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Engaging Women in Trauma-Informed Peer Support: A Guidebook
By Blanch, Andrea; Filson, Beth; Penney, Darby; Cave, Cathy. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (Rockville, MD). National Association of State Mental Heath Program Directors (NASMHPD) (Falls Church, VA); Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) (Sudbury, MA).
The fundamentals, cultural considerations, and actions to be taken to address trauma through peer support are explained. “This guide was created for a very specific purpose: to help make trauma-informed peer support available to women who are trauma survivors and who receive or have received mental health and/or substance abuse services. It is designed as a resource for peer supporters in these or other settings who want to learn how to integrate trauma-informed principles into their relationshi... Read More
96 pages
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How Does Domestic Violence Affect the Vermont Workplace? A Survey of Male Offenders Enrolled in Batterer Intervention Programs in Vermont
By Schmidt, Michele Cranwell; Barnett, Autumn. Vermont Council on Domestic Violence (Montpelier, VT); University of Vermont. Center for Rural Studies (CRS) (Burlington, VT); Spectrum Youth and Family Services. Violence Intervention and Prevention Program (Burlington, VT).
This report provides information regarding the “pervasiveness and severity of domestic violence perpetrated through workplace resources and work time and the impact of these actions on the workplace … [and] the workplace response to domestic violence from supervisors, co-workers, and policies and procedures” (p. 4). Sections following an executive summary include: the Vermont Study on Domestic Violence and the Workplace; methodology; study findings regarding employment status and role at work, ... Read More
44 pages
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Minimum Standards for Domestic Violence Offender Intervention Programs
Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance (Boise, ID).
The very minimum standards for these intervention programs are described. Other agencies seeking to implement such programs will find this document to be a great resource for their initial planning stage. “Domestic violence offender intervention programs shall be specifically designed to work with those who are court ordered to attend. Services may also be provided to those who elect to participate on a voluntary basis” (p. 3). This set of standards are divided into six parts: required standards... Read More
15 pages
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Where Do “Domestic Violence” Statistics Come From and Why Do They Vary So Much?
By Johnson, Michael P.. National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC) (Fairfax, VA); National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) (Harrisburg, PA).
“This paper helps to clarify some of the misunderstandings, errors, and apparent contradictions that derive from these differences in language use [of domestic violence and intimate partner violence], in part from not understanding where the statistics come from and what the strengths and limitations of the data are, and in part from wrongly treating “domestic violence” as a single phenomenon” (p. 2). Sections of this brief include: an example; types of intimate partner violence; sources of stat... Read More
12 pages
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The Judicial Oversight Demonstration: Culminating Report on the Evaluation
By Harrell, Adele; Visher, Christy; Newmark, Lisa; Yahner, Jennifer. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
An overview is provided of the findings from the final evaluation of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration (JOD) project "designed to test the feasibility and impact of a coordinated response to intimate partner violence (IPV)" (p. ii). Sections of this report include: about this report; the JOD initiative; the evaluation of JOD; key findings on the impact of JOD; victim services and well-being; offender accountability and perceptions; revictimization; lessons on JOD implementation; lessons from... Read More
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Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research: For Law Enforcement, Prosecutors and Judges
By Klein, Andrew R.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
This report covers research related to domestic violence. Eight sections make up this document: overview; reporting and arrests; perpetrator characteristics; victim characteristics; law enforcement responses; prosecution responses; judicial responses; and intervention programs.... Read More
96 p.
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Community Corrections Response to Domestic Violence: Guidelines for Practice
By Crowe, Ann H.; Sydney, Linda; DeMichele, Matthew; Keilitz, Susan; Neal, Connie; Frohman, Sherry; Schaefer, William M., Jr.; Thomas, Mike. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office on Violence Against Women (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY); National Center for State Courts (Williamsburg, VA); New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. (Albany, NY); Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) (Harrisburg, PA).
This document provides “conceptual information and practical tools to develop or enhance” an effective “proactive community supervision approach for domestic violence cases” (p.1). Ten Chapters follow a summary: what difference it makes; fundamentals for community corrections domestic violence practice -- types, causes, perpetrators, victims, and the justice system response to domestic violence; legal issues in the supervision of domestic violence offenders -- legal definitions, jurisdictional i... Read More
205 p.
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The Effects of a Short-Term Batterer Treatment Program for Detained Arrestees: A Randomized Experiment in the Sacramento County, California Jail
By Taylor, Bruce G,; Maxwell, Christopher D.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
“This study evaluates the effects of an early intervention program to provide DV [domestic violence] education for DV arrestees on reducing repeat DV through a true experimental design (p. 3). Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; batterer treatment research literature search; description of the treatment used in this study and the fidelity of the intervention; methods; data analysis; results according to batterer-based accounts of DV recidivism results, victim-based acc... Read More
65 p.
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Responding to Stalking: A Guide for Community Corrections Officers
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office on Violence Against Women (Washington, DC). National Center for Victims of Crime. Stalking Resource Center (Washington, DC); American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY).
Great advice is offered to community corrections officers who are supervising offenders who stalk. Topics discussed include: what stalking is—stalking behaviors, prevalence, and what is known about stalkers; screening offenders; contact with victims; supervising stalking offenders; and collaborating with other agencies.... Read More
16 p.
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A National Portrait of Domestic Violence Courts
By Labriola, Melissa; Bradley, Sarah; O'Sullivan, Chris S.; Rempel, Michael; Moore, Samantha. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). Center for Court Innovation (New York, NY).
This report should be required reading for anyone interested in or developing a domestic violence court. Eleven chapters follow an executive summary: introduction; review of relevant research; research design; domestic violence court goals; history, structure, and staffing; case processing laws and policies; victim safety and services; offender assessments and program mandates; supervision and court responses to noncompliance; additional insights from qualitative analysis; and conclusion and imp... Read More
161 p.
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Batterer Intervention Systems in California: An Evaluation
By MacLeod, Dag; Pi, Ron; Smith, David; Rose-Goodwin, Leah. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). Judicial Council of California (San Francisco, CA); California. Administrative Office of the Courts. Office of Court Research (San Francisco, CA).
The ”largest of its kind ever conducted…[this study] lays the foundation for improving the justice system response to domestic violence and for future research to untangle the complex relationships among the individual characteristics of men who commit domestic violence, the BIPs [batterer intervention programs] that are charged with treating these men, and the efforts of courts and departments of probation to hold offenders accountable and ensure victim safety” (p.v). Six chapters follow an exe... Read More
136 p.
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State Court Processing of Domestic Violence Cases
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC).
... Read More
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Topics in Community Corrections, Annual Issue 2008: Applying Evidence-Based Practices in Pretrial Services
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
Articles in this issue include:
  • “Foreword” by Ken Rose
  • “A Framework for Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Pretrial Services” by John Clark
  • “Advancing Evidence-Based Practices in the Pretrial Field” by Katie Green, Pat Smith, and Kristina Bryant
  • “Improving Pretrial Assessment and Supervision in Colorado” by Michael R. Jones and Sue Ferrere
  • “Pretrial Defendants: Are They Getting Too Much of a Good Thing?” by Barbara M. Hankey
  • “Charge Specialty and Revicti... Read More
40 p.
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Charge Speciality and Revictimization by Defendants Charged with Domestic Violence Offenses
By Kennedy, Spurgeon. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
Results from a study of the non-specialization of individuals charged with domestic violence (DV) and the relationship between DV and assaultive and criminal behaviors are reported. Sections of this article are: background; profile of domestic violence arrestees; risk factors and DV specialization; comparative failure rates; and conclusions. The most common rearrest charges for DV defendants are failure to appear (20.4%), contempt (7.1%), and simple assault (5.3%).... Read More
10 p.
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Pretrial Rearrests Among Domestic Violence Defendants in New York City
By Peterson, Richard R.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
Pretrial rearrest among New York domestic violence (DV) defendants is examined. Sections contained in this article are: background; identifying DV and non-DV cases; offense patterns of DV and non-DV defendants; and conclusions. Since 9% of DV defendants are rearrested on a new DV offense, "victims may be at considerable risk of threats, intimidation, or retaliation during the pretrial period" (p. 38).... Read More
6 p.
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Testing and Evaluation of the Use of Polygraphs to Combat Violence Against Women
By Wilson, Douglas, B.; Batye, Kevin; Riveros, Roberto. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). BOTEC Analysis Corp. (Waltham, MA).
The use of polygraphy to manage high-risk domestic violence abusers is examined. The following five chapters follow an abstract and executive summary: overview; domestic violence in Dekalb County and the criminal justice response; the study; analyses and outcome for the results and previous efforts to predict batterer recidivism; and study conclusions. It appears that utilizing post-conviction polygraph testing "can assist probation departments to monitor effectively the risky behaviors of prob... Read More
50 p.
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An Evaluation of the NSW Domestic Violence Intervention Court Model
By Rodwell, Laura; Smith, Nadine. New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (Sydney, NSW).
Results from an evaluation of the NSW (New South Wales) Domestic Violence Intervention Court Model (DVICM) are provided. This report contains an executive summary and these four sections: introduction and background; method; results for the number of domestic violence-related reports to police, proportion of alleged domestic violence offenders brought before the courts, outcomes for DV-related matters brought before Local Court, impact of the DVICM on time taken to finalize matters, victim surv... Read More
97 p.
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Predicting Pretrial Misconduct Among Domestic Violence Defendants in New York City [and] Pretrial Misconduct Among Domestic Violence Defendants
By Peterson, Richard R.. New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc. (New York, NY).
Issues surrounding the pretrial misconduct of alleged domestic violence (DV) offenders are discussed. This set includes the CJA Research Brief followed by the study proper. Topics covered include: review of literature about pretrial misconduct; methodology; predicting pretrial re-arrest for any new offense; predicting the combined risk of failure to appear and pretrial re-arrest for a new DV offense; comparison of four models of pretrial misconduct; and policy implications.... Read More
74 p.
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Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research: Part 1 -- Law Enforcement, Part II -- Prosecution, [and] Part III -- Judges
By Klein, Andrew R.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) (Sudbury, MA).
“The purpose of this work is to describe to practitioners what the research tells us about domestic violence, including its perpetrators and victims, and the impact of current responses to it and, more importantly, the implications of that research for day to day real world responses to domestic violence by law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges” (p. 2). Topics covers include: how widespread the problem is; domestic violence (DV) that is actually reported to law enforcement; what DV actually r... Read More
245 p.
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Validation Study of the Domestic Violence Screening Instrument (DVSI): All Assessments Completed Between August 2003 and July 2007
By Hisashima, John. Hawaii. Interagency Council on Intermediate Sanctions (Honolulu, HI); Hawaii Dept. of the Attorney General. Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division (Honolulu, HI).
Results from an assessment of the effectiveness of the Domestic Violence Screening Instrument (DVSI) are presented and organized according to demographic profile, descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, and DVSI normalization. "The DVSI analyses indicate that the instrument is accurately classifying offenders based on risk" (p. 1).... Read More
10 p.
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Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA) Validation Study, State of Hawaii, 2004-2007
By Wong, Timothy. Hawaii. Interagency Council on Intermediate Sanctions (Honolulu, HI); Hawaii Dept. of the Attorney General. Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division (Honolulu, HI).
The effectiveness of the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA) is analyzed. Sections of this report are: summary; methodology; demographic profile; frequency distribution; normalizing the SARA scores by risk; and conclusion. While SARA appears to possess some predictive value for domestic violence, more studies are needed to show validity in Hawaii.... Read More
12 p.
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Overview of Domestic Violence (DV) Risk Assessment Instruments (Frequently Asked Questions)
By Bechtel, Kristin; Woodward, Bill. National Institute of Corrections ((Washington, DC).
Frequently asked questions about domestic violence (DV) risk assessment instruments are answered. Topics covered are: why risk assessment instruments are needed for DV offenders; instruments that can be used to assess DV offenders; what can be done if caseloads are too high to provide a full general/violent assessment of all DV offenders; why one should use a general third generation risk assessment tool before using a specific DV assessment instrument; how to know there are “low” risk DV offen... Read More
5 p.
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Understanding the Research Evaluating the Effectiveness of Batterers' Intervention Programs
By Woodward, Bill; Bechtel, Kristin. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Findings from research regarding batterers' intervention programs are reviewed. Topics covered include: the more common batterers' intervention programs available; research that has been conducted on the effectiveness of batterer's intervention programs; the effectiveness of these programs according to the research; studies suggesting program effectiveness and methodological limitations to these studies that may impact their conclusions; who batterers' intervention programs should target; varia... Read More
7 p.
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Court-Mandated Interventions for Individuals Convicted of Domestic Violence
By Feder, Lynette; Wilson, David B.; Austin, Sabrina. Campbell Collaboration. Crime and Justice Group (Philadelphia, PA).
The "effects of post-arrest court-mandated interventions (including pre-trial diversion programs) for domestic violence offenders that target, in part or exclusively, batterers with the aim of reducing their future likelihood of re-assaulting above and beyond what would have been expected by routine legal procedures" are investigated (p. 2). Sections of this review include: abstract; overview; background to court-mandated batterer programs; objectives; methods; results; discussion; conclusions ... Read More
46 p.
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What Works with the DV Offender? Services, Sanctions and Supervision
By Rhyne, Charlene; Hamblin, Lailah. Multnomah County Dept. of Community Justice. Quality Systems and Evaluation Services Unit (Portland, OR).
"This study examines factors that affect the future re-offending of domestic violence (DV) offenders" (p. 2). These sections follow an executive summary: introduction; parole and probation officer contacts; parole and probation officers sanction patterns; recidivism as measured by re-arrest; study limitations; discussion; and recommendations. There is an 87% reduction in recidivism for program participants, with a reduction in restraining order violations of 93%.... Read More
15 p.
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Violence and Safety Programs in Women's Prisons and Jails: Addressing Prevention, Intervention and Treatment
By Muscat, Bernadette T.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
This report describes programs for female inmates that help them to overcome violence and ensure their safety inside and outside the correctional facility. A comprehensive set of programs includes the following components: breaking the cycle of destructive behavior; developing and maintaining healthy relationships; the three-stage Cycle of Violence model; work and life skills programs; and reporting system.... Read More
11 p.
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Do No Harm: An Analysis of the Legal and Social Consequences of Child Visitation Determinations for Incarcerated Perpetrators of Extreme Acts of Violence Against Women
By Conner, Dana Harrington.
The right of a male batterer to visit his child(ren) is discussed. Sections of this paper include: introduction; defining the issues; the problem of prison visitation determinations; rights versus interests; in search of a standard -- the court's choice, parent and child relations, and the nature of the crime; factors for considerations in prison visitation cases -- legal presumption, best interest, trauma to the child(ren), and supervision and transportation; the response of the community; and... Read More
81 p.

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