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  • The Budget

Terry and Committee Leaders Continue Working to Protect Nation's Critical Infrastructure from Growing Cyber Threats

Oct 11, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – Republican members on the House Energy and Commerce Committee today requested information from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding the establishment of its new Office of Energy Infrastructure Security (OEIS). Members wrote to FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff seeking answers regarding FERC’s statutory authority and OEIS’ jurisdiction, funding, and responsibilities.

The request continues the committee's ongoing cybersecurity oversight and its efforts to ensure the protection of our nation's critical infrastructure while ensuring that any government actions do not impede the ability of these systems to respond to threats or maintain efficient and effective operations. Signing the letter was full committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI)...

Terry Joins Leading House and Senate Republicans Urge President to Rethink Issuing Cybersecurity Executive Order

Oct 11, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate today urged President Barack Obama to refrain from issuing an executive order exerting regulatory influence over the Internet in the name of cybersecurity. The members expressed concern that using executive power to regulate the Internet would bolster the arguments being made by nations such as Russia, China, and Iran that are seeking global government control and undermine the United States' position to continue the current multistakeholder governance model which has allowed the Internet to flourish. Both the House and Senate have unanimously approved resolutions that oppose such attempts to exert regulatory control over the Internet. The bicameral leaders are also concerned that a top-do...

Terry Praises Strategic Research Partnership Between USSTRATCOM/University of Nebraska

Oct 11, 2012

OMAHA, NE – Congressman Lee Terry (R-NE) released the following statement today after the announcement of a long-term strategic partnership between the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) and the University of Nebraska to create a University-Affiliated Research Center (UARC) called National Strategic Research Institute (NRSI):

“I am pleased that USSTRATCOM has chosen to partner with the University of Nebraska on the National Strategic Research Institute. This strategic partnership will provide exceptional research and development support for missions of global deterrence and combating weapons of mass destruction.  The University of Nebraska has an outstanding international reputation for having significantexpertise, and unique facilities and resou...

Terry Votes to Stop the War on Coal

Sep 21, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Lee Terry (R-NE) today voted in support of the Stop the War on Coal Act, H.R. 3409, which passed the House of Representatives by a bipartisan vote of 233-175.

“This is a great day for domestic energy production.  By voting in a bipartisan manner, the House has taken a firm stance in support of our energy security,” Terry said.  “We must continue to fight for the workers and communities who rely on the coal industry and for every American family who cannot afford to see their energy bills increase due to mine closures.  Instead of allowing more regulations to diminish this industry, this bill will allow us to continue to fight for jobs, a better economy and energy security.”

Congressman Terry Rallies Support for Better Protection of American Diplomats

Sep 14, 2012

In the face of the startling and horrific attacks on our consulate in Libya and embassies throughout the Middle East and Africa, Congressman Terry calls upon Chairman Issa and Chairman Ros-Lehtinen to conduct hearings on how we can better protect our diplomats abroad.  See the letter here .

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"So I think we should embrace it and develope a stakeholder-driven system of high standards for doing the work." Former President Bill Clinton said about the Keystone XL Pipeline.


Pain at the Pump

In January 2009, the average price of gas was $1.85.  Today prices are almost two dollars more per gallon. 

The only thing that has happened over the last few years is that America has dramatically curtailed production of our American resources, placing a greater reliance on foreign sources of energy. The result has been a volatility at the gasoline pump that has put a greater burden on Nebraskans, who are struggling to make ends meet in this difficult economy. We have seen prices hit new record levels beyond what we saw in 2008. While prices have fluctuated, they remain too high. I believe that we must have reliable supplies available to help stem the spikes and the upward trend

As a husband and a father of three, I know how skyrocketing gasoline prices can affect your family's budget. I understand the questions you may have about why America is going through these prices spikes in both oil and gasoline. That is why I have created this resource, so that you may be able to better understand why gasoline prices and the price of oil are what they are and what I am doing, as your Representative in Congress, to help prevent these price spikes, so that you can keep more of your hard earned money and not put it into your gas tank.
Should you have any questions that cannot be answered by what I have posted, please feel free to contact my office in Washington 202.225.4155 or in Omaha 402.397.9944 and I or my staff will help find answers to your questions.

Click here for more information

Our Nation's Budget


"Yesterday, Mr. Obama's chief economic adviser, Gene Sperling, reported that the President wants a new "global minimum tax." Mr. Sperling said the new tax is necessary "so that people have the assurance that nobody is escaping doing their fair share as part of a race to the bottom or having our tax code actually subsidize and facilitate people moving their funds to tax havens." *Wall Street Journal, February 15th, 2012

     In February, President Obama released his Fiscal Year 2013 budget. Again, this document is short on spending reductions and long on raising taxes on American families. He proposes adding over $1.3 Trillion to our national debt, and increasing taxes by close to $2 Trillion. This means that over the last four years, these four budgets would have added over $6 Trillion to our national debt. This is not the right way to bring spending under control and returning fiscal sanity to our nation.

      Our country is in the middle of an economic crisis and the President's budget does nothing to help solve this problem. In fact, it may even lead to more problems down the road. Growing the federal government, adding to our national debt, refusing to cut spending and increasing taxes on the American people, is irresponsible and backwards. We need to give small businesses and families the opportunity to flourish, not to be burdened with high taxes. I can assure you that I will fight for spending cuts so our country can get back on track.