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The Operational Technology Division (OTD) provides the vision, leadership, and direction necessary to ensure the operational availability of state-of-the-art investigative and intelligence gathering technologies to all FBI offices. OTD also provides the support and expertise necessary to enable and enhance the FBI�s forensic services and capabilities related to the collection, processing and exploitation of computer, audio, and visual media. OTD�s services support the counterterrorism, counterintelligence, cyber, and criminal programs of the FBI, the intelligence community, and the law enforcement community.

For career-related information on the Operational Technology Division, please see:

Types of Work Performed

There are many diverse opportunities within OTD, including work in the following areas:

  • Digital Forensics
  • Electronic Device Analysis
  • Electronic Surveillance
  • Lawful Entry and Searches
  • Logistics Support
  • Physical Surveillance
  • Program Management/Analysis
  • Radio Engineering/Signals Collection
  • Security/Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
  • Tactical/Secure Wireless Communications

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Useful Educational Backgrounds

The following educational backgrounds are useful to those who wish to pursue a career in the FBI�s Operational Technology Division:

  • Computer Science/Information Technology
  • Cryptography
  • Data Communications Systems
  • Electronics Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Photography/Film/Video/Audio
  • Software Engineering
  • Telecommunications
  • Chemistry
  • Criminal Justice/Criminology
  • Finance
  • Forensic Science
  • Human Resources
  • Logistics
  • Political Science/History

While not required, most engineers have Master�s degrees and many scientists have Doctorate degrees. Some entry level positions have lesser or no degree requirements.

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Critical Skills/Desirable Backgrounds

There is no one critical skill or desirable background to pursue a career in the OTD. In many cases, highly specialized education and experience are needed. In others, a well-rounded, multi-disciplinary approach is more valuable. The ability to work well in a team environment is almost always necessary.

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Career Advancement Opportunities

The positions within the OTD are numerous and varied. They range anywhere from entry level positions to GS 15, Senior Level Positions, and Senior Executive Service positions for senior managers. Many of our highly specialized engineering and scientific positions reach the GS 15 level.

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Training Requirements and Opportunities

Some positions within the OTD require Special Agent training, while many others require advanced technical training. We offer substantial technical training to employees in many fields as well as on-the-job training opportunities.

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Travel Requirements

Many OTD employees are afforded the opportunity to travel. There is a substantial amount of domestic travel for OTD employees in certain fields, and opportunities for overseas travel continue to increase.

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