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Northwest Indiana First: August Update for the First Congressional District

The most recent version of Pete's monthly newsletter, Northwest Indiana First, is now available.
 August Update for the First Congressional District feature image

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Watch Pete Speak Here

If you were unable to attend a town forum, watch Pete speak here.
Pete speaking in front a group.

Tabbed Content Box

Oct 9, 2012

Pete recently sat down with Ideas in Motion's Chris Mahlmann to talk about the issues facing Northwest Indiana today, and the Region's strength for the future.

Sep 13, 2012

Pete had the opportunity to sit down with the Society of Innovators’ John Davies to discuss the future of Northwest Indiana.

Aug 16, 2012

Pete was proud to be a part of the ribbon cutting for New Vistas High School in Portage.

Jul 5, 2012

Pete was honored to spend part of his Fourth of July welcoming 49 new American citizens at the naturalization ceremony that took place at Wolf Lake in Hammond.

Latest News

Visclosky Announces New Flood Protections, Commends Cooperative Success of Little Calumet River Project

Oct 12, 2012 Press Release

Pete visits with Ideas in Motion

Oct 9, 2012 Blog

Pete recently sat down with Ideas in Motion's Chris Mahlmann to talk about the issues facing Northwest Indiana today, and the Region's strength for the future.

Visclosky Announces HHS Grant to PATH of Valparaiso

Oct 2, 2012 Press Release

Visclosky Announces Over $2 Million in HUD Grant Awards to the City of Hammond

Oct 1, 2012 Press Release

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