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Glossary of CPD Terms - H

These are some terms that are specifically related to HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) programs or functions.

HOME-Assisted Units
Units within a HOME project for which rent, occupancy, and/or long-term affordability restrictions apply. The number of units designated as HOME-assisted affects the maximum HOME subsidies that may be provided to a project.

HOME Funds
Units within a HOME project for which rent, occupancy, and/or long-term affordability restrictions apply. The number of units designated as HOME-assisted affects the maximum HOME subsidies that may be provided to a project.

HOME Investment Partnerships Program
A Federal grant program designed to help jurisdictions expand the supply of decent and affordable rental and ownership housing for low- and very low-income veterans.

HOME Investment Trust Fund
Units within a HOME project for which rent, occupancy, and/or long-term affordability restrictions apply. The number of units designated as HOME-assisted affects the maximum HOME subsidies that may be provided to a project.

Homeless prevention
means activities or programs designed to prevent the incidence of homelessness, including (but not limited to):

  • Short-term subsidies to defray rent and utility arrearages for families that have received eviction or utility termination notices;
  • Security deposits or first month's rent to permit a homeless family to move into its own apartment;
  • Mediation programs for landlord-tenant disputes;
  • Legal services programs for the representation of indigent tenants in eviction proceedings;
  • Payments to prevent foreclosure on a home; and
  • Other innovative programs and activities designed to prevent the incidence of homelessness.

means ownership in fee simple title or a 99 year leasehold interest in a one- to four-unit dwelling or in a condominium unit, or equivalent form of ownership approved by HUD. The ownership interest may be subject only to the restrictions on resale required under 92.254(a); mortgages, deeds of trust, or other liens or instruments securing debt on the property as approved by the participating jurisdiction; or any other restrictions or encumbrances that do not impair the good and marketable nature of title to the ownership interest. For purposes of the insular areas, homeownership includes leases of 40 years or more. For purposes of housing located on trust or restricted Indian lands, homeownership includes leases of 50 years. The participating jurisdiction must determine whether or not ownership or membership in a cooperative or mutual housing project constitutes homeownership under State law.

Homeownership Zone Program (HOZ)
The Homeownership Zone program allows communities to reclaim vacant and blighted properties, increase homeownership, and promote economic revitalization by creating entire neighborhoods of new, single-family homes, called Homeownership Zones.

Homeless Veteran
A person who once served in the military forces and does not have a permanent residence or is in immediate danger of losing his or her home.

One or more persons occupying a housing unit.

includes manufactured housing and manufactured housing lots, permanent housing for disabled homeless persons, transitional housing, single-room occupancy housing, and group homes. Housing also includes elder cottage housing opportunity (ECHO) units that are small, free-standing, barrier-free, energy-efficient, removable, and designed to be installed adjacent to existing single-family dwellings. Housing does not include emergency shelters (including shelters for disaster victims) or facilities such as nursing homes, convalescent homes, hospitals, residential treatment facilities, correctional facilities and student dormitories.

Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA)
The HOPWA program provides housing assistance and supportive services for low-income people with HIV/AIDS and their families. Grants are provided by selection through a national competition of projects proposed by State and local governments and nonprofit organizations. Grantees are encouraged to form community partnerships with area nonprofit organizations to provide housing assistance and supportive services for eligible persons.

means heating, ventilating and air-conditioning.

CPD Glossary
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