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This survey is a supplement to the 2007 Annual Surveys of Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, Accommodations and Food Services. Its purpose is to compile statistics on business operating expenses. The United States Code, Title 13, authorizes this program as part of the Economic Census.


Currently, the Business Expenses Supplement (BES) covers the following:

NAICS is the North American Industry Classification System

Previously covered by the predecessor Business Expenses Survey, expenses data coverage of most industries in the service sector as of 2005 is part of the Service Annual Survey. Expenses data for manufacturing, mining, and construction sectors are covered in respective parts of the Economic Census.


All sampled businesses in the BES are asked to provide data on total and detailed operating expenses for the year covered.


Every five years for census years ending in "2" and "7." Data collection begins in January following the census year. Reported data are requested for the calendar year. A new sample of businesses is introduced every five years.


Data for the BES are collected in conjunction with the Annual Surveys of Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, Accommodations, and Food Services. These mail-out/mail-back surveys cover about 29,000 retail, accommodation, food services and wholesale businesses with paid employees, supplemented by administrative data to account for nonemployer businesses. The employer sample is drawn from the Census Bureaus Business Register, which contains all Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) and listed establishment locations.

Firms are first stratified by major kind of business and estimated sales. All firms with sales above applicable size cutoffs are selected into the survey and report for all their EINs in applicable industries. In a second stage, unselected EINs are stratified by major kind of business and sales, and randomly selected from each strata.

The sample is updated quarterly to reflect employer business "births" and "deaths"; adding new employer businesses identified in the Business and Professional Classification Survey and deleting firms when it is determined they are no longer active. There is about a nine month delay before new firms can be represented in the sample. To account for births during this interim period, full year data are imputed for all EIN firms that go out of business but are still active in administrative records.


Tabulation of detailed expenses data for Wholesale Distributors, Retail Trade, and Accommodation and Food Services compiled in this program have planned release dates as follows:

Summary tables with detailed business expenses data will be released on the Internet in conjunction with the release of sales, purchases, and inventories data in the 2007 Annual Surveys of Wholesale Trade and Retail Trade. Data are published at the national level only.


Business expenses data are used routinely by government program officials, particularly the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis which uses the data for the Nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimates and in developing the National Accounts input-output tables. Other users of business expenses data include market researchers, economic analysts, academics and business owners.


Provides the only reliable National data on detailed business expenses by kind of business for covered industries.


o Annual Retail Trade Survey

o Annual Wholesale Trade Survey

o Service Annual Survey

o Economic Census




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