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Arctic Council Completes Major Science Report on the State of...

ice-bound environment - including snow, frozen ground, ice on rivers and lakes, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets and sea ice. The report goes on to assess how changes to human... Websites

Method for constructing a multiseason ice platform

An ice platform suitable for multiseason use is constructed in a cold offshore region by accumulating ice on a portion of a floating natural ice sheet until the ice mass formed thereby becomes grounded on the marine bottom. A rigid wall element is driven through the ice and ...

Energy Citations Database

Radar Sounding Studies of Cracks at the Base of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Ice shelf systems are important links between ice sheets and global climate change. Through iceberg calving and basal melting and freezing, these ice shelves are vital contributors of fresh water to the thermohaline circulation of the world's oceans. In addition, as ice shelves evolve in concert with ocean ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ground ice at the Phoenix Landing Site: Stability state and origin

A primary objective of the Phoenix mission was to examine the characteristics of high latitude ground ice on Mars. We report observations of ground ice, its depth distribution and stability characteristics, and examine its origins and history. High latitude ground ice was ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A three-dimensional full Stokes model of the grounding line dynamics: effect of a pinning point beneath the ice shelf

The West Antarctic ice sheet is confined by a large area of ice shelves, fed by inland ice through fast flowing ice streams. The dynamics of the grounding line, i.e. the line-boundary between grounded ice and the downstream ice ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Trends of Snow Cover and Temperature in Alaska - MY NASA DATA ...

Aug 2, 2010 ... The Alaska Lake Ice and Snow Observatory Network (ALISON) is a network of 22 ground stations around the state of Alaska. ...

NASA Website

Representing Grounding Line Dynamics in Numerical Ice Sheet Models: Recent Advances and Outlook

Recent satellite observations of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets show accelerated ice flow and associated ice sheet thinning along coastal outlet glaciers in contact with the ocean. Both processes are the result of grounding line retreat due to melting at the grounding line (the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

NEX - Ground-based Validation of Unique CryoSat-2 Data Projects - NASA

The stated purpose of the CryoSat mission is to determine the mass changes of the Earth's cryosphere, in particular the major ice sheets and arctic sea ice. ...

NASA Website

Equatorial Ground Ice on Mars: Steady-State Stability.

Current Martian equatorial surface temperatures are too warm for water ice to exist at the surface for any appreciable length of time before subliming into the atmosphere. Subsurface temperatures are generally warmer still and, despite the presence of a d...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Diseases of Ice Plant Along California Roadsides.

Ice plant (Carpobrotus spp.) is widely grown as a ground cover in California. In many areas of the state, plantings of all ages have shown symptoms of decline which include yellowing, wilting, or death of individual plants or large patches of plants. Pyth...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

The role of soils and soil heterogeneities in the dynamics and stability of Martian ground ice

The dynamical state and equilibrium location of shallow ground ice on Mars have relevance to a variety of science questions, as well as future human and robotic exploration. I investigate the role of soils in the dynamical transport of ground ice and the role of soil heterogeneities in the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Weddell Sea and Dronning Maud Land ice shelf mass balance from satellite altimetry and velocity measurements.

The Weddell Sea basin and the coast of Dronning Maud Land contain two large ice shelves (Filchner and Ronne) and several smaller ice shelves (). We present data that constrain the main processes that can alter the mass balance of these ice shelves: ice flux divergence, basal melt, and surface accumulation. ERS and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Potsdam Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM-PIK) - Part 2: Dynamic equilibrium simulation of the Antarctic ice sheet

We present a dynamic equilibrium simulation of the ice sheet-shelf system on Antarctica with the Potsdam Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM-PIK). The simulation is initialized with present-day conditions for bed topography and ice thickness and then run to steady state with constant present-day surface mass balance. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mapping Layer Sequence and Folds of Pre-Holocene Ice at the Pakitsoq "Horizontal Ice Coring"-Site, West Greenland.

Since 1985, the ?18O content of the surface ice has been studied at several ice-margin locations in Greenland. A provisional chronology for the ice margin records was established by correlating characteristic ?18O-features in the ice margin records with similar features in dated Greenland deep ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Implications of initial conditions and ice-ocean coupling for grounding-line evolution

Ice-sheet grounding lines are sensitive to initial conditions and to small perturbations in boundary conditions, based on new model results coupling ocean and ice flow. To study ice-ocean dynamics near ice-stream grounding lines, we couple an ocean-plume model that ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Investigating Grounding Zones by RAGEing WISSARDs

The latest IPCC report recognized that the greatest uncertainties in assessing future global sea-level change stem from a poor understanding of ice sheet dynamics and vulnerability to oceanic and atmospheric warming. Ice stream grounding zones (GZs) of West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) are seen as high priority ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The role of water ice clouds in the Martian hydrologic cycle

A one-dimensional model for the seasonal cycle of water on Mars has been used to investigate the direction of the net annual transport of water on the planet and to study the possible role of water ice clouds, which are included as an independent phase in addition to ground ice and water vapor, in the cycle. The calculated seasonal and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

FAST TRACK COMMUNICATION: The origin of persistent spin dynamics and residual entropy in the stuffed spin ice Ho2.3Ti1.7O7??

The so-called 'spin ices' form when exchange interactions, crystal fields, and dipolar interactions are in a delicate balance. This gives rise to a ground state which has a considerable amount of residual spin entropy, much like the proton entropy in water ice through the freezing transition. Recently, 'stuffed' ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Arctic ice shelves and ice islands: Origin, growth and disintegration, physical characteristics, structural-stratigraphic variability, and dynamics

Ice shelves are thick, floating ice masses most often associated with Antarctica where they are seaward extensions of the grounded Antarctic ice sheet and sources of many icebergs. However, there are also ice shelves in the Arctic, primarily located along the north coast of Ellesmere Island in ...

Energy Citations Database

PUBLISHED ONLINE: 21 NOVEMBER 2010 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1012 Sea level as a stabilizing factor for

-state marine ice-sheet stability theory. The figure shows GL2/9 versus grounding-line position L (black line of the world ocean once melt volumes have reached 20 cm of equivalent ESL change. In the near-field of the ice factor for marine-ice-sheet grounding lines Natalya ...

E-print Network

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A Pilot's Guide to Ground Icing - Aircraft Icing Training - NASA

Oct 23, 2008 ... Every pilot who could encounter ground icing - whether their aircraft needs to be cleaned or protected from frozen contamination. ...

NASA Website

Investigation of Ice Island Scouring on the Northern ...

... Abstract : Ice Islands (Tabular Ice Bergs) which break off the Ice Shelf of Ellsmere Island have been known to ground on the northern coast of Alaska ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Antarctic Master Directory - GCMD - NASA

Ice velocity data from ice stream C, including the body of the ice stream and ... These data consist of ice-penetrating radar data collected on the ground ...

NASA Website

Three-dimensional full-Stokes modeling of grounding line dynamics

The west Antarctic ice sheet is confined by a large area of ice shelves, nourished with inland ice through a large number of ice streams. The dynamics of the grounding line, i.e. the line-boundary between the grounded ice stream and the downstream ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Geophysics of Martian Periglacial Processes.

Through the examination of small-scale geologic features potentially related to water and ice in the martian subsurface (specifically small-scale polygonal ground and young gully-like features), determine the state, distribution and recent history of subs...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Search in Planetary Astronomy and Operation of the Mauna Kea Observatory.

Spectroscopic studies with ground-based telescopes at low resolution can give compositional information of the surfaces and atmospheres of planets, satellites, asteroids, and comets. Solid state absorptions in ices and minerals are measurable by the low-r...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Reproductive delay in the female Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris)

... reproductive behaviors. We collected fecal samples within 30 min of trapping. Samples were frozen immediately and returned to the United States on dry ice for fecal steroid analysis. Our procedures conform...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

NASA - NASA to Spotlight Shrinking Arctic Sea Ice and ...

Dec 4, 2009 ... Climate Change Impacts on Civilizations: Lessons from Space Archaeology ... glacier study ever conducted using ground-based, real-time photography. ... will be webcast live on the State Department conference Web site. ...

NASA Website

Ice-Penetrating Radar Data Across Siple Coast grounding Lines

J.J. Pickle Research Campus, Bldg. 196 10100 Burnet Rd. (R2200) City: Austin Province or State: TX Postal Code: 78758-4445. Country: USA ...

NASA Website

Shaky ground, shaky ice - Climate Change: Blogs

Aug 17, 2011 ... Specifically, the lack of nearby sea ice, coastal ice (also called fast or landfast ice ) and pack ice made the portion of the Sulzberger Ice Shelf ...

NASA Website

Axisymmetric Ice Shelf Dynamics

West Antarctica is composed principally of marine ice sheets, in which the mainland (grounded) ice sheet extends over the coastline as a floating ice shelf. Fed by snowfall far upstream, these sheets transport ice from the grounded component, over the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Water Resources of Idaho

This United States Geological Survey (USGS) website highlights water resources in the state of Idaho. Details about hydrology programs in the state include ground water data, water quality information, water use in the state of Idaho, surface water, Idaho programs, reports, flood and drought ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Sea Level As A Stabilizing Factor For Marine Ice Sheets

An instability mechanism is widely predicted for marine ice sheets resting upon reversed bed slopes. In this case, ice-sheet thinning or rising sea level is thought to lead to irreversible retreat of the grounding line (e.g., Weertman, J. Glaciol., 1974; Schoof, JGR, 2007). Previous analyses of marine ice-sheet ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Correlated Tunneling in Hydrogen Bonds

We study the quantum nature of the protons participating in hydrogen bonds in several ice structures by analyzing the one particle density matrix. We find that in all cases, including ice Ih, the most common form of ice, and the high pressure phases, ice VIII, VII, and X, the system is ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Circum-Arctic Map of Permafrost and Ground-Ice Conditions - NASA

Description: Access these data in Geography Markup Language (GML) using the Open Geospatial ... Province or State: Ontario Postal Code: K1A 0E8 Country: Canada ... Washington, DC: U.S. Geological Survey in Cooperation with the Circum- Pacific ... Massive ice of the Tuktoyaktuk area, western Arctic coast, Canada. ...

NASA Website

Investigation of Ice Island Scouring on the Northern Continental Shelf of Alaska.

Ice Islands (Tabular Ice Bergs) which break off the Ice Shelf of Ellsmere Island have been known to ground on the northern coast of Alaska. This survey was conducted to investigate the bottom deformation (scour) occurring when such islands ground. The det...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Aircraft Icing Training - Ground Icing Course Related Information

Oct 23, 2008 ... Interactive map of ground icing related accidents/incidents .... at White Waltham Airfield, UK, talks about de-icing light aircraft. ...

NASA Website

Two 2D models of color ice as conceptual generalizations of spin ice

Spin ice is a novel condensed-matter system with magnetic-monopole-like elementary excitations. It is also the first example of fractionalization -- a spin (i.e., a magnetic dipole) is split into two oppositely signed magnetic monopoles -- in three dimensions. It is realized with Ising spins on a pyrochlore lattice, i.e., corner-sharing tetrahedra, obeying the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Simulating the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets on millennial timescales using a coupled ice sheet/climate model: sensitivity to climate model bias, refreezing and albedo in Eemian, Last Glacial Maximum, and late Holocene climates

The need to resolve large-scale climate-ice sheet feedbacks is motivating efforts to couple full ice sheet models to Earth System models that are capable of ensembles of multi-millennial simulations of climate change. To this end we have coupled the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model (UVic ESCM) to the Pennsylvania State ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Getting around Antarctica: new high-resolution mappings of the grounded and freely-floating boundaries of the Antarctic ice sheet created for the International Polar Year

The boundary of grounded ice and the location of ice transitioning to a freely floating state are mapped at 15-m resolution around the entire continent of Antarctica. These data products are produced by participants of the International Polar Year project ASAID using customized software combining Landsat-7 imagery ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Joint inversion of multi-component seismic and ground-penetrating radar GPR) data for ice-physical properties, and application to the Larsen C ice shelf

Present and next-generation ice-sheet and ice-shelf models require constraints on spatial variations in ice physical properties such as temperature, density, preferred crystal alignment or the porosity of basal marine-ice layers. In-situ or airborne geophysical measurements are a powerful means of generating ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Stress transmission across grounding lines and marine ice sheet instability

The stability of marine ice sheets is largely controlled by the dynamic behaviour of the grounding line, i.e., the contact of the bottom of the ice sheet resting on the bedrock with the ocean water. Marine ice sheet instability implies that an ice sheet on a downward sloping bedrock towards the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ground-Truth Observations of Ice-Covered North Slope Lakes ...

... 4 2. Ground truth observations from lake ice sites ..... 7 4-iii ... Page 13. Table 2. Ground truth observations from lake ice sites shown in Figure A ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Satellite to serve as ice monitor

The sophisticated European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS-1), designed for ice and ocean monitoring, is expected to be launched by 1988. Once in orbit, the microwave sensors of ERS-1 will provide data on sea state, ice coverage, wave height, wind velocity and direction, as well as weather and ocean forecasting. In order to handle the ...

Energy Citations Database

Quantum melting of spin ice: emergent cooperative quadrupole and chirality.

Quantum melting of spin ice is proposed for pyrochlore-lattice magnets Pr2TM2O7 (TM=Ir, Zr, and Sn). The quantum superexchange Hamiltonian having a nontrivial magnetic anisotropy is derived on the basis of atomic non-Kramers magnetic doublets. The ground states exhibit a cooperative ferroquadrupole and pseudospin chirality, forming a ...


Quantum melting of spin ice

A quantum melting of the spin ice is proposed for pyrochlore-lattice magnets Pr2TM2O7 (TM =Ir, Zr, and Sn). The quantum pseudospin-1/2 model is derived from the strong-coupling perturbation of the f-p electron transfer in the basis of atomic non-Kramers magnetic doublets. The ground states are characterized by a cooperative ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ground-state properties of crystalline ice from periodic hartree-fock calculations and a coupled-cluster-based many-body decomposition of the correlation energy.

Ground state properties of crystalline ice Ih are investigated by combining periodic Hartree-Fock calculations with a many-body expansion for the electron correlation energy using second-order many-body perturbation theory and coupled-cluster techniques. Very good agreement with experimental data can already be achieved by considering ...


A mass balance study of the West Antarctic ice sheet

The present state of the West Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS) is a prime concern of science, but its large size and remote location have limited the amount of reliable data that are available for mass balance calculations. The spatial pattern of mass balance for a 100-km2 portion of the WAIS is estimated by calculating the residual flux of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Geophysical observations of polar ice sheets and ice shelves

Knowledge of processes, dynamics, and the ongoing mass-balance of polar ice sheets is essential if we are to understand the response of the cryosphere to a changing climate. Here we present a series of hypotheses and associated observations and interpretations addressing the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Specific attention is paid to the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Observations: Changes in Snow, Ice and Frozen Ground

mountain glaciers and ice caps, from increasing surface melt on the Greenland Ice Sheet and from faster in Glaciers and Ice Caps................ 356 4.5.1 Background, the cryosphere (which consists of snow, river and lake ice, sea ice, glaciers and ice caps, ...

E-print Network

JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 104, NO. Bll, PAGES 25,349-25,366, NOVEMBER 10, 1999 A new numerical model of coupled inland ice sheet, ice

. In the ice stream re- gion, basal sedimentshave very small shear strength and basal water pressure is near water at the baseof the ice shelf. Internal boundaries between bedrock and grounded ice must also warmingmigratesup from the ice/bedinterface into the ice sheet, ...

E-print Network

Modeling West Antarctic Ice Sheet growth and retreat through the last 5 million years

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), grounded mostly below sea level and fringed by floating ice shelves, is considered to be vulnerable to future anthropogenic warming. However, projections of its future behavior are hampered by limited understanding of past variations and the main forcing mechanisms. Here a combined ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Observations of geophysical and dielectric properties and ground penetrating radar signatures for discrimination of snow, sea ice and freshwater ice thickness

Observations of geophysical and dielectric properties and ground penetrating radar signatures and ground penetrating radar signatures for discrimination of snow, sea ice and freshwater ice thickness, 2004). Thickness profiles of river ice have been made using helicopter-borne ...

E-print Network

What Is the Quaternary Phase-space Topology According

margins (where they interact with the surrounding inland ice). The type of substrate over which the ice factor that opposes this type of behavior is the onset of an "elevation desert" effect over large ice with the behavior of the grounding line and with the interaction of ice flow and ...

E-print Network

LIMA Quest Challenge Proposal by Colin - NASA Quest

ice caps. Fast ice, or land fast ice, is frozen seawater that does not ... In the Arctic seas the fast ice usually extends to depths of about 20 meters. Grounded ... trapped, how fast the ice grows, and the rate of melting. This is ...

NASA Website

Space Images: Ice Around Phoenix Lander Continues to Lessen in ...

Feb 26, 2010 ... Ice Around Phoenix Lander Continues to Lessen in Spring. Stages in the seasonal disappearance of surface ice from the ground around the ...

NASA Website

Examination of Icing Induced Loss of Control and ... - GLTRS - NASA

Building upon the strengths of its ice accretion modeling and ground testing capability, NASA has developed a broad portfolio of icing related research ...

NASA Website

Antarctic Master Directory

This compilation of recent ice velocity data of the Antarctic ice sheet is intended .... These data consist of ground-based, ice-penetrating radar profiles ...

NASA Website

An Analysis of B-1B Exterior Jet Blast Windshield Anti-Icing ...

... icing requirements. Two icing scenarios were considered in loiter, landing and ground/taxi modes of operation. The results ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Use of ground penetrating radar to elucidate ice ... - GCMD - NASA

Use of ground penetrating radar to elucidate ice structure and moraine formation processes in the Windmill Islands. Entry ID: GPR_MORAINE_ANARE53_CASEY ...

NASA Website

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Rapid Bottom Melting Widespread near Antarctic Ice Sheet Grounding ...

The melting rate is positively correlated with thermal ... Unlike melting under the grounded ice sheet, processes beneath floating ...

NASA Website

Land Resources of Russia -- Maps of Permafrost and Ground Ice - NASA

Abstract: This data set includes maps of permafrost extent, permafrost temperature, the permafrost boundary, and ground ice thickness for all of Russia . ...

NASA Website

Integrated mine cooling and water conditioning system

A method is described comprising: cooling an aqueous liquid at ground level, by means of a refrigeration system which rejects heat, to produce an aqueous ice slurry of ice crystals in the aqueous liquid; separating ice from some of the aqueous ice slurry produced at ground ...

Energy Citations Database

Ground-Truth Observations of Ice-Covered North Slope Lakes ...

... Accession Number : ADA108342. Title : Ground-Truth Observations of Ice-Covered North Slope Lakes Imaged by Radar. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Modeling West Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Retreat Through the Last 5 Million Years

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet, grounded mostly below sea level and fringed by floating ice shelves, is considered to be vulnerable to future anthropogenic warming. However, projections of its future behavior are hampered by limited understanding of past variations and the main forcing mechanisms. Here a combined ice ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Peierls Ground State, Solitons and Polarons in Ring ...

... THE PEIERLS GROUND STATE, SOLITONS AND POLARONS ... ground state and defect states in pernigraniline by emphasizing the important ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Modelling West Antarctic ice sheet growth and collapse through the past five million years.

The West Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS), with ice volume equivalent to approximately 5 m of sea level, has long been considered capable of past and future catastrophic collapse. Today, the ice sheet is fringed by vulnerable floating ice shelves that buttress the fast flow of inland ice streams. ...


x - NASA Technical Reports Server

An Ice Thickness Study Utilizing Ground Penetrating Radar on the Lower Jamapa. ... Strata: Ground Penetrating Radar for Mars Rovers. ...

NASA Website

Metadata - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

Collaborative Research: Grounding Line Forensics: The History of Grounding Line Retreat in the Kamb Ice Stream Outlet Region ...

NASA Website

National Ice Core Laboratory Science Management Office

(USGS) jointly manage and operate the National Ice Core Laboratory (NICL) ... researchers from the ice core community. NICL provides a state of the art ice ...

NASA Website

The development and preservation of tabular massive ground ice in permafrost regions

An investigation of tabular massive ground ice was conducted to ascertain if ground ice has distinctive characteristics that could be measured and used to determine the origin of the ice. Initial studies were conducted on Bylot Island in the eastern Canadian Arctic, where some glaciers are ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Satellites reveal Antarctic mass imbalance

Satellite radar observations have revealed a widespread mass imbalance in western Antarctica and rapid thinning of ice shelves at the Antarctic Peninsula. The former shows grounded ice retreat in a region previously considered unstable to such events, and the latter illuminates an ongoing debate as to the mechanism through which ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Meet Antarctica

Educational website and fact sheet on Antarctica. "Antarctica is the highest, driest, coldest, windiest and brightest of the seven continents. It is roughly the size of the United States and Mexico combined and is almost completely covered by a layer of ice that averages more than one mile in thickness, but is nearly three miles thick in places. This ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Mechanisms for the Survival of Subglacial Lake Vostok During the Buildup of the Antarctic Ice Sheet

There is some debate on the origin of subglacial Lake Vostok and whether the water within the present subglacial lake system contains biota that survived the buildup of the Antarctic ice sheet. One theory suggests that Lake Vostok existed as a preglacial lake before glaciation of the continent at around 15 Ma ago, survived the subsequent period of ice ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Densification of Surface Deposits on Terrestrial and Martian Ice Sheets

Earth and Mars both have polar water ice caps with thicknesses on the order of a kilometer and spatial scales on the order of hundreds of kilometers. These ice caps on both planets must flow under the influence of gravity; maintenance of a steady state then requires accumulation of mass at high elevations and loss of mass at low ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ice-Free Arctic Ocean?

The current warming trends in the Arctic may shove the Arctic system into a seasonally ice-free state not seen for more than one million years, according to a new report. The melting is accelerating, and researchers were unable to identify any natural processes that might slow the deicing of the Arctic. "What really makes the Arctic different from the rest ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Permafrost Landscapes

... polygonal cracks in the surface of frozen ground. Thawing ice-wedge polygons produced this thermokarst in the ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure



DTIC Science & Technology

Podcast: RAGING WISSARD - Why Study the Ice Sheet Grounding Zone

The Podcast: RAGING WISSARD - Why Study the Ice Sheet Grounding Zone is a segment of the Web Seminar: RAGEing WISSARDs Study Ice Sheets in a Warming World , May 2

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Ground Wave Propagation over Arctic Sea Ice.

Radio ground wave propagation in the Arctic Ocean occurs over mixed paths. The mixed paths include layered or homogeneous sea ice and sea water. Amplitude and phase variations occurring as 'dropoff' or 'recovery' effects at the ice-sea water boundaries pr...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys of a an ice rise on the ...

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys of a an ice rise on the southern McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Entry ID: K065_2004_2005_NZ ...

NASA Website

FrontispieceSpecial Section on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

... the ice-rich permafrost and the ground ice layer to become exposed to the atmosphere, resulting in rapid thawing of the permafrost, melting of the ground ice, slumping of the slope surface, and mudflows. T...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2001-02 - AM01 ground ...

Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2001-02 - AM01 ground ... locations around the AM01 borehole to try to detect the meteoric-marine ice interface. ...

NASA Website


... Page 4. GROUND STATE POTENTIAL ENERGY OF DIATOMIC MOIZCULES ... The restrictions placed on the ground state potential energy of ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Changes in ice dynamics and mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet.

The concept that the Antarctic ice sheet changes with eternal slowness has been challenged by recent observations from satellites. Pronounced regional warming in the Antarctic Peninsula triggered ice shelf collapse, which led to a 10-fold increase in glacier flow and rapid ice sheet retreat. This chain of events illustrated the ...


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