Records Managers

AC 30.2012

September 10, 2012

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY RECORDS OFFICERS:Question Pro Survey for the Semi-Annual Report on Scheduling Electronic Records

On September 7, 2012, you should have received Memorandum AC 29.2012, Semi-annual Report on Scheduling Electronic Records concerning your agency's responsibility to report on the status of your electronic records scheduling activities. If you have not seen this communication, please visit:

As mentioned in the memorandum, NARA has developed an online reporting utility for you to enter your agency's information on scheduling your existing electronic records. To access the online report, go to:

Completion of this brief report is mandatory. It must be completed by October 5, 2012.

Once in the reporting utility, you will find more detailed instructions on how to complete your agency's report. Please be aware of the following information before you input your responses:

  • If you must exit the report before completing it, press the "Save and Continue" button. Otherwise, your previous responses will be erased and you will have to start over. Also, when you return to complete the report, you will not be able to access your previous response.

  • If you would like to review and/or print your survey responses, click the "print" icon at the end of the survey. If you are still unable to print your survey and would like a .pdf version of your survey responses, email

  • If you wish to change a response, you must submit your request via email to State the question, your current response, and the change you are requesting. No change requests will be accepted after 11:59 pm EDT, October 12, 2012.

You will have until 11:59 pm EDT, October 5, 2012, to provide responses in the online survey. If you cannot complete the report by that time, contact your appraiser or the NARA records management contact you regularly work with in scheduling records.

Under 44 U.S.C 2904(c), the Archivist has the authority and responsibility to conduct research to improve records management practices and programs, to inspect agency records management programs and practices, and report the results of these activities to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and to Congress. This report is designed to help NARA fulfill its oversight responsibilities.

Please contact Shannon Olsen in the Office of the Chief Records Officer if you have any questions about this survey. Shannon may be reached at: or on 301-837-3486.

Finally, I also want to take the opportunity to inform you that pursuant to the Presidential Records Management Directive (M-12-18) dated August 24, 2012 - NARA will complete a review of all of its records management

Chief Records Officer for the
U.S. Government

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