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Interactions of oxalic acid and ice on Cu surface.

The interactions between oxalic acid (C 2H 2O 4) and H 2O on a polycrystalline Cu surface have been investigated by reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS) and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) methods. The desorption of H ...


Interaction of Peroxynitric Acid with Solid H2O Ice

The uptake of peroxynitric acid (PNA), HO2NO2 or HNO4, on solid H2O ice at 193 K (-80 C) was studied

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Inelastic Properties of Several High Pressure Crystalline Phases of H2O: Ices II, III, and V.

Deformation experiments were performed on cylinders of polycrystalline H2O at temperatures from 178 to 257 deg K at pressures to 500 MPa in the stability fields of ices II, III, and V. Ice II is the strongest of the phases, having a strength under ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Solar System Ices - NASA

H2O, NH3 (NH3 hydrate?), hydroxylated silicates. Ariel. H2O, CO2, OH? ... NH3, CH4, and C2H6. Comets. H2O and a variety of coma (gas-phase) molecules ...

NASA Website

AtomicNuclear Properties

hexafluoride (WF6) Uranium dicarbide UC2 Uranium monocarbide UC Uranium oxide U-O2 Water (ice) (H2O) Water (liquid) (H2O) Water (vapor) (H2O) Yttrium aluminum oxide (1)... Websites

Laboratory Studies of Cometary Ice Analogues.

Laboratory studies were performed in order to simulate the physico-chemical processes that are likely to occur in the near surface layers of short and intermediate period comets. Pure H2O ice as well as CO:H2O, CO2:H2O, ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Solar System Ices - + Sciences & Exploration Directorate - NASA

Oct 11, 2010 ... Miranda, H2O, NH3 (NH3 hydrate?), hydroxylated silicates. Ariel, H2O, CO2, OH? Umbriel, H2O, CO2. Titania, H2O, C, HC, CO2, OH? ...

NASA Website

Single freezing and triple melting of micrometre-scaled (NH(4))(2)SO(4)/H(2)O droplets.

Atmospheric aerosol droplets containing NH(4)(+) and SO(4)(2-) ions are precursors of cirrus ice clouds. However, the low-temperature phase transformation of such droplets is not understood yet. Here we show for the first time that micrometre-scaled (NH(4))(2)SO(4)/H(2)O droplets produce one freezing event but ...


Human Exploration of Mars - Design Reference Architecture 5.0 - NASA

surface core sampling of adsorbed H2O and H2O-ice H2O deposits (site-dependent in this case) ...... The CO2 is obtained via a micro-channel adsorption pump. ...

NASA Website

Mixed-phased particles in polar stratospheric ice clouds

Keywords: polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs), ozone depletion, differential scanning calorimeter. The rate of chlorine activation reactions, which lead to ozone depletion in the winter/spring polar stratosphere (Molina, 1994), depends on the phase state of the surface of polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) ice crystals (McNeil et al., 2006). PSCs are thought to consist of solid ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Project: Cosmic Ice Laboratory: Organic ... - Astrobiology - NASA

Aug 22, 2011 ... The HPLC fluorescence signals from residues of irradiated CH3CN ice, with and without H2O, are plotted as a function of time. ...

NASA Website


tion and the plausible H2O sublimation (over water ice) and condensation (over CO2 ice) regions ... sublimating water wapour in the near-surface layers, ...

NASA Website

Laboratory Studies of Sulfate Aerosols at Stratospheric Temperatures

Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) have been implicated in polar ozone loss. Type II PSCs are water/ice particles, whereas type I PSCs are thought to contain nitric acid and water mixtures, but their exact composition and phase are not known. Lidar depolarization measurements indicate that the most common form of type I PSC is crystalline. However, it is ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Oxygen isotope levels derived from sea water samples ... - GCMD - NASA

The isotope ratio H2O18/H2O16 was measured, using a VG Prism II mass- spectrometer and reported in delta_O18 notation. The data ...

NASA Website

Mercury Absorption in Aqueous Oxidants Catalyzed by Mercury(II) Lynn L. Zhao and Gary T. Rochelle*

in water (atm M-1) [H2O2] ) hydrogen peroxide concentration in the liquid (M) [H2O2]b ) hydrogen peroxide concentration in the bulk liquid phase (M) [H2O2]i ) hydrogen peroxide concentration at the liquid side ...

E-print Network


... synthetic (2CaO.3B2O3.H2O) and compound II. (3) Borax (Na2B4O7. 10H2O), gypsum (CaSO4. 2H2O), and H2O from 125 to ...

DTIC Science & Technology

A general parallel sparse-blocked matrix multiply for linear scaling SCF theory. 1 Matt Challacombe

-frame-pointer -O4. All LINUX calculations were run on the Roadrunner Cluster [97], with 450 MHz Intel Pentium II (H 2 O) 50 (H 2 O) 70 (H 2 O) 90 FIG. 7. Parallel performance for SDMM on ...

E-print Network

Ultraviolet spectrophotometry of Comet Giacobini-Zinner during the ICE encounter

The IUE's UV spectrophotometer was used to monitor Comet Giacobini-Zinner's H2O production rate from

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


Global hydrogen abundance and equivalent H2O; Ground ice to +/-60� in high ... formed later with opal/hydrated silica; Few hydrated mineral deposits since ...

NASA Website

Overview of the Icing and Flow Quality Improvements Program for ...

activation test program initiated upon completion of construction, and the overall management approach ...... Pressure drop across zone: 4-h frost (in. H2O ) ...

NASA Website

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We report hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) detection in organic residues resulting from H2O : CO : CH3OH : NH3 ices submitted to UV photolysis or proton ...

NASA Website

Astrobiology - Goddard Center for Astrobiology - NASA

She prepared carbonic acid by irradiating mixed CO2-H2O ice, ... Ariel demonstrated that carbonic acid is likely to form in places as diverse as icy ...

NASA Website

ASU MAT 591: Opportunities in Industry! RadiativeRadiative Transfer, MODIS andTransfer, MODIS and

for Water and Ice, Visible (VIS) and Near Infrared (NIR) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.3 0.4 0PartofRefractiveIndex O3 O2 H2O O2 H2O O2 H2O ...

E-print Network

Experimental study of the NaCl H2O system up to 28 GPa: Implications for ice-rich planetary bodies

Recent studies have hypothesized that high-pressure H2O polymorphs, specifically Ice VI and Ice VII, make up a significant portion of the interiors of select outer planets and their moons; most notably the Galilean satellites, Saturn's Titan and possibly Neptune's moon Triton as well as ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Diffusion of HDO in pure and acid-doped ice films.

In these experiments, a few bilayers of D(2)O were vapor-deposited on a pure crystalline H(2)O ice film or an ice film doped with a small amount of HCl. Upon deposition, H/D isotopic exchange quickly converted the D(2)O layer into an HDO-rich mixture layer. Infrared absorption spectroscopy ...


AKARI observations of ice absorption bands towards edge-on YSOs

Circumstellar disks and envelopes of low-mass YSOs contain significant amounts of ice. Such icy material will evolve to volatile components of planetary systems, such as comets in our solar system. In order to investigate the composition and evolution of circumstellar ice around low-mass YSOs, we have observed ice absorption bands ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

BIG CLOUD NO CLOUD: optically thick yet ... - A-Train symposium - NASA

Quantify stratospheric H. 2. O injection abundance? * Other BCNC detections: dust-ice, ash-ice, regular ice. * BCNC: aerosol indirect effect on steroids? ...

NASA Website

H�(H2O)n clusters: microsolvation of the hydrogen atom via molecular ab initio gradient embedded genetic algorithm (GEGA).

A new version of the ab initio gradient embedded genetic algorithm (GEGA) program for finding the global minima on the potential energy surface (PES) of mixed clusters formed by molecules and atoms is reported. The performance of the algorithm is demonstrated on the neutral H�(H(2)O)(n) (n = 1-4) clusters, that is, a radical H atom ...


Phase diagram of H2O: Thermodynamic functions of the phase transitions of high-pressure ices

The analysis of the internal structure of the ice satellites of the Solar System�s giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, and the estimation of the composition of other water-containing cosmic bodies require thermodynamic information on the phase transformations in the water-ice system. This work presents experimental and theoretical data on the studies of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

New cloud chamber experiments on the heterogeneous ice nucleation ability of oxalic acid in the immersion mode

The heterogeneous ice nucleation ability of oxalic acid in the immersion mode has been investigated by controlled expansion cooling runs with airborne, ternary solution droplets composed of, (i), sodium chloride, oxalic acid, and water (NaCl/OA/H2O) and, (ii), sulphuric acid, oxalic acid, and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

New cloud chamber experiments on the heterogeneous ice nucleation ability of oxalic acid in the immersion mode

The heterogeneous ice nucleation ability of oxalic acid in the immersion mode has been investigated by controlled expansion cooling runs with airborne, ternary solution droplets composed of, (i), sodium chloride, oxalic acid, and water (NaCl/OA/H2O) and, (ii), sulphuric acid, oxalic acid, and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The crystal structure of calcium aqua{ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)}nickelate(II) tetrahydrate, Ca[Ni(H Edta)(H2O)]2�4H2O

The crystal structure of Ca[Ni(H Edta)(H2O)]2 � 4H2O (HE dta 3?is a protonated anion of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is determined. The unit-cell parameters are as follows: a = 7.706(1), b = 14.923(9), and c = 26.570(5) �; V = 3055.6(2.4) �3; Z = 8; and space ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

RESERVE THIS SPACE Dissolved Gaseous Mercury Profiles in

-Fe(III) + Hg(II) + 2OH- + H2O Catalase Enzyme Reaction Induction of gene transcription oxyR ?? Increase

E-print Network



DTIC Science & Technology

Palaeoproterozoic ice houses and the evolution of oxygen-mediating enzymes: the case for a late origin of photosystem II.

Two major geological problems regarding the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis are (i) identifying a source of oxygen pre-dating the biological oxygen production and capable of driving the evolution of oxygen tolerance, and (ii) determining when oxygenic photosynthesis evolved. One solution to the first problem is the accumulation of photochemically produced ...


Brief communication: ikaite (CaCO3*6H2O) discovered in Arctic sea ice

We report for the first time on the discovery of calcium carbonate crystals as ikaite (CaCO3*6H2O) in sea ice from the Arctic (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). This finding demonstrates that the precipitation of calcium carbonate during the freezing of sea ice is not restricted to the Antarctic, where ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ionization of N2O4 in contact with water: mechanism, time scales and atmospheric implications.

Ionization of N(2)O(4) in and on thin water films on surfaces is believed to be a key step in the hydrolysis of NO(2) which generates HONO, a significant precursor to the OH free radical in the lower atmosphere. Molecular dynamics simulations using "on the fly" high-level MP2 potentials are carried out for ONONO(2) x (H(2)O)(n) ...


Irradiation of dust in molecular clouds. II. Doses produced by cosmic rays

The fluxes of cosmic rays inside typical molecular clouds are calculated. Protons and a-particles with energies of 1 MeVd ? � ? 10 GeV penetrate deeply enough to produce irradiation doses in the ice mantle of dust particles on the order of 0.1-1 eV/amu over the 10-50 million year lifetime of clouds with and without star formation regions. The possible use of these results ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Infrared and Raman line shapes for ice Ih. II. H2O and D2O

We present a theoretical study of infrared and Raman line shapes of polycrystalline and single crystal ice Ih, for both water and heavy water, at 1, 125, and 245 K. Our calculations involve a mixed quantum/classical approach, a new water simulation model with explicit three-body interactions, transition frequency and dipole maps, and intramolecular and intermolecular ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

New Optical Constants for Amorphous and Crystalline H2O-ice

We have used the infrared spectra of laboratory ices to calculate the real and imaginary indices of refraction for amorphous and crystalline H2O-ice. We create H2O-ice samples in vacuum (~10e-8 Torr) by condensing gases onto a cold substrate (15-150 ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide ...

Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) from West Antarctica Entry ID: NSIDC-0392. [ View Full Record ] ...

NASA Website

Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide ...

Abstract: This data set contains sub-annually resolved concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), snow, firn and ice from 23 sites on the West Antarctic ...

NASA Website

Influence of monolayer amounts of HNO3 on the evaporation rate of H2O over ice in the range 179 to 208 K: a quartz crystal microbalance study.

The evaporation flux J(ev) of H2O from thin H2O ice films containing between 0.5 and 7 monolayers of HNO3 has been measured in the range 179 to 208 K under both molecular and stirred flow conditions in isothermal experiments. FTIR absorption of the HNO3/H2O condensate revealed the formation of metastable alpha-NAT ...


Brief Communication: Ikaite (CaCO3�6H2O) discovered in Arctic sea ice

We report for the first time on the discovery of calcium carbonate crystals as ikaite (CaCO3�6H2O) in sea ice from the Arctic (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard) as confirmed by morphology and indirectly by X-ray diffraction as well as XANES spectroscopy of its amorophous decomposition product. This finding demonstrates ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Evaporation of H2O-CO ice and its astrophysical implications

In the present mass spectroscopy and electron diffraction study of the evaporation of H2O-CO ice, in which at 10 K approximately half of the amorphous CO is adsorbed on amorphous H2O while the residual CO portion is included in the H2O as an impurity, notes the amorphous CO to crystallize into alpha-CO upon warming ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Journal of Chemical Crystallography, Vol. 35, No. 5, May 2005 ( C 2005) DOI: 10.1007/s10870-005-1692-z

-005-1692-z Synthesis and crystal structure of a phthalate-bridged copper(II) complex {[Cu(L)(Phen)(H2O)]�H2O) Received June 21, 2004; accepted December 1, 2004 A phthalate-bridged copper(II) complex ...

E-print Network


TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF THE FORMATION OF HYDROGEN, OXYGEN, AND HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN ELECTRON), molecular oxygen (O2 ), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decrease as the temperature rises from 12 to 90 K the last quarter of a century. Moore & Hudson (2000) investigated the formation of hydrogen peroxide ...

E-print Network

Formation of low-temperature cirrus from H2SO4/H2O aerosol droplets.

We present experimental results obtained with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) that indicate the small ice particles in low-temperature cirrus clouds are not completely solid but rather coated with an unfrozen H2SO4/H2O overlayer. Our results provide a new look on the formation, development, and ...


The Evolution of Massive Young Stellar Objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud. II. Thermal Processing of Circumstellar Ices

We present Spitzer Space Telescope spectroscopy of the CO2 ice absorption feature at 15.2 ?m toward 41 high-mass young stellar objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). As the shape of the CO2 absorption profile is a measure of both the composition and thermal history of the ice, we have performed a decomposition of the spectral profiles to determine ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The first unequivocally ferromagnetically coupled squarato complex: origin of the ferromagnetism in an interlocked 3D Fe(II) system.

An unprecedented interlocked 3D Fe(II) system, [Fe(squarate)(bpy)(2H2O)] x 3H2O, 1 (bpy = 4,4'-bipyridine), the first unequivocally ferromagnetically coupled squarato complex to be reported, has been synthesised and magnetically characterized. ...


On, off and intermediate coordination of a bridgehead triarylamine donor in tripodal complexes: towards the tuning of coordinative bond distance.

A series of first row transition metal complexes of the tripodal ligand 2,2',2"-nitrilotribenzoic acid H3L has been prepared and characterised by X-ray crystallography: Mononuclear [M(L)]- species ...


The H-atom resource on Mars

The hydrogen atom is considered to be the key to the chemical manufacturing and the agricultural endeavors to be undertaken on the surface of Mars. The only apparent abundant supply of H-atoms on Mars is the oxidized form, H2O. Water may be obtained at various penalties on the limited energy resources, depending on the source from ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Measurements of the Debye-Waller Factors and of the Lattice Parametera on H2o-Ice-Ih Single Crystals Between 90 and 230 K Messung des Debye-Waller-Faktors und des Gitterparametersa an H2o-Eis-Ih-Einkristallen Zwischen 90 und 230 K.

Debye Waller factor measurements on pure H2O ice Ih single crystals, as well as lattice parameter measurements on HF doped H2O ice Ih single crystals, established a first order phase transformation with hysteresis between 110 and ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Ice-like H2O in hemimorphite, Zn4Si2O7(OH)2H2O: Cp and entropy behavior of confined H2O in microporous silicates

The H2O molecule plays a key role in many planetary processes and, thus, it is necessary to investigate how it interacts with a variety of natural materials. In this regard the role of hydrogen bonding is of central importance, but it has received relatively little study. Certain micro/nanoporous silicates offer the possibility for one to investigate the nature of confined ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Five year (2004-2009) observations of upper tropospheric water vapor and cloud ice from MLS and comparisons with GEOS-5 analyses

This paper gives an overview of August 2004 through February 2010 upper tropospheric (UT) water vapor (H2O) and ice water content (IWC) from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and comparisons with outputs from the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System Version 5 (GEOS-5) data assimilation system. Both MLS and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Photochemistry of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in cosmic water ice. II. Near UV/VIS spectroscopy and ionization rates

Context. Mid-infrared emission features originating from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are observed towards photon dominated regions in space. Towards dense clouds, however, these emission features are quenched. Observations of dense clouds show that many simple volatile molecules are frozen out on interstellar grains, forming thin layers of ice. Recently, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

New Optical Constants for Amorphous and Crystalline H2O-ice

We have used the infrared spectra of laboratory ices to calculate the real and imaginary indices of refraction for amorphous and crystalline H2O-ice. We create H2O-ice samples by condensing gases onto a cold substrate. We measure the thickness of the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Synthesis and characterization of mono- and micro6-sulfato hexanuclear zinc complexes of a new symmetric dinucleating ligand.

Zinc complexes of a new symmetric dinucleating ligand, N,N'-Bis[2-carboxybenzomethyl]-N,N'-Bis[carboxymethyl]-1,3-diaminopropan-2-ol (H5ccdp) with mixed donating groups, have been studied in the solid state as well as in solution. In methanol, the reaction of stoichiometric and substoichiometric amounts of Zn(ClO4)2 x 6H2O and the ...



The reaction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and Fe(II) (Fenton's reaction) generates hydroxyl radicals (OH) that can be used to oxidize contaminants in soils and aquifers. In such environments, insufficient iron, reactions involving H2O2 that do not yield ...

EPA Science Inventory

Mossbauer and Magnetic Studies of a Mixed-Valence Ferrimagnet, Fe2F5.2H2O.

The red, crystalline mixed-valence compound pentafluorodiiron(II,III)dihydrate, Fe2F5.2H2O, has been examined using Mossbauer spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibilities. At 48K the material orders ferrimagnetically as the result of spin compensation of ir...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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-expiratory pressures. All subjects were initially kept on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) at 2�4 cmH2O the CPAP level. During stable stage II-III NREM sleep, after 90 min of either Indo (Indo Maalox) or placebo to produce an apnea. The initial pressure support level was 4 ...

E-print Network

Laboratory studies of heterogeneous reactions on ice and nitric acid-doped ice surfaces representative of polar stratospheric clouds and cirrus clouds

Heterogeneous reactions on ice particles play an important role in the formation of the Antarctic ozone hole and in the chemistry of cirrus clouds and airplane condensation trails. Nonetheless, the phase, composition, and state of adsorption of surface products are largely unknown. To this end, atmospherically relevant molecules were studied on thin ice ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Phase transition and chemical decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and its water mixtures under high pressures

We have studied the pressure-induced phase transition and chemical decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and its mixtures with water to 50 GPa, using confocal micro-Raman and synchrotron x-ray diffractions. The x-ray results indicate that pure hydrogen peroxide crystallizes into a tetragonal structure (P41212), the same structure previously found in 82.7% ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Water Molecules Clump More Closely than Previously Thought : News

Apr 4, 2004 ... As its H2O formula suggests, each water molecule is made of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. In ice, water molecules are arranged ...

NASA Website

Ultraviolet photolysis of anthracene in H2O interstellar ice ...

We report here on the UV photolysis of anthracene. (C14H10) in solid H2O at low temperature ... 90% of the flux from this type of UV photolysis is absorbed ...

NASA Website

US-ITASE - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

This data set contains atmospheric mixing ratios of hydrogen peroxide and ... Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) from ...

NASA Website

Project: Chemistry of the NH3/H2O system ... - Astrobiology - NASA

Sep 5, 2011 ... We conducted a systematic study of the near-IR and mid-IR spectra of ammonia- water ices at various NH3/H2O ratios. These results are ...

NASA Website

Near-infrared Spectra of ... - Solar System Exploration - NASA

Feb 23, 2011 ... Max Bernstein, Dale Cruikshank and Scott Sandford measured near-infrared (IR) spectra of water-methane (H2O-CH4) ice mixtures at various ...

NASA Website

Modern Water - MEPAG

Discovery: vast near-surface ice deposits, and water in mid-latitude glaciers and both ... hydrogen-enriched soil (H2O), Lower Limit of Water Mass Fraction on Mars .... Suggestions include freezing point depression of groundwater by dissolved ...

NASA Website

H2O2 and NO3 in Shallow Ice Cores at South Pole

melter system for hydrogen peroxide, nitrate, liquid conductivity, and, for some core sections, formaldehyde. Mean snow accumulation rates were confirmed ...

NASA Website

GAS SENSORS - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

This data set contains atmospheric mixing ratios of hydrogen peroxide and ... Twenty-Three Century-scale Ice Core Records of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) from ...

NASA Website

Evolution of the Early Martian Climate and the Initial Emplacement of Crustal H2o.

Given the geomorphic evidence for the widespread occurrence of water and ice in the early Martian crust, and the difficulty involved in accounting for this distribution given the present climate, it has been suggested that the planet's early climate was o...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

DOI: 10.1126/science.1172339 , 58 (2009);325Science

that have formed by aque- ous or rock-forming processes. Candidates are smectites (e.g., montmorillonite ice. This is unexpected because perchlorate salts (15) are expected to bind six to eight H2O molecules

E-print Network

Coding Guidelines for EOS MLS Science Software

Global distribution of O3, ClO, H2O, SO2, CO, N2O, HNO3, HCl, HOCl, BrO, OH,. HO2, HCN, temperature, geopotential height, and cirrus ice ...

NASA Website

Carbamic acid: molecular structure and IR spectra - NASA

Infrared absorption spectra of mixed H2O, NH3 and 12CO2/13CO2 ices subjected to 1 MeV proton irradiation were investigated. The results of analyses of the ...

NASA Website

ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS Carbonic acid production in H2 O ... - NASA

mation of carbonic acid (H2CO3) from H2O:CO2 ice mixtures exposed to either UV photons ... of carbonic acid's intrinsic IR band strengths, based on the UV ...

NASA Website

Two novel heterometallic Cu(II)-Sr(II) coordination polymers based on 3,5-pyrazoledicarboxylic acid: synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties.

The syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties are described for two novel 2D heterometallic Cu(II)-Sr(II) coordination polymers ...


Thermal conductivity of compressed H2O to 22 GPa: A test of the Leibfried-Schl�mann equation

The Leibfried-Schl�mann (LS) equation, a commonly assumed model for the pressure dependence of thermal conductivity ?, is tested by measurements on compressed H2O using a combination of the time-domain thermoreflectance method with the diamond anvil cell technique. The thermal conductivity of ice VII increases by ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A series of Cd(II) complexes with ?�? stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions: Structural diversities by varying the ligands

Seven new Cd(II) complexes consisting of different phenanthroline derivatives and organic acid ligands, formulated as [Cd(PIP)2(dnba)2] (1), [Cd(PIP)(ox)]�H2O (2), ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Experimental Study of "Dirty" Ice Systems: Implications for Ganymede and Callisto

Recent studies have hypothesized that high-pressure H2O polymorphs, specifically Ice VI and Ice VII, make up a significant portion of the interiors of both Ganymede and Callisto. Several of Jupiter's satellites have been conjectured to contain subsurface salty ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Degradation of 1,4-dioxane using advanced oxidation processes.

INTRODUCTION: In the nuclear industry 1,4-dioxane is used as a solvent in liquid scintillation technique for measuring low-energy beta-emitters such as (3)H or C(14) in aqueous media. Improper disposal of 1,4-dioxane can contaminate the ground and surface waters. Conventional wastewater treatment processes like chemical treatment, air stripping, carbon adsorption, and ...


Interplay of coordinative and supramolecular interactions in formation of a series of metal-organic complexes bearing diverse dimensionalities.

A series of new metal-organic coordination complexes, {[Ni(IP)(H(2)O)(4)].(2H(2)O)(SO(4))} (1), [M(IP)(mu(2)-SO(4))(H(2)O)(2)] (M = Zn 2 , and M = Mn 3 ), ...


Numerical simulations of homogeneous freezing processes in the aerosol chamber AIDA

The homogeneous freezing of supercooled H2SO4/H2O aerosols in an aerosol chamber is investigated with a microphysical box model using the activity parameterization of the nucleation rate by Koop et al (2000). The simulations are constrained by measurements of pressure, temperature, total water mixing ratio, and the initial aerosol size ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Heat capacity of tetrahydrofuran clathrate hydrate and of its components, and the clathrate formation from supercooled melt.

We report a thermodynamic study of the formation of tetrahydrofuran clathrate hydrate by explosive crystallization of water-deficient, near stoichiometric, and water-rich solutions, as well as of the heat capacity, C(p), of (i) supercooled tetrahydrofuran-H2O solutions and of the clathrate hydrate, (ii) ...


Thermodynamics of arsenates, selenites, and sulfates in the oxidation zone of sulfide ores. II. Systems M1, M2//SO{4/2-}-H2O (M1, M2 = Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Co2+, H+) at 25�C

High toxicity of arsenic and selenium makes it important to analyze conditions, under which sulfates, arsenates, and selenites replace sulfides, arsenides, and selenides in the oxidation zones of sulfide ore deposits and in weathered technogenic waste. Published experimental data have been summarized for solubility in ternary systems containing Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, and Co sulfates. Due to high ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Two isomorphous imidazole (Him) complexes: [MCl(2)(Him)(2)(H(2)O)(2)] (M = Co and Ni).

The structures of aquadichlorobis(1H-imidazole)cobalt(II), [CoCl(2)(Him)(2)(H(2)O)(2)] (Him is 1H-imidazole, C(3)H(4)N(2)), (I), and aquadichlorobis(1H-imidazole)nickel(II), [NiCl(2)(Him)(2)(H(2)O)(2)], (II), ...


Hexaaqua-manganese(II) tetra-aqua-bis(2-amino-pyrazine-?N)manganese(II) disulfate dihydrate.

The reaction of manganese(II) sulfate and 2-amino-pyrazine affords the title salt, [Mn(H(2)O)(6)][Mn(C(4)H(5)N(3))(2)(H(2)O)(4)](SO(4))(2)�2H(2)O. The metal atoms in the ...


Possible Significance of Cubic Water-Ice, H2O-IC, in the Atmospheric Water Cycle of Mars.

The possible formation and potential significance of the cubic ice polymorph on Mars is discussed. When water-ice crystallizes on Earth, the ambient conditions of temperature and pressure result in the formation of the hexagonal ice polymorph; however, on...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Advances in Modeling Impacts onto H2O Ice

H2O ice is a primary constituent of solid bodies in the outer solar system. Hence, understanding the response of H2O ice to shock is particularly important in predicting and interpreting the outcome of natural collision events. The complex phase diagram and rheological properties of H2O pose ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Spin Temperature of Water Molecules Desorbed from the Surfaces of Amorphous Solid Water, Vapor-deposited and Produced from Photolysis of a CH4/O2 Solid Mixture

The nuclear-spin temperature of molecules observed in interstellar space or cometary coma is an important key to understanding physical and chemical histories of the molecules. The present Letter reports measurements of nuclear-spin states and rotational temperatures of thermally desorbed H2O molecules from amorphous solid water (ASW) ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Impact of temperature-driven cycling of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) between air and snow on the planetary boundary layer

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) contributes to the atmosphere's oxidizing capacity, which determines the lifetime of atmospheric trace species. Measured bidirectional summertime H2O2 fluxes from the snowpack at Summit, Greenland, in June 1996 reveal a daytime ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Evaluation of GEOS-5 analyses using six-year (2004-2010) observations of upper tropospheric water vapor and cloud ice from Aura MLS

We present an overview of August 2004 through September 2010 upper tropospheric (UT) water vapor (H2O) and ice water content (IWC) from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and comparisons with outputs from the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System Version 5 (GEOS-5) data assimilation system. Consistency between the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Exploration of NVE classical trajectories as a tool for molecular crystal structure prediction, with tests on ice polymorphs.

Following an initial Communication [Buch et al., J. Chem. Phys. 123, 051108 (2005)], a new molecular-dynamics-based approach is explored to search for candidate crystal structures of molecular solids corresponding to minima of the enthalpy. The approach is based on the observation of phase transitions in an artificial periodic system with a small unit cell and relies on the existence of an optimal ...


Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a Metal Cluster and a Coordination Polymer Based on the [Mn(6)(mu(4)-O)(2)] Unit.

A new 1-D coordination polymer {[Mn(6)O(2)(O(2)CMe)(10)(H(2)O)(4)].2.5H(2)O}(infinity) (1.2.5H(2)O)(infinity) and the cluster [Mn(6)O(2)(O(2)(O(2)CPh)(10) ...


A combination of lacunary polyoxometalates and high-nuclear transition-metal clusters under hydrothermal conditions. Part II: From double cluster, dimer, and tetramer to three-dimensional frameworks.

The hydrothermal reactions of trivacant Keggin A-alpha-XW(9)O(34) polyoxoanions (X=P(V)/Si(IV)) with transition-metal ions (Ni(II)/Cu(II)/Fe(II)) in the presence of amines result in eight novel high-nuclear transition-metal-substituted polyoxotungstates ...


Planetary ices up close: imaging by cryogenic SEM.

Insight into the mechanical response of icy minerals and mixtures relevant to outer solar system environments comes not only from data and images of the solar-system objects themselves but also from laboratory study of these materials. Over the past several decades, we have conducted experimental research on the deformation behavior and microphysics of some of the principal rock-forming ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Reversible structure transformation in ice nanocluster

Water freezes to ice by cooling. Once ice is formed, the phase does not change unless heated over the melting point. This is a familiar phenomenon observed in our everyday life. Here, we demonstrate non-bulk-like behavior of nanosized ice by molecular-dynamics simulation using the TIP4P potential. Our 100 ?s simulations reveal that the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Radiation chemistry of H2O + O2 ices

The chemistry and spectroscopy of proton-irradiated H2O + O2 ices have been investigated in relation to the production of oxidants in icy satellite surfaces. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ozone (O3), and the hydroperoxy (HO2) and hydrogen trioxide (HO3) ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Exposed water ice discovered near the south pole of Mars.

The Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) has discovered water ice exposed near the edge of Mars' southern perennial polar cap. The surface H2O ice was first observed by THEMIS as a region that was cooler than expected for dry soil at that latitude during the summer season. ...


Evolution of a porous H2O-CO2-ice sample in response to irradiation

The thermal history and the chemical differentiation of a porous H2O-CO2-ice sample is studied for four different examples. In the first two cases, the possible effect of a nonvolatile mantle covering the ice is investigated. The influence of the average grain size and the Hertz factor, which ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Mixed ligand complexes of platinum(II) and palladium(II) with cytokinin-derived compounds Bohemine and Olomoucine: X-ray structure of [Pt(BohH+-N7)Cl(3)].9/5H2O [Boh=6-(benzylamino)-2-[(3-(hydroxypropyl)-amino]-9-isopropylpurine, Bohemine].

The new square-planar Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes with cytokinin-derived compounds Bohemine and Olomoucine, having the formulae [Pt(BohH(+))Cl(3)].H(2)O (1), [Pt(Boh)(2)Cl(2)].3H(2)O (2), ...


Hydrothermal synthesis, structure, and luminescent properties of selected Zn(II)/Cd(II) coordination polymers constructed from 3,5-bis(x-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole (x = 3, 4).

Utilizing 3,5-bis(x-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole (x-Hpytz, x = 3; x = 4) as multidentate ligands, six novel coordination polymers with Zn(II) or Cd(II) metal ions were prepared: [Zn(3-pytz)(0.5)(OH)(0.5)Cl](n) (1, 1D ladder), {[Zn(3-Hpytz)(H(2)O)(4)] ...


Radiolysis of H2O:CO2 ices by heavy energetic cosmic ray analogs

An experimental study of the interaction of heavy, highly charged, and energetic ions (52 MeV 58Ni13+) with pure H2O, pure CO2 and mixed H2O:CO2 astrophysical ice analogs is presented. This analysis aims to simulate the chemical and the physicochemical ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

An Experimental Study of the Fluid H2O-Ice VII Transition up to 45 GPa and 1150 K

Equation of state properties of Ice VII and supercritical H2O at temperatures of 300-1150 K and pressures of 11-45 GPa have been studied experimentally. A Mao-Bell type diamond anvil cell with an external Mo-wire resistance heater surrounding the cell was used with synchrotron radiation to study the supercritical ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Cubic and rhombohedral heterobimetallic networks constructed from uranium, transition metals, and phosphonoacetate: new methods for constructing porous materials.

Four heterobimetallic U(vi)/M(ii) (M = Mn, Co, Cd) carboxyphosphonates have been synthesized. M(2)[(UO(2))(6)(PO(3)CH(2)CO(2))(3)O(3)(OH)(H(2)O)(2)]�16H(2)O (M = Mn(ii), Co(ii), and ...


Near- and Mid-Infrared Laboratory Spectra of PAH Cations in Solid H2O

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been observed in absorption along lines of sight toward embedded protostars. In such cold space environments PAHs should condense into H2O-rich ice mantles at low temperature and be exposed to ionizing radiation. In this paper we present the first infrared spectra of PAH cations in solid ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Compressional, temporal, and compositional behavior of H2-O2 compound formed by high pressure x-ray irradiation

X-ray irradiation was found to convert H2O at pressures above 2 GPa into a novel molecular H2-O2 compound. We used optical Raman spectroscopy to explore the behavior of x-ray irradiated H2O samples as a function ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Compressional, temporal, and compositional behavior of H(2)-O(2) compound formed by high pressure x-ray irradiation.

X-ray irradiation was found to convert H(2)O at pressures above 2 GPa into a novel molecular H(2)-O(2) compound. We used optical Raman spectroscopy to explore the behavior of x-ray irradiated H(2)O samples as a ...


What`s it Tuya: Ice Thickness Determined From H2O Contents Measured in Glasses From Subglacial Volcanoes in British Columbia and Iceland

Classic exposures of flat-topped subglacial volcanoes called tuyas exist in northern British Columbia and Iceland. In northern British Columbia, Ash Mountain, South Tuya, and Three Caribou Tuya are basaltic scoria cones that began eruptive activity under glacial ice during the Fraser glaciation (25 to 10 ka). In Iceland, Hl�dufell, Raudafell, and Efstadalsfjall were erupted ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

catena-Poly[[[aqua-(formato-?O)(1,10-phenanthroline-?N,N')manganese(II)]-?-formato-?O:O'] monohydrate].

The title compound, {[Mn(HCOO)(2)(C(12)H(8)N(2))(H(2)O)]�H(2)O}(n), consists of polymeric chains of the complex [Mn(HCOO)(2)(phen)(H(2)O)](?) (phen is 1,10-phenanthroline) with solvent water mol-ecules. The chains contain ...


Comparative Rheologies of Solid H2O, CO2, and CO2 Clathrate Hydrate

Water ice, CO2 ice, and CO2 clathrate hydrate are the principal ices expected to be present in the polar ice caps of Mars and in Martian soil. Laboratory experiments are now giving us well resolved information on the strength of these ices under ductile flow conditions, such as during the slow ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

DNA Binding and cleavage activity of Ni(II) complex with all-trans retinoic acid.

Absorption, fluorescence spectral, cyclic voltammetry and agarose gel electrophoresis studies have been carried out on the interaction of Ni(II) complex with all-trans retinoic acid ([Ni(RA)(2)(H(2)O)(2)] * H(2)O) with DNA. The results indicate that the ...


Micrometer-sized ice particles for planetary-science experiments - I. Preparation, critical rolling friction force, and specific surface energy

Coagulation models assume a higher sticking threshold for micrometer-sized ice particles than for micrometer-sized silicate particles. However, in contrast to silicates, laboratory investigations of the collision properties of micrometer-sized ice particles (in particular, of the most abundant ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

0-D and 1-D inorganic organic composite polyoxotungstates constructed from in-situ generated monocopperII-substituted Keggin polyoxoanions and copperII organoamine complexes

Combination of in-situ generated monocopperII-substituted Keggin polyoxoanions with copperII organoamine complexes under hydrothermal conditions results in seven inorganic organic composite polyoxotungstates ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Structure and characterization of zero- to two-dimensional compounds built up of the sandwich-type clusters and transition-metal linkers

Five new heteropolyoxotungstates K2Na2Mn2(H2O)12[Mn2(H2O)10Mn4(H2O)2(XW9O34)2]�18H2O (X=Ge, 1; X=Si, 2), ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Sintering Behaviour of Gel-Derived Powders.

... starting from AlCl3.6H2O and ZrCl4 solutions and dried by two different methods: (i) by spray-drying and (ii) via a sol-gel route by n-octanol in a ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Second SAGE-III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment (SOLVE-II)

CFC-12, HCFC-22, HDO, and SF. 6. (Toon) + In-situ O. 3. (Margitan). Free flyer Aerosols (Deshler) and. H. 2. O (V�mel). " Super Loki Rockets - Schmidlin ...

NASA Website

Joint Biological Standoff Detection System increment II: Field ...

... de surveiller des volumes atmosphériques ciblés dans lesquels ... 3 Page 26. ... Hydrocil or Glowmax) Hydrated Aluminum silicate (H2Al2Si2O8H2O) ...

DTIC Science & Technology

IR Optical Properties of Thin H2O, NH3, and CO2 Cryofilms

... 57 I46. Effect of Subsarate Temperature on C02 Optical Properties ... 101 t 10. Solid HzO Optical Properties at 20K ..... 105 6I ii S i ...

DTIC Science & Technology

H2O Maser Survey in the Magellanic Clouds.

An extensive search for was water vapor maser emission towards the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds is reported. The 6 sub 16 to 5 sub 23 transition of water molecular was detected in two H II regions in LMC (including N159, previously detected) and in t...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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Electrochemical Properties of Seeded Plasma Flow Fields II.

The effectiveness of various electronegative gases (O2, CO2, NO, SF6, H2O), as a means of reducing the ionization in plasma flow fields (nitrogen plasma) are experimentally investigated and compared. In the thermal condition prevailing, SF6 and water vapo...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Aura Microwave Limb Sounder upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric H2O and relative humidity with respect to ice validation

The validation of version 2.2 (v2.2) H2O measurements from the Earth Observing System (EOS) Microwave Limb Sounder (Aura MLS) on the Aura satellite are presented. Results from comparisons made with Aqua Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), Vaisala radiosondes, frost point hygrometer, and WB57 aircraft hygrometers are presented. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Five-year Climatology of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud Ice from Aura MLS and GEOS-5

This paper presents the climatologies of upper tropospheric (UT) water vapor and cloud ice water content (IWC) measured by Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) from 2004 to 2009, and compares them with those produced by the NASA�s Goddard Earth Observing System, Version 5 (GEOS-5) data assimilation system. High values of water vapor and cloud ice at 215 to 147 ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

One Martian year monitoring of H2O ice clouds by OMEGA/MEx

The OMEGA imaging spectrometer on board the ESA Mars Express mission has identified and mapped H 2 O ice clouds during one Martian year over a wide range of latitudes and longitudes H 2 O ice is detected through its diagnostic ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Internal Friction of H2O, D2O and Natural Glacier Ice.

The three parts of this report are entitled (1) internal friction of pure H2O, D2O and doped ice crystals, (2) internal friction at crystal boundaries, and (3) the internal friction of natural glacier ice. Part 1 uses the flexural vibration method and exp...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Ice Formation on Kaolinite: Lattice Match or Amphoterism? Xiao Liang Hu and Angelos Michaelides

to the computed cohesive energy (Ecoh) of ice Ih, -0.66 eV/H2O. Thermodynamically water has the ability to wet properties of kaolinite with regard to water adsorption and ice nucleation. Keywords: Density functional calculations; Adsorption; Wetting; water; kaolinite Corresponding author: ...

E-print Network

Frost flower chemical composition during growth and its implications for aerosol production

that suggests water vapor deposition forms an ice skeleton that wicks brine present on newly grown sea ice. We precipitation (Na2SO4 � 10 H2O) occurs during frost flower growth. Brine wicked up by frost flowers is typically.1029/2008JD010277. 1. Introduction [2] Frost flowers are ...

E-print Network

Clathrate hydrates of air in antarctic ice.

Measurements of the dissociation pressure of nitrogen hydrate and oxygen hydrate show that the clathrate hydrate of air with the formula (N(2), O(2)) 6H(2)O should exist below about 800 meters in the Antarctic ice sheet. This accounts for the disappearance of gas bubbles at depths greater than 1200 meters. The ...


The crystal structure of aluminium, iron (III), and gallium acid phosphites

The structures of three acid phosphites of trivalent metals [Al(HPO3H)3(H2O)] � H2O ( I), K[Fe(HPO3H4)] ( II), and Rb3[Ga(HPO3H)6] ( III) have been determined. Structure I is layered, complex anions [Fe(HPO3H)4]? form polymer chains in structure ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Chirality delivery from a chiral copper(II) nucleotide complex molecule to its supramolecular architecture.

Chirality of a nucleotide-Cu(II) complex molecule, [CuNa(GMP)(HGMP)(H(2)O)(7)]�6(H(2)O)�CH(3)OH (GMP = guanosine 5'-monophosphate), is delivered to the three-dimensional supramolecular architecture by hydrogen bonding. Liquid- and solid-state ...


The Influence of Salts on the Stability of Dense H2O Ices (Invited)

Dense ices in the interiors of icy satellites likely grow from salty water; however, the effect of salts on these ices is poorly understood. We studied phase relations in the system H2O-NaCl at 1 molal (5.5 wt%) NaCl to assess the role of salt on ice VI and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Molecular H2O in Microporous Silicates: Thermodynamically Ice-Like?

H2O-bearing minerals provide an excellent starting point to investigate how the H2O molecule interacts with natural crystalline materials. One general group of minerals, namely microporous silicates, offer the possibility to investigate the nature of hydrogen bonding and thermodynamic behavior, especially heat capacity, Cp, of confined ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Stability domains of water ices in the NH3 - H2O system: experimental results and thermodynamic modelling

The ammonia compound decreases very significantly the melting curve of water ices. This property is of fundamental importance in planetology because it constrains the nature of the icy mantle within icy moons of the giant planets (1,2). That is why many experimental studies have been conducted for understanding the binary system ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Analysis of near-IR spectra of 1 Ceres and 4 Vesta, targets of the Dawn mission

We obtained high signal to noise spectra of the two targets of the Dawn mission, 4 Vesta and 1 Ceres from observations carried out in remote control between the Observatoire de Paris-Meudon and the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea. 4 Vesta was observed in the 0.7-2.5 ?m spectral region at three different rotational phases in order to i) determine the mineral composition; ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Transition metal(II) complexes of vitamin B13 with monodentate orotate(1?) ligands

The formation of bisorotate(1?) complexes of the type [M(C5H3N2O4)2(H2O)4]�nH2O (M=Co, Ni, Zn and n=2, 4) was achieved by the reaction of ammonium orotate with the corresponding M(II) ions. The crystal structure of [Co(C5H3N2O4)2(H2O)4]�2H2O was ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Spectral studies of copper(II) complexes of tridentate acylhydrazone ligands with heterocyclic compounds as coligands: X-ray crystal structure of one acylhydrazone copper(II) complex.

Six copper(II) complexes of 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde nicotinoylhydrazone (H(2)hmbn), 2-hydroxy-4-methoxyacetophenone nicotinoylhydrazone (H(2)hman), 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde benzoylhydrazone (H(2)hmbb) and 2-hydroxy-4-methoxyacetophenone benzoylhydrazone (H(2)hmab) have been synthesized. The complexes viz. ...


Two polymeric structures with a benzene-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylate ligand acting in mu2- and mu4-bridging modes.

catena-Poly[[tetraaquabis(1H-pyrazole-kappaN(2))nickel(II)] [[diaquabis(1H-pyrazole-kappaN(2))nickel(II)]-mu-benzene-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylato-kappa(2)O(1):O(4)] tetrahydrate], ...


Photochemical and thermal evolution of interstellar/precometary ice analogs

An experimental investigation of the photochemical and thermal evolution of ices deposited at 10K which contain primarily H2O, CH3OH, NH3, and CO mixed in relative proportions consistent with the proposed composition of interstellar ices is presented. These experiments, which are relevant to ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Lithium manganese(II) diaqua-boro-phosphate monohydrate.

The title compound, LiMn(H(2)O)(2)[BP(2)O(8)]�H(2)O, is built up of an open framework of helical borophosphate ribbons inter-connected by MnO(4)(H(2)O)(2) octa-hedra, forming one-dimensional channels along [001] occupied by Li(+) cations and disordered ...



grade metal chloride salts were used (MnCl2�4H2O, CuCl2�2- H2O, FeCl3�6H2O, and PbCl2 from Aldrich were contacted with the resin in glass bottles with plastic lids, using a resin to solution ratio of 1 of ...

E-print Network

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2D and 3D Polymeric Wells-Dawson polyoxometelates: synthesis, crystal structures, and cyclic voltammetry of [(M(H(2)O)(4))(x)][H(6-2x)P(2)W(18-n)Mo(n)O(62)] (M = Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II)).

The synthesis, X-ray crystal structures, cyclic voltammetry, and IR and (31)P NMR characterizations of five new Wells-Dawson-type polyoxometalates are reported, the formulas of which being [(Cu(H(2)O)(4))(2.5)][HP(2)W(18)O(62)].11.33H(2)O (4), ...


Combination of lacunary polyoxometalates and high-nuclear transition metal clusters under hydrothermal conditions: IX. a series of novel polyoxotungstates sandwiched by octa-copper clusters.

The reaction of CuCl(2).2 H2O with trivacant Keggin polyoxoanions K8Na2[A-alpha-GeW9O34].25 H2O or K10[A-alpha-SiW9O34].25 H2O in the presence of 1,2-diaminopropane (dap), ethylenediamine (en) or 2,2'-bipyridine ...


The Mystery of Carbon dioxide on Icy Satellites: A Mixed Clathrate Hydrate?

The existence of trapped carbon dioxide molecules on Jovian and Saturnian satellites is puzzling. A common position for the ?3 band on the Jovian and Saturnian satellites (2349 cm-1) implies a common trapping mechanism. CO2 trapped in various ices and minerals exhibit ?3 features from 2339 t0 2368 cm-1 but there are few candidates that are close to the observed position. CO2 ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Questions And Implications Of Surficial OH/H2O On The Moon

Three forms of OH/H2O on the Moon continue to be of great interest to planetary scientists: interior or mantle volatiles, buried polar ice, and widespread surficial deposits or coatings. The first deals with the original geochemical conditions of this rocky body and the differentiation process. The second deals with the unique extremely cold polar environment that is difficult ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Warm non-equilibrium gas phase chemistry as a possible origin of high HDO/H2O ratios in hot and dense gases: application to inner protoplanetary discs

The origin of Earth oceans is controversial. Earth could have acquired its water either from hydrated silicates (wet Earth scenario) or from comets (dry Earth scenario). [HDO]/[H2O] ratios are used to discriminate between the scenarios. High [HDO]/[H2O] ratios are found in ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Warm gas phase chemistry as possible origin of high HDO/H2O ratios in hot and dense gases: application to inner protoplanetary discs

The origin of Earth oceans is controversial. Earth could have acquired its water either from hydrated silicates (wet Earth scenario) or from comets (dry Earth scenario). [HDO]/[H2O] ratios are used to discriminate between the scenarios. High [HDO]/[H2O] ratios are found in ...

E-print Network

The d10 metal-sulfosalicylate complexes: Herring-bone, ladder and double-stranded chain frameworks with green luminescences

Assembly of 5-sulfosalicylic acid (H3L) and d10 transition metal ions (CdII, AgI) with the neutral N-donor ligands produces five new complexes: [Cd2(HL)2(4,4?-bipy)3]n�2nH2O (1), ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

TLR Agonists Downregulate H2-O in CD8{alpha}- Dendritic Cells.

Peptide loading of MHC class II (MHCII) molecules is catalyzed by the nonclassical MHCII-related molecule H2-M. H2-O, another MHCII-like molecule, associates with H2-M and modulates H2-M function. The MHCII presentation pathway is tightly regulated in dendritic cells (DCs), yet how the key modulators of MHCII ...


Synthesis, structure and characterization of a new cobalt-containing germanotungstate with open Wells-Dawson structure: K13[{Co(H2O)}(?-H2O)2K(Ge2W18O66)

A new germanotungstate K13[{Co(H2O)}(?-H2O)2K(Ge2W18O66)]�29H2O (1) having an open structure related to the Wells-Dawson anion was firstly synthesized by reacting K8Na2[A-?-GeW9O34] with equivalent of H+ and half equivalent of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Respiration-dependent H2O2 removal in brain mitochondria via the thioredoxin/peroxiredoxin system.

Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in both physiological cell signaling processes and numerous pathological states, including neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson disease. While mitochondria are considered the major cellular source of ROS, their role in ROS removal remains largely unknown. Using polarographic methods for real-time detection of steady-state ...


Wetting of mixed OH/H2O layers on Pt(111)

We describe the effect of growth temperature and OH/H2O composition on the wetting behavior of Pt(111). Changes to the desorption rate of ice films were measured and correlated to the film morphology using low energy electron diffraction and thermal desorption of chloroform to measure the area of multilayer ice and monolayer ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Synthesis and characterization of new Schiff bases derived from N (1)-substituted isatin with dithiooxamide and their Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Pd(II), and Pt(IV) complexes.

Three new Schiff bases of N-substituted isatin L(I), L(II,) and L(III) = Schiff base of N-acetylisatin, N-benzylisatin, and N-benzoylisatin, respectively, and their metal complexes C(1a,b) = [Co(2)(L(I))(2)Cl(3)]Cl, C(2) = [Ni(L(I))(2)Cl(2)]0.4BuOH, C(3) = [CuL(I)Cl(H(2)O)]Cl 0.5BuOH, C(4) = [Pd(L(I))(2)Cl]Cl, C(5) ...


Spectra and DNA-binding affinities of Copper(II), Nickel(II) complexes with a novel glycine Schiff base derived from chromone.

New [CuL.(H(2)O)(3)]NO(3).H(2)O and [NiL.H(2)O]NO(3).2H(2)O complexes with Schiff base (LNa) derived from 6-hydroxy-3-carbaldehyde chromone (CDC) and glycine are reported. Two complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, IR data, TG/DTA and molar conductivity. ...


Observations of extragalactic water vapor masers

High resolution (VLBI) studies of interstellar H2O masers can provide information about the dynamics, physical conditions, and distances of host star forming regions. Extragalactic H2O maser fall into two categories, normal masers and megamasers. There have been dozens of ...

Energy Citations Database

Influence of chirality on the electron spin resonance in molecular magnets [MnII(H L)(H2O)][MnIII(CN)6] � 2H2O with chiral ligands L

Chiral and racemic molecular ferrimagnets [MnII(H L)(H2O)][MnIII(CN)6] � 2H2O, where L = S-or R-1,2-diaminopropane for chiral samples ( S-pn, R-pn) and L = rac-pn for racemic samples, are investigated by the electron spin resonance technique. It is ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Synthesis, characterization, and photoresponsive properties of a series of Mo(IV)-Cu(II) complexes.

Six Mo(IV)-Cu(II) complexes, [Cu(tpa)](2)[Mo(CN)(8)]�15H(2)O (1, tpa = tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine), [Cu(tren)](2)[Mo(CN)(8)]�5.25H(2)O (2, tren = tris(2-aminoethyl)amine), ...


Molecular recognition patterns of 2-aminopurine versus adenine: A view through ternary copper(II) complexes.

In contrast to the comprehensive structural information about metal complexes with adenine, the corresponding to its isomer 2-aminopurine (H2AP) is extremely poor. With the aim to rationalize the metal binding pattern of H2AP, we report the molecular and/or crystal structure of four novel compounds with various iminodiacetate-like (IDA-like) copper(II) chelates: ...


Cerium(IV)-lanthanide(III)-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid system: coordination salts, chains, and rings.

A series of new heterometallic compounds containing cerium(IV) and lanthanide(III) with pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (dipicH(2)) have been synthesized. Depending on the Ln(III) ion and preparation conditions, we obtained four types of compounds. Type-I: one-dimensional coordination polymer, ...


Structural and spectroscopic characterization of mixed planetary ices.

Mixed ices play a central role in characterizing the origin, evolution, stability and chemistry of planetary ice surfaces. Examples include the polar areas of Mars, the crust of the Jupiter moon Europa, or atmospheres of planets and their satellites, particularly in the outer solar system. Atomistic simulations using accurate representations of the ...


Construction of metal-organic oxides from molybdophosphonate clusters and copper-bipyrimidine building blocks.

A series of organic-inorganic hybrid materials of the copper(II)-molybdophosphonate family have been prepared using conventional hydrothermal conditions. The reactions of MoO(3), copper(II) acetate, bipyrimidine (bpyr), a phosphonic acid, and water at temperatures below 160 degrees C and in the presence of a mineralizer such as acetic acid or HF provided ...


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Synthesis and magnetic properties of a new Cr(II) ammonium-ethyl-phosphonate: Cr1.5[H3N(CH2)2PO3](SO4).2H2O

A new molecule based magnet of formula Cr1.5[H3N(CH2)2PO3](SO4).2H2O has been prepared and characterized. The magnetization vs. field and temperature measurements revealed the compound to be a soft weak-ferromagnet at TN=4.9K.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Morphology and Spatial Distribution of ZnO Formed in Discharged Alkaline Zn�MnO2 AA Cells

to be characterized for the first time by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Both type I and type II ZnO particle in the porous electrode. The morphology, size, and location of these two ZnO forms strongly lattice, as follows Anode: Zn 2 OH ZnO H2O 2e Cathode: 2MnO2 ...

E-print Network

Fluorine-19 NMR Study of Some Fluorotitanium(IV) Complexes. II.

Low temperature fluorine-19 NMR studies have been conducted on the following systems: TiF4--TiBr4--Tetrahydropyran; TiF4--TiI4--Donor (Donor = Tetrahydrofuran or 1,2-Dimethoxyethane); TiF4--Methylal; TiF4--H2O--1,2-Dimethoxyethane; and, TiF4--TiCl4--H2O--...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Constant Pressure Flame Calorimetry with Fluorine. Ii. The Heat of Formation of Oxygen Difluoride.

The heats of the following reactions were measured directly in an electrically calibrated flame calorimeter operated at one atm pressure and 303K: OF2(g)+2H2(g)+99H2O(1) to 2(HF.50H2O)(1); F2(g)+H2(g)+100H2O(1) to 2(HF.50H2O)(1); 1/2O2(g)+H2(g) to H2O(1)....

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

A tetranuclear, macrocyclic 3d-4f complex showing single-molecule magnet behavior.

[Cu(II)(3)Tb(III)(L(Pr))(NO(3))(2)(MeOH)(H(2)O)(2)](NO(3))�3H(2)O is a rare example of a 3d-4f single-molecule magnet prepared using a macrocyclic ligand: at low T, it exhibits frequency-dependent alternating-current susceptibility, indicative of slow ...


1529-6466/03/0054-0004$05.00 Biologically Induced Mineralization by Bacteria

of a secondary mineral, ferric oxyhydroxide, during Fe(II) oxidation (Fig. 2). Although mineral formation by BIM Ferrihydrite Fe3O4 Magnetite -Fe2O3 Maghemite FeCO3 Siderite FePO4�nH2O Hydrous Ferric Phosphate Fe3(PO4)2�2H2O of hydrous Fe(III) ...

E-print Network

Constraining the equation of state of fluid H2O to 60 GPa using the melting curve of Ice VII and the formation of Mg(OH)2 in the MgO-H2O system.

The physical properties of fluid H2O are important geologically over a large range of pressure and temperature. Shock-wave data have served as the main resource for the derivations of many equations of state for fluid H2O. Direct measurements of the specific volume of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Artificial amino acids in nickel(II) and nickel(II)/lanthanide(III) chemistry.

The synthesis and magnetic properties of five new homo- and heterometallic nickel(II) complexes containing artificial amino acids are reported: [Ni(4)(aib)(3)(aibH)(3)(NO(3))](NO(3))(4)�3.05MeOH (1�3.05MeOH), [Ni(6)La(aib)(12)](NO(3))(3)�5.5H(2)O ...


New results on H2O Ice VI. Phase equilibria, elasticity, molecular geometry and proton disorder.

H2O is one of the most abundant substances on Earth. Despite the simplicity of the molecule, H2O has one of the richest phase diagrams amongst all the substances. Thus far, about 14 different phases of H2O have been identified, with varying pressure and temperature regions ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

UV induced Chemistry of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in NH_3-containing Interstellar Ice Analogues

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons are expected to be widely present in the interstellar medium. For the typical temperatures in space, they will freeze out on icy dust grains, like other species, such as water and ammonia. Optical spectra of PAHs in water ice have become available recently using a new setup at Leiden (OASIS - Optical Absorption Setup for ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Studies of Proton Irradiated H2O+CO2 and H2O+CO Ices and ... - NASA

Infrared spectra of H2O+COz and H1O+C0 ices before and after proton irradiation showed that a major reaction in both mixtures was the interconversion of CO, ...

NASA Website

Pressure-induced collapse of ice clathrate and hexagonal ice mixtures formed by freezing.

We report thermal conductivity kappa measurements of the pressure-induced collapse of two mixtures of ice and tetrahydrofuran (THF) clathrate hydrate formed by freezing aqueous solutions, THF23 H(2)O and THF20 H(2)O, one containing twice as much excess ...


Pressure-induced collapse of ice clathrate and hexagonal ice mixtures formed by freezing

We report thermal conductivity ? measurements of the pressure-induced collapse of two mixtures of ice and tetrahydrofuran (THF) clathrate hydrate formed by freezing aqueous solutions, THF.23 H2O and THF.20 H2O, one containing twice as much excess water ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Preparation of Binary Ice Layers by Condensation from Gas Phase.

Binary ice layers of H2O/NH3, H2O/CO2, NH3/CO2 (77 K), and H2O/CH4 (10 K) are prepared by condensing gas mixtures of defined composition onto a cold KBr plate in a cryostat at a vacuum of about 0.00001 mbar. Layer thickness and composition are determined ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Ion irradiation of CH4-containing icy mixtures

We have studied by infrared absorption spectroscopy the effects of ion irradiation with 60 keV Ar2+ ions on pure methane (CH4) ice at 12 K and mixtures with water (H2O) and nitrogen (N2). Ion irradiation, among other effects, causes the rupture of original molecular bonds and the formation of molecular species not ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Eutectic Crystallization of NaCl.2H2O and Ice.

The thesis deals with the eutectic crystallization of NaCl.2H2O and ice from a NaCl solution, obtained bysolution mining, with the object of separating NaCl from H2O. The eutectic freezing process is an alternativefor the evaporation of the NaCl solution....

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Synthesis and Biological Activity of Manganese (II) Complexes of Phthalic and Isophthalic Acid: X-Ray Crystal Structures of [Mn(ph)(Phen)(2)(H(2)O)]. 4H(2)O, [Mn(Phen)(2)(H(2)O)(2)](2)(Isoph)(2)(Phen). 12H(2)O and {[Mn(Isoph)(bipy)](4). 2.75biby}(n)(phH(2) = Phthalic Acid; isoph = Isophthalic Acid; phen = 1,10-Phenanthroline; bipy = 2,2-Bipyridine).

Manganese(II) acetate reacts with phthalic acid (phH(2)) to give [Mn(ph)].0.5H(2)O (1). Reaction of 1 with 1,10-phenanthroline produces [Mn(ph)(phen)].2H(2)O (2) and [Mn(ph)(phen)(2)(H(2)O)].4H(2)O (3). Reaction of isophthalic acid (isophH(2)) with ...


Rare configuration of tautomeric benzimidazolecarboxylate ligands in cadmium(II) and copper(II) coordination polymers

Two Cd(HBimc)-based isomers, [Cd(HBimcN)(HBimcT)(H2O)]�3.5H2O�EtOH (1a�3.5H2O�EtOH, H2Bimc=1H-benzimidazole-5-carboxylic acid) and [Cd(HBimcN)(HBimcT)(H2O)] (1b), and two Cu(HMBimc)-based coordination ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Manganese(II)-octacyanometallate(V) bimetallic ferrimagnets with T(c) from 41 to 53 K obtained in acidic media.

A series of three-dimensional (3D) octacyanometallate-based bimetallic magnets, {[Mn(H(2)O)][Mn(0.75)(HCOO)(0.5)(H(2)O)(0.5)][W(CN)(8)] x H(2)O}(4n) (1), {[Mn(2)(HCOO)(HCOOH)][M(CN)(8)] x ...


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Mechanism for the abiotic synthesis of uracil via UV-induced oxidation of pyrimidine in pure H2O ices under astrophysical conditions

The UV photoirradiation of pyrimidine in pure H2O ices has been explored using second-order M�ller-Plesset perturbation theory and density functional theory methods, and compared with experimental results. Mechanisms studied include those starting with neutral pyrimidine or cationic pyrimidine radicals, and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mechanism for the abiotic synthesis of uracil via UV-induced oxidation of pyrimidine in pure H(2)O ices under astrophysical conditions.

The UV photoirradiation of pyrimidine in pure H(2)O ices has been explored using second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory and density functional theory methods, and compared with experimental results. Mechanisms studied include those starting with neutral pyrimidine or cationic pyrimidine radicals, and ...


Three-dimensional metal phosphonodicarboxylates with GIS-zeolite topology: syntheses, structures and magnetic studies.

Compounds [M(2)(4-pi)(H(2)O)(4)]�1.5H(2)O [M(II) = Mn(1), Co(2), Ni(3)] and a heterometallic analogue ...


Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of a novel coordination compound based on the mixed N- and O- donor ligands exhibiting the metal ion-bridged ligand ligand interaction: [Zn(2,2?-bipy)(Phmal)(H2O)]�2H2O

The novel ternary zinc(II) coordination compound of formula [Zn(2,2?-bipy)(Phmal)(H2O)]�2H2O (Phmal=phenylmalonate, 2,2?-bipy=2,2?-bipyridine) has been synthesized and characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TG), UV Vis ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Synthesis and characterization of metal(II) fluconazole complexes: Chain-like structure and photoluminescence

Three coordination polymers (flu)2CuBr2�2H2O (1), (flu)2Zn(ClO4)2�2H2O (2), (flu)4Ni2(H2O)4(Mo8O26) � 6H2O (3), (flu = fluconazole) have been ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Multi-component synthesis of trimetallic tetranuclear clusters [Cu(L)(H(2)O)](2)Ln(H(2)O)(2)Cr(C(2)O(4))(3).12H(2)O (H(2)L = 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotradecane-2,3-dione, Ln(3+) = Gd, Tb and Dy).

Novel tetranuclear Cu(ii)-Ln(iii)-Cr(iii) complexes with oxamidate and oxalate bridges have been prepared using [Cu(L)], LnCl(3).6H(2)O and K(3)[Cr(ox)(3)] components (ox(2-) = oxalate) during the development of new multimetallic complexes as molecular magnets. Overall ferromagnetic properties have been observed in ...


Kinetic investigation of the autocatalytic reaction between potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide with soft-modeling methods.

The complex autocatalytic reaction between potassium permanganate (KMnO(4)) and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) was studied by online UV-Vis spectra methods. The kinetic profiles of the absorptive components, including KMnO(4) and two intermediates, were obtained by resolving the spectra-kinetic matrix with iterative target transformation ...


Effect of polyethylenimine, a cell permeabilizer, on the photosensitized destruction of algae by methylene blue and nuclear fast red.

The present study reports the effect a cell permeabilizer, polyethylenimine (PEI) has on the photodynamic effect of methylene blue (MB) and nuclear fast red (NFR) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The photosensitized destruction of the algae Chlorella vulgaris under irradiation with visible light is examined. The ...


Polynuclear complexes with bridging pyrophosphate ligands: synthesis and characterisation of {[(bipy)Cu(H2O)(mu-P2O7)Na2(H2O)6] x 4H2O}, {[(bipy)Zn-(H2O)(mu-P2O7)Zn(bipy)]2 x 14H2O} and {[(bipy)(VO)2]2(mu-P2O7)] x 5H2O}.

The reaction in water of M(II) ions (M = Cu, 1; Zn, 2; VO, 3) with 2,2'-bipyridine (bipy) followed by Na4P2O7 leads to the formation of three new complexes which feature the pyrophosphate anion, P2O7(4-), as a bridging ligand. Single crystal X-ray diffraction revealed 1 to be {[(bipy)Cu(H2O)(micro-P2O7)Na2(H2O)6] x ...


Homochiral Frameworks Formed by Reactions of Lanthanide Ions with a Chiral Antimony Tartrate Secondary Building Unit.

A chiral cluster compound, dipotassium bis(?-tartrato)diantimony(III), K(2)Sb(2)L(2) (H(4)L = l-tartaric acid), was used as a secondary building unit to react with lanthanide ions. Three series of homochiral coordination compounds were obtained: 0D ...


Complexes of copper(II) with 3-(ortho-substituted phenylhydrazo)pentane-2,4-diones: syntheses, properties and catalytic activity for cyclohexane oxidation.

Reactions of copper(II) with 3-phenylhydrazopentane-2,4-diones X-2-C(6)H(4)-NHN=C{C(=O)CH(3)}(2) bearing a substituent in the ortho-position [X = OH (H(2)L(1)) 1, AsO(3)H(2) (H(3)L(2)) 2, Cl (HL(3)) 3, SO(3)H (H(2)L(4)) 4, COOCH(3) (HL(5)) 5, COOH (H(2)L(6)) 6, NO(2) (HL(7)) 7 or H (HL(8)) 8] lead to a variety of complexes including the monomeric ...


CH3OH in High-Pressure Phases of H2O: Implications for Ice-Rich Planets

A significant body of research exists on the structure, lattice parameters, and density of high-pressure ice polymorphs, namely Ice VI and Ice VII, as these ices may make up a considerable part of the interior of large icy satellites and select extra solar planets; though most research thus far has been constrained ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Synthesis, crystal structure, EPR spectra of Cu(2+) doped [Zn(methylisonicotinate)(2)(H(2)O)(4)]�(sac)(2) single crystal.

The tetraaquabis(methylisonicotinate)zinc(II) disaccharinate [hereafter, [Zn(mein)(2)(H(2)O)(4)]�(sac)(2)], complex has been synthesized and characterized by spectroscopic IR, EPR and X-ray diffraction technique. The octahedral Zn(II) ion, which rides on a crystallographic centre of symmetry, ...


Uptake of HNO3 on ice under upper tropospheric conditions

The uptake of HNO3 on thin ce films was investigated under upper tropospheric temperature and pressure conditions using a Knudsen cell reactor and FTIR reflection-absorption spectroscopy. Two different HNO3 uptake regimes were noted with the critical threshold being the supercooled H2O/HNO3 liquid isotherm at a specific temperature. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Spectroscopic, thermal and biological studies of the coordination compounds of sulfasalazine drug: Mn(II), Hg(II), Cr(III), ZrO(II), VO(II) and Y(III) transition metal complexes.

The complexations of sulfasalazine (H3Suz) with some of transition metals have been investigated. Three types of complexes, [Mn(HSuz)-2(H2O)4] x 2H2O, [M(HSuz)-2(H2O)2] x ...


H(2)O(2)-induced left ventricular dysfunction in isolated working rat hearts is independent of calcium accumulation.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and intracellular Ca(2+) overload play key roles in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury but the relationships among ROS, Ca(2+) overload and LV mechanical dysfunction remain unclear. We tested the hypothesis that H(2)O(2) impairs LV function by causing Ca(2+) overload by increasing late sodium current (I(Na)), similar to Sea Anemone Toxin ...


The Canadian CoReH2O Snow and Ice Experiment 2009-2010

The Canadian CoReH2O Snow and Ice (Can-CSI) Experiment 2009 is designed to investigate the electromagnetic response of snow and ice throughout the 2009-2010 winter season in the Hudson Bay lowlands in order to support science development activities of the Cold Regions Hydrology High Resolution ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Chemical Production by Pulse-Laser Irradiation on Ices: Simulation of Impact Shock-Induced Chemistry on Icy Satellites

Several icy satellites of the outer planets show a variety of impact cratering features. The effect of impact by extraterrestrial objects into the surface is commonly related to physical changes. Most of the research applied to impacts on ices has been developed to study and understand the cratering formation process and their physical, geophysical characteristics. Chemical ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

H2O at the Phoenix landing site.

The Phoenix mission investigated patterned ground and weather in the northern arctic region of Mars for 5 months starting 25 May 2008 (solar longitude between 76.5 degrees and 148 degrees ). A shallow ice table was uncovered by the robotic arm in the center and edge of a nearby polygon at depths of 5 to 18 centimeters. In late summer, snowfall and frost blanketed the surface ...


A theoretical and experimental study on translational and internal energies of H(2)O and OH from the 157 nm irradiation of amorphous solid water at 90 K.

The photodesorption of H(2)O in its vibrational ground state, and of OH radicals in their ground and first excited vibrational states, following 157 nm photoexcitation of amorphous solid water has been studied using molecular dynamics simulations and detected experimentally by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization techniques. There is good agreement between the simulated and measured energy ...


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