Army Communicator
United States Army Signal Center, Fort Gordon, GA
 * Requires AKO User ID
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How to Subscribe to Army Communicator (printed edition)

Bullet E-mail request to
Bullet Or, fax request to (706) 791-3917 or DSN 780-3917
Bullet Or, write: Commander, U.S. Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon; Bldg. 29808A (Signal Towers), Room 713; ATTN: Editor, Army Communicator; Fort Gordon, GA 30905
Bullet Or, if you're visiting the Signal Center, stop by Room 713 in Signal Towers and fill out a request-for-subscription form

We cannot accept telephonic requests for subscriptions. Your request must be in writing. (Email is OK because we can print it out for our records.)

"Subscriptions" are free. Subscribers may be military, Defense Department employees, contractors who work with the Signal Regiment, allied countries' signal services, ROTC or military academy personnel. Also academic or repository libraries. Just let us know how many copies you need.

We have a new subscription option for  those with an AKO account.  Individual who elect this option will receive an AKO notification each them a new edition is published. You will then have the option of viewing the magazine on-line or downloading it to your PC.  Advantages are delivery is faster, easy connection to sites and resources by using embedded links, ablity to easily extract excerpts to be used in Information papers and briefings, and finally you will be saving us publishing and mailing costs. All you need to do is specify you want the email subscription option in your subscription request. 

You remain subscribed until you cancel your subscription in writing (email, fax or letter), or until we receive a return via the U.S. Postal Service (see below). One other way to cancel your subscription is to fail to return a mailing-list verification card we send out every other year to comply with Army and U.S. Postal Service requirements. We pay the return postage on the verification card, but to stay subscribed you must fill it out and send it back to us.

How to notify us of your change of address

Bullet E-mail old and new address information to
Bullet Or, fax old and new address information to (706) 791-3917 or DSN 780-3917
Bullet Or, write: Commander, U.S. Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon; Bldg. 29808A (Signal Towers), Room 713; ATTN: Editor, Army Communicator; Fort Gordon, GA 30905
Bullet Or, send us a U.S. Postal Service change-of-address postcard

Please let us know your old address, exactly as it appears on the mailing label on the back cover, as well as your new address. Again, we cannot accept telephonic notification of a change of address; the notification must be in writing.

If you don't notify us of your change of address, we may receive the information from the U.S. Postal Service via a return. USPS returns to us your entire magazine, or it sends us the back cover or a portion of the back cover with the new address and tosses the rest of your magazine; it does not notify us of your change of address and forward your magazine to you anyway. Therefore if you move and we don't have your current address, you may not receive one or two issues. (Our mailing list is updated constantly, but we publish quarterly so it may take a while for your AC to catch up to you!) If you move and don't leave a proper forwarding address with USPS, the return we receive from USPS is a dead-end for us and so your entry is deleted on our mailing database (and therefore your subscription is cancelled). This is why it's important to notify us before you move, as soon as you know your new address. Otherwise there may be a gap in your subscription.

If you moved and you didn't receive an issue, or you think your subscription may have been cancelled, we have some back issues on hand dating from Winter 2000 (nothing earlier). If you email or write us requesting the back issues you'd like to receive, we'll fill these requests until our stock runs out. (There are no reprints; AC is available only from extra stock or on-line.)

Last modified on:
April 04, 2012

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