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May 24, 2011

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This publication contains a complete and official listing of the foreign consular offices in the United States, and recognized consular officers. Compiled by the U.S. Department of State, with the full cooperation of the foreign missions in Washington, it is offered as a convenience to organizations and persons who must deal with consular representatives of foreign governments. It has been designed with particular attention to the requirements of government agencies, state tax officials, international trade organizations, chambers of commerce, and judicial authorities who have a continuing need for handy access to this type of information. Trade with other regions of the world has become an increasingly vital element in the economy of the United States. The machinery of this essential commerce is complicated by numerous restrictions, license requirements, quotas, and other measures adopted by the individual countries. Since the regulations affecting both trade and travel are the particular province of the consular service of the nations involved, reliable information as to entrance requirements, consignment of goods, details of transshipment, and, in many instances, suggestions as to consumer needs and preferences may be obtained at the foreign consular offices throughout the United States.  Note: Changes occur daily. Status of persons listed in this publication should be verified with the Office of Protocol.


Consular officers should be accorded their respective privileges, rights, and immunities as directed by international and domestic law. These foreign officials should be treated with the courtesy and respect befitting their positions. At the same time, it is a well established principle of international law that, without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect local laws and regulations. Unless otherwise provided under specific bilateral agreements, they are entitled to the limited immunities described in the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (VCCR), which contains the current expression of international law on the subject of the rights, privileges, and immunities of consular personnel. Furthermore, recognized consular officers who also are accredited as diplomatic agents at certain diplomatic missions enjoy full immunity under the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR).

Career Consular Officers

Article 43 of the VCCR states that the immunity to which consular officers are entitled relates only to acts arising in the exercise of consular functions. This limited form of immunity, generally referred to as "official acts immunity" or "functional immunity," must be asserted in court as an affirmative defense and is subject to court determination. It should be noted that civil actions relating to private contracts and damage arising from accidents caused by automobiles, vessels, or aircraft are specifically excepted from a claim of "official acts immunity" as are those based on private contracts. Although career consular officers enjoy only limited immunity from jurisdiction, Article 41 of the VCCR does grant them personal inviolability. Therefore, such individuals may not be arrested or detained pending trial, except in the case of a grave crime and pursuant to a decision of a competent judicial authority. Career consular officers can be identified by credentials issued by the U.S. Department of State, which bear its seal, the name of the officer, and title.

Families of Consular Officers

Family members of consular officers do not enjoy the same privileges and immunities with respect to the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the receiving state as do consular officers. However, they should be accorded appropriate courtesy and respect.

Consular Employees

Although foreign career consular employees are not listed in this publication, these individuals also are entitled to immunity from the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the receiving state as to official acts performed in the exercise of their consular functions, subject to court determination. They do not, however, enjoy personal inviolability and, thus, are not immune from arrest or detention.

Countries with Special Bilateral Agreements

The United States and the following countries have entered into bilateral agreements which, in certain cases, may provide greater privileges and immunities to consular officers, family members, and employees. 

The Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Moldova

The Republic of Azerbaijan

The Philippines

The Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Poland

The Republic of Bulgaria


The People’s Republic of China


The Czech Republic

Slovak Republic

The Republic of Georgia

The Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Hungary


The Republic of Kazakhstan


The Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Uzbekistan

For details in particular cases, please contact the Office of Protocol


Consular premises used exclusively for the work of the consular post cannot be entered without explicit permission of the head of the consular post or his designee or by the head of the diplomatic mission. This permission may be assumed in the case of fire or other disaster requiring prompt protective action.


The consular archives and documents are inviolable at all times and wherever they may be. The official correspondence of the consular post, which means all correspondence relating to the consular post and its functions, is likewise inviolable.


As a matter of U.S. policy, honorary consular officers recognized by the U.S. Government are American citizens or permanent resident aliens who perform consular services on a part-time basis. The limited immunity afforded honorary consular officers is specified in Article 71 of the VCCR. Such individuals do not enjoy personal inviolability and may be arrested pending trial if circumstances should otherwise warrant. However, appropriate steps must be provided to accord to such officers the protection required by virtue of their official position. In addition, the consular archives and documents of a consular post headed by an honorary consular officer are inviolable at all times and wherever they may be, provided they are kept separate from other papers and documents of a private or commercial nature relating to other activities of an honorary consular officer or persons working with that consular officer.

The Foreign Consular Offices in the United States list is available to the public for a fee through the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Telephone Number {202} 512-1800) and on the Department of State Internet web site under:  http://www.state.gov/s/cpr/rls

NOTE:  The information contained herein was compiled as of May 24, 2011.


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