Welcome to the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) Information for Respondents

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This website is your source of information about the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE). You'll find Frequently Asked Questions about the survey, results from the most recently published data, and a lot more.

If your address has been selected, it means that we have asked someone in your household to be a respondent for this survey. Your participation is essential in order for the survey to provide a complete, accurate picture of how Americans spend their money.

Knowing what goods and services consumers are buying and how much they are spending is critical information in determining the strength of our Nation’s economy and the direction in which it is moving.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts the Consumer Expenditure Survey to gather data needed for the calculation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a key measure of inflation. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has been conducting this survey since 1980.

The Consumer Expenditure Survey is conducted in two parts, a quarterly interview survey and a diary survey. The interview survey asks about large expenditures and regular purchases. For the diary survey, respondents are asked to keep two 1-week diaries for recording all purchases. The purpose of the diary survey is to capture small everyday purchases like food, meals, personal care products and gasoline.

Your household has been chosen for only one of these surveys. To find out more information about the survey you have been selected to be in, go to:

If you cannot find the information or answers to questions you are looking for, please contact the Census Regional Office that serves your area.

We look forward to your participation in the Consumer Expenditure Survey!



Last Modified Date: June 7, 2012