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  • Oct13 Darrell Issa: ANCHORS AWEIGH - OUR NAVY TURNS 237 TODAY: please join us in wishing the US Navy, and the brave men and women who've defended our seas, a very happy birthday. Click here to learn more about the Navy at 237: http://1.usa.gov/UQitPT. And here's a soundtrack to surf by - "Anchors Aweigh," the fight song of the US Naval Academy Midshipmen: http://bit.ly/QpSgBn.
  • Oct02
    Issa Statement on Shooting of Border Patrol Agents Near Brian Terry Station
    WASHINGTON, DC – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa released the following statement following reports of a shooting that killed one Border Patrol Agent and wounded…
  • Aug06
    IRS will be Healthcare Enforcer
    President Obama’s healthcare mandate was hastily written and rushed through the House and Senate by Democratic majorities.  Buried in the massive bill were new and expanded powers given to the Internal…
  • Jun15
    It's Time to Unburden Business Owners of Federal Regulations
    It's Time to Unburden Business Owners of Federal Regulations By Rep. Darrell Issa and Rep. Scott DesJarlais It has been said before and it remains true: Small businesses are the backbone of our…
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  • Aug06
    IRS will be Healthcare Enforcer
    President Obama’s healthcare mandate was hastily written and rushed through the House and Senate by Democratic majorities.  Buried in the massive bill were new and expanded powers given to the Internal…
  • Aug06
    Auditing the Federal Reserve
    Did you know that the Federal Reserve (Fed.) has tripled its balance sheet to $3 trillion – the equivalent of 20% of the economy – since the financial crises of 2008?  Although it is commonly…
  • Aug06
    Confronting an unacceptable veterans' claims backlog
    As the Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR), I convened a hearing to examine the long-standing delays in the processing of medical disability claims of veterans. …
  • Jul03
    Happy Independence Day America!
    Today we celebrate our nation’s birth and the blessings of liberty. On this 4th of July, let us remember the words of Thomas Jefferson: “The flames kindled on the Fourth of July, 1776, have spread…
  • Apr26
    House Approves FISMA
    WASHINGTON, DC — On a unanimous voice vote, the Federal Information Security Amendments Act of 2012 (HR 4257) was approved by the House of Representatives. "Today's bipartisan approval of FISMA shows…
  • Feb02
    Fortress Holder: A Year of Justice Department Stonewalling, Visualized
    Watch AG Holder Testify Tomorrow at FastAndFuriousInvestigation.com WASHINGTON, DC – Thursday, February 2nd, Attorney General Eric Holder will testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government…
  • Oct13 Darrell Issa: ANCHORS AWEIGH - OUR NAVY TURNS 237 TODAY: please join us in wishing the US Navy, and the brave men and women who've defended our seas, a very happy birthday. Click here to learn more about the Navy at 237: http://1.usa.gov/UQitPT. And here's a soundtrack to surf by - "Anchors Aweigh," the fight song of the US Naval Academy Midshipmen: http://bit.ly/QpSgBn.
  • Oct12 Darrell Issa: TONIGHT DARRELL ON HBO's "REAL TIME" with BILL MAHER: One thing is for sure: it's never boring...hope you can tune in!
  • Oct12 Darrell Issa: BOTCHED in BENGHAZI - NEW EVIDENCE on the LIBYA DEBACLE & FALSE WHITE HOUSE SPIN: Darrell's investigation is already bringing to light myriad failures & misinformation coming out of the Obama Administration about the Sept. 11 attack on our diplomats in Libya. We'll let the Wall Street Journal explain: “The Congressional investigation has in a few hours brought greater clarity about what happened before, during and after the events of 9/11/12 than the Obama Administration has provided in a month …. Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa has forced the Administration to start to answer for this stunning and deadly assault on U.S. sovereign soil in Libya, but a lot of questions demand further investigation.” Darrell is committed to getting to the bottom of this. Stay tuned, and let us know what you think in the comments below. We look forward to hearing from you. - Team Issa
  • Oct11 Darrell Issa: "FOR ME, THE TALIBAN IS INSIDE THE BUILDING" - Eric Nordstrom, former regional security officer in Libya during testimony with Darrell yesterday. Nordstrom captures the frustration felt by US Diplomats in Libya, who were asking the Obama Administration for more protection & security resources before the Benghazi attack, and who were denied. Darrell broke down the hearing, the state of security in Libya and the next steps in Team Oversight's investigation. Take a look and let us know what you think.
  • Jun15
    It's Time to Unburden Business Owners of Federal Regulations
    It's Time to Unburden Business Owners of Federal Regulations By Rep. Darrell Issa and Rep. Scott DesJarlais It has been said before and it remains true: Small businesses are the backbone of our…
  • Mar23
    Job creators brace for Obamacare impact
    Job Creators Brace for Obamacare Impact Companies plan to pay for health care mandate by shedding workers By Rep. Darrell Issa This week, the Oversight and Government Reform Committee issued a report,…
  • Mar05
    Distorting the Debate of Religious Freedom
    Distorting the Debate of Religious Freedom By Rep. Darrell Issa Let's make something perfectly clear: I support a woman's right to use contraceptives. I don't question whether women and men have…
  • Mar02
    Obama hasn't learned on spending
    Obama hasn't learned on spending By: Rep. Darrell Issa and Rep. Jim Jordan March 1, 2012 Numbers don't lie. Three years later, it's time to declare President Barack Obama's $800 billion stimulus…


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