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Rangel Joins NOH8 Campaign, Stands Up For Equal Rights

Rangel Joins NOH8 Campaign, Stands Up For Equal Rights

October 12, 2012

In support of National Coming Out Day (NCOD), Congressman Charles B. Rangel today issued a photo that was taken as part of the NoH8 Campaign, a global art protest project conceived by photographer Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley in opposition to California’s Proposition 8, that banned gay marriage.

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Rangel Encourages Breast Cancer Awareness

Rangel Encourages Breast Cancer Awareness

October 12, 2012

"Approximately one in eight American women will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime, making it the second leading cause of cancer deaths for women. October serves as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in order to encourage further research and attentiveness to this vital health concern."

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2013 Medicare Open Enrollment: Oct 15- Dec 7

2013 Medicare Open Enrollment: Oct 15- Dec 7

October 15, 2012

Rangel Urges Medicare Recipients To Enroll For 2013

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Apply for Rangel Fellowship Program

Apply for Rangel Fellowship Program

October 9, 2012

“I'm very proud of the outstanding young students who are in or have completed the Rangel Fellowship program. Their backgrounds truly reflect what America looks like and I'm glad the world is able to see the beautiful mosaic that comprises our nation's diversity."

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Rangel Recognized By Leadership Conference On Civil And Human Rights

"I am proud to be recognized by such a highly respected and long serving coalition of civil rights organizations," said Rangel. "As a young man I looked up to the leaders of these groups and was influenced greatly by their work to make this nation a more perfect union."


Rangel Recognizes National Italian American Heritage Month

"October is the month in which we celebrate the great achievements and contributions made by Italian Americans. We unite together to recognize the immense impact that Italian Americans have made to the arts, humanities, culinary arts, sciences, education, economy, religion and politics."


Rangel Urges Medicare Recipients To Enroll For 2013

"Since 1965, Medicare has provided healthcare security to our nation's seniors and people with disabilities," Rangel said. "Thanks to this great program, more than three million people in our great City have benefited. I encourage everyone to enroll for 2013 because now is the time to take full advantage of Medicare's increased benefits, improved choices and lower costs."

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Fighting For Equal Pay For Equal Work

Democrats in Congress and President Obama have worked to ensure equal pay for equal work. We believe that equal pay for equal work is about basic fairness: Paying women less than men for doing the same work is not just...


FIVE FACTS: Rep. Ryan & Social Security

You may already know that Paul Ryan wants to privatize Social Security, cutting guaranteed benefits and forcing seniors into risky private accounts instead of Social Security. Here are five more things you need to know about Ryan’s plan:1. Paul Ryan’s...


Ryan Budget's impact On Medicare Beneficiaries In Our District

Ryan budget's impact on Medicare beneficiaries in our district There’s been a lot of talk this year about how the Ryan / Republican budget would impact vital services for middle-class families, seniors and children. We know it would end the...


Nearly 60 Years After Armistice, Korean War Hasn't Ended

Fifty-nine years after the United States and the United Nations signed an armistice agreement with North Korea and China to end the three-year-old Korean War, all the parties to the war are still technically at war.


Silent Treatment for NYPD

Thousands of protesters marched in silence through Manhattan on Sunday in an effort to end the New York Police Department's "stop-and-frisk" policy, which they claim disproportionately affects young black and Latino men.


Silent march to protest NYPD's "stop-and-frisk" policy

Several thousand New Yorkers marched silently down Manhattan's Fifth Avenue from lower Harlem to the mayor's Upper East Side townhouse on Sunday to protest the New York Police Department's contentious stop-and-frisk policy.

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Tax Justice: Our Nation Is At Stake

"President Barack Obama recently called on Congress to extend tax breaks for America's 114 million middle-income families that make less than $250,000. The President has also proposed to let the Bush era's high-income tax cuts expire at the end of this year and use the resulting $1 trillion in savings over 10 years as part of a balanced plan to reduce deficits and debt and put the nation in the right direction towards shoring up our national budget."


Education Is Key To Stronger America

It is important to invest in our students early in the education process. That is why I sponsored the Rebuilding America's Schools Act which will allocate $11 billion for various school construction projects and allow schools to borrow money at little to no interest. Schools must have adequate funding in order to support certain operational or expansionary investments.


Rep. Charlie Rangel On Black America’s Truest Heroes

Black soldiers have fought and died in every American war, both abroad and domestic. Throughout history, they have demonstrated courage and valor in the face of discrimination and prejudice. It is our patriotic duty to admire their resolve and honor their unwavering dedication to service.

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