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UN Secretary General appoints Ray Chambers to secure financing for the health-related MDGs

01 March 2013 New York, USA: -The Roll Back Malaria Partnership applauds the UN Secretary General’s decision to appoint Ray Chambers of the United States as the Special Envoy for Malaria and for the Financing of the Health-Related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

In his new capacity, Mr. Chambers will collaborate with the United Nations agencies, funds and programmes to promote and secure increased investment by the public and private sectors to achieve the health-related MDGs of child and maternal mortality, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other diseases by the end of December 2015, the internationally agreed deadline for achieving the goals.
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39 African countries estimate the funding they need to meet malaria targets by 2015

13-15 February, Nairobi, KENYA: - With technical support from Roll Back Malaria partners, 39 African countries began conducting a detailed analysis of their needs and gaps for the period 2013-2016 during a workshop, organised by RBM's Harmonization Working Group. This analytical work will provide good foundation for developing proposals for the Global Fund's new funding model and will feed information about country-driven demand into the Global Fund 2014-2016 replenishment process. Participants shared information on other funding opportunities and mechanisms and helped to identify country technical support needs. The new data will be published in March 2013.
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