Snow, Water, Ice, Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA)

This subsite contains information products and materials presenting the results of the Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA) assessment coordinated by AMAP and produced in collaboration with IASC, WMO/Clic and IASSA

The materials posted on this site are freely-available for non-commercial uses, including press/media use, and production of educational and outreach materials, etc. You are kindly requested to acknowledge AMAP as the source of these materials. Anyone wishing to use these materials for commercial purposes should contact

All available PDF files are (c) Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) and are intended for individual viewing and personal use and should not be posted on other websites or otherwise distributed in electronic or print form.


The results of the SWIPA assessment are presented in four printed reports, targetting different audiences. The SWIPA science report (Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic: Climate Change and the Cryosphere) presents the detailed technical background that is the basis for the other reports. The SWIPA Overview report (Arctic Climate Issues 2011) provides a ca. 100-page summary in an easily readable format. The overview report includes the SWIPA Executive Summary (a presentation of the SWIPA key findings with recommendations for policy-makers) that is also published as a separate document.  Finally, a shorter simpler summary of SWIPA for the public and educational audiences is contained in the 17-page Climate Change in the Arctic: A Hot Topic report; this report is also being translated into other languages. 



Short (ca. 3 minute) and Full length (ca. 15 minute) videos presenting the SWIPA assessment and its results.
All SWIPA videos (3 films in long and short versions, also in multiple languages) are available from the AMAP SWIPA Vimeo channel

All videos are avilable in the following lauguages via our AMAP Vimeo channel

Greenlandic - Short (ca. 3 minute) and Full length (ca. 15 minute) videos
Norweigian - Short (ca. 3 minute) and Full length (ca. 15 minute) videos
Icelandic - Short (ca. 3 minute) and Full length (ca. 15 minute) videos
Sami - Short (ca. 3 minute) and Full length (ca. 15 minute) videos
Russion - Short (ca. 3 minute) and Full length (ca. 15 minute) videos
Danish - Short (ca. 3 minute) and Full length (ca. 15 minute) videos
French - Short (ca. 3 minute) and Full length (ca. 15 minute) videos
Faroese - Short (ca. 3 minute) and Full length (ca. 15 minute) videos
Swedish - Short (ca. 3 minute) and Full length (ca. 15 minute) videos


Time-lapse movie clips

Available for non-commercial uses, including press/media use, and production of educational and outreach materials, etc. Click the links to play/download. You are kindly requested to acknowledge the indicated sources of these movie clips.


Selection of photographs available for non-commercial uses, including press/media use, and production of educational and outreach materials, etc. Click the photos for full-size versions. You are kindly requested to acknowledge the indicated sources of these photos.

AMAP Usage Policy

All materials posted on the AMAP website for which AMAP holds the copyright are freely-available for non-commercial uses, including press/media use, and use in the production of educational and outreach materials, etc. 

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The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) retains copyright on all printed and electronic documents, reports, videos, websites, DVDs and other products produced by AMAP. AMAP documents, reports and materials posted on this website may, however, include content (for example photographs, graphics, news items) for which AMAP is not the primary copyright holder.

AMAP copyrighted materials can be used freely subject to the conditions set out in the AMAP Usage Policy.