NASA Podcasts

NuSTAR Launches to Study High-Energy X-rays
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George Diller/Launch Commentator:
T minus 15 seconds. Pilot is "go" for launch. T minus 10 . . . nine . . . eight . . . seven . . . six . . . five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . . one . . . drop. And Pegasus is away, standing by for ignition. And we have Stage 1 ignition. Ignition of the Pegasus rocket with NuSTAR for an understanding of the ultimate destinies of our stars and galaxies.

Ascent Commentator:
Fin actuator system operating nominally. Fins following commands and controlling the flight of the vehicle. Power bus is strong, PDUs enabled. Vehicle flight path is nominal, flying the normal trajectory.

George Diller/Launch Commentator:
This is Steve Hollo, our launch systems engineer.

Ascent Commentator:
Ignition time was 16:00:42. Attitude remains nominal. Past max Q. Power bus is strong. Nominal voltage and currents on all buses. Aft power bus strong. Passing 100,000 feet. Approximately 10 seconds to Stage 1 burnout.

Launch Controller:
10 seconds to Stage 1 burnout.

Ascent Commentator:
Vehicle IIP is through the narrowest part of the corridor. Stage 1 burnout.

Launch Controller:
Stage 1 burnout.

Ascent Commentator:
Approximately 15 seconds to Stage 1 separation, Stage 2 ignition. Vehicle power buses remain strong. Stage 2 TVC on and nominal. Stage 1 sep.

Launch Controller:
We have Stage 1 sep.

Ascent Commentator:
Stage 2 ignition confirmed.

Launch Controller:
Stage 2 ignition.

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