Latest News

Tuesday, October 16

Ryan Budget Would Cost Minnesota Seniors Millions

The Republican budget written by Rep. Paul Ryan, passed by House Republicans makes radical changes to Medicare, Medicaid, and numerous other federal programs that benefit seniors. Rep. Ryan’s budget raises costs for seniors currently enrolled in Medicare, reduces their benefits, and ends Medicare’s fundamental guarantee of coverage and affordability.

Press Releases

Friday, October 5

Rep. Ellison Says Jobs Numbers Show Benefits of Choosing President’s Investment in Jobs over Ryan Congress’s Obstruction

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, released the following statement today after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that employers added 114,000 American jobs in September.

Latest News

Tuesday, October 2

Learn How You Can Serve

Military Academy Information Fair


Tuesday, October 2

We Need More Engagement in the Middle East, Not Less

This article originally appeared on

Early last month, extremists attacked our diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt, killing Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans following the release of a crude anti-Islamic video. The reaction has sparked urgent discussions about the “Arab Spring” transforming into an “Islamist Winter.” Some of my colleagues in Congress say the only option for the United States is to disengage from the region..

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  • Keith Ellison: New report on the Ryan budget finds it would increase prescription drug costs by over $47 million in the 5th District alone

  • Keith Ellison: Toured OceanTech yesterday, Minneapolis company offering sustainable ways to recycle electronics.

  • Keith Ellison: Celebrating the many contributions of Latinos to American and Minnesota culture as we wrap up Hispanic Heritage Month.

  • Keith Ellison: Joined my friend RT Rybak and Don Samuels to discuss how MN is lowering youth violence.

  • Keith Ellison: Sitting down with Minnesota Seniors to talk about how we can increase job opportunities. Many seniors must work to pay monthly bills and are frustrated with the limited amount of part-time, challenging, livable wage jobs.

  • Keith Ellison: Wrapping up a great discussion in Longfellow about how we can stop assaults on our environment and fight climate change.

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