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 Quartermaster Professional Bulletin      


Quartermaster Professional Bulletin - Winter 2007

Final Edition

Korean War Commemorative Edition Spring 2000

World War II 50th anniversary Commemorative Edition Winter 1994

Quartermaster Professional Bulletin: March 1988 to September 2009

The Quartermaster Professional Bulletin was published quarterly from March 1988 to September 2009 by the US Army Quartermaster School, Fort Lee, Virginia 23801-2102. The Bulletin printed material for which the Quartermaster School has proponency and was approved for official dissemination of material designed to keep Quartermasters knowledgeable of current and emerging developments to enhance their professional development. Contents are the views of the authors and not necessarily of the Department of Defense or its elements. Use of articles constitutes neither affirmation of their accuracy nor product endorsement. Photographs and illustrations are US
Army property unless otherwise credited. Material may be reprinted if credit is given to the Quartermaster Professional Bulletin and the author.









This page was last updated on: September 29, 2011