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Research Reports: Comorbidity: Addiction and Other Mental Illnesses

Publication Cover

Introduces a report that focuses on the topic of comorbid drug use disorders and other mental illnesses, a research priority for NIDA.

NIH Pub Number: 10-5771
Published: December 2008
Revised: September 2010
Author: National Institute on Drug Abuse

Introduces a report that focuses on the topic of comorbid drug use disorders and other mental illnesses, a research priority for NIDA.

All materials appearing in the ​Research Reports series are in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission from NIDA. Citation of the source is appreciated.

Publication Cover
NIH Pub Number: 
December 2008
Revision Date: 
September 2010
National Institute on Drug Abuse

This page was last updated September 2010.

​Research Reports

This series of reports simplifies the science of research findings for the educated lay public, legislators, educational groups, and practitioners. The series reports on research findings of national interest.

Featured Publication

Featured Publication

Drugs, Brains, and Behavior - The Science of Addiction

As a result of scientific research, we know that addiction is a disease that affects both brain and behavior.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH...Turning Discovery Into Health

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