The Reality Principle

AP Images

Hold it, I’m confused. I watched all of the vice presidential debate last night, and someone did not show up. Vice President Joe Biden was there, but where was the Ayn Rand-worshiping, rape-redefining, fanatically exercising zealot who wants to throw grandmothers off of cliffs and whose budget plan is, according to the president, “thinly veiled Social Darwinism” that is “antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility”? That Paul Ryan was nowhere to be found.

Scary Harry

AP Images

Several Democratic candidates in recent months have been hesitant to voice support for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.), who, if Democrats retain control of the Senate, must be reelected majority leader when Congress begins a new session next year.

Obama Admin Contradicts Itself Again on Libya Attack

AP Images

Obama administration officials continue to maintain that the deadly attack on the United States consulate in Libya was “hasty and poorly organized,” despite intelligence indicating that al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists both planned and acted in a highly coordinated manner, reports show.

Biden Exaggerated Social Security Role


ABC’s Jake Tapper has taken a closer look at Vice President Joe Biden’s claim that he was “in the room” for the historic Social Security and Medicare reform negotiations during the Reagan administration and has found that Biden is guilty of yet another exaggeration of his historical importance.

The Blame Game

AP Images

As President Barack Obama’s administration has sought to contain the political fallout from a Sept. 11, 2012, attack on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi that claimed the lives of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, responsibility for the attack, and the failure to properly explain it to the American people, has been assigned to a number of individuals.

Illegal Decorations

Jessee Jackson Jr. / AP

The FBI is investigating Chicago Democrat Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. for misusing campaign funds “to decorate his home,” the Chicago Sun-Times has reported.

Obama’s War on Women Continues

In response to a question about the alleged pay gap between male and female workers, President Barack Obama neglected to mention that women working in his White House earn about $10,000 (18 percent) less than men.

Subsidizing Losers

President Obama is touting his energy policies during the debate, but his policies have been to subsidize companies that go bankrupt, like A123.

Round Two


Mitt Romney took a more energized Barack Obama to task during the second presidential debate at Hofstra University in New York, criticizing the president’s record of a slumping economy, tax increases, and terrorist attacks on the American embassy in Libya.

Obama Admin Contradicts Itself Again on Libya Attack

AP Images

Obama administration officials continue to maintain that the deadly attack on the United States consulate in Libya was “hasty and poorly organized,” despite intelligence indicating that al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists both planned and acted in a highly coordinated manner, reports show.

Biden Exaggerated Social Security Role


ABC’s Jake Tapper has taken a closer look at Vice President Joe Biden’s claim that he was “in the room” for the historic Social Security and Medicare reform negotiations during the Reagan administration and has found that Biden is guilty of yet another exaggeration of his historical importance.

The Blame Game

AP Images

As President Barack Obama’s administration has sought to contain the political fallout from a Sept. 11, 2012, attack on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi that claimed the lives of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, responsibility for the attack, and the failure to properly explain it to the American people, has been assigned to a number of individuals.

Illegal Decorations

Jessee Jackson Jr. / AP

The FBI is investigating Chicago Democrat Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. for misusing campaign funds “to decorate his home,” the Chicago Sun-Times has reported.