Value-added Product Highlights from the Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions Working Group

Sally McFarlane U.S. Department of Energy
Chitra Sivaraman Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Timothy Shippert Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Yan Shi Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Laura Riihimaki Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Krista Gaustad Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Category: Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions

We will present an update on the development of value-added products (VAPs) associated with the Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions (CAPI) working group. VAP highlights for this year include the following efforts: (1) Initial development of a planetary boundary-layer height (PBL Height) product. (2) Re-processing of all historical QCRAD data to correct algorithm errors, make quality control flags consistent, add instrument-specific corrections for infrared loss, and submit data quality reports (DQRs) on the input and output data. (3) Submission of data from the Cloud Condensation Nuclei Profile (CCNPROF) data to the ARM Evaluation Area and initial comparison to aircraft data. (4) Release of the Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate (RIPBE) code and submission of five years of data to the ARM Data Archive. (5) Processing of five years of instantaneous broadband heating rate profiles using RIPBE data (BBHRP-RIPBE) and submission of the data to the ARM Evaluation Area. (6) Prototype of RIPBE and BBHRP averaged products for flux closure evaluation. (7) Processing of all historical micropulse lidar (MPL) data through the MPL cloud mask (MPLCMASK) algorithm. (8) Processing of microwave radiometer retrieval (MWRRET), MPLCMASK, and QCRAD for AMF deployments. We will also discuss plans for future CAPI VAP efforts including continued work on the PBL Height product, addressing user comments and updating CCNPROF, development of a BBHRP testbed, and implementation of a new retrieval for the 3-channel microwave radiometers.

This poster will be displayed at ASR Science Team Meeting.

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