Public-Use Microdata Documentation and Errata

The public-use microdata documentation for the Diary and Interview surveys provide details on the available variables in the microdata, including estimation procedures. Each year's public-use microdata release includes documentation changes from the previous year. Documentation from 1996 through 2011 are available below in portable document format (PDF). Beginning in 2007, the Interview and Diary data dictionaries have been separated from the rest of the documentation. The data dictionaries for each survey include variable names, detailed variable descriptions, formats, and start positions for the survey variables. These are available in PDF format.

Documentation prior to 1996 is available by request by contacting the Division of Consumer Expenditure Survey.

Errata notices corresponding to the microdata year are also included below.

A Note on Multiply-Imputed Income Data

Starting with publication of the 2004 income data, the Consumer Expenditure Survey program has used multiple imputation to fill in blanks resulting from nonresponse to income questions (See FAQ 21). Researchers using the multiply-imputed income data should be aware that special techniques are required to ensure proper computation of income statistics derived from these multiply-imputed data. The user's guide to income imputation (PDF) describes the necessary procedures.

To download or view the PDF files, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be obtained from the Adobe Acrobat Web site free of charge.

2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996

2011 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

  • Public-Use Interview Survey Microdata Documentation (PDF 1.0 MB))
  • Public-Use Interview Survey Data Dictionary (PDF 1.2 MB)
  • Public-Use Diary Survey Microdata Documentation (PDF)
  • Public-Use Diary Survey Data Dictionary (PDF)

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2010 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

  • Public-Use Interview Survey Microdata Documentation (PDF)
  • Public-Use Interview Survey Data Dictionary (PDF 1.3MB)
  • Public-Use Diary Survey Microdata Documentation (PDF)
  • Public-Use Diary Survey Data Dictionary (PDF)
  • Errata
  • CE Note to 2010 CE Public-Use Microdata users (PDF)
  • CE Note to 2010 CE Public-Use Microdata users (PDF)

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2009 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

  • Public-Use Interview Survey Microdata Documentation (PDF 1.7MB)
  • Public-Use Interview Survey Data Dictionary (PDF 2.1MB)
  • Public-Use Diary Survey Microdata Documentation (PDF)
  • Public-Use Diary Survey Data Dictionary (PDF)
  • Errata
  • CE Note to 2009 CE Public-Use Microdata users (PDF)

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2008 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

  • Public-Use Interview Survey Microdata Documentation (PDF 1.4MB)
  • Public-Use Interview Survey Data Dictionary (PDF 1.5MB)
  • Public-Use Interview Survey 2008 Tax Rebate Data Set Documentation (PDF)
  • Public-Use Diary Survey Microdata Documentation (PDF)
  • Public-Use Diary Survey Data Dictionary (PDF)
  • Errata
  • CE Note to 2008 CE Public-Use Microdata users

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2007 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

  • Public-Use Interview Survey Microdata Documentation (PDF)
  • Public-Use Interview Survey Data Dictionary (PDF 1.0MB)
  • Public-Use Diary Survey Microdata Documentation (PDF)
  • Public-Use Diary Survey Data Dictionary (PDF)
  • Errata
  • CE Note to 2001 through 2007 CE Public-Use Microdata users (PDF)

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2006 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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2005 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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2004 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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2003 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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2002 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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2001 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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2000 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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1999 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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1998 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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1997 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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1996 Public-Use Microdata Documentation

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Last Modified Date: September 25, 2012