Rajiv Chandrasekaran
Staff Writer

Rajiv Chandrasekaran is a senior correspondent and associate editor. He was The Post’s national editor and has served as an assistant managing editor. He was bureau chief in Baghdad for the first two years of the Iraq war. He also has been a correspondent in Cairo and Southeast Asia. He the author of Imperial Life in the Emerald City, a best-selling account of the troubled American effort to reconstruct Iraq. A graduate of Stanford University, he joined The Post in 1994 as a reporter on the metropolitan staff.

Latest by Rajiv Chandrasekaran

Civilians from think tanks earned Petraeus’s ear in Afghan war zone

Civilians from think tanks earned Petraeus’s ear in Afghan war zone

Fred and Kim Kagan used access to top military leader to press for changes in the U.S. war plan.

Petraeus scandal puts lifestyle of four-star generals under scrutiny

Petraeus scandal puts lifestyle of four-star generals under scrutiny

The commanders enjoy an array of perks befitting a billionaire, and some wonder if that played a role in affair.

Gen. Allen in fight for his career

Gen. Allen in fight for his career

Expecting a slam-dunk confirmation hearing to become the allied commander in Europe, Marine Gen. John R. Allen is instead being investigated in an ever widening sex scandal.

Scandal probe ensnares commander of U.S., NATO troops in Afghanistan

Scandal probe ensnares commander of  U.S., NATO troops in Afghanistan

FBI finds “potentially inappropriate” e-mails between Gen. John R. Allen and Jill Kelley, the 37-year-old Tampa woman allegedly threatened by Petraeus’s mistress.