cytomegalovirus IgG antibody assay (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Ill.), Whittaker Cytomegelisa II ...

PubMed Central

Risk of malignancies in IgG4-related disease.

IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is considered a systemic, chronic, and inflammatory disorder that is characterized by the enlargement of involved organs, elevated levels of IgG4, and abundant infiltration of plasmacytes with IgG4 and fibrosis in involved organs. It is necessary to differentiate ...


Novel Complement Inhibitor Limits Severity of Experimentally Myasthenia Gravis

ObjectiveComplement mediated injury of the neuromuscular junction is considered a primary disease mechanism in human myasthenia gravis and animal models of experimentally acquired myasthenia gravis (EAMG). We utilized active and passive models of EAMG to investigate the efficacy of a novel C5 complement inhibitor rEV576, recombinantly produced protein derived from tick saliva, in moderating ...

PubMed Central

The birthday of a new syndrome: IgG4-related diseases constitute a clinical entity.

IgG4-related disease is a distinct clinical entity, whose characteristic features are the following; Serum IgG4 is prominently elevated, IgG4-positive plasma cells infiltrate in involved tissues, various mass-forming lesions with fibrosis develop in a timely and spatial manner and the response to corticosteroids is ...


Study of the impact of blood lead level on humoral immunity in humans.

The objective was to study the impact of blood lead level (BLL) on serum immunoglobulin levels (SIL; IgG, IgM, IgA) in people with high-risk professions. It has been characterized that BLL > or = 25 microg/dL can cause dysfunctions in different organ systems of the body, such as the immune system. A cross-sectional study was carried out in relation to ...


Evaluation and Standardization of an Agglutination Test for Human Listeriosis

Human sera from patients with culturally confirmed listeriosis were tested for immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) agglutinating antibodies with trypsinized antigens of Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus faecalis, and Staphylococcus aureus. The response of humans to listeria infections is mainly IgM rather than IgG as found in animals. The ...

PubMed Central

Comparison of four commercial IgM and IgG ELISA kits for diagnosing brucellosis.

Brucellosis is a worldwide, zoonotic disease that often requires serology for diagnosis. The serum agglutination test (SAT) is the gold standard assay but enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are used by many laboratories. Many commercial ELISAs are available, but few studies have compared their performance. This study compares ability of four ...


Further studies on the biological properties of guinea-pig IgG1 antibodies. III. Haemolytic efficiency in vitro.

The capacity of non-reciprocally contaminated guinea-pig IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies for sensitizing antigen-coated sheep erythrocytes for lysis was studied in the presence of serial dilutions of normal guinea-pig serum as the source of complement. IgG1 antibodies were highly efficient, provided complement was little ...

PubMed Central

A new atomic absorption spectral assay for the determination of trace IgG using immunonanogold.

Nanogold in size of 10�nm was used to label goat anti-human IgG (GIgG) to obtain an immunonanogold probe (AuGIgG) for IgG. In pH 6.8 phosphate buffer solution and in the presence of immunoprecipitator polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000), IgG reacted with the probe (AuGIgG) to form AuGIgG-IgG-PEG immunocomplex. After the ...


[Preventive long-term intravenous immunoglobulin infusion in children with acute lymphatic leukemia. II. Zymosan opsonization is decreased and is not increased by IgG infusions].

Zymosan opsonisation was determined in sera of 38 normal individuals and 20 children with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). All patients underwent chemotherapy according to the CoALL 82 protocol. Intravenous gammaglobulin (ivGG) was given prophylactically to replace deficient specific antibodies. Zymosan opsonisation in normal sera ranged from 65% to 133% of a serum pool, ...


Do salivary antibodies reliably reflect both mucosal and systemic immunity?

Two major antibody classes operate in saliva: secretory IgA (SIgA) and IgG. The former is synthesized as dimeric IgA by plasma cells (PCs) in salivary glands and is exported by the polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR). Most IgG in saliva is derived from serum (mainly via gingival crevices), although some is locally produced. Gut-associated ...


Determination of insulin specific IgE in serum of diabetic patients by solid-phase radioimmunoassay

A solid-phase assay system for quantitative measurement of insulin specific IgE has been developed. Insulin specific IgE and IgG are bound to insulin covalently coupled to Sepharose particles. After a washing procedure which removes unbound immunoglobulins, /sup 125/I-anti-human IgE-rabbit globulin is added to the Sepharose to determine the amount of bound IgE. The use of ...

Energy Citations Database

Serological responses to various Coccidioides antigen preparations in a new enzyme immunoassay.

A new enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was used to investigate immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG responses to various coccidioidal antigen preparations. Direct binding and inhibition assays both revealed that the IgG responses of many serum specimens were directed largely to the tube precipitin (TP) antigen even when the microwells were coated ...

PubMed Central

Nephrotic syndrome, monoclonal gammopathy and auto-immune hyperlipidaemia

Hyperlipidaemia, glomerulonephritis and IgG ? monoclonal gammopathy were found to be associated in two patients (Ler. and Lac.). A severe atherosclerosis was also present in the former patient. After a purification�activation procedure active IgG ? was obtained from the serum chylomicra and from the ammonium sulphate-precipitated ...

PubMed Central

The purification and characterisation of cervine IgM and IgG.

A procedure is described for the isolation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) from hyperimmune cervine serum. Hybrids of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wapiti (Cervus canadensis) were immunised with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). An immunoglobulin-containing fraction was precipitated from the hyperimmune serum using ...


Reduction in IgG galactose in juvenile and adult onset rheumatoid arthritis measured by a lectin binding method and its relation to rheumatoid factor.

Glycosylation changes in patients with juvenile chronic and adult onset rheumatoid arthritis have been studied using a novel binding method. Both these major types of arthritis showed decreased galactosylation of serum IgG, which confirms earlier studies using a different, more complex chemical method. No significant correlation between ...

PubMed Central

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IgG4-positive pulmonary disease.

We report herein high-resolution computed tomography findings from a patient with IgG4-related pulmonary disease for the first time. The 61-year-old male patient complained of low-grade fever, dry mouth, and night sweats. He was diagnosed as having autoimmune pancreatitis, Sj�gren syndrome, and elevated serum IgG4. High-resolution ...


Autoimmune pancreatitis and IgG4-related systemic diseases

Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a rare form of chronic pancreatitis that is characterized by lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, storiform fibrosis, obliterative phlebitis, and increased IgG4+ plasma cells. Serum IgG4 levels usually are elevated. Patients with AIP frequently have disease affecting other organs or ...

PubMed Central

New Immunochromatographic Rapid Test for Diagnosis of Acute Puumala Virus Infection

A new immunochromatographic rapid test, POC PUUMALA (Erilab Ltd., Kuopio, Finland), for detection of acute-phase Puumala virus (PUUV) infection was developed based on a highly purified baculovirus-expressed PUUV nucleocapsid protein antigen and lateral immunodiffusion techniques. After addition of sample (5 ?l of serum, plasma, or fingertip blood) and buffer, PUUV-specific ...

PubMed Central

Importance of the cutoff ratio for detecting antibodies against hepatitis A virus in oral fluids by enzyme immunoassay.

Multiple studies have examined the use of oral fluids in modified serum-based assays aiming to replace serum in antibody detection for hepatitis A. However, the reliable detection of HAV immunity in oral fluid requires an extremely sensitive assay; most immunoassays designed for serum antibody determination lack sufficient sensitivity ...


Immunosuppressant effect of gold on IgG subclasses and IgE; evidence for sparing of Th2 responses

We set out to examine the effect of gold treatment on the Th2-dependent antibodies IgG4 and IgE in relation to other IgG subclasses in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Eighty-five gold-treated RA patients and 82 RA controls were studied. Serum IgG subclass concentrations were measured by ELISA, IgE was ...

PubMed Central

Development of serum Dermatophagoides farinae-, ovalbumin- and lactalbumin-specific IgG, IgG1, IgG4, IgA and IgM in children with bronchial asthma/allergic rhinitis or atopic dermatitis.

Dermatophagoides farinae-, ovalbumin- and lactalbumin-specific IgG, IgG1, IgG4, IgA and IgM were evaluated in 161 healthy children [Group 1], 84 children with bronchial asthma and/or allergic rhinitis but without atopic dermatitis [Group 2], and 54 children with atopic dermatitis but without bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis ...


Serum IgG antibody response to periodontal pathogens in minority populations: relationship to periodontal disease status and progression.

Differences in periodontal disease prevalence, severity, subgingival microflora and host immune response have been reported for various ethnic/racial groups, which implies that risk factors for destructive periodontal disease progression may also vary in these populations. As it is possible that these differences may be due to confounding variables other than ethnicity/race, we have measured ...


Serologic Testing for Celiac Disease in the United States: Results of a Multilaboratory Comparison Study

The aim of this study was to compare the efficiencies of six reference laboratories for serologic testing for celiac disease. Serum from 20 patients with untreated celiac disease and from 20 controls was thawed, divided, and distributed to each participating laboratory, which performed endomysial antibody tests. Five laboratories also performed antigliadin antibody tests. ...

PubMed Central

Diagnosis of IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis.

IgG4-related systemic disease is an autoimmune disease that was first recognized in the pancreas but also affects other organs. This disease may manifest as tubulointerstitial nephritis (IgG4-TIN), but its clinicopathologic features in the kidney are not well described. Of the 35 patients with IgG4-TIN whose renal tissue specimens we ...


Contributions of conventional and heavy-chain IgG to immunity in fetal, neonatal, and adult alpacas.

In addition to conventional immunoglobulins, camelids produce antibodies that do not incorporate light chains into their structures. These so-called heavy-chain (HC) antibodies have incited great interest in the biomedical community, as they have considerable potential for biotechnological and therapeutic application. Recently, we have begun to elucidate the immunological functions of HC ...


Contributions of Conventional and Heavy-Chain IgG to Immunity in Fetal, Neonatal, and Adult Alpacas?

In addition to conventional immunoglobulins, camelids produce antibodies that do not incorporate light chains into their structures. These so-called heavy-chain (HC) antibodies have incited great interest in the biomedical community, as they have considerable potential for biotechnological and therapeutic application. Recently, we have begun to elucidate the immunological functions of HC ...

PubMed Central

Antibody response and avidity of respiratory syncytial virus-specific total IgG, IgG1, and IgG3 in young children.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of acute respiratory disease in infants and young children. Considering that several aspects of the humoral immune response to RSV infection remain unclear, this study aimed to investigate the occurrence, levels, and avidity of total IgG, IgG1, and IgG3 antibodies against RSV in ...


Naturally occurring V region connected antibodies inhibit anti-dsDNA antibody reactivity with dsDNA.

The production of autoantibodies against a vast array of self antigens, most notably double stranded (ds) DNA, characterized systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The purpose of this work is to study specific Ig fractions isolated from normal human serum (NHS) and their effect on the binding of anti-double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (dsDNA) antibodies (Abs) to dsDNA. A ...


Measurement of Antibody to Ureaplasma urealyticum by an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Detection of Antibody Responses in Patients with Nongonococcal Urethritis

The optimum conditions for the detection of human immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM, and IgA antibodies to Ureaplasma urealyticum by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were established by using a cell lysate antigen and commercially available alkaline phosphatase conjugates. No significant cross-reactions were observed among rabbit antisera to a variety of mycoplasmas of ...

PubMed Central

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Potomac horse fever disease.

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM in natural and experimental infections of equids with Ehrlichia risticii was developed. Ehrlichial organisms purified from an infected mouse macrophage cell line were used as the antigen. IgM was separated from serum IgG by the expedient of spun-column ...

PubMed Central

Microbial exposure and mold-specific serum IgG levels among children with respiratory symptoms in 2 school buildings.

In this study, the authors determined the association between serum mold-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels in primary school children (N = 181) with asthma, wheezing, or cough symptoms and exposure to indoor mold in 2 schools, with and without mold damage. Microbial exposure was determined with environmental sampling. Serum ...


The murine high-affinity IgG receptor Fc?RIV is sufficient for autoantibody-induced arthritis.

K/BxN serum-induced passive arthritis was reported to depend on the activation of mast cells, triggered by the activating IgG receptor Fc?RIIIA, when engaged by IgG1 autoantibodies present in K/BxN serum. This view is challenged by the fact that Fc?RIIIA-deficient mice still develop K/BxN arthritis and because ...


FcRn mediates elongated serum half-life of human IgG in cattle.

IgG has the longest survival time in the circulation of the Ig classes and the lowest fractional catabolic rate. The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) plays an important role in regulating these processes. Recently, we have cloned the bovine neonatal Fc receptor (bFcRn) alpha chain and detected its expression in various epithelial cells which are mediating IgG ...


Binding of immunoglobulin G to phospholipid vesicles by sonication

Purified goat immunoglobulin G (IgG) does not bind to sonicated phospholipid vesicles. However, when IgG is sonicated together with phospholipids, 4 to 40% of the IgG can be bound to the vesicles, depending on the experimental conditions. The extent of binding depends on the period and power of sonication, the IgG ...

Energy Citations Database

Binding of immunoglobulin G to phospholipid vesicles by sonication

Purified goat immunoglobulin G (IgG) does not bind to sonicated phospholipid vesicles. However, when IgG is sonicated together with phospholipids, 4 to 40% of the IgG can be bound to the vesicles, depending on the experimental conditions. The extent of binding depends on the period and power of sonication, the IgG ...

Energy Citations Database

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Antibody-mediated sialidase activity in blood serum of patients with multiple myeloma.

Cell surface sialylation is known to be tightly connected with tumorigenicity, invasiveness, metastatic potential, clearance of aged cells, while the sialylation of IgG molecules determines their anti-inflammatory properties. Four sialidases - hydrolytic enzymes responsible for cleavage of sialic residues - were described in different cellular compartments. However, sialidases ...


Subclass-specific serum antibody responses to recombinant Norwalk virus capsid antigen (rNV) in adults infected with Norwalk, Snow Mountain, or Hawaii virus.

Subclass-specific antibody responses to the Norwalk virus capsid protein in adults challenged with Norwalk, Snow Mountain, or Hawaii virus were evaluated by solid-phase enzyme immunoassay using recombinant Norwalk virus capsid antigen (rNV). Fourfold or greater serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody responses to rNV were detected in 15 of 20 volunteers ...

PubMed Central

G, A and M immunoglobulin levels in parturient's blood serum, umbilical blood of their neonates and the amniotic fluid in physiological deliveries.

The present investigation is aimed at determination of G, A and M immunoglobulins concentration levels in the blood serum of parturients, umbilical blood of their neonates and in the amniotic fluid in 50 women with physiological pregnancy and delivery whose neonates were fully mature. In order to evaluate IgG, IgA and IgM concentration in the biological ...


[The characteristics of phallotoxin-specific antibodies studied by immunization with a phallacidin-concanavalin A conjugate].

High titre antiserum was obtained by immunization of rabbits with phalacidine-concanavaline A. Specific antiphalacidine antibodies were isolated from this serum on immobilized phalacidine. It was established by testing with antirabbit globulin sera that these antibodies were of IgG class only. IgG fraction was isolated from the immune ...


Human IgG antigranulocyte antibodies: comparison of detection by quantitative antiglobulin consumption and by binding of /sup 125/I staph protein A

The amount of IgG in the serum of patients with suspected immune neutropenia that binds to normal paraformaldehyde-fixed human granulocytes was measured simultaneously by a quantitative antiglobulin consumption assay and by binding of 125I-staphylococcal protein A (SPA). There was a significant linear relationship between the results of these two assays ...

Energy Citations Database

Tetracycline-mediated IgE isotype-specific suppression of ongoing human and murine IgE responses in vivo and murine memory IgE responses induced in vitro.

We previously reported that minocycline treatment of allergic asthmatic patients had oral steroid sparing effects and improved their clinical status and that minocycline suppressed in vitro induction of IgE responses by their PBMC. The effect of minocycline on human or animal IgE responses in vivo has not been studied. Allergic asthmatics (serum IgE: 505 +/- 535 IU ml(-1)) ...


Performance of Commercial Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for Detection of Antibodies to Bordetella pertussis?

Measuring antibodies to Bordetella pertussis antigens is mostly done by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). We compared the performance of ELISA kits that were commercially available in Germany. Eleven measured IgG antibodies, and nine measured IgA antibodies. An in-house ELISA with purified antigens served as a reference method. Samples included two WHO reference ...

PubMed Central

Performance of commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for detection of antibodies to Bordetella pertussis.

Measuring antibodies to Bordetella pertussis antigens is mostly done by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). We compared the performance of ELISA kits that were commercially available in Germany. Eleven measured IgG antibodies, and nine measured IgA antibodies. An in-house ELISA with purified antigens served as a reference method. Samples included two WHO reference ...


Effects of newborn characteristics and length of colostrum feeding period on passive immune transfer in goat kids.

Majorera goat kids (n = 200) were used to evaluate the effects of litter size, birth body weight, sex, and suckling duration on serum IgG concentrations. Kids were assigned to 1 of 3 experimental groups: litter size and sex were equally distributed in each group. In the first group, kids (n = 67) stayed with their dams for 24 h; in the second group, kids ...


Stability of IgG isotypes in serum

Drug development from early discovery to late stage commercialization is a long arduous process where a number of factors are taken into consideration when deciding on a particular immunoglobulin isotype for a therapeutic purpose. There are no general rules for which isotype is selected; however, prior experiences, effector function and the specific therapy targeted, as well as extensive testing ...

PubMed Central

Biomarker discovery in breast cancer serum using 2-D differential gel electrophoresis/ MALDI-TOF/TOF and data validation by routine clinical assays.

In the present study, we used 2-D differential gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) and MS to screen biomarker candidates in serum samples obtained from 39 patients with breast cancer and 35 controls. First, we pooled the serum samples matched with age and menopausal status. Then, we depleted the two most abundant proteins albumin and IgG by ...


The effect of 1-phenylalanine mustard on anti-globulin antibodies in multiple myeloma

An immunochemical and serological study of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis who developed multiple myeloma and was treated with 1-phenylalanine mustard showed a striking difference in the effect of this drug on the rapidly dividing cells, as opposed to the resting plasma cells. The titres of anti-globulin antibodies such as the IgG serum agglutinators ...

PubMed Central

Transfer of IgG in the female genital tract by MHC class I-related neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) confers protective immunity to vaginal infection

IgG is a major Ig subclass in mucosal secretions of the human female genital tract, where it predominates over the IgA isotype. Despite the abundance of IgG, surprisingly little is known about where and how IgG enters the lumen of the genital tract and the exact role local IgG plays in preventing sexually ...

PubMed Central

IgG transcytosis and recycling by FcRn expressed in MDCK cells reveals ligand-induced redistribution

The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) transports IgG across epithelial cells and recycles serum IgG. FcRn binds IgG at the acidic pH of endosomes and releases IgG at the basic pH of blood. We expressed rat FcRn in polarized MDCK cells and demonstrated that it functions in transcytosis and recycling ...

PubMed Central

Cleavage of IgG1 and IgG3 by gingipain K from Porphyromonas gingivalis may compromise host defense in progressive periodontitis.

Degradation of immunoglobulins is an effective strategy of bacteria to evade the immune system. We have tested whether human IgG is a substrate for gingipain K of Porphyromonas gingivalis and found that the enzyme can hydrolyze subclass 1 and 3 of human IgG. The heavy chain of IgG(1) was cleaved at a single site within the hinge ...


Age-Related Immunity to Meningococcal Serogroup C Vaccination: An Increase in the Persistence of IgG2 Correlates with a Decrease in the Avidity of IgG

BackgroundAll children and adolescents between 1 and 19 years of age in The Netherlands received a single meningococcal serogroup C conjugate (MenCC) vaccine in 2002. During follow-up 4�5 years later, the persistence of MenC polysaccharide-specific IgG was found to be dependent on age of vaccination with higher IgG levels in the oldest immunized age ...

PubMed Central

Acquisition of antibody isotypes against Plasmodium falciparum blood stage antigens in a birth cohort

Information on the period during which infants lose their maternally derived antibodies to malaria and begin to acquire naturally their own immune responses against parasite antigens is crucial for understanding when malaria vaccines may be best administered. This study investigated the rates of decline and acquisition of serum antibody isotypes IgG1, ...

PubMed Central

A Novel Immunoglobulin-Immunoglobulin Interaction in Autoimmunity

Well over six decades since its first description, the Rheumatoid Factor (RF)�autoantibodies recognizing Fc (constant) portion of IgG through their own Fab (antigen binding variable segments)�is believed to have come of age. Autoimmune pancreatitis is a unique form of pancreatitis, biologically characterized by an elevated serum ...

PubMed Central

Lymphadenopathy of IgG4-related sclerosing disease: three case reports and review of literature.

Immunoglobulin (Ig) G4-related sclerosing disease is a recently described syndrome characterized by lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of exocrine glands or extranodal tissues and elevated serum IgG4. We report three cases of lymphadenopathy secondary to IgG4-related sclerosing disease. Histologic features of involved lymph nodes included ...


A highly sensitive resonance scattering spectral assay for IgG using Fehling reagent-glucose-immunonanogold reaction.

Nanogold exhibits strong catalytic effect on the slow reaction between glucose and Fehling reagent at 70 degrees C. The production of Cu(2)O particles have two stronger resonance scattering (RS) peaks at 390 nm and 505 nm. The catalytic effect of nanogold-labeled goat anti-human IgG (AuIgG) on the reaction was investigated with the RS technique. Coupled the immunoreaction and ...


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Immunological fingerprinting method for differentiation of serum samples in research-oriented biobanks.

An immunoenzymatic serum fingerprinting method was developed to establish a serum sample fingerprint based on IgG titers obtained with three different antigens. Three widely expressed antigens were selected for their capacity to induce long-lasting humoral immune responses. This fingerprinting method may be used to differentiate ...


[Personal identification from antibodies to oral streptococci using ELISA].

Serum antibodies to oral streptococci were titrated by ELISA for the purpose of personal identification. The bacteria concerned comprised 9 strains of Streptococcus mutans, which are known to cause dental caries, and one strain of Streptococcus sanguis commonly found in the oral cavity and harmless to the teeth. The quantities of IgM antibodies to these streptococci were more ...


Dog immunoglobulins. I. immunochemical characterization of dog serum, parotid saliva, colostrum, milk and small bowel fluid.

The levels of immunoglobulins A, M and G were measured in dog serum, colostrum, milk, parotid saliva and small bowel fluid using the single radial immunodiffusion method. All the external secretions except early colostrum, by contrast with serum, were found to be rich in IgA with small quantities of IgM and IgG. Exocrine ...

PubMed Central

High quality epoxysilane substrate for clinical multiplex serodiagnostic proteomic microarrays

Polylysine and aminopropylsilane treated glass comprised the majority of substrates employed in first generation genetic microarray substrates. Second generation single stranded long oligo libraries with amino termini provided for controlled terminal specific attachment, and rationally designed unique sequence libraries with normalized melting temperatures. These libraries benefit from active ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Shared Epitope for Monoclonal IR162 Between Anisakis simplex Larvae and Clonorchis sinensis and Cross-Reactivity ...

... goat anti-mouse IgG that was conjugated to alkaline phosphatase and adsorbed to rat serum (AP-anti MoIg) ( ... monoclonal mouse IgG anti-rat IgE; Zymed) and alkaline phosphatase-conjugated Extavidin (Sigma...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Serum Immunoglobulin Levels in the ABCC-JNIH Adult Health Study: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Immunoglobulin levels (IgG, IgA, and IgM) were determined on 2043 individuals in the ABCC-JNIH Adult Health Study population, and levels were compared to disease states and the dose of radiation ATB. Mean levels for both cities and sexes combined were IgG...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Progress Toward Development of Monoclonal Antibodies to Saxitoxin; Antigen Preparation and Antibody Detection.

Saxitoxin (STX) was conjugated to bovine serum albumin (BSA), keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), horse IgG, human IgG, and egg albumin with 1.4% formaldehyde. Only BSA and KLH bound significant quantities of STX. Balb/c mice were immunized (i.n.) with each ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Effect of Heat-treatment on Quality and Microbiology of Colostrum and on Passive Transfer of Immunoglobulin G in Newborn Calves

The objective of this study was to describe the effect of heat-treatment on microbial counts and IgG levels in colostrum and describe serum IgG concentrations in newborn calves fed heat-treated vs raw colostrum. Six farms, ranging from 1,200 to 2,500 cows, enrolled in the study. First milking ...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

Diagnosis of Natural and Induced Diseases of Military Importance. Phase 1.

The purpose of this research project was to demonstrate the feasibility of the Optical Biossay (OBA) system for the quantitation of circulating serum IgG and IgM antibodies against Hantaan virus. Reference ELISA assays were set up to measure IgG and IgM a...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Comparison of AA1 Allotypic Specificity Carried by Rabbit Igg and Igm.

Sheep red blood cells (RBC) sensitized with a sub-hemolytic dose of anti-sheep RBC IgG of a1, b4 allotypic specificity did not hemolyze upon addition of complement, but hemolyzed upon successive treatment with anti-a1 serum and complement. When sheep RBC ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Breast cancer, cytomegalovirus and Epstein�Barr virus: a nested case�control study

Background:We investigated whether elevation in serum cytomegalovirus (CMV) or Epstein�Barr virus (EBV) immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody levels precedes the development of breast cancer.Methods:A nested case�control study was carried out within the Janus Serum Bank cohort. Two serum samples, one taken at least 4 ...

PubMed Central

Ability of Rabbit IgG Fab' Fragment Specific for a Human Species Antigen to Block Reactivity of HL-A Antisera.

The relationship between a human species antigen and various HL-A antigens was investigated. IgG Fab' fragment was prepared from a rabbit antihuman lymphocyte serum, anti-B.L. This antiserum was elicited by prolonged immunization of rabbits with purified ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

[Two cases of IgG4-related disease with pleural effusion].

We describe 2 cases of IgG4-related disease with pleural effusion in elderly men. Both patients had elevated serum IgG4 levels, and the characteristics of their pleural effusion were similar. Patient 1 had pericardial effusion and retroperitoneal fibrosis, and a biopsy specimen from the pericardium showed infiltration of abundant ...


Solid phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for anti-sheep erythrocyte antibody in mouse serum.

The solid phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to measure IgM and IgG anti-SRBC antibody titers in mouse serum. Sheep erythrocytes, which have a surface negative charge, were attached directly to the bottom of an aminoplate well (96-well flat bottom, Sumitomo Bakelite Co.) which is charged positively to provide a solid phase for ...


Enhanced immunogenicity of pneumococcal surface adhesin A (PsaA) in mice via fusion to recombinant human B lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS)

BackgroundB lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily of ligands that mediates its action through three known receptors. BLyS has been shown to enhance the production of antibodies against heterologous antigens when present at elevated concentrations, supporting an immunostimulatory role for BLyS in vivo.MethodsWe constructed a fusion protein consisting of ...

PubMed Central

Refinement of a Human Challenge Model for Evaluation of Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) Vaccines.

Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strain H10407 (serotype O78:H11, LT+, ST+, CFA I) induces reliably high diarrheal attack rates (ARs) in a human challenge model at doses ?10(9)CFU. A descending dose challenge study was conducted with changes to standard fasting time and buffer formulation, seeking conditions that permit lower inocula while maintaining reproducibly high ARs. In ...


Serological evaluation of suspected West Nile virus human cases following its introduction during a dengue outbreak in Puerto Rico in 2007.

A laboratory testing algorithm was evaluated to confirm West Nile virus (WNV) infection in human serum following the introduction of the virus in Puerto Rico in 2007. This testing algorithm used two standard diagnostic assays, the IgM antibody capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (MAC ELISA) and real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), along with ...


[Investigation of West Nile virus seroprevalence in Hacettepe University Hospital blood donors and confirmation of the positive results by plaque reduction neutralization test].

West Nile virus (WNV), a member of Flaviviridae family, is an enveloped, icosahedral, single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus. WNV is transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoe (especially Culex spp.) bites and cause a variety of clinical outcomes, ranging from asymptomatic infection to severe meningoencephalitis. The aims of this study were to determine and confirm the WNV seroprevalence in a ...


The Specificity Patterns of Human Immunoglobulin G Antibodies in Serum Differ from Those in Autologous Secretions

The specificity patterns of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to streptococcal antigens in serum and autologous secretions were compared in order to determine whether IgG found in human secretions is exclusively of serum origin or can also be locally produced irrespective of the systemic immune system. Surface ...

PubMed Central

The Mode of Action on the Vitelline Envelope of Xenopus Hatching Enzyme as Studied by Its Two Molecular Forms

... 1,000 dilution of anti-GST-UVS.2 serum and 1:500 dilution of alkaline phosphatase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG, followed by development ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

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