Korea, Colombia, and Panama Free Trade Agreements

Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
October 3, 2011


The Free Trade Agreements that President Obama submitted to Congress today demonstrate our commitment to strengthen our economic leadership around the world. They are critical to building open, free, transparent, and fair economic platforms in the Asia Pacific and South America. Our foreign policy must deliver results for the American people. These agreements will make it easier for American companies to sell their products in South Korea, Colombia, and Panama, and that will create jobs here at home.

The stakes are not just economic. These are three important partners in strategically vital regions. Countries everywhere are watching. Passing these deals proves that America can deliver for our friends and allies. It strengthens our leadership around the world.

It’s time to put these trade deals to work on behalf of the American people. I urge Congress to approve these agreements as soon as possible. Our economic competitors are building trade relationships around the world and we cannot afford to be left behind.

PRN: 2011/1662


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