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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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News & Events


Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, September 12-13, 2012
October 4, 2012
Watch the FOMC Press Conference
View the recorded version on-demand. 
The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis
Watch Chairman Ben S. Bernanke deliver a four-part lecture series about the Federal Reserve and the financial crisis on March 20, 22, 27, and 29, 2012 at 12:45 p.m. ET. 
Current FAQs
Federal Reserve redesigns the frequently asked questions section of its website

Speeches and Testimony

October 14, 2012
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
U.S. Monetary Policy and International Implications
At the "Challenges of the Global Financial System: Risks and Governance under Evolving Globalization," A High-Level Seminar sponsored by Bank of Japan-International Monetary Fund, Tokyo, Japan
October 11, 2012
Governor Jeremy C. Stein
Evaluating Large-Scale Asset Purchases
At the Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
October 11, 2012
Vice Chair Janet L. Yellen
Japan in the Global Economy II
At the Institute of International Finance Annual Membership Meeting, Tokyo, Japan
October 10, 2012
Governor Daniel K. Tarullo
Financial Stability Regulation
At the Distinguished Jurist Lecture, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
October 5, 2012
Governor Elizabeth A. Duke
Addressing Long-Term Vacant Properties to Support Neighborhood Stabilization
At the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, New York
Last update: October 14, 2012