
Photo of Ann K. Ganzer
Ann K. Ganzer
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary
Non-Nuclear and Counter-Proliferation (ISN/NNCP)
Term of Appointment: 09/30/2012 to present

Ann K. Ganzer is the Director of Conventional Arms Threat Reduction in the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation.

She and her staff lead USG efforts to curb the proliferation of advanced conventional weapons (ACW) such as Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS), major weapons systems and heavy military equipment (tanks, aircraft, missiles), sensors and lasers, and precision-guided munitions. She heads the U.S. delegation to the General Working Group of the 40-nation Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual Use Goods and Technologies, and leads U.S. Government participation in other Wassenaar Arrangement committees. She is also responsible for the implementation of dual-use export controls, U.S. efforts to interdict or sanction illicit transfers. She is also responsible for nonproliferation policies related to exports of commercial space technologies, such as remote sensing technology, and chairs the Remote Sensing Interagency Working Group.

Ms. Ganzer supervises the following offices:

Office of Missile, Biological, and Chemical Nonproliferation (ISN/MBC)
Office of Conventional Arms Threat Reduction (ISN/CATR)
Office of Counter-Proliferation Initiatives (ISN/CPI)
Biological Policy Staff (ISN/BPS)

Ms. Ganzer joined the State Department as a Foreign Service Officer, serving tours in Mexico and Washington, including a variety of assignments in Western Hemisphere Affairs, Political-Military Affairs and Nonproliferation. She participated in the U.S. delegation to the UN’s Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. Ms. Ganzer has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from St. Norbert College of De Pere, Wisconsin.


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