Congresswoman McCollum Visits Hazel Park Academy in St. Paul

Congresswoman McCollum Visits Hazel Park Academy in St. Paul feature image

We can do more to fight gender inequality

We need the international community to stand with girls to make sure they have the opportunity to go to school and grow to adulthood in a healthy and safe community.
We can do more to fight gender inequality feature image

Congresswoman McCollum Commends Outstanding September Jobs Report

The September jobs report proves that President Obama and Congressional Democrats are doing everything possible to get this country back on track.
Congresswoman McCollum Commends Outstanding September Jobs Report  feature image

EPA Awards Grant to Protect Women and Children from Mercury in Lake Superior

This grant will help the MN Department of Health move forward with a strategic approach to reduce prenatal mercury exposure from fish consumption.
EPA Awards Grant to Protect Women and Children from Mercury in Lake Superior feature image

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The Issues

Health Care

Health Care

Every American has a fundamental right to access quality, affordable health services. In 2010, I voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act when it passed the House, and the President signed it into law (P.L. 111- 148).

Defense and National Security

Defense and National Security

Providing common defense for the American people is one of the primary Constitutional responsibilities of Congress. In the 21st Century, America needs a flexible military that is able to confront emerging threats, such as terrorism, growing regional instability, the spread of nuclear weapons, and the emergence of cyber warfare.