Visiting U.S. troops

Congresswoman Schmidt has been to Afghanistan five times and Iraq twice to check on U.S. troops
Rep. Schmidt leaving a helicopter and arriving in Iraq

Emergency response

Adams County Commissioner Roger Rhonemus and Congresswoman Schmidt survey tornado damage
Touring tornado site

Battling for jobs

Congresswoman Schmidt favors efforts that could help the private sector boost employment
Job Rally

Global issues

Congresswoman Schmidt meets with foreign dignitaries to discuss issues such as trade and security
Congresswoman Schmidt represents the United States while traveling abroad

Quick Tabs

Latest News

Tina Meranda, 43, was pioneer in many ways

Oct 12, 2012 Article

Tina Meranda was the first women elected Brown County clerk of courts. Cancer took her life at age 43, but not before she helped researchers gain valuable knowledge through her participation in drug trials that could benefit many people.

Reds on a roll, and Southern Ohio is the big winner

Oct 4, 2012 Article

This season’s play of the Cincinnati Reds has given fans something to cheer about. And the team’s success has highlighted everything that makes Southern Ohio a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

Statement of Rep. Schmidt on the death of Tina Meranda

Oct 2, 2012 Press Release

Congresswoman Jean Schmidt made the following statement Tuesday, October 2, 2012, regarding the Monday death of Tina Meranda, former Brown County clerk of courts.

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