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  • National Advisory Committee on Ergonomics; Notice of Meeting. OSHA Federal Register Notice 69:62303, (2004, October 25). Schedules the sixth NACE meeting.
  • National Advisory Committee on Ergonomics; Notice of Meeting. OSHA Federal Register Notice 69:23227, (2004, April 28). Schedules the fifth NACE meeting.
  • National Advisory Committee on Ergonomics; Notice of Meeting. OSHA Federal Register Notice 69:688-689, (2004, January 6). Schedules the fourth NACE meeting. During the first day of the meeting, the committee will hear presentations at a research symposium entitled "Musculoskeletal and Neurovascular Disorders -- The State of Research Regarding Workplace Etiology and Prevention."
  • National Advisory Committee on Ergonomics, Call for Abstracts. OSHA Federal Register Notice 68:63133, (2003, November 7). On October 6, 2003, OSHA published a notice (68 FR 57713) soliciting abstracts from persons wishing to make presentations at a symposium entitled "Musculoskeletal and Neurovascular Disorders -- the State of the Research Regarding Workplace Etiology and Prevention." This symposium is scheduled to be held in conjunction with the fourth meeting of NACE in January 2004. Abstracts were originally due on November 5, 2003. The Agency has decided to extend the deadline for submission of abstracts.
  • National Advisory Committee on Ergonomics, Call for Abstracts. OSHA Federal Register Notice 68:57713, (2003, October 6). NACE has recommended that a symposium be convened to address current and project research needs and efforts relating to ergonomics, entitled "Musculoskeletal and Neurovascular Disorders -- the State of the Research Regarding Workplace Etiology and Prevention." NACE will use proceedings from the symposium to make recommendations to advance OSHA's agenda of reducing the incidence of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in the workplace. This notice announces a call for abstracts.
  • National Advisory Committee on Ergonomics, Notice of Meeting. OSHA Federal Register Notice 68:53399-53400, (2003, September 10). Schedules the third NACE meeting.
  • National Advisory Committee on Ergonomics. OSHA Federal Register Notice 68:20031-20032, (2003, April 23). Schedules the second NACE meeting.
  • National Advisory Committee on Ergonomics. OSHA Federal Register Notice 68:794-795, (2003, January 7). NACE is being established and chartered for a two year term. This committee is part of the Secretary's comprehensive approach for reducing ergonomics-related injuries and illnesses in the workplace. The Secretary may ask NACE to advise her on such matters as ergonomic guidelines, research, and outreach and assistance. This notice announces the selection of 15 persons to serve as members of NACE and schedules the first NACE meeting.
  • National Advisory Committee on Ergonomics. OSHA Federal Register Notice 67:22121-22122, (2002, May 2). The Secretary of Labor intends to establish a Committee to advise the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health (Assistant Secretary) on ergonomic guidelines, research, and outreach, and assistance. The Committee will consist of not more than 15 members who will be selected based upon their expertise or experience with ergonomic issues.