White House Releases (2009-2010)

-12/27/10   Statement on Conviction of Khodorkovsky/Lebedev
-12/17/10   Transatlantic Economic Council Joint Statement
-12/17/10   U.S.-EU Transatlantic Economic Council Joint Statement
-11/20/10   Declaration by the Heads of State and Government of the Nations contributing to the UN-mandated, NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan
-11/20/10   Declaration by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on an Enduring Partnership
-11/20/10   EU-U.S. Summit Joint Statement
-11/20/10   Fact Sheet on the United States' Relationship with the European Union: An Enduring Partnership
-11/20/10   Fact Sheet: President Obama's Participation in the NATO Summit Meetings in Lisbon
-11/20/10   NATO-Russia Council Joint Statement
-11/20/10   Press Conference of the President after NATO Summit
-11/20/10   Statement by the President at end of the EU-U.S. Summit
-11/20/10   Statements by European Foreign Ministers in Support of the New START Treaty
-11/20/10   Weekly Address: Senators Opposing New START "Want to Trust But Not Verify"
-11/19/10   Op-Ed by President Barack Obama: 'Europe and America, Aligned for the Future'
-11/19/10   Remarks by the President on the NATO Summit and the New START Treaty
-11/19/10   Statements to the Press by President Obama and President Silva of Portugal After Meeting
-11/19/10   Statements to the Press by President Obama and Prime Minister Socrates of Portugal After Meeting
-11/16/10   Press Briefing by Senior Administration Officials on the Upcoming NATO and EU Summits in Lisbon, Portugal
-09/23/10   Advancing Democracy and Human Rights
-08/03/10   Statement on the Detention of Article 31 Rally Participants
-06/24/10   Remarks by President Obama and President Medvedev of Russia at Joint Press Conference
-06/24/10   Remarks by President Obama and President Medvedev of Russia at the U.S.-Russia Business Summit
-06/24/10   U.S.-Russia Joint Statements
-06/24/10   U.S.-Russia Relations: "Reset" Fact Sheet
-06/23/10   Conference Call Briefing with Administration Officials on President Medvedev's Visit to the White House
-04/08/10   Remarks by President Obama and President Medvedev of Russia at New START Treaty Signing Ceremony and Press Conference
-12/31/09   Statement on the Detention of Human Rights Activists in Russia
-07/08/09   Addressing the Nuclear Threat: Fulfilling the Promise of Prague at the L'Aquila Summit
-07/08/09   Remarks by President Obama and President Napolitano of Italy After Bilateral Meeting
-07/08/09   Statements and Declarations from Group of Eight Meetings In L'Aquila, Italy
-07/07/09   Remarks by President Obama and President Medvedev of Russia Before Meeting
-07/07/09   Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Putin of Russia Before Meeting
-07/07/09   Remarks by President Obama at New Economic School Graduation
-07/07/09   Remarks by President Obama at Parallel Civil Society Summit
-07/06/09   Joint Statement by Dmitry A. Medvedev, President of the Russian Federation, and Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, on Missile Defense Issues
-07/06/09   Joint Statement by President Barack Obama of the United States of America and President Dmitry Medvedev of the Russian Federation on Nuclear Cooperation
-07/06/09   Joint Statement by President of the United States of America Barack Obama and President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev Concerning Afghanistan
-07/06/09   Moscow Summit, July 6-8
-07/06/09   President Obama's Interview With Novaya Gazeta
-07/06/09   Press Conference by President Obama and President Medvedev of Russia
-07/06/09   Remarks by President Obama and President Medvedev of Russia Prior to Private Meeting
-07/06/09   The Joint Understanding for the START Follow-on Treaty
-07/06/09   Transcript of President Obama's Interview with Novaya Gazeta
-07/06/09   U.S. - Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission
-07/06/09   U.S. - Russia Joint Commission on POW/MIAs
-07/06/09   United States-Russia Military Transit Agreement
-07/06/09   United States-Russia Military to Military Relations
-05/21/09   Vice President Biden's Remarks to Troops at Camp Bondsteel Multi-National Task Force East
-05/21/09   Vice President Biden's Remarks to the Assembly of Kosovo
-05/20/09   Joint Statement Issued by United States Vice President Joe Biden and European Union High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana
-05/20/09   Vice President Biden's Remarks in Joint Statement to the Press at the Palace of Serbia
-05/19/09   Vice President Joe Biden's Address to the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina
-04/23/09   Remarks by the President at the Holocaust Days of Remembrance Ceremony
-04/07/09   Remarks of President Barack Obama at Student Roundtable in Istanbul
-04/06/09   Joint Press Availability With President Obama and President Gul of Turkey
-04/06/09   Remarks by President Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan After Meeting
-04/06/09   Remarks by President Obama to the Turkish Parliament
-04/05/09   Readout of President Obama's Meeting With President Klaus and Prime Minister Topolanek of the Czech Republic
-04/05/09   Remarks by President Barack Obama Before Meeting With President Klaus and Prime Minister Topolanek of the Czech Republic
-04/05/09   Remarks by President Barack Obama in Prague
-04/05/09   Remarks by President Obama Before Meeting With President Jose Barroso of the European Commission
-04/05/09   Remarks by President Obama Before Meeting With President Kacaynski and Prime Minister Tusk of Poland
-04/05/09   Remarks by President Obama Before Meeting With President Zapatero of Spain
-04/05/09   Statement by the President on North Korea's Missile Launch from Prague, Czech Republic
-04/05/09   United States-European Council Joint Statement on the North Korean Launch
-04/05/09   White House Press Gaggle by to the Travel Pool at Prague Castle
-04/05/09   White House Press Gaggle to the Travel Pool at the Prague Congress Center
-04/04/09   60th Anniversary NATO Summit Celebration
-04/04/09   News Conference on NATO by President Obama
-04/04/09   Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Karmanlis of Greece After Meeting
-04/04/09   Remarks by President Obama at Meeting of North Atlantic Council
-04/04/09   White House Press Gaggle En Route Prague, Czech Republic
-04/03/09   Remarks at Town Hall in Strasbourg, France
-04/03/09   White House Press Gaggle En Route Strasbourg, France
-04/02/09   Press Conference on G-20 Summit
-04/01/09   Background Readout on President Obama's Meeting With Russian President Medvedev
-04/01/09   Background Readout to the Travel Pool on President Obama's Meeting With Russian President Medvedev
-04/01/09   Joint Press Availability With President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Gordon Brown
-04/01/09   Joint Statement Regarding Negotiations on Further Reductions in Strategic Offensive Arms
-04/01/09   Joint Statement by President Dmitriy Medvedev of the Russian Federation and President Barack Obama of the United States of America
-04/01/09   Remarks by President Obama and Russian President Medvedev After Meeting
-03/31/09   White House Press Gaggle En Route London, England
-03/28/09   White House Press Briefing on the Agenda for the G20 Summit, NATO Summit, and EU Summit


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