United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

News Releases - 1996

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December 1996

12/31/1996 I-96-85 NRC Proposes to Fine Temple University $10,000 for Violations Involving Radioactive Materials, Equipment
12/31/1996 IV-96-066 NRC, SCE Officials to Discuss Apparent Violations at San Onofre
12/30/1996 II-96-106 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Rated "Superior" in Two Areas, "Good" in Two Other Areas of NRC Assessment Report
12/27/1996 IV-96-063 NRC Proposes to Fine Waterford $50,000 for Design Error
12/26/1996 I-96-084 Hope Creek Nuclear Power Plant Receives "Good" Ratings in NRC's Latest Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance Report
12/26/1996 II-96-105 NRC Staff Proposes $100,000 in Fines Against TVA at Sequoyah
12/26/1996 III-96-076 NRC Staff Issues Report of Independent Safety Inspection at Dresden Nuclear Power Station
12/26/1996 96-190 NRC Considers Request from Massachusetts for 'Agreement State' Status
12/26/1996 96-189 NRC Seeks Qualified Candidates for Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste
12/24/1996 III-96-075 NRC Staff Proposes $5,000 Fine Against Cleveland Clinic for Violations of NRC Safety Requirements
12/24/1996 96-188 Note to Editors: ACRS Subcommittee Meeting 1/9/97
12/20/1996 96-187 NRC Reaction to Department of Energy Announcement Concerning External Oversight of DOE Facilities
12/19/1996 96-186 NRC Revises Criteria for Reporting Abnormal Occurrences to Congress
12/19/1996 96-185 Commission Approves Rulemaking Plan for Utility Role in Initial Reactor Operator License Examinations
12/19/1996 I-96-083 NRC Staff Issues Confirmatory Action Letter to Maine Yankee, Sends Two Specialists to Plant
12/17/1996 II-96-104 NRC Staff to Hold Predecisional Enforcement Conference to Discuss Vogtle Equipment Concerns with Georgia Power Company
12/17/1996 III-96-074 Postponement of Meeting to Discuss Preliminary Findings of NRC Team Inspection at Point Beach Nuclear Plant
12/17/1996 I-96-082 NRC Staff to Meet with Penn State Officials to Discuss Apparent Violations of NRC Requirements
12/16/1996 IV-96-064 NRC, PG&E to Discuss Apparent Violation at Diablo Canyon
12/13/1996 I-96-081 NRC Staff Proposes to Fine RG&E $100,000 for Alleged Violations at Ginna Nuclear Plant
12/13/1996 96-184 Merschoff, Dyer Named to Top Posts in NRC Region IV
12/12/1996 I-96-080 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Proposes $180,000 in Fines for Alleged Violations at Salem and Hope Creek Plants
12/11/1996 I-96-079 NRC to Hold Two Meetings December 17 in Connecticut on Millstone Nuclear Plant
12/11/1996 96-183 NRC Revises Regulations on Release of Radioactive Materials from Nuclear Facilities
12/10/1996 96-182 NRC Opens Most Enforcement Conferences to Public Observation
12/10/1996 96-181 NRC Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste to Meet January 28-30 in Rockville, MD
12/09/1996 96-180 Reyes to Be New NRC Region II Administrator
12/06/1996 96-179 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Certifies Two Standardized Reactor Designs
12/06/1996 II-96-101 Summer Nuclear Plant Rated "Superior" in Three Areas, "Good" in Fourth Area of NRC Assessment Report
12/06/1996 II-96-100 NRC Staff to Hold Predecisional Enforcement Conference to Discuss Sequoyah Equipment Concerns with TVA
12/06/1996 I-96-078 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant Rated "Superior" in Three Areas, "Good" in Fourth Area of NRC Assessment Report
12/06/1996 III-96-073 Quad Cities Nuclear Plant Rated "Good" in Two Areas, "Acceptable" in Two Areas in NRC Performance Assessment
12/05/1996 96-178 NRC Amends Regulations Governing High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
12/05/1996 II-96-099 NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Fine Against Southern Nuclear Operating Company at Farley
12/05/1996 96-177 NRC Issues Interim Guidance on Transportation of Steam Generators
12/05/1996 96-176 NRC Seeks Qualified Candidates for Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
12/04/1996 IV-96-062 NRC Staff Authorizes Loading of Spent Fuel into Dry Casks at Arkansas Plant
12/04/1996 III-96-072 NRC Staff Proposes $325,000 Fine Against Wisconsin Electric Co. for Violations of NRC Requirements at Point Beach Nuclear Plant
12/04/1996 96-175 NRC Issues Second Partial Initial Decision on Louisiana Energy Services License Application [DOC]
12/03/1996 96-174 Note to Editors: ACRS Subcommittee Meeting December 18 and 19 in Rockville, MD
12/02/1996 96-173 Note to Editors: ACRS Meeting December 4
12/02/1996 96-172 NRC Announces Major Reorganization
12/02/1996 III-96-071 Special NRC Team Inspection Beginning at Point Beach Nuclear Power Station

November 1996

11/27/1996 IV-96-060 NRC Staff Proposes $100,000 Fine for Apparent Violations at WNP-2
11/27/1996 96-171 Note to Editors: NRC Chairman to Announce Major Reorganization
11/27/1996 I-96-077 NRC Staff to Discuss Apparent Violations at Haddam Neck and Millstone
11/26/1996 96-170 NRC Issues Certificates to USEC for Uranium Enrichment Plants
11/26/1996 96-169 Note to Editors: ACRS Letter Reports
11/26/1996 III-96-070 NRC Special Inspection Team to Present Preliminary Findings of Evaluation of Dresden Nuclear Plant
11/26/1996 II-96-098 NRC Staff Issues Appraisal of Performance at Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant in Florida
11/22/1996 96-168 NRC Denies Petitions on Uranium Enrichment Plants; Will Issue Certificates Soon
11/22/1996 IV-96-061 NRC to Hold Public Meeting to Discuss Fort St. Vrain Final Radiation Survey Results
11/22/1996 III-96-069 NRC Issues Inspection Reports on Two Team Inspections at Clinton Nuclear Power Station
11/22/1996 I-96-076 Local Public Document Room for Three Mile Island and Peach Bottom Nuclear Plants Is Reopened
11/22/1996 96-167 Note to Editors: Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste Letter Reports
11/22/1996 96-166 Note to Editors: ACRS Subcommittee Technical Meeting on December 3 in Rockville
11/22/1996 96-165 NRC Begins First of a Series of Design Inspections at Nuclear Power Plants
11/22/1996 96-164 NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards to Meet December 5-7
11/21/1996 96-163 NRC Issues Report on Control of Radioactive Material
11/20/1996 II-96-097 NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Fine Against TVA at Sequoyah
11/20/1996 II-96-096 NRC Staff Proposes $150,000 Fine Against CP&L at Brunswick
11/20/1996 I-96-075 Beaver Valley Nuclear Plant Rated "Good" in Three Areas, "Superior" in Fourth Area of NRC Assessment Report
11/20/1996 96-162 NRC Launches On-Line Discussion of High-Level Waste Repository Rule
11/18/1996 96-161 NRC Seeks Qualified Candidates for Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
11/15/1996 96-160 NRC Launches Special Inspection at Framatome Cogema Facility
11/15/1996 96-159 NRC Reassigns Regional Managers
11/14/1996 II-96-095 NRC Inspection Team to Discuss Preliminary Findings on Apparent Radiation Overexposure of Worker
11/13/1996 II-96-094 NRC Schedules Special Inspection Exit Meeting at Brunswick Plant
11/13/1996 96-158 Note to Editors: ACRS Subcommittee Meeting
11/12/1996 I-96-074 Note to Editors: Public Service Electric & Gas Will Meet with NRC 11/18/96
11/12/1996 II-96-093 NRC Official to Hold News Conference at Surry Plant in Virginia on November 18
11/12/1996 II-96-092 Surry Nuclear Plant Rated "Superior" in Three Areas, "Good" in Fourth Area of NRC Assessment Report
11/12/1996 II-96-091 NRC Establishes Restart Panel for Crystal River Plant, Schedules Corrective Action Meeting in Atlanta
11/08/1996 II-96-090 NRC to Send Special Inspection Team to Bristol, Virginia to Review Industrial Worker's Overexposure to Radiation
11/08/1996 IV-96-059 NRC, Supply System Officials to Discuss Performance at WNP-2
11/08/1996 96-157 NRC Extends Public Comment Period on Agency's Strategic Assessment of Regulatory Activities
11/05/1996 I-96-073 NRC Dispatches Inspector to Review Circumstances of the Contamination of Two Workers at the Haddam Neck Nuclear Plant
11/01/1996 IV-96-058 NRC Proposes $13,000 Fine Against CTI Alaska, Inc. for Radiation Worker Exposure Incident

October 1996

10/30/1996 I-96-072 Note to Editors: Augmented Inspection Report Concerning Haddam Neck [DOC]
10/30/1996 II-96-089 NRC Schedules Special Inspection Exit Meeting at St. Lucie Plant; NRC Also Schedules St. Lucie Corrective Action Meeting In Atlanta
10/30/1996 96-156 NRC's Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste to Meet November 12 and 13 in Rockville, MD
10/29/1996 96-155 NRC Terminates License for Decommissioned Reactor at Brigham Young University
10/29/1996 III-96-068 NRC Staff Schedules Two-Day Public Meeting in Chicago Area on Strategic Assessment Initiative
10/28/1996 I-96-071 Parts of Local Public Document Room for Three Mile Island and Peach Bottom Nuclear Plants are Reopened
10/28/1996 III-96-067 Perry Nuclear Station Rated "Good" in Four Areas in Latest NRC Assessment Report
10/25/1996 III-96-066 NRC Proposes $2,500 Fine for Gauge Use by Unauthorized and Untrained Indiana Department of Transportation Worker
10/24/1996 96-154 NRC Issues Report on Millstone Allegations; Requires Third-Party Oversight of Employee Concerns
10/24/1996 96-153 Note to Editors -- NSRRC Meeting
10/24/1996 I-96-070 NRC Proposes to Fine PSE&G $150,000 for Alleged Violations at its Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station
10/23/1996 III-96-065 NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Fine Against Centerior Service Company for Fire Protection Violations at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
10/23/1996 96-152 NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards to Meet November 7-9
10/22/1996 I-96-069 Note to Editors: Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Rescheduled Meeting
10/22/1996 96-151 NRC Announces Agreement with Wyoming on Cleanup of ANC Uranium Mill Site
10/22/1996 II-96-087 NRC Staff Issues Order Modifying Physician's Radioactive Materials License
10/22/1996 IV-96-057 NRC Sets Public Meeting on Agency's Strategic Direction
10/22/1996 96-150 Note to Editors -- ACRS Meeting 11/14-15/96
10/22/1996 96-149 Note to Editors -- ACRS Meeting 11/30/96
10/22/1996 96-148 Note to Editors -- ACRS Meeting 10/30/96
10/21/1996 96-147 Note to Editors -- ACRS Meeting 11/5/96
10/19/1996 96-146 NRC Establishes Special Projects Office to Oversee Inspection and Licensing Activities Millstone and Haddam Neck Plants
10/18/1996 II-96-085 NRC Staff Holds Predecisional Enforcement Conference to Discuss Brunswick Equipment Concerns with CP&L
10/18/1996 III-96-064 Lasalle Nuclear Station Rated "Acceptable" in Three Areas, "Good" in Fourth Area in Latest NRC Assessment Report
10/17/1996 IV-96-056 NRC, Supply System Officials to Discuss Apparent Violations at WNP-2
10/17/1996 96-145 NRC Asks Utility Licensees for Information on Concrete Containment Foundations at Nine Nuclear Plants
10/17/1996 96-144 Note to Editors -- ACRS Meeting Rescheduled
10/17/1996 III-96-063 Aerial Radiation Measurements Planned for Nuclear Power Plants in Wisconsin and Minnesota
10/16/1996 96-143 24th Annual NRC Water Reactor Safety Information Meeting to Be Held Oct. 21-23 in Bethesda, Md.
10/15/1996 96-142 NRC Sets Public Meeting on Strategic Assessment Initiative
10/15/1996 I-96-068 NRC Staff Rates Ginna "Good" in Three Areas and "Excellent" in One Category on Latest SALP Report
10/15/1996 96-141 NRC Increases Penalty Limits Against Licensees
10/11/1996 96-140 NRC to Hold Workshop in Rockville, Maryland on License Renewal for Nuclear Power Plants
10/11/1996 III-96-062 NRC Staff Proposes $160,000 Fine Against Centerior Service Corp. for Employment Discrimination Violations at Perry Nuclear Plant
10/10/1996 96-139 Note to Editors: Letters to Northeast Utilities Regarding Haddam Neck and Millstone Nuclear Plants
10/10/1996 96-138 NRC's Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste to Meet October 22-23 in Rockville, MD
10/09/1996 96-137 NRC Requests Information from All Licensees on Maintaining Plant Design [DOC]
10/09/1996 96-136 NRC Names Dr. George M. Hornberger to Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste
10/09/1996 96-135 Note to Editors: ACRS Meeting on October 22 in Rockville
10/09/1996 96-134 NRC and DOE Sign Agreement on Services for Protection of Classified Information
10/08/1996 96-133 Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Rates Operations Adequate with Significant Weaknesses and Deficiencies [DOC]
10/08/1996 I-96-067 NRC to Discuss Apparent Violations at Haddam Neck Nuclear Plant
10/07/1996 II-96-084 NRC Postpones Two Meetings Scheduled for October 9 at Florida Power Corporation's Crystal River Plant
10/07/1996 II-96-083 NRC Staff to Hold Public Meeting October 8 at Oconee to Discuss Inspection Findings on September 24 Event
10/04/1996 96-132 NRC Proposes to Broaden Scope of Deliberate Misconduct Rule
10/03/1996 II-96-082 NRC Schedules Two Meetings at Florida Power Corporation's Crystal River Plant
10/04/1996 IV-96-055 NRC Regional Administrator to Discuss Diablo Canyon at News Conference
10/02/1996 III-96-061 Byron Nuclear Plant Rated "Superior" in Two Areas, "Good" in Two Areas in NRC Performance Assessment
10/02/1996 96-131 NRC Staff Proposes $900,000 Fine Against Thermal Science for Violations of NRC Requirements
10/01/1996 96-130 NRC Issues Confirmatory Action Letter to NAC of Georgia

September 1996

09/30/1996 I-96-066 NRC Staff Sends Inspector to INS Facility in Springfield, MA to Look into Weekend Water Spill
09/27/1996 III-96-060 NRC Inspection Teams to Meet with Illinois Power Officials to Discuss Preliminary Findings of Inspections at Clinton Plant
09/27/1996 II-96-081 NRC Evaluation Lists Superior Performance at Turkey Point
09/27/1996 96-129 Note to Editors: ACRS Meeting October 9-12
09/26/1996 II-96-080 NRC Staff Forms Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) to Review Oconee Steam Line Rupture Event
09/26/1996 96-128 NRC Selects Public Affairs Officers in Headquarters and King of Prussia
09/24/1996 96-127 NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards to Meet 10/9-12
09/24/1996 96-126 NRC Issues Draft Policy Statement on Economic Deregulation of Nuclear Power Plants
09/23/1996 III-96-059 NRC Predecisional Enforcement Conference with Toledo Edison Co. on Apparent Fire Protection Violations at Davis-Besse Plant
09/23/1996 I-96-064 NRC Staff Suspends Veterinarian's License
09/20/1996 96-125 NRC Issues Special Inspection Report on Millstone [DOC]
09/20/1996 IV-96-054 NRC Proposes to Fine HL&P $200,000 in Whistleblower Cases
09/20/1996 III-96-058 NRC Staff to Meet with Illinois Power Officials to Discuss September 5 Shutdown of Clinton Nuclear Plant
09/19/1996 III-96-057 NRC Operational Safety Team to Present Findings at Fermi Nuclear Power Plant
09/19/1996 I-96-065 NRC Staff Proposes $8,000 Fine Against VA Medical Center in Philadelphia for Alleged Harassment of Employee
09/18/1996 IV-96-053 NRC Rates Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant 'Good' and 'Superior' in Report
09/18/1996 96-124 NRC Names John J. Barton to Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
09/17/1996 96-123 NRC Considers Application for Off-Site Spent Fuel Storage License for Minnesota Nuclear Plant
09/17/1996 III-96-055 NRC Staff to Conduct Independent Safety Inspection at Dresden Nuclear Station
09/16/1996 II-96-079 NRC Official to Hold News Conference in Raleigh on September 20
09/16/1996 I-96-063 NRC Issues Order Suspending License of GRD Steel Corporation in Monongahela, Pennsylvania
09/16/1996 I-96-062 NRC Issues Order Suspending License of Dr. Shashi K. Agarwal of Orange, New Jersey
09/16/1996 96-122 NRC Issues Initial Certification Decision for Uranium Enrichment Plants
09/16/1996 I-96-061 NRC Staff Rates TMI 1 "Superior" in Two Categories and "Good" in Two Categories in Latest SALP
09/13/1996 96-121 NRC Seeks Public Comment on Agency's Strategic Assessment of Regulatory Activities[DOC]
09/13/1996 96-120 NRC Plans to Meet with State Liaison Officers
09/13/1996 II-96-077 NRC Schedules Special Inspection Exit Meeting at St. Lucie Plant
09/12/1996 III-96-053 NRC Staff to Conduct Special Team Inspection of Sept. 6 Shutdown at Clinton Power Station
09/11/1996 96-119 NRC Announces Retirement of Russell as Head of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
09/10/1996 II-96-075 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Rated Good in All Four Areas of Assessment Report [DOC]
09/09/1996 I-96-059 NRC Staff to Hold Predecisional Enforcement Conference with PSE&G
09/09/1996 IV-96-052 NRC Proposes to Fine Arkansas Nuclear One $50,000 for Violation of Maintenance Procedures
09/05/1996 96-118 NRC's Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste to Meet Sept. 26-27 in Las Vegas, NV
09/04/1996 I-96-058 NRC Sends Augmented Inspection Team to Haddam Neck Nuclear Plant
09/03/1996 II-96-074 NRC Names New Senior Resident Inspector at Surry Nuclear Power Plant

August 1996

08/30/1996 III-96-052 Monticello Nuclear Plant Rated "Superior" in Three Areas, "Good" in One Area in Latest Systematic Assessment Report
08/29/1996 III-96-051 NRC to Hold Public Meeting in Ohio on Decommissioning of Shieldalloy Facility
08/29/1996 96-117 NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards to Meet September 12-13
08/28/1996 III-96-050 NRC Staff to Hold Predecisional Enforcement Conference On Inspection Findings at Point Beach Nuclear Power Station
08/28/1996 96-116 NRC Once Again Has Full Five-Member Commission
08/27/1996 96-115 NRC Issues Guidance for Comment on Protective Actions During Severe Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants
08/27/1996 III-96-049 NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Fine Against Commonwealth Edison Co. for Violations of NRC Requirements at Zion Nuclear Station
08/26/1996 III-96-048 NRC Augmented Inspection Team to Present Findings at Uranium Fuel Plant in Missouri
08/26/1996 II-96-072 Note to Editors -- Crystal River, St. Lucie Meetings
08/23/1996 III-96-047 NRC Dispatches Augmented Inspection Team to Review Chemical Reaction at Uranium Fuel Plant in Missouri
08/23/1996 I-96-057 NRC Staff Proposes to Fine Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. $50,000 for Alleged Violation of NRC Requirements
08/23/1996 I-96-056 NRC Staff Proposes $2500 Civil Penalty Against National Institutes of Health
08/22/1996 IV-96-051 NRC to Hold Open Enforcement Conference August 26 with Representatives of Entergy
08/22/1996 IV-96-049 Arkansas Plants Rated 'Superior' in Three Areas, 'Good' in One in Latest NRC Assessment
08/21/1996 IV-96-050 NRC Cites Palo Verde for Fires, but Does Not Issue a Fine
08/21/1996 II-96-071 NRC Names New Senior Resident Inspector at Oconee Nuclear Power Plant
08/21/1996 II-96-070 NRC Names New Senior Resident Inspector at Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant
08/20/1996 96-114 Note to Editors: Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Reports
08/19/1996 III-96-046 NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Fine Against Consumers Power Company for Fire Protection Violations at the Palisades Nuclear Plant
08/16/1996 II-96-068 NRC Dispatches Special Inspection Team to St. Lucie to Review Circumstances Associated with Tampering Event
08/14/1996 96-113 NRC Issues Order Requiring Independent Assessment of Millstone Corrective Actions [DOC]
08/08/1996 96-112 NRC Staff to Meet with Northeast Utilities on Corrective Actions at Millstone Plants
08/07/1996 III-96-045 NRC Staff Proposes $1,000 Fine Against Diagnostic Reagents, Inc. for Deliberately Possessing and Receiving Radioactive Materials in an Unauthorized Location
08/07/1996 III-96-044 NRC Inspection Team Issues Report on Foam Sealant Material Found in Equipment Cooling System at LaSalle [DOC]
08/02/1996 96-111 NRC Staff, General Atomics Sign Agreement on Cleanup Funding for Oklahoma Facility
08/01/1996 I-96-053 Change in the Schedule of NRC Chairman Jackson's Press Conference and Public Meeting in Waterford, CT
08/01/1996 96-110 NRC Removes Detroit Property from List of Contaminated Sites
08/01/1996 96-109 NRC Staff Issues Haddam Neck Inspection Report [DOC]
08/01/1996 96-108 NRC, OSHA Sign Agreement on Worker Protection at Uranium Enrichment Plants
08/01/1996 II-96-067 NRC Staff to Hold Enforcement Conference in Atlanta to Discuss Surry Nuclear Plant Concerns with Virginia Power

July 1996

07/31/1996 96-107 Note to Editors: Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste Letter Report Regarding Low-Level Waste Program
07/31/1996 II-96-066 NRC Schedules Special Inspection Exit Meeting at Crystal River Plant
07/30/1996 IV-96-047 NRC, APS Officials to Discuss Apparent Violations at Palo Verde Plant
07/30/1996 96-106 NRC Revises Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants
07/30/1996 II-96-064 NRC Names New Senior Resident Inspector at McGuire Nuclear Power Plant
07/26/1996 I-96-051 NRC Staff Proposes $2,500 Fine Against Syncor International Corporation for Deliberate Misuse of Radioactive Material
07/26/1996 I-96-050 NRC Staff Proposes to Fine Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. $50,000 for Alleged Violations at Calvert Cliffs
07/25/1996 96-105 NRC Seeks Public Comment on Draft Report Regarding Cleanup of Shieldalloy Site in Cambridge, Ohio[DOC]
07/25/1996 I-96-049 NRC Staff Proposes to Fine Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. $80,000 for Discriminating Against Former Worker
07/25/1996 I-96-048 Nine Mile Point Rated "Good" in Three Categories, "Superior" in Fourth in NRC Assessment Report
07/23/1996 II-96-063 NRC Chairman to Visit Duke Power Nuclear Plants - Press Conference Scheduled on Thursday, July 25 at Catawba Nuclear Power Plant
07/23/1996 III-96-041 New Area Code for NRC Region III Effective August 3
07/18/1996 96-103 NRC Prehearing Conference Scheduled for Oyster Creek Nuclear Station
07/17/1996 II-96-062 NRC Staff Proposes $15,000 in Civil Penalties Against Company in Puerto Rico
07/17/1996 II-96-061 NRC Staff Proposes $100,000 Civil Penalty Against FP&L Based on Labor Department Ruling at Turkey Point
07/16/1996 IV-96-045 NRC to Discuss South Texas Project Worker Discrimination Cases with Raytheon and HL&P
07/16/1996 IV-96-044 NRC Rates Palo Verde Nuclear Plant `Superior' in Three Areas and `Good' in One Other in Assessment Report
07/15/1996 IV-96-046 NRC Staff Cites Diablo Canyon, Does Not Propose Civil Penalty
07/15/1996 96-102 NRC Issues First Import License Under New Regulations to Siemens Power Company
07/15/1996 96-101 NRC Extends License Term for Some Mill Licensees
07/15/1996 II-96-060 NRC Atlanta Office Posts New Hours During Olympics
07/11/1996 III-96-040 D.C. Cook Plant Rated "Superior" in One Area "Good" in Three Areas in Latest Systematic Assessment Report
07/11/1996 96-100 Note to Editors: ACNW Letter Report on Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation
07/11/1996 96-099 NRC's Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste to Meet August 21-23
07/10/1996 II-96-059 NRC Staff Proposes $500,000 in Civil Penalties Against Crystal River Plant
07/10/1996 I-96-044 NRC Assessment Team to Begin Work July 15 at Maine Yankee Plant; Entrance Meeting Open to Public
07/10/1996 III-96-039 NRC Augmented Inspection Team to Present Findings at LaSalle Nuclear Power Plant [DOC]
07/10/1996 96-098 NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards to Meet August 8-10
07/09/1996 96-097 Note to Editors: ACRS Letter Reports
07/08/1996 96-096 New NRC Inspector General Begins Duties
07/05/1996 III-96-037 Change in Date for NRC Chairman's News Briefing at Point Beach Nuclear Plant -- New Date: July 11
07/05/1996 96-095 NRC Staff Asks for Information, Action on Spent Fuel Casks in Light of Recent Incident at Point Beach Plant [DOC]
07/05/1996 96-094 NRC Prehearing Conference Scheduled for Yankee Nuclear Power Station
07/03/1996 III-96-036 NRC Issues Augmented Inspection Team Report on Hydrogen Gas Burn in Spent Fuel Cask at Point Beach Plant [DOC]
07/02/1996 III-96-035 NRC Chairman to Hold News Briefing July 12 Following Visits to Wisconsin Nuclear Power Stations
07/02/1996 IV-96-043 NRC Proposes to Fine Wolf Creek $300,000 for Violations During January Icing Event
07/01/1996 III-96-034 NRC Dispatches Inspection Team to LaSalle Nuclear Plant After Shutdowns for Potentially Degraded Equipment Cooling Systems [DOC]

June 1996

06/28/1996 96-093 NRC to Require Commission Approval Before Millstone Restart
06/27/1996 96-092 NRC Transfers Responsibility for South Dakota Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Site to DOE
06/27/1996 IV-96-042 NRC, PG&E Officials to Discuss Apparent Violations at Diablo Canyon Plant
06/27/1996 96-091 Beach Named NRC Region III Administrator
06/25/1996 96-090 NRC Staff Identifies Nuclear Power Plants Warranting Increased Regulatory Attention
06/25/1996 III-96-028 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Rated 'Good' in Three Areas and 'Superior' in a Fourth Area in Latest NRC Assessment Report
06/24/1996 96-089 NRC Staff Reminds Licensees of Requirements to Get Approval for License Transfer, Inform Agency About Decommissioning Funds
06/21/1996 I-96-040 NRC Resident Inspector at Millstone Unit 2 Reassigned
06/20/1996 96-088 Note to Editors: ACNW Letter Report on Yucca Mountain
06/20/1996 III-96-027 NRC Staff Proposes $2,500 Fine Against the Dial Corporation for Improper Disposal of a Nuclear Gauge
06/19/1996 I-96-039 NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Fine Against Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
06/19/1996 96-087 NRC Receives Citation for Outstanding Work and Family Programs
06/17/1996 96-086 Weber Receives 'Exemplary Achievement' Award
06/17/1996 96-085 Note to Editors: ACRS Letter Reports
06/17/1996 IV-96-041 NCR Proposes to Fine University of Oklahoma $2,500 for Leaving Radioactive Drugs Unattended
06/14/1996 II-96-055 NRC Official to Hold News Conference in Miami on June 18
06/14/1996 III-96-025 NRC Staff Proposes $100,000 Fine Against Commonwealth Edison for Violations Involving Structural Steel Design Deficiencies at Dresden and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Stations
06/14/1996 96-084 NRC, DOE Sign MOU on Possible Future Production of Tritium and NRC-Licensed Facilities
06/14/1996 I-96-038 Seabrook Plant Rated "Superior" in Three Categories, "Good" in Fourth in NRC Assessment Report
06/13/1996 96-082 NRC Expands Internet Web Site with Additional Features and Information
06/12/1996 IV-96-040 NRC Proposes to Fine Torrington's Community Hospital $2,500 for Nuclear Medicine Errors
06/11/1996 II-96-053 Oconee Nuclear Plant Rated "Superior" in Three Areas, "Good" in Fourth Area of NRC Assessment Report
06/11/1996 96-081 NRC's Safety Research Review Committee to Meet June 27-28
06/10/1996 I-96-037 NRC Chairman to Hold News Briefing June 14 Following Visit to Indian Point Nuclear Plants
06/07/1996 IV-96-039 NRC Proposes $1,500 Fines for San Diego Radiography Firms
06/07/1996 IV-96-038 NRC Proposes Fine in Records Case at Trojan Nuclear Plant
06/06/1996 96-080 NRC Establishes Requirements for Environmental Reviews of Applications to Renew for Operating Licenses; Public Comment Sought on New Rule
06/05/1996 96-079 NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards to Meet on June 12-14
06/04/1996 96-078 NRC Sends Letters to Three Utilities on Spent Fuel Storage Casks
06/04/1996 IV-96-036 NRC Staff Plans Discussion of Plant Performance at Siemens Fuel Plant in Richland
06/04/1996 III-96-023 NRC Special Inspection Team to Present its Findings on Gas Burn in Spent Fuel Cask at Point Beach Nuclear Plant
06/04/1996 I-96-036 NRC Staff Proposes Fine Against Northeast Nuclear Energy for Alleged Discrimination Against Former Contractor Employee

May 1996

05/31/1996 III-96-022 NRC Chairman to Hold News Briefing June 5 Following Visit to Zion Nuclear Power Station
05/31/1996 96-077 NRC's Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste to Meet June 25-27
05/31/1996 II-96-048 NRC Staff Issues Notices of Violation to Georgia Power Company Following Personnel Discrimination Rulings by Secretary of Labor
05/30/1996 96-076 NRC Establishes Independent Safety Assessment Team to Evaluate Maine Yankee Plant
05/30/1996 96-075 NRC Withdraws Proposed Rule on Agency Authority over Low-Level Waste at Reactor Sites in Agreement States
05/29/1996 IV-96-035 NRC to Meet with Entergy to Discuss Augmented Inspection Team Findings
05/29/1996 III-96-021 NRC Sends Augmented Inspection Team to Review Gaseous Ignition Incident in Spent Fuel Cask at Point Beach Nuclear Plant
05/23/1996 IV-96-034 NRC Augmented Inspection Team Continues Work During ANO Unit 1 Restart
05/23/1996 I-96-034 NRC Staff Rates Pilgrim "Good" in Operations, Maintenance and Plant Support and "Excellent" in Engineering
05/22/1996 IV-96-033 NRC Sends Augmented Inspection Team to Arkansas Nuclear Following Reactor Trip
05/22/1996 96-074 NRC Staff Completes Survey of Refueling Practices at Nation's Nuclear Power Plants
05/22/1996 III-96-020 NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Fine Against Detroit Edison Company for Violation of NRC Requirements at Fermi 2 Nuclear Plant
05/22/1996 III-96-019 NRC Special Inspection Team to Present Findings of Review of May 15 Shutdown at Dresden Nuclear Plant
05/21/1996 96-073 Note to Editors: Millstone and Haddam Neck Letters
05/20/1996 96-072 NRC Amends Regulations on Recordkeeping Requirements
05/17/1996 III-96-018 NRC Staff Proposes $100,000 Fine Against Commonwealth Edison Company for Violations of NRC Safety Requirements at Braidwood Plant
05/16/1996 II-96-046 NRC Staff to Hold Enforcement Conference in Atlanta to Discuss Farley Nuclear Plant Concerns with Southern Nuclear Operating Company
05/16/1996 IV-96-032 NRC Proposes to Fine Innovative Weaponry, Inc. $7,500 for License Violation
05/16/1996 III-96-017 NRC Dispatches Special Inspection Team to Dresden Nuclear Plant to Review Reactor Shutdown on May 15
05/16/1996 96-070 NRC Issues Policy Statement on Protection of Employees from Retaliation
05/16/1996 96-069 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Honors Employees
05/13/1996 96-068 NRC Releases Cleaned-Up Area at Jefferson Proving Ground for Unrestricted Use
05/13/1996 IV-96-031 South Texas Rated 'Superior' in Two Areas 'Good' in Two in Latest NRC Systematic Assessment Report
05/10/1996 IV-96-030 NRC Regional Administrator to Hold News Conference in Richland
05/10/1996 96-067 NRC Proposes Amendments to Fitness-for-Duty Rule
05/09/1996 96-066 Two NRC Regional Administrators Are Reassigned
05/09/1996 III-96-016 Fermi Plant Rated "Superior" in One Area, "Good" in Two Areas, "Adequate" in One Area in Latest Systematic Assessment Report
05/08/1996 II-96-044 NRC Officials to Meet with TVA at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant on May 10
05/08/1996 96-065 Chairman of Ukrainian Parliamentary Committee on Nuclear Safety Visits NRC
05/08/1996 IV-96-029 NRC Staff to Hold Open Predecisional Enforcement Conference May 10 with Wolf Creek
05/07/1996 96-064 NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards to Meet on May 23-25
05/07/1996 II-96-043 NRC Licensing Board Sets Hearing on Georgia Tech Research Reactor
05/07/1996 I-96-029 NRC Staff to Hold Predecisional Enforcement Conference with Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation

April 1996

04/30/1996 IV-96-028 NRC Issues Partial Initial Decision on Louisiana Energy Services License Application
04/26/1996 96-063 Note to Editors: ACRS Reports
04/25/1996 96-062 NRC's Advisory Committee to Meet May 3 in Rockville, Md.
04/24/1996 I-96-028 NRC Staff Rates Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant "Superior" in Plant Support; "Good" in Maintenance; and "Adequate" in Engineering and Plant Operations
04/23/1996 II-96-042 Shearon Harris Plant Rated "Superior" in All Four Areas of NRC Assessment Report
04/23/1996 III-96-015 NRC Staff Plans Discussion of Plant Performance at ABB Combustion Engineering Fuel Plant in Hematite, Missouri
04/19/1996 96-061 NRC's Advisory Panel on Electronic Information System for Waste Repository Licensing to Meet in Las Vegas
04/18/1996 IV-96-027 NRC Proposes to Fine Cooper $50,000
04/17/1996 96-060 NRC Releases ALCOA Site in Ohio for Unrestricted Use Following Cleanup of Radioactive Contamination
04/16/1996 III-96-041 New Area Code for NRC Region III Effective August 3
04/16/1996 96-059 NRC Staff Approves Decommissioning Plan for Trojan Nuclear Power Plant
04/15/1996 96-058 NRC's Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste to Meet May 15-16
04/12/1996 96-057 NRC Makes Changes to Licensing, Inspection and Annual Fees
04/11/1996 IV-96-026 NRC Regional Administrator to Hold News Conference in Jackson, Miss.
04/10/1996 I-96-027 NRC Staff Officials to Hold Public Meeting April 29 to Discuss Issues at Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station
04/10/1996 IV-96-025 Grand Gulf Rated 'Superior' in Three Areas 'Good' in Another in Latest NRC Systematic Assessment Report
04/09/1996 96-056 NRC Considering Revising Decommissioning Funding Rule to Reflect Utility Deregulation; Public Comments Asked
04/08/1996 III-96-013 NRC Staff to Hold Conference with Detroit Edison Company
04/08/1996 II-96-039 NRC Names New Senior Resident Inspector at Harris Nuclear Power Plant
04/04/1996 96-055 Note to Editors: Northeast Utilities/Millstone Letter
04/04/1996 96-054 NRC, DOD Sign Agreement on Services for Protection of Classified Information
04/03/1996 IV-96-024 NRC Staff Approves Amendment for Palo Verde to Move Stuck Fuel Assembly
04/02/1996 III-96-012 Prairie Island Plant Rated "Superior" in Three Areas, "Good" in One Area in Latest Systematic Assessment Report
04/02/1996 I-96-025 Licensing Board Approves Settlement Between NRC Staff and Oncology Services Corporation of Harrisburg and Radiation Oncology Center at Marlton, NJ
04/02/1996 I-96-024 NRC Staff Modifies Radioactive Materials Licenses of Applied Health Physics, Inc. of Bethel Park, PA
04/01/1996 I-96-023 NRC Staff Suspends Radioactive Materials License of Eastern Testing and Inspection, Inc., of Thorofare, New Jersey

March 1996

03/29/1996 IV-96-022 NRC Staff Proposes to Fine Waterford $50,000
03/28/1996 IV-96-023 NRC Staff to Hold Open Predecisional Enforcement Conference April 1 with Cooper Nuclear Station
03/27/1996 I-96-22 NRC Staff Sends Inspectors to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, to Look into Internal Contamination Event
03/25/1996 96-053 NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards to Meet April 11-13
03/22/1996 96-052 Note to Editors: ACRS Letter Reports on PRA, Individual Plant Examinations
03/15/1996 96-051 NRC to Hold Workshop in Rockville, Maryland on Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation
03/08/1996 96-050 NRC Staff Proposes $100,000 Fine for APS in Palo Verde Whistleblower Case
03/08/1996 96-049 Note to Editors: NRC Letters to Northeast Utilities
03/06/1996 96-048 NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Fine Against Duke Power Company for Alleged Violation of Requirements at Oconee Nuclear Plant
03/04/1996 96-047 Note to Editors: Chairman Shirley Ann Jackson's First Annual News Conference

February 1996

January 1996

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, June 28, 2012