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Page last reviewed: 05/01/2009
  • Eye and Face Protection. OSHA eTool. Provides a comprehensive hazard assessment, information about selecting protective devices for the workplace, as well as OSHA requirements.
  • Respiratory Protection. OSHA eTool. Provides information on the development of respirator cartridge change schedules. Addresses respirator selection and other requirements of the standard.
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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

OSHA requires the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or effective in reducing these exposures to acceptable levels. Employers are required to determine if PPE should be used to protect their workers.

If PPE is to be used, a PPE program should be implemented. This program should address the hazards present; the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE; the training of employees; and monitoring of the program to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.

PPE is addressed in specific standards for the general industry, shipyard employment, marine terminals, and longshoring.


This section highlights OSHA standards, preambles to final rules (background to final rules), Federal Registers (rules, proposed rules, and notices), directives (instructions for compliance officers), standard interpretations (official letters of interpretation of the standards), and national consensus standards related to PPE.


Note: Twenty-five states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have OSHA-approved State Plans and have adopted their own standards and enforcement policies. For the most part, these States adopt standards that are identical to Federal OSHA. However, some States have adopted different standards applicable to this topic or may have different enforcement policies.

General Industry (29 CFR 1910)

Shipyard Employment (29 CFR 1915)

Marine Terminals (29 CFR 1917)

Longshoring (29 CFR 1918)

Preambles to Final Rules

Federal Registers


Standard Interpretations

National Consensus

Note: These are NOT OSHA regulations. However, they do provide guidance from their originating organizations related to worker protection.

National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA)

  • 70, National Electric Code. (2008).

  • 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. (2004).

  • 1971, Standard on Protective Ensemble for Structural Firefighting and Proximity Firefighting. (2007).

  • 1991, Standard on Vapor-Protective Ensembles for Hazardous Materials Emergencies. (2005).

  • 1992, Standard on Liquid Splash-Protective Ensembles and Clothing for Hazardous Materials Emergencies. (2005).

  • 1994, Standard on Protective Ensembles for First Responders to CBRN Terrorism Incidents. (2007).

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

  • F 739-07, Standard Test Method for Permeation of Liquids and Gases through Protective Clothing Materials Under Conditions of Continuous Contact. (2007).

  • F 903-03(2004), Standard Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Liquids. (2004).

  • F 1001-99a(2006), Standard Guide for Selection of Chemicals to Evaluate Protective Clothing Materials. (2006).


For information related to construction, see OSHA's Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Construction page.

Hazards and Solutions

The following references aid in recognizing the need for personal protective equipment (PPE) and provides information about proper PPE selection and usage.


The following references aid in evaluating and improving personal protective equipment (PPE).

Additional Information

Related Safety and Health Topics Pages


Other Resources

  • Walter F. "PPE Saves Lives [7 MB PDF*, 52 pages]." OSHA Job Safety and Health Quarterly (JSHQ). 2002 Winter;13(2):34-7.

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