Office of Advocacy
U.S. Small Business Administration
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Listed below are documents published in the Federal Register and open for comment that may significantly affect small businesses. Advocacy encourages affected small businesses to provide the Federal agency issuing the notice with comments on the proposed action and the agency's analysis of its potential impacts on small business. Please share with the Office of Advocacy your comments on these and other regulatory proposals of importance to small businesses. For a more complete listing of notices and rulemakings published for comment in the Federal Register, is the Federal government’s one stop site to comment on Federal regulations.

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Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.


Proposed Rule on Regulation Z: Truth in Lending
On September 24, 2010, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, issued a proposed rule to on Regulation Z: Truth in Lending (TILA) as part of a comprehensive review of TILA’s rules for home-secured credit. The proposal would revise the rules for the consumer’s right to rescind certain open-end and closed-end loan secured by the consumer’s principal dwelling. It would also amend rules concerning whether a closed end loan is defined as a higher priced loan; provide consumers with a right to a refund of fees; amend disclosure rules for reverse mortgages; and prohibit certain unfair practices with reverse mortgages. Comments are due on December 23, 2010.

  • Proposed rule from the Federal Register
  • Advocacy contact:  Jennifer Smith at 202-205-6533
  • Submit Comments to the FRS Electronically (Docket No. R-1390 should be included in the subject line)
  •, the Federal government’s one stop site to comment on Federal regulations.


    Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.


    Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.

    Safety, Health & Labor

    ADA Accessibility of Websites
    DOJ is considering requirements to make websites accessible for people with disabilities. These regulations could affect governmental entities and public accommodations covered by the ADA that provide goods, services, programs or activities to the public via websites on the Internet. Title III of the ADA covers private entities whose operations affect commerce (such as restaurants, movie theatres, schools, daycares facilities, recreational facilities and doctors’ offices) and commercial facilities (such as factories, warehouses and office buildings). DOJ specifically asks the public for input on the impact of web accessibility requirements on small entities. Comments are due on January 24, 2011.

  • Advance Notice from the Federal Register (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet from the Department of Justice (pdf)
  • Advocacy contact:  Janis Reyes at 202-205-6533
  • Submit Comments to the DOJ Electronically (Docket No. DOJ-CRT-2010-0005)
  •, the Federal government’s one stop site to comment on Federal regulations.

    ADA Accessibility of Websites
    DOJ is considering requirements to make websites accessible for people with disabilities. These regulations could affect governmental entities and public accommodations covered by the ADA that provide goods, services, programs or activities to the public via websites on the Internet. Title III of the ADA covers private entities whose operations affect commerce (such as restaurants, movie theatres, schools, daycares facilities, recreational facilities and doctors’ offices) and commercial facilities (such as factories, warehouses and office buildings). DOJ specifically asks the public for input on the impact of web accessibility requirements on small entities. Comments are due on January 24, 2011.

  • Advance Notice from the Federal Register (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet from the Department of Justice (pdf)
  • Advocacy contact:  Janis Reyes at 202-205-6533
  • Submit Comments to the DOJ Electronically (Docket No. DOJ-CRT-2010-0005)
  •, the Federal government’s one stop site to comment on Federal regulations.

    ADA Accessibility of Movie Theatres
    DOJ is considering requirements to make movie theatres accessible to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing or who are blind or have low vision by potentially requiring movie theatre owners or operators to screen movies with closed captioning or video description. DOJ specifically asks the public for input on the impact of these requirements on small entities. Comments are due on January 24, 2011.

  • Advance Notice from the Federal Register (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet from the Department of Justice (pdf)
  • Advocacy contact:  Janis Reyes at 202-205-6533
  • Submit Comments to the DOJ Electronically (Docket No. DOJ-CRT-2010-0007)
  •, the Federal government’s one stop site to comment on Federal regulations.

    ADA Accessibility of Equipment and Furniture
    DOJ is considering new requirements to make accessible for people with disabilities equipment and furniture used in programs and services provided by public entities and public accommodations. DOJ is seeking comments on possible Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements for: a) medical equipment and furniture; b) exercise equipment and furniture; c) accessible golf cars; d) beds in accessible guest rooms and sleeping rooms; e) beds in nursing homes and other care facilities; and f) equipment and information technology (such as kiosks, interactive transaction machines, point of sale devices and automated teller machines). DOJ specifically asks the public for input on the impact of these requirements on small entities. Comments are due on January 24, 2011

  • Advance Notice from the Federal Register (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet from the Department of Justice (pdf)
  • Advocacy contact:  Janis Reyes at 202-205-6533
  • Submit Comments to the DOJ Electronically (Docket No. DOJ-CRT-2010-0008)
  •, the Federal government’s one stop site to comment on Federal regulations.

    ADA Accessibility of Next Generation 911 Services
    DOJ is considering accessibility requirements for public entities that operate 9-1-1 call centers, to reflect advances in telecommunication technology. The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) covers small governmental jurisdictions with a population of less than 50,000. DOJ is seeking comments on the potential impact of these telecommunications requirements for small public entities. Comments are due on January 24, 2011.

  • Advance Notice from the Federal Register (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet from the Department of Justice (pdf)
  • Advocacy contact:  Janis Reyes at 202-205-6533
  • Submit Comments to the DOJ Electronically (Docket No. DOJ-CRT-2010-0006)
  •, the Federal government’s one stop site to comment on Federal regulations.


    Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.


    Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.


    Advocacy has not identified any current rulemakings under this subject heading. Please contact Advocacy if there is a proposed rule open for comment of importance to small businesses.


    Other Regulatory Websites