U.S. Department of Justice

Mothers Behind Bars: A State-by-State Report Card and Analysis of Federal Policies on Conditions of Confinement for Pregnant and Parenting Women and the Effect on Their Children

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Nov. 22, 2010

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  • Mothers Behind Bars: A State-by-State Report Card and Analysis of Federal Policies on Conditions of Confinement for Pregnant and Parenting Women and the Effect on Their Children

ANNOTATION: This Report Card is useful for advocates to “assess their own state’s policies affecting these significant phases of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and parenting”—policies regarding prenatal care, shackling, and alternative sentencing programs (p. 5). Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; state-by-state Report Card; grading the state laws and departments of correction policies; and federal policies and recommendations for improvement.

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